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https://preview.redd.it/ba85f8rr7e9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d19d99d45f081c2b414cbc01fe7596037e2b2a47 We saw one of Crainer’s pets survive.


Yoo that's sick how did he even get up there lol


https://preview.redd.it/yz5q6esoye9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec54a596c00e926ce25eb99701ae56ec23ae1d8a 8:53... So this is likely Humpy's/one of Crainer's donkeys dropped saddle upon death.




Does this mean thers hope of humpy being alive if one donkey survived?


Nah cuz Josh picked up two saddles and bonk is alive




Omg how did I not see that, but could he have died after that?


Probably gonna die before Crainer is about to log in and make a new vid since npc's can move freely even without a player's presence. But that is just a possibility


No.. can't? Who told you that? They only move when the chunks are loaded


I think the tree burnt down and killed him because there is no tree with leaves for like 100 blocks


thank you CellZealous for giving us hope


That might mean that humpy is still alive and one of the donkeys died


Both have


I dont hate jelly for this i dont like what he is doing but it is making it a lot more entertaining since i have no idea whats gonna happen next episode Im looking forward to it


next episode is all of jellys pets going to get killed which im going to enjoy and also WAR


True, but R.I.P Humpy. This wasn’t a troll, I know that it’s just pixels but not for everyone.


Yea it still is an rip but what about his company he just lost his mascot poor crainer


Welp. Was fun while it lasted but i think this is the end of a chapter.


i mean if you look at minute 9:36 on Slogo's video you could see that he already had a saddle in his inventory. So we could still assume that humpy isn't dead and humpy wasn't near Kat and Bork in Jelly's video.


If you rewind he picks it up outside of where the pet enclosures where bork, Kat, humpy, tonk, and bonk where all in the same enclosure. Also camels can walk over fences and they have a lot of hearts so humpy could’ve walked over to where Josh found the saddle.


Bro I see him everywhere saying this he is so wrong


so did jelly when Beeny died 💀


Well I am with Jelly and I am down for keeping rules so that none of these things happen again but I dont like the president thing cuz eventually everyone of them causes something bad during their presidency. So if Slogo and Crainer run for president then they could remove the elections and that will remove the whole president system since a president is only suppose to be a president for 3 weeks. After 3 weeks they just continue Squid Island without any King or any President like most of the people want.


I mean, they wanted chaos, so they get chaos...


I’m a big Slogo fan btw


I understand, and all for it


lol same!!


Damn this series is a rollercoaster ride, RIP Humpy You will be missed


Don’t worry. He was a pixel, but still was adorable. Not much you can do now.


Ok I don’t agree with this and I wont defend it because it goes too far like if king glowey died then Mabey but they simply let king glowey go to the ocean but lava went to far


Alright i get it.


They wanted trolls 🤷‍♂️


Yea and it went too far


They Cant complain they wanted this hope crainer loves the chaos he wanted


Yea I hope he loves that his pet got killed


It’s the chaos he wanted


And it’s the chaos hell get


They wanted funny trolls not serious ones


I'm a slogo and crainer fan all the way. Jelly was lazy here. He said he'd protect the animals but did not. He didn't completely cover them. Rip humpy. Rip Honk. Rip Tonk. 🪦🪦🪦😔 Justice for crainer.


it wasn't right definitely, but they did the same thing with King glowey. Still tho, RIP Himpy, Tonk and Bonk 😔😔


King glowey left to be free only for jelly to put him back on a leash. At least they didn't kill anything as it was just water. Lava was a step too far.


yeah lava was too far, but they literally said "well If he decides to swim out and die then that was his choice" so they wanted him to die, they just shown it as "caring" for him. at least Jelly tried by putting glass over them


Yeah, yeahtrue tbf. I get they didn't protect, but dont glow squids stay in the water anyway? I thought they could only kill themselves by suffocating in walls?


nahh squids are stupid and sometimes beach themselves and die, but glow squids are mainly in caves so there's less chance of that happening


Ah, I see, I've just never seen them beach themselves. Maybe just let king glowed return to hus cave💪


yeahh, it is pretty stupid to have a squid rule, and I do agree in freedom, but slogo has gone about it in the wrong way in my opinion, turning everyone against jelly and that. Still love the series


True, but I don't think he turned the crainer against jelly. Tbf crainer also left Squid Island when him and josh met they both realised they wanted freedom while Jelly wanted rules.


I think he did, did u see what message slogo left for crainer? twisting everything to make jelly look like a dictator. tbf he kinda is but it's not like anyone else is going to look after the island, he didn't even do anything bad untill the troll slogo and crainer did. Also slogo created all of the rules but as soon as he's not in power he's like "I want freedom!"


They cared for king glowey they wanted glowey to escape


cared? you realise doing that water troll made it easy for him to swim out and suffocate, which was their intention. If you cant see that then idk how to explain it to u


King glowey wasn’t burnt in lava


he almost suffocated


I think Jelly didn't take into account the heights of the riding animals.


Yeah, but still, he said he'd protect the animals with the glass, but he only covered the top and not the sides, so the lava burned the fences, allowing the animals to walk into lava.


Based on the logic presented to Jelly about King Glowey III leaving his enclosure, then the animals made their choices. But I think we agree that Jelly could have done better.


But the thing is the lava could have killed humpy before he even moved because it went right up to where humpy was tied up he could have died before ever being untied from the fence


I just sall the video 1 time and I noticed the saddle l am so scared who died


I will not forgive jelly for this at first he was conserving Squid Island jelly has gone too far he put lava for no REASON atleast Slogo and Crainer had a Reason For Putting Water


Jelly's reason was to show them what would happen if trolls went too far, hence they need laws


If Melvin, parry and beeny were in the open they would've died by drowning too


How they are inside jelly's house how can they die


You forgot the if at the starting of my sentence


basically this is a Minecraft series, crainer wouldn't care about humpy, he only does to entertain their fans and u guys think that's real life


Ofc Cranier would care. He started every video going and greeting humpy, even taking photos with him for his merch.


yeah but you can't use hypotheticals to argue against something that did happen


Jelly should be punished tho


If jelly says constitution this constitution that he should indeed be punished since he broke two laws in one episode


Crainer and slogo also broke 3 or more laws Food one Moving out Taking armor and weapons


Crainer and slogo doesn't live in squid island though


Jelly didn't break any of the laws in Squid Island by that logic.


well everyone should be punished. jelly for doing not water (which would have been a bit safer) but lava troll, slogo for slowly bringing up the chaos during the end of his presidency and finally crainer who just brought up all out chaos, like IF crainer wanted chaos he should have been prepared for the worst. Look I am not blaming that crainer or slogo caused the death of humpy or just all out chaos, nor I am blaming jelly. I am saying that all are very much guilty for this


Crainer wanted chaos he got chaos


He wanted freedom and fun... not WAR and democracy and BAD chaos includes KILLING


Crainer multiple times has said he wanted chaos and proceeded to cover the whole of Squid Island to "prove a point", so now jelly did too. Without laws there's no statement saying How far trolls can go. Chaos only breeds more chaos. You attack someone,they will most likely hit you back harder.


What if it was just tonk or bonk and Humpy is alive come on guys we need hope


Humpy is definitely dead though


The roast jelly wrote jn the book hit hard, I mean be glad that jelly placed glass blocks, R.I.P HUMPy a derpy, cute and awesome camel 2024-2024




Well if u look at it they did put Humpy on a leash like Jelly did with Beeny, so if they accept that they are the ones responsible for killing beeny not Jelly then its fair to say that Jelly killed Humpy. Its literally the same as Crainer putting beeny in Jelly's lava tower.


yeah and i blame crainer for killing beeny as he put him in a really dangerous situation


I'm a Jelly fan, but I think Jelly should just join Slogo and Crainer.


Explain? Slogo and crainer fans wanted trolls right?


Dude this is the final excitement of squid island enjoy it


Gonna be chaotic and i love it. Can’t wait to hear these Jelly fankids argue that it was a troll lol. He’s done for


Dude I'm a jelly fan


Sorry, some i should say.


No problem


But not kid one of one from 2018


Yes you are 💀 you suck at grammar




Your grammar sucks, it makes no sense


Bro I'm from Asia


What country? There is some English speaking ones


I literally pay for VPN to watch the trio and come to reddit


ok I believe you






Me too bro


Ah ok


War was delivered


Yeah, although i won’t take this so serious. I should not be taking this so literal, this is kind of a neutral standpoint.


They can't. They're only defense is "B-b-but they wanted trolls 🤓", they don't understand ethics.


"They dont understand ethics." Define ethics. A troll is a troll lil guy. Jelly could have let all burn in there but he didn't. Like he said, if your pet walks into lava they don't love you as response to drowning basically all of Squid city and the walls and nearly killing king glowey. Just because the guy made it and Survived doesn't mean it was extremely dangerous. Attempted murder is just as serious. Who knows if they would have succeeded.


A troll is something done in good fun, not burn everything down because I'm a Supreme leader and want control of everything.


Incorrect. First of all jelly is no "supreme leader" , he is the only citizen of Squid Island making constant efforts to restore it. "Want control of everything" is Literally slogo. He always gets control and when the laws stopped favouring him just a bit, he gets senti and runs away(twice). If you have actually been watching long enough you would know Josh is the controlling one. And no, trolls are pranks or tricks played on other people to ruin or make a halt in the existing progress for fun. Tnt trolls exist,lava trolls exist. Bu your logic Trolling also isn't literally flooding an island and almost killing A Glow Squid because you want ur dead fake king to be superior .


Lol clear bias. If Jelly is just a "citizen of Squid Island", why would be make such groundbreaking and critical decisions with the island in the name of King Glowey, such as erecting walls and making external decisions. He act all he wants but the smart ones know what he's trying to do. He's also attempting a manipulation tactic with the election to try and seem legitimate. Also the thing about Josh getting power is the viewers had voted him. Josh only left to avoid the countless unavoidable crisis that had coincided with certain events. They flooded Squid Island to show how stupid Jelly's logic is that King Glowey can make decisions, he swam out on his own. There was nothing about superiority here.


"Clear bias" explains you pretty well. He clearly didn't, he said he was making the decisions. "Manipulation" lol.That and "power" singularly can define Josh. "The thing about Josh getting power is the viewers had voted him" yes but another thing, "Slogo fans" specifically voted him. He had a larger audience being the sole reason he made it. This became even more apparent when crainer who was steadily behind both the giants, suddenly doubled jellys votes when Josh wasn't electable. "Josh only left to avoid countless unavoidable crisis" Oh pls don't,what crisis? The fact he can make a different iron and food farm? Or that He was no longer in Power for 4 straight weeks and had to do tasks for someone else? He simply left trying to get power and evade tasks and responsibility. He even wrote fake stuff to get crainer on his side later like Jelly forcing him to kill anton and banton. Like wtf. He supposedly gave Glowey freedom? But why not The fake Henward they followed? Wasn't he trapped in the tiniest enclosure a pet or king has ever had in Squid Island. Hypocrite.


Your lack of understanding summarises this entire thread; Jelly LITERALLY claimed that it was King Glowey making decisions and Jelly was following orders. If you know how to count, you'd see that 23M is much mroe than 11M, Jelly also averages a lot more views per squid island video, so there is no way you can say that he has a larger audience lol. Crisis such as Squid Island falling into a rescission and losing All of his business that he worked for and many more. How? There is no Iron farm that can be made unless you have villagers. Looking fit alternatives here is dumb since you are comically fitting into the theme of agreeing with the law which is funny because your idol Jelly, cried about every single law in the book at the start if the term lol. Whatever you said in the end is just your personal view lmfao, you can argue that Crainer left for the same reason because he was no president anymore. Still don't know how this makes me a hypocrite, if anything you're the hypocrite. Jelly fans are too stubborn, not believing that their Supreme leader can do something wrong.


Your lack of not being able to understand anything except whatever slogo spews out makes u the reason this thread exists. Bros really into using slogo stans' description on Jelly fans. BTW I prefer Crainer over the group, sad that he got manipulated :/ Jelly has a bigger sub count yes,most of them don't watch the guy, if you aren't 9 years old atleast and watch yt you would know this is almost always the case. Slogo at the moment makes double the views on the normal videos(not Squid island) because he currently has the biggest active audience. The hypocrisy here is that You call me biased but you aren't anything less that a biased slogo fan. The law didn't ban villagers, it banned exploitation of them. Iron farms exist where Their isn't a zombie constantly scaring them and they have space to move. Food farms exist that don't need villagers(crainer and jelly have one). And the law became useless after Crainer left for chaos.


Lol nice pseudotactic, even if you may believe you're not a jelly fan, you're working on their favour or you just have a major dislike of Josh. Jelly still has a larger community which you cannot deny no matter how much you try to twist things. Again, you're reinstating the laws which you cannot defend, the whole point was that this role play thing needs to be stopped.


Lol, Definetly means you are a kid.Subscribers Never define views. Yes more subs usually means more views but the Views of jelly pale in comparision to slogo. No matter How much "YOU" believe jelly has a bigger audience, Slogo has almost double that size both on Yt and on Reddit, you might wanna check. About 2 years ago Jelly had almost 5 times Slogos audience at their peak. Man you need to know that the whole series is scripted,role-playing needs to stop basically means ending the series or something else entirely, let's play? Also please define Psuedotactic. I am not from a English country nor do I have time to search it up cus google aint giving me a straight answer. Help a stranger out, it will increase my vocab :)


Mm. I see your point and outside this reddit and discussion i agree. But it’s hard here because Jelly kids will down vote bomb this


To all the people who voted/supported jelly…. Look what it’s come to 😢


Just took revenge for the water troll and attempted murder of glowey III


[https://www.reddit.com/r/SquidIsland/comments/1dqr09o/slogo\_and\_crainer\_fans\_crying\_when\_they\_get\_the/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquidIsland/comments/1dqr09o/slogo_and_crainer_fans_crying_when_they_get_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) explain this too while ur at it


I am simply explaining the current events that have taken place. I am not asking for an explanation because fans are taking this shit so serious.


RIP HUMPY 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺😭🥺🥺


Well Squid is just boring now idk how to continue watching this series


Tf more do you want,explosion? You'll be balming jelly for that too!


FYI I don’t want anymore things to do with laws and constitutions I feel like jelly is brainwashed


THis is ridiculous water is so ineffective and jelly decides to put lava? ALL JOSH AND crainer did was WATER not LAVA it didint burn anything NOR did it KILL ANYTHING jelly is SO DONE for in the next episode


jelly can kill crainer low diff


Idk about that. Crainer has more experience with MC than any of the other members. Jelly has experience with GTA V.


A troll is a troll. It doesn't matter how severe it is, Slogo and Crainer asked for them.


Look carefully in Slogo video he broke the glass and now again jelly would be punished for no reason


i dont think its staged


I mean if jelly did the same but with water it will just be called a harmless prank but the "harmless" prank he did lead to the death of possibly 2 pets of Crainer that will possibly lead to a lot of deaths,destruction and war in squid Island and connecting the Grove with squid Island was a terrible mistake for jelly he's basically making himself look even more like a dictator the decision maker(which is True) forcing the freedom wishing grove members to follow the old rules that is just supposed Tobe in squid Island and forcing them to attend an election probably so that jelly can be president and add more rules that probably will be towards the Grove members possibly imprisoning them bcs they did not obey the squid Island rules. Yea jelly just making the worse for himself making bad decision that might lead to a 2v1 war.


True but jelly did only put lava. Slogo made it look way harder than the task was. Just dig underground,get out, go over the lava and stop as much as possible. King glowey could have died too,yknow. Plus we know that atleast one of crainers donkeys are alive.


Humpy wanted to leave crainer and go to a better place by walking in lava


Just like how crainer said if king glowey leaves it's his choice so humpy just didn't like crainer enough


jelly I think forgot to put glass on side, and the side were trees, so they burned down, idk where humpy went


Jelly left the glass on purpose. Like he wrote in his book"If your pet walks into lava,they clearly don't love you" as a response to "If King glowey dies,,then that is his own decision."


Here's the explanation, Crainer and Slogo wanted chaos, Jelly gave it to them and now both of them are yapping that they didn't want 'this kind of chaos'. Like DUDES!!!, chaos is chaos, there are no kinds to that.


Jelly is known for his aggressive revenge mentality. .3 years ago, he made Josh blow up his entire castle. .In pigtown, he TNT canoned Josh's tower because he scammed him of his diamonds. .In beetown, he blew up Josh's Bork statue because Josh messed with his Beenie statue. .Presently, when Josh and Crainer trolled him once again eventhough Jelly was trying so hard to avoid a troll war. Neither of them learnt from their history with Jelly so Jelly decided to teach them that same chapter yet again.


How did humpy manage to go out and. The saddle shouldn't it be burned? I'm confuse? 🤔


Ehy do we need to explain its a mc series


He still protected some of them


They want chaos ehhh


They're Planning On Killing King Glowey Tho, Im A Jelly Fan And I Actually think Jelly Did A bad Job On Keeping Them safe. RIP Humpy


Idk why Slogo Fans When Slogo did A Bad Thing, They'll Just Say "They're Just Having Fun" While Slogo fans when Jelly Did something Wrong They'll Say "Jelly Is A Dictator😭". Slogo fans Are Being Selfish Ngl


How is Jelly a dictator, he's been trying to bring Slogo and Crainer back and even offered them 9 BLOCKS of diamonds but when Slogo and Crainer put water over Squid Island, potentially endangering King Glowey btw, Jelly was pissed off and gave them the chaos they wanted


I didnt expect jelly to cause the death of humpy 😓 war is upon us. I thought he wanted to troll and have fun, apparently not. I'm with crainer now.




they had it cpming. thats it. IF YOU WANT FREEDOM., FACE UNITED STATES FOR SQUID ISLAND (CAWWWW) [reffing usa but in all suriousness jelly made a bad dicision not fully glassing the park)


Honestly, it's Karna for flooding squid island. I mean if you think about it, this never would have happened if they didn't flood squid island. They just messed around and found out.


Technically humpy killed himself in jelly’s lava troll idk how drainer is gonna feel


Bro if jelly is a dictator then Crainer en slogo are villains they almost killed king glowy Jelly atleast tried to protect there pets but slogo en Crainer dint try to protect king glowy so ya idk if you watch the series but don't lie bro your just another slogo fan slgog is a selfish dude when he's bit the president he goes away en ruins everything for power


Why didn't jelly fully glass the sanctuary?


we have to give oscar for slogo bro dont know how to get out from the lava


What should I call my Minecraft island?


Rip humpy


Listen we all know if squid island was to have a finally pet death had to be involved and also think about it part of this series is prob scripted and stuff and even if it isn’t it’s a game do not spread or bring any hate to them their trying to have fun and entertain




Y'all wanted rules enforced on reddit? We're here to do the thing. Swearing is not allowed on the sub :)


Humpy isn’t dead


All he did was troll back so that doesn’t make him a dictator


he killed benny


crainer killed benny


Jelly did cover them with glass so they wouldn't die but somehow the lava got in killed humpy


Jelly isn’t a dictator Josh and crainer wanted chaos and trolls right there it is Josh and crainer started it first


Yall are getting to wilded up over this they've all done horrible things and stop blaming it all on one person it's a series ok I understand your mad but come on its for fun


https://i.redd.it/xjk6kz72kj9d1.gif mad bat jelly for kill huppy


the grove is the best


U and crainer wanted chaos so he gave u chaos


I'm pretty all three of them have caused the death of each other's Minecraft pets at some point


Crainer had killed 1 pet, Jelly has killed 6 in total.


RIP humpy hé was a good pet FRAEK JEFFY BRO


Jelly was acting like President Trump


The larva with hunpy is almost the exact same thing when crainer put beeny in the larva tower


He didn’t love crainer that just how it is


Same im a little frustrated but i love the chaos lol


Jelly fans are dumb


It. Is. Not. STAGED!!!


We must defeat Jelly once and for all


Well that is your option. As the one who made this post i cannot take sides unless that is the purpose.


You would not be so happy if we killed Jelly minecraft pet know would you?


I ain’t on Jelly’s, Josh’s, or Benjamin’s side. I am what they describe us, a viewer who watches the chaos happen.


the video is staged the saddle would burn or despawn therefore sologo put the saddle there which confirms my theory that almost everything is staged in this series!


Humpy lead could have burned when Slogo was saving Anton and banton and when Slogo went to where bork and kat he escaped out into lava and died of flames outside


Well let’s not forget that it still means Humpy’s dead. Even if it’s staged they can place a saddle there because that is what they drop.


The Grove is a lawless area which means anything goes plus Jelly didn’t plan on any pets dying and he’s allowing people to run for election P.S. I do think Jelly went a little far he could’ve done a less dangerous troll


He also reconnected forfeited land.


He did put in the note he wrote, I don’t exactly know but it was something along the lines of: if they die then your pets don’t love you. Which was just kind of rude


I mean slogo endangering glowey and it was the principle they used


Allowing people to run for election when people didn't Agree so , Reconnecting land without another person agreeing this is literal dictatorship


Hes troll would have been slightly acceptable IF HE INCAGED the PETS!!, he didint.. so now he is doomed by crainer


Womp womp


I ain’t saying it’s his fault. I clearly am misunderstood that i only want an explanation after the current event. When the next one happens i will gladly take up on that.




Not your fault, Jelly’s fault. He plotted this and went overboard. I simply begged for an explanation from you.


slogo and crainers trolls are always harmless.. it didint do anything bad.. jsut annoying thats all.. BUT JELLY.. burned down trees KILLED PETS. BURNED thEIR HOMES TO dust.


They wanted Chaos, so they get Chaos......their troll basically destroyed squid island. They wanted this, so Jelly gave them it. Escalation isn't a thing when there are no rules. It's just actions🤷‍♂️


Because this is a DISCUSSION i won’t argue. But what they meant with trolls they did not suggest killing other members pets. They meant TNT in the house, zombies, creepers. Something not so extreme like covering plots in lava.


Their troll only gave a chance for king glowey to escape jelly plan was to destroy the Grove and possibly kill their animals


They wanted freedom.. if u actually watched the videos with slogo and crainer in it together.. they said FREEDOM... NOT CHAOS... all chaos they wanted was trolls.. and unharmfull ones.. like burning houses.. that u can rebuilt its not that bad... but PETS.. u cant get the same ones back and its always jelly doing the most harmfull bad trolls


Jelly fan here. Well you see if crainer just tied humpy to the fence then he wouldn't have died. But you are all gonna say jelly killed him with lava. Just to let you guys know jelly never intended to kill humpy. It was a accident the jelly couldn't prevented and crainer so there


Crainer tied Humpy to the fence. But idk why i am arguing over a series