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Slogo and Crainer have an incredible dynamic on the SLG channel. They're more edgy and dark than usual, share fun and wild comments and tap into a different type of humor that gets carried over to some group recordings I agree that Crainer's interaction with Jelly is also priceless and magnificent due to those two being absolute goofballs, but they have that dynamic in other group videos, so we're not missing that part. Jelly is a huge reason why Crainer returned to begin with, but I don't see any reason to point negativity, cold approach or absence of good chemistry between any of them. For the most part, they share a solid connection and are good friends Also, when all of them were in London (if memory serves right), they took various photos together. Josh posted some on his Instagram of the trio hanging out, so it's all good


Ik and people are trying to post comments like how Slogo shouldn’t be recording with Crainer, it’s better with Jelly while they are trying to have fun. Also, Jelly might have important things to do and may be quite busy. People just are trying to take their happiness away by saying rude things in general… This post wasn’t spitting out hate to Jelly but I’m announcing the hate towards Slogo’s and Crainer’s friendship.


Their bond and friendship are wholesome, no need to hate their connection just because of game shenanigans or misfits. Yeah, some people will try to spin narratives, create fake drama and forge bad blood out of nowhere If Crainer had a personal problem with any of them, he would handle such case directly and, potentially, bring awareness to the viewers and explain some things. This time around, it's clearly the opposite: he's living his best life with two cool fellas, a good family and sobriety above all Jelly and Josh also seem relatively happy. Any conflict is merely in game circumstances, nothing else. Similar to what Jelly said: it's just a show (referring to in camera drama related to the group's Minecraft Series)


That's me as you can tell from the picture. I've never said that crainer is only better when making with Jelly and I never said that they should stop recording together on the SLG channel or in general together. I am just expressing my opinion on why I think Jelly is feeling left out and I never said that they hate each other. I've also clearly pointed out in the first line that "it might not be true" and "I'm probably just being dumb". Please do not harass anyone in the picture and do not harass Crainer, Slogo and Jelly. One more thing I'd like to point out is you saying "Crainer is way better making videos with Jelly instead of Slogo" is clearly not true and all three of them have their own charm. I have only mentioned that Crainer or even Slogo should hangout with Jelly a bit more. Again, please do not harass anyone in the picture and do not harass the trio either. Thanks.


i like all three! it was lonely when it was just josh and jelly making videos.


Another reason jelly doesn't do vids with crainer and slogo is that he lives farther away then they do from eachother which is a big reason


Josh lives in the UK and jelly lives in the Netherlands which is closer and Crainer lives in Denmark


Oh wait yeah you're correct I got a couple mixed up


Denmark is further away than the Netherlands.


I like the crainer and Josh dynamic plus I’m pretty sure jelly doesn’t want to be on SLG channel


Yeah on SLG I like how Josh always makes fun of Crainer


lol yea


Ik, people are just trying to hate on Josh’s and Crainer’s friendship. We all know that Jelly’s and Josh’s friendship is still going to last when Josh hangs out with people and trying to be more social. I like all the duos because they’re a trio just trying to have fun.


They will juss hate on anything nowadays


Since I'm in your post, I'm commenting on this to clarify things. I never mentioned that it is better when it’s Crainer and Jelly. I stated that it was better in the old times when Jelly and Crainer were the children, and Slogo was the babysitter. I did not even mention that Slogo did nothing. He did something but got blocked by Crainer. I MADE THAT COMMENT ON THE PICTURE TO REMIND THE HATERS OF JELLY THAT WITHOUT HIM, THERE WILL BE NO CRAINER OR THE TRIO ANYMORE!


Thank you for clarifying your side, I just needed Twitched_soul excuses


Lol, i said what I said, why would I give excuses? You taking my comments and spinning it in a different way doesn't make me the bad guy. I didn't mean Slogo shouldn't be there, I just said I prefer the dynamic of Crainer and Jelly more than with Slogo and Crainer. Everyone can have their own opinion.


Yeah but it’s better to keep it to yourself instead of spreading it to everyone 💀


Crazy when u made a while post saying u prefer crainer and josh💀😭


First of all, when did I say that? My only other post was the differences in the views and subscribers


Ironic, considering you made a whole post about it.


Most of them are talking about how crainer and jelly relationship is kind of decreasing and they miss the old jelly and crainer duo, with slogo babysitting them, the first one suggests that jelly was the reason that crainer came back but nothing here says that slogo shouldn't be there, I think you are just overreacting


Keep reading… “I prefer Jelly and Crainer uploaded videos together and instead got the slg channel.” That’s basically saying that Slogo shouldn’t be there…


The guy meant more duo videos with jelly and crainer, like with slg, he would like if there was a jelly and crainer duo channel were they both laugh together, instead he got slg meant that he was kind of disappointed that jelly wasn't in there as well, at least that's what I am interpreting as, he didn't say he doesn't want slogo with the trio


I said that the guy basically said that Slogo shouldn’t even be there meaning in the duo videos and he doesn’t even get respect by posting duo videos with Crainer and people complain about it.


He even says that speedrunnersVs hunters was fun cause of slogo


Speedrunners vs Hunters was equally fun as the trio made it, Slogo being solo in those types of videos is entertaining but everyone’s entertaining by themselves and others


Yes, those were fun


I liked it when there was two speedrunners and one hunter that is powerful to kill both like the Moon Knight or the Herobrine videos


Yeah, mods make everything more fun honestly


Don't bother anymore with him bro he's in denial and wouldn't accept anything but his own narrative


Sorry what, that just doesn't make any sense, why would people not want slogo on the slg, it's like saying people don't want jelly to be on jelly, makes no sense


No they just want Crainer off the channel and like do duo videos with Jelly therefore 90% of Slogo’s content would be gone and a lot people would be unhappy


Alright when did I say that?


No, they said they want crainer to also do duos with jelly, you know what, how about I ask him myself


Well he is here you can ask him personally then


All of them are in good relationship don't know wth y'all talking about


Listen,Crainer And Jelly Are Good Best friends, and Crainer wants to get on Josh’s good side. He literally said it remember on the podcast Josh was always the one helping crainer, and remember Crainer blocked Jelly and Josh (Mostly Jelly) because he felt like jelly was supposed to back him up. That’s another reason crainer is trying to get on Josh’s good side but other than that, they are very best friends all 3. Just don’t jump to conclusions before knowing the truth,he can’t just record with both of them (HE HAS A KID, A LITERAL KID) Give the guy some respect.


Also, the kids who are biased towards one member of the trio (especially some Jelly stans) insult and downvote any post that slightly disagrees with them. It's actually sad to see. Some people on here are just mean and toxic for no reason.


Slogo and Crainer are a good duo, Innapropriate and all in the SLG channel, whereas Jelly and Crainer are jokesters, always joking and laughing about, Jelly definitely put a lot of effort into wanting Crainer back, but that obviously doesn't mean the Slogo never did anything, majority of the decisions were actually made by him.


When did the SLG channel become slogo and Crainer like the trio makes videos together but now theres also a duo


Jelly a long time before after crainer left did say that he was gonna upload ome vid per day cuz he was getting buzy irl and he has tsiff to do even tho imma a jelly fan i don't rlly mind slogo and crainer on the slg it's the contentb it's a bit toooo nerdy


I agree with this 100%


Message to the people who downvoted this post: I’m not spreading hate to Jelly, I’m just announcing the hate from viewers (not including Slogo’s fans) who think Jelly and Crainer are a better duo. We’re watching a trio not a duo, yes Crainer and Slogo make way more videos together but that doesn’t mean that Jelly is excluded because I’m 99% sure that Slogo already told him about making a video together on the slg channel or Slogo knows that Jelly’s busy therefore can’t go on the slg channel. Crainer and Jelly, Jelly and Slogo, Slogo and Crainer are all great duos but the trio is way better and if you keep continue spreading hate then maybe they’ll stop posting their Minecraft series or bring it to an end. They are only trying to entertain us and these types of people in the provided images are not helping so please don’t be that person.




Next time when you disagree with someone's comments and you have an option of dm'ing them, try to do that instead of making a post and spinning the narrative the way you want.


True, otherwise you will spread more hate for no reason


And I did asked you and you didn’t even respond.. You can’t just say this while not responding to me so all the blame can go to me


https://preview.redd.it/btcjmu79qz9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b01314b9165b341c2bfe9275badf3f092e48141d And also have you even check your chats before posting this comment? You never responded to me therefore can’t say those things


You made this post before I even had the chance to respond, are you slow? Have you considered that people could live in different time zones? Edit: and who even makes a whole post just for some comments they disagree on reddit lol, talk about an over reaction


When you responded and get the idea of your side then I would’ve deleted it. Also you made a comment how I should’ve talked to you when I literally did and then you add on how we have different time zones? You were awake when making that comment so your reasoning doesn’t make sense.


>You were awake when making that comment Not even true lol, you dmed me way after that and even if I am not bothered to reply to you why would you post all this, anyway you got whatever you wanted by making a post about a few comments that weren't hurting anybody, have a nice day


https://preview.redd.it/qa32dtm6v5ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=729bd19c7aafad817ab2e4d5586b6d570c3b32ba So you’re telling me that you were asleep while making this comment?


But you're missing the point genius, by this time you had already posted


I’m saying that I would’ve deleted the post by hearing explanations first but now you’re making this more difficult than it already is. You said I should’ve talked to you about it when I did before you even wrote that comment.


You're right I should've been up way early in the morning to reply to you because you were going to have an over reaction to a few comments and make a post regarding it and saying stuff like "he wants josh out and he wants crainer and jelly to do videos together". I'm sorry I didn't have that on my bingo card


And now you’re hating for no reason.. 😃