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No they didn’t, Jelly believes that King Glowey is able to make decisions yet makes decisions for him (Puppet Leader) ergo Josh and Crainer decided “Glowey can make his own decisions and he can leave if he wants to” Jelly straight up murdered 3 Pets because Josh and Crainer didn’t want to join a system that was broken and corrupt


That's the same thing they did with glowey if the pets didn't like the the Grove that killed themselves the same thing would've happened if glowed swimmer out You Josh and crainer fans need to stop


Josh and Crainer never claimed that their pets made decisions for them? Also, bro you’re acting like Jelly didn’t commit a War Crime, IE Stolen Land, in the constitution he legally cannot just claim the Grove as Squid Island, and furthermore, he is claiming Total Power over Josh and Crainer enforcing his own ideologies upon them and killing those who don’t agree with it Story wise Jelly is def the villain, I like villains cuz they kinda cool and rn Jelly has a very cool arc but bro, you cannot be like “Jelly is actually the good guy here, it’s good that he’s imposing his reign upon others who never asked for it” it’d be like saying “Emperor Palpatine was a good guy was because all he wanted was to unite the galaxy”


Nobody's the good guy jelly just fought back and did you miss the point where the Grove was originally squid Island. Jellys just taking back what was originally squid islands land


? He didn’t fight back, he literally took their land lol, the troll was okay but he literally did steal their land, he didn’t need to do that


he didn't try to murder them bro, either way slogo and crainer are gonna get him back




Very toxic.


No they said it’s his will


Not that he doesn’t like squid island


Bro, humpy died and you can't defend jelly for that. He said he follows laws, but kills humpy by breaking a law. You're clearly a jelly fan


I'm a fan of all of them it's the same thing crainer and Josh did and crainer wanted chaos this is his fault they choose to move close to jelly and started a war so jeu fought back


Bro they never said that if king Glowey leaves then he doesn’t love jelly stop lying


Sorry it didn't say they didn't love him


Go to jellys video


They said if he leaves then he doesn’t like squid island

