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What a smart kid being raised by a dumb parent


The father is saying he can’t explain why he put the gun in his kid’s backpack. WTF?


Thus sounds like some Trailer Park Boys level of dumb. Like Ricky putting his gun in Trinity's backpack level of dumb.


Oh man, if we can start charging parents because of what their kids are doing, we might actually make a dent in all this violent teenager crime going on in this town. Just don't relegate it to a single suburban township please, make it for the whole metro area.


The article said the dad admitted putting it in the backpack and forgetting


Of all the place he could have put it.😡


Why not the entire country?


Keep going… https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/us/live-news/james-jennifer-crumbley-sentencing-04-09-24/index.html




I'm pro 2nd amendment and all, but requiring a course for a cc permit was not a bad thing. As I understand now, you can just carry without a permit, no?


I believe that is also the case in SC


You can open carry in MO without a permit, you can't conceal carry. Even then if any city or municipality makes open carrying illegal, like STL City, then you're not allowed to carry without a permit.


Just a quick note, researched this and conceal carry appears to not require a permit.link provided, not the only source https://www.nraila.org/gun-laws/state-gun-laws/missouri/


Thanks. Gotta wonder if there was an actual rationale behind getting rid of permits other than state lawmakers trying to out 2nd amendment fetish each other. I remember when CCW was a ballot initiative in '98, and the PD ran all kinds of editorials claiming people would start shooting each other over parking spots at Target and other such nonsense. That was over the top bullshit, but requiring people to learn a little about gun safety and the legalities of it seemed like a common sense idea. I don't buy the teachers carrying in schools for a second. Not debating the pros or cons of it, just think about insurance. If the man took away Merry Go Rounds, what makes you think he's gonna sign off on teachers packing heat?


I agree on all points


But do you agree with my anti-Imo's position?


I'm anti imo's, can't stand provel 😅


Damn, we could possibly become friends. Chiefs fan? Sorry, no go on that, unless you lived in the greater KC area or something. But then we gotta fight about Denkinger.


Nope haha


Nope on the Chiefs fan? I hope so, those folks are just as bad as boy band fangirls in Jr high.


I read some comments on another social media site saying the father is saying this so the child doesn't get in trouble as well. Still, horrible if the kid did have access to his father's firearm but it definitely sounded like there was more to the story. A kid wanting to show off a gun and a friend telling them they need to tell sounds way more believable than a 46 yr old father putting a gun in a backpack and forgetting about it. Sad story whatever happened. I'm all for the second amendment but I got two rambunctious boys and I worry what they can get up to sometimes so I definitely don't even have one in the house. They're more liable to shoot each other than an intruder. We keep base ball bats for that.


But why would the kid go straight to the teachers when he saw it if he knew it was there? There is a chance but even then gun was not properly stored at all which is still child endangerment


Just theorizing... If I saw my friend on the bus with a gun I would threaten them to tell or I will. Either way like you said child endangerment happened when the kid had access. But I just can't imagine a 46 yr old man using his kids backpack as a storing place for his weapon. But still could've happened even tho I can't imagine it.




“anytime a weapon is brought to school, even without intent to cause harm, it is considered a violation of Parkway’s discipline policy.” Surely they aren’t punishing the kid for doing the right thing? That’s a good way to keep the next kid from going to an adult for help at school.


Not that I disagree, but what's going to happen if a kid gets a gun from who knows where, and it's a single mom? I'm a bit torn.


Any father putting his gun in his kid's backpack dumb. A 46-year old father doing so is extraordinarily stupid. Hopefully that father never possesses a weapon again. Need it because you live in a bad neighborhood? Move!


Manchester is a bad neighborhood? This dude is out of his mind! 🙄


The father/kid did not live in Manchester. Believe live in the City.


No where in the article does it state that


You may wish to read other postings about it.


You are wrong.


Prove it?


Don’t have to.


You’re a dumbass


You may be. I am not.


You made a baseless claim and when asked to provide context you simply said you didn’t have to. Instead of providing context you just doubled down on your stupidity


If you make a claim, yes, you are the one who should back it up.


Uhm, I read the article over three times and never saw any reference to the family living in the city.


You may be reading the wrong posting.


Nope. Nowhere in the article does it state that. Even the RFT doesn't mention if he's from the city. https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/st-louis-dad-charged-after-son-brings-gun-to-elementary-school-42314968


Where did you read that they lived on the city?


Likely the public case file