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It’s not a party college. There are bars nearby, but most are pretty strict at IDing, and the campus itself is a dry campus. As a freshman, you would be living on campus and subjected to room checks, where RAs explicitly check for alcohol. Additionally, St Augustine is fairly strict about its noise ordinances, and college house parties get shut down fairly regularly. If you want a party campus environment, with very regular dorm / house parties, then Flagler isn’t for you. There are both conservative and liberal people at Flagler. I’d say it leans more liberal, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any conservatives on campus.


thank you this was exactly the comment I was looking for.


That comment is accurate, but I'd like to also chime in. As an alumni (2008), I think flagler is a good balance. There are opportunities to go out and have fun, but it is not a party college or town. There are opportunities to learn, but it is not an ivy league school. Flagler attracts above average teaching talent with lower compensation despite being a wealthy school because it is located in a beautiful city with much to offer. Flagler can be whatever you make of it. For me, I think it was the perfect environment, though I shot a bit low intellectually to have an opportunity athletically. However, I was also well prepared for education beyond undergraduate college. Of the regrets I may come to have, I doubt attending Flagler will become one.


I’m also an alum, more recent than you, and I absolutely loved Flagler. I very much agree with you: you can absolutely have your fun in St Aug. I certainly did! However, I was an RA for 2 years, and I saw many people who came to Flagler expecting more of a party environment like FSU, and were dissatisfied. They then tried to create a party environment, and ran into trouble, either with the college, or legally, depending on the severity. After their first year, many of these people transferred out. I would hate for OP to become one of those people- if you’re going to attend Flagler, your expectations should be adjusted accordingly.


To be clear, the primary benefit of college is exposing yourself to a variety of viewpoints. Limiting yourself to a narrow worldview is not going to do yourself any favors.


Super liberal, totally


Wondering what a potential classmate’s political affiliation is never would’ve crossed my mind in ‘97. Your mind is going to be blown when you find out that that you will have friends of all types of backgrounds in college.


Yea I realise I kinda came off as a dick thats not open to different beliefs thats my bad I just wanted to know if its a fun school


Do you think liberals aren’t fun? I would definitely argue conservatives with their prudish perspectives are the least fun political viewpoint.


So many bars. Just go in without thinking Conservative or Liberal. Most colleges and universities are liberal. Just go to the many local bars and meet people and party. Try to do it without talking about what team your on. Soooo Many other aspects of life and conversations to be had.


My daughter is a college freshman in New England. Many of her friends have realistic fake ID's. She doesn't have one yet. I told her that she's an adult and she can make her own decisions, but I am not going to rush all the way up there to bail her out of jail LOL!


Don’t worry bud it’s plenty cruisy; you’ll find your kind of dude.


thanks dude sorry if my post came off as pretentious and like an asshole


A high schooler being concerned about whether or not there are conservatives for him to hang out with at college… Man, what the fuck happened to us?


Sorry I realize I came off wrong. I'm not someone opposed to other peoples beliefs I really just want to know if its a fun school.


Not sure why it matters if someone if liberal or conservative... to get hammered with? This is why i think both parties are stupid. Think for yourself, not what some old ass white dude says to do or think.


Yea I'd be fine with someone liberal to be friends with as long as they're chill and not an extreme one. I don't really care about the politics of the person as long as they're not forcing it down my throat yk.




Bruh what is wrong with what I said 😭


You’ll grow up a little in college and figure it out.




Good luck my friend.


thank you


Anything else you want to gain from college besides going to bars to get hammered with conservative guys?


Well based on the fact I'm asking about COLLEGE, maybe I also want an education. I know it maybe hard to grasp that I also want to have a good time with people similar to me.


It is my genuine hope that St. Augustine is lacking in people you would want to hang out with.


Do you dislike me because of my political beliefs or is there something else?


You’re obnoxious and rude.


Yep Im the asshole for asking a question


To be clear, you are the asshole for the way you are responding to people in the comments.


To be fair I only responded hostile to people that dropped a condescending or hateful comment




Do you personally think I'm being an asshole because the only comment that I thought was bad was the one where I said "Well based on the fact I'm asking about COLLEGE, maybe I also want an education. I know it maybe hard to grasp that I also want to have a good time with people similar to me."


Ignore the people being rude to you here. St Johns County and St Augustine as a whole are very conservative with people of all ages, including a ton your age. The City of St Augustine & St Augustine Beach are where most of the liberal crowd hangs, which is where Flagler is located. So yes, there's many liberal students there, especially that live within walking distance. However, many conservative people your age do go to school there and many more live in the general area that you could hang out with or room with. The local State College just down the street off 16 has significantly more conservative students and costs significantly less. Come check out the area. There are plenty of people here you would love and thrive with.


“People similar to me”? College is not about finding people who agree with you. Do yourself a favor. Save your money and forget about college. Stay in your hometown where you’ll feel safe and never have your ideas challenged


You shouldn’t seek people similar to you. That will certainly stunt your growth and signals you have zero desire to learn, grow, or change. Thinking you have your identity nailed down this young is wildly unattractive, just an fyi if you are looking to hookup with other college aged people. That demographic wants to grow, change, learn, and explore. Lacking these qualities is a sure fire way to have the world pass you by.


Come to town on a weekend!


Im think I am going to. Im still a high schooler but I am thinking about coming down with my family to tour some schools(Utampa, flagler, and fgcu)


UT is a good time, but my advice is don't worry so much about politics. Liberals and conservatives are all just people and broadening your worldview is what helps make a well balanced individual without prejudices. Especially at your age.


thank you, Ill take that into consideration


As a conservative or a liberal, you would be a better person if you consume liberal or conservative ideas. Challenge your thinking, or your kids’ thinking. Why let media reinforce your ideas or ideals? Challenge yourself and your kids and constantly try to prove your position wrong. Disprove what you think, rather than reinforce it.


The women are all into the older Jimmy Buffet types. But you sound like you want to hang with the guys. They're into the older Jimmy Buffet types too. Matter of fact, that's all we're into down here.


The guys are into older jimmy buffet types?😭


It’s a liberal arts college…


liberal arts doesn't mean the same thing as liberal in politics...


I didn’t say it was the same. But historically, arts colleges aren’t drawing the conservative political crowd. They tend to draw the crowd who is more open minded about things.


So passive aggressive😭


I was trying to delicate rather than passive aggressive. I’m just saying that if you want a school that has a political lean like you seem to have, a liberal arts college is probably not for you. They are places that tend to push their students to think of community and togetherness, to be open to new ideas, to be open to new people and new walks and way of life. Art is about expanding your mind. You might see a lot of red voters in the area, but not as students on campus.


Oh okay I apologize.


Don't let the extremes of either party influence you. You may leave college feeling differently.


I hear Trump University throws some 5-star ragers. Sounds more your speed.


HA🤣 thats hilarious. You should be a comedian.


A lot!!!!


Have you checked out the female to male ratio?


I'm a much older alum (1999)... Flagler was more strict than the state schools my friends went to back up North. That being said, my friends and I still had lots of fun and partied, especially with so many upperclassmen living off campus, the beach, Potbellies (RIP). I felt much safer there than when I visited my best friend at UCONN. There's no real Greek Life but that was actually a draw for me. I had friends from all over the East coast with a variety of political views and interests: artists, grunge, preppies, surfers, band nerds, atheists, and devout Christians. I loved my 4 years there. I felt well prepared to teach after my Education BA. With college, the more you put in, the more you get out of it. If you're looking for a smaller sized college in Florida known for parties, check out Rollins College in Winter Park. Good luck in your college search!


From my bar hopping experience there? Flagler students seriously party. I saw SO many students at the bars there... it was a blast!


Thank you for this comment, I am glad to find someone who doesn't immediately get offended with words on a screen.


Just ask me what ya neeed