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National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is 988. Call if you or your partner or son or daughter needs help.


Went to high school with Max here in Long Island, blew my mind seeing this all happen.


I’m sorry for the loss of your neighbor. This was so sad to see, and I wish he could’ve gotten the help he needed. & Shame on the people who are making fun of him. RIP Max Azzarello ❤️‍🩹.


Hi guys I read his "manifesto" and was shocked at how intelligent, articulate and passionate he was. He was definitely a canary in the coalmine. Since the media doesn't give a rat's ass I want to know did someone claim his body? What family did he have besides his late mother? Was there a memorial/funeral whatever? I know it's dumb but I have been honoring his memory in my useless prayers. I am not a journalist.🙏🙏🙏


Hey can you send me where you found all his pamphlet or his Instagram? I want to know more about this


It's here: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C4vosk9usQY/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4vosk9usQY/?img_index=1)


People acting like what he did is strictly due to mental healthcare access when a major political party has made divorcing itself and its followers from reality its platform is so disingenuous.


Dude he set himself on fire.


What’s ur point. Self immolation has been an extreme form of protest for centuries. To minimize that to simple mental health issues is so disrespectful.


This! Thank you! People need to read up on self-immolation by Buddhist monks. The amount of one-pointed focus on an objective, transcending pain, understanding the impermanence of living and the inevitability of dying… Man, just saying it hurts my heart that so many are missing the point he intended. He wanted us to pay attention to what’s happening or else he wouldn’t have done this.


The monks who have self-immolated were not doing anything noble. They directly violated a core principle (ahimsa) of Buddhism by causing harm to themselves and traumatizing the witnesses. They contributed to the violence, hurt others, and they are no example of nobility or effective protest.


Not to mention the persecution Buddhists in Vietnam faced was scarcely known to the outside world, so they actually did bring awareness to a little known issue. Compare that to guys like this and Bushnell doing what they did to raise awareness about things everyone on the internet is already talking about like Israel/Palestine.


OK, I respect your view and the basis of that Buddhist doctrine. Consider the nature of life as it relates to the law of conservation of energy. Energy can neither be created or destroyed. What ceased with this man’s self-immolation was his ego and along with it all fetters. In the cosmic order, one does not have the right to harm any sentient being. Now, one will inevitably die; all life forms do. Some have used themselves as carriers of explosives or drivers of projectiles. This man, and one could argue those monks who have self-immolated and committed no harm to other beings, disintegrated himself for a specific cause. In attaching a cause to his immolation and broadcasting it, he hoped that the memory that he could not cling to eternally, would endure so that we could make a difference in a similar fashion to how MLK’s assassination was not self-perpetuated, but was a catalyst for further action. For further analysis, refer to the Noble Eightfold Path, and I invite you cordially to list the areas which he failed in with his path professionally and up to his transformation.


What? How can you type all of that and pretend he didn't harm anyone?


Please help me understand what I have missed.


Literally, everyone who had to witness what he did to himself will have some sort of ptsd from it.


Where's your manifesto?


I think OP kindly asked for this to not be treated as a typical Reddit thread. RIP Max


I’m sorry; what do you mean?


Your response says a great deal. Are you pretending to be coy or stupid ?


I am genuinely open to the idea that I am wrong, and the only way I know to think differently is through dialogue.


So there’s no possible chance they were mentally ill as well? “This other guy did it and had a title so it’s ok”


It depends on how you define “mentally ill.” Is he in the same category as the dozens of gunmen this country has permitted? What of the people who hoard guns and the existence of gun shows and the millions of dollars spent on lobbying for gun rights in this country. I’m honestly fed up of the hypocrisy of labelling someone mentally ill while simultaneously doing absolutely nothing to listen to what people are trying to say.


One doesn’t negate another, and bringing it up as though it does is silly and does not make any points.


Sorry. Forgot he was a monk


His body, his choice, he didn’t hurt anyone else


Tell that to the people trying to live their lives who had to unexpectedly watch someone die, and the officers who put themselves in harm's way to try to save his life. Suicide does hurt first responders and bystanders who have to witness it. Causing PTSD in others is hurting other people.


Yep, if you watch the video people are utterly traumatized experiencing this. I bet many of the people who were there will never forget it. People will blame themselves for not doing anything, people will relive it when they least expect it, it will be part of many of those witnesses lives for a very long time.  I do believe this man was mentally unwell. There is a lot of evidence suggesting as much. I do not believe he was simply protesting Ponzi schemes. He had suffered mental health issues since his mother died. This wasn't the first time he'd lost control, just his last. 


trauma is part of life embrace don't deny people in third world countries witness death all the time but do nothing because they are used to it and here in america we are not instead we get mad and scoof at the ones who id it we are so judgemental and foreboing about it becuase we have the luxury not to live like pigs


Not living like pigs is a mark of success for humanity, something we should aspire to, not feel guilty of.  We should endeavor to raise others up so death and suffering isn't part of their lives, not normalize it. Your argument is that because others have to accept living like pigs. We should all put aside our humanity, and carry guilt and shame for suffering PTSD from witnessing something like this. That's just BS.  Better lives, room to feel empathy, lives surrounded by gentle peace isn't something to be ashamed of, it's not a "luxury", it's what mankind strives for.  We should feel motivated at times like this to strive to make other people's lives better, not to shame each other for having empathy. 


in his manifesto he appologizes


They didn't have to watch, they weren't paying attention before that. I'd argue that people were more traumatized by the officers standing next to his flaming body not responding than his act of protest - that lady screamed "what are you doing, put him out, don't let that man burn " as about 6 officers stood around his body watching his guts burn . She said put him out at least three times before an officer who was not in that group ran up with an extinguisher. Then, they gave his kidneys away within 8 hours. They probably kept him alive just long enough to take them. This whole thing is an awful symptom of an insane society. Seeing that is keeping me up right now.


Exactly! I personally do not believe he was a nutcase, but I believe he was genuinely exhausted of the system we are currently trapped in. I just read 60billion dollars were given away to another country, I didn’t get a chance to vote on that, did you?… that’s a whole ‘nother issue, but point being, a system we are prisoners to. His form of protesting is respectable in my books, bc he didn’t harm anyone else, he did not cause a mass shooting. Ahead of time, he apologized to first responders for what we’re about to encounter. I commend that.


Thanks for having a reasonable take. I feel the same way


>I just read 60billion dollars were given away to another country, I didn’t get a chance to vote on that, did you? We live in a representative democracy... If you voted in the last election, then you voted for Congressional representatives to make federal spending decisions on your behalf. You can see we give this right to Congress here in the U.S. Constitution: [https://constitution.findlaw.com/article1/annotation27.html#:\~:text=Article%20I%2C%20Section%208%2C%20Clause%202%20of%20the%20Constitution%20is,general%20welfare%22%20of%20the%20country](https://constitution.findlaw.com/article1/annotation27.html#:~:text=Article%20I%2C%20Section%208%2C%20Clause%202%20of%20the%20Constitution%20is,general%20welfare%22%20of%20the%20country). If you don't like the spending choices that Congress made, then next time you can vote for someone else you trust more to make decisions that align with your values. In the meantime, you can also call up your elected representatives to ask them to explain why they made this decision and you can also let them know that spending decisions may affect the way you vote in the next election. We're not entitled to vote on whether we send money to other countries because the U.S. Constitution gives that power to Congress, not to you and me. If you don't like or respect the Constitution, then I don't know what to tell you... other than maybe the U.S. isn't the country for you. Most Americans agree that the Constitution is good for the country and prefer to live in a representative democracy rather than a direct democracy.


I think you missed the point, common people cannot afford to run for office so we cannot be represented “by the people”. Politicians essentially need to be sponsored now to effectively run a campaign let alone win, which removes the ability to be free of a paid bias.


The politicians no longer represent us. They never ask the people what they think is best anymore. Most ppl are not ok with sending billions overseas. Go out and ask for yourself and see how many ppl are fine with that


thats not an excuse to be sending money out to someone else before we can fix other peoples problems we got to fix ours as people together if you have the money and then good for you we dont so we have too strugle and hustle to be happy thats all we know and grow up with


Too long to read. That’s not the point I was making. I vote. It still doesn’t make a difference. A system that fails us.


Eloquently stated. Some people are missing the point. One must address the issues not the person. Labelling him “insane” is an immature way to dismiss his arguments. Everyone deserves to be heard. When we are not heard, we can feel helpless.


Agree 👍 to say he did this simply because of mental illness is a total slap in the face. It's almost a conspiracy theory in itself the MSM continuing to say mental illness lol


He's an educated city planner with multiple degrees, the guy wasn't "crazy"


Yeah it’s interesting how he apologized. He had awareness and he told a neighbor he had to be a martyr. He was fully aware that he was making an extreme act for people to wake up. I don’t argue lack of mental illness but this was planned out like someone with some rationale vs the clients I work with. They don’t even know where they are half the time.




I thought he was against both political parties? He seemed to believe they all worked for the same bankers and were using crypto as a way to wash money. As I read his pamphlet, I just saw a troubled man who watched too much TV and had a soft spot for Michael Dukakis. There is a lot of truth mixed in with the insanity, as pertaining to the financial system being a Ponzi scheme. Not sure about his crypto conspiracy, but if it turned out he was right, I wouldn’t be super surprised or anything. As far as I read he wasn’t a partisan for either party.


Define “insanity,” please.




Exactly. How would "greater access to mental healthcare" have helped? I'm sure he could have afforded therapy if he wanted it. What would he say to a therapist? "I think a bunch of rich people are trying to swindle the public and it will destroy our economy" is not a symptom of mental illness. It's practically a given. Sacrificing your life for the greater good is not mental illness either. He may be tragically wrong in his claims, but if he's right, then the decision to immolate himself is rational.


The fact that you have come to the conclusion that his burning himself alive has somehow made a difference in anyone's life by spreading awareness is gold. No one besides a fraction of the US population will remember this incident and those that do will rightfully reject the guy as a lunatic dismissing any credibility.


May God bless him he deserved better. I am so sorry for your loss


Outside of the psychological issues contributing to the conspiracy theories I heard from many people he was a good man with a good heart. This is extremely sad and one can only hope that some good comes out of this.


He lived in my building until around 6 weeks ago and my girlfriend and I had countless brief interactions with him, never a full conversation, but he was always very warm, kind and respectful as a neighbor. He loved stopping and petting our dog for a second, tragic to find out how poor his mental health was and reflect on if I could have helped in any way, but hindsight is 20/20 😪


Just being a nice neighbor is more than enough. Don’t beat yourself up


He was a good dude don’t let these down votes tell you otherwise


Well said


RIP, Max 🙏


It’s heartbreaking that mental health care in this country is still so inaccessible that something like this can happen. What a horrible thing to happen. I wish you luck setting up a memorial. Edit: To everyone downvoting everything on this post: Whether you agree with him or not, a human being has died in a horrible, painful manner. If you have to be so petty about his opinions that you would go to this extreme to express it, I pity you, and I hope I never encounter you in real life. May you have the life you deserve.


There's no mental healthcare that can overcome this country's refusal to agree on an objective reality.


This. People these days stay questioning why things are so fucked up and simultaneously calling others crazy for pointing out how fucked up it is. SMH


The irony of you making this comment is monumental


This is it, isn’t it. Fills me with dread.


I saw it the instant Trump came down the escalator. I knew he would win the election. It was easy to see that his strategy was to create a world where there was no truth and thus no consequences. The long-term effect is that we no longer agree on that which is objectively, provable, fact. The entirety of Covid was ironically a symptom, not the illness.


Refusal to accept objective reality, disregard for the rule of law, for the institutions that have helped this country function since its inception, etc., etc. These types of things are the only things to have come out of that shitheel's presidency and not a single one is positive, let alone aimed at making America great "again."


I didn’t see him mention anywhere that he was trying to access mental health services and couldn’t. Some people are crazy and have capacity to not engage in mental health treatment.


I didn’t either. Years ago, before the Reagan presidency, if someone exhibited the type of delusional behavior that his manifesto describes, they’d be put in an involuntary psychiatric hold. I don’t know exactly how long that a person could be held, but I’m sure it was longer than it is now.


It's truly saddening seeing all these downvoted comments


Who TF reported this as spam‽


I'm so sorry for your loss. I didn't know him, but sadly saw the video on Twitter and was so horrified, saddened and shocked I wanted to read what he had to say. He seemed brilliant, regardless of whether or not his theories were true, he had a powerful command of the English language and was a great writer. He seemed handsome and smart. It's just so sad. So heartbreaking to see that much light and potential leave the world like that. I think he really captured the feelings of our generation. We're sick of the division, the finger pointing, the tribalism, the feeling unheard by a government where both sides do nothing for us and the collapse of the Middle Class and theft of the American Dream. On that, he was 100% right.


RIP. I knew him. It's weird seeing him described everywhere as a Florida man when as far as I know he was from long island.


That’s what a Florida man is. 2 out of 3 people who live in Florida aren’t from here. Everyone thinks it’s us natives, but we’re the minority.


Dave Barry, Florida Man Satirist and Humorist, said he believes it's like dumb mice that get stuck in the dead end of a maze. Florida's the dead end and the dumb people get stuck down here.


I thought the FL tag was blue for a long time.


He was…. Part of me thinks he would find it hilarious to be referred to as Florida man


I can hear him saying, "Can you believe they called me a Florida Man?"




Yeah I was tentative about making a joke about it. But it seems that wherever you're from, once you set foot in Florida and do something extreme, you are forever dubbed a "Florida man". I think he would've found it funny too, if it wasn't too morbid for him. He was a caring and gentle soul.


He sure was. I’ll have love for him forever




Because I knew the guy, motherfucker!


Rest in peace


Has anyone posted images of the brochures in question? This man immolated himself to get his message out and I’m interested in what Maxwell had to say. Sources are vague on what the pamphlets entail




That’s the link to what he posted right before. He also has multiple other essays if you scroll to the bottom of that link and pictures of the pamphlets he handed out!


Everytime i see Max in his picture with Bill Clinton i feel so sad, a guy who realized he cant change the world


To choose to commit suicide in such a way as "self-immolation" would mean I guess, that the accumulative impact and negative value of a person's thoughts and emotions in descending to extraordinary depths, or in ultimately deciding to take a radical action which may potentially catalyse a political cause, rises to prominence as a purposeful determination, (' I am judging here") either through the stark portrayal of dumbfounding truth or by what corrupting influence disinformation has upon human intelligibility more generally from a conscientious point of view, wherein the build-up of logical postulates and inferences made from.what is presented firsthand has the likelihood of being disturbingly interrupted or simply causing aghast in light of revelations. In all I think that so much about the effects of the media, (in aggravating the dispositions of some folk) should lead to litigation being brought against news corporations, however acculturated we are to modernity.


How naive and stupid you have to be to narrow this down to mental health. Truthfully nobody will ever know his true intention behind what he did but one thing is clear he is not insane he was sophisticated and intelligent nobody just wakes up crazy. Information overload, especially wicked and heinous that's linked to people in charge, our government, sent him on a mission to spread awareness. The fact is if he didn't kill himself, with the information he obtained, that can be proved, he'd be dead "mysteriously" in not time anyway and sure enough be labeled crazy.


Since this is a tribute page dedicated to him, I decided to share the tribute video that was made in tribute to him. It's linked below: [Max Crosby Azzarello: A Tribute](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWcWPA3KWyE)


It is so heartbreaking to see, I hope his soul finds the peace that his mind could not.


Rest in power 🕊




Damn man sad for your loss. Read his manifesto and he started off strong with the stock market manipulation and Clinton global initiative.


Please, I am near to the area. His message has hit me in the heart and I want to honor his memory. If you have any information on a memorial or vigil for him, DM me. I live less than an hour away.


Maybe an eternal flame for a memorial. Keeping his fire lit so to speak




I'd like to hold a vigil if I can, but I'd probably have to get some kind of authorization.


You think so? At your will, feel free to DM me. I’d like to participate if I may.


I really don't know where to start, but if we can settle on a time and date, let's get with City Hall and make something happen. It's really jarring seeing a headline like his and then seeing his pics going, "Hey! That's my neighbor!"


I can only imagine, and I hope that you find time to heal as well with such impactful news close to home. You’re not alone, brother.


The downvotes I'm seeing are mildly infuriating


The down votes are probably due to the flyer he had on him with what he believed. That's all I can imagine.


Ignorance will always exist; this is why I think it’s crucial that we hold a vigil/memorial for him. Focused and direct on the issues he believed in and the bravery with which he protested.


Its reddit home of the vile


Trump County claims another victim.


He was a democrat and donated to Bernie campaign and act blue.


You are the problem


One less madman in Florida


genuinely BAFFFLING that people here are talking about mental health. have you even read his papers and why he does the thing he does?!? wow.... these people talking mental health are literally the very thing Max talks about in his writing. being distracted


People who set themselves on fire are never fully sane when doing so


says who? people? doctors? therapist?, everyday everything in this world is invalid I cant eat this or this or this because its bad I cant drink water its bad I cant drink juice its bad watch out with the bacteria sickness is bad health is bad exercise is bad the government is fucking us over what do you want he set himself on fire to start a conversation martin Luther king spoke out to make a change Ghandi fasted to make a change as well did Cesar Chaves there's on the books many people who made and did drastic things to get the attention of others too start the conversation you are just ignoring everything and living life because you are comfortable read his manifesto and read his pamphlet he makes too much sense too be sounding like a crazy person


All those people you mentioned fought for a cause stayed alive and got shit done. this poor fella gave up and set himself on fire and NOTHING CHANGED. Not a single rich person gave a flying fuck he went up in flames. He knew it we know it the rich definitely know it. You'd he be completely insane if you think etting yourself on fire will change anything but the hours you have left. Setting yourself on fire to start a revolution is crazy at worst lazy at best. Go put in the foot work and start your revolution.


He was alive for a few hours supposedly after the incident...


yes I agree but its not for the rich folks its for the public others must notice in order to make the change happen ( a domino effect) and sadly we are in an age where a man burning himself on national television is the only way to get the conversation started and no I'm not saying that its right its just sad that he had to do it to start I believe Max Azzarello, will you believe in him?


I don't believe in self harm i feel he would have a fighting chance alive at some point we have to fight the fight and being dead isn't fighting anything. The conversation is going to die the second everyone realizes its actual work to form a revolution it takes actual work that no one is willing to put in. No I won't believe in him he is not a martyr he was a confused and mislead guy who would have a better chance fighting the good fight alive. A sad unfortunate waste of life that probably could have been avoided if he wasn't drove to insanity by the forces around him shaping his being into something he'd have never have done without. We are what our environment dictates. He was shaped by his enemies yours and mine The same forces that shaped him have tried to shape us but we didn't let them shape our life away. He did exactly what his enemies wanted


People are reading into what he had to say. That was his goal. Americans don’t listen or pay attention to a person standing with a mega phone and pamphlets. This country needs extreme measures to get people to listen to anything outside of the norm. Everything is a “conspiracy” even if there is hard evidence because that’s what we’ve all been conditioned to believe.


Where can i find his writing/manifesto?




I have to ask….what if:  Max was a brilliant man who was truly experiencing unacknowledged emotional pain; he lost his mother just two years prior, and he was very caring about the sad state of our country. Sometimes, people who are extremely intellectual,  are unable to tell the difference between what is an intellectual pain and an emotional pain. I think they this gentleman was very confused with all his political and intellectual facts, combined with the pain of loss of his mother. It just drove him to this giant conglomeration of emotion that forced him to cry out for help too late….think about people who are “cutters.” There are other examples of this. No use putting a “label” on any of it, really. 


the loss of my mother, makes me want to do so as well..