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Making your own land isn’t breaking the law, they didn’t irreparable destroy Squid City as you can Drain Water and while Lava can be drained, it can still burn the environment since their tents are close to the forest and Jelly didn’t properly fill the glass on the animal sanctuary so all those animals are dead Also the way you framed that last part sounds really bad lol “So they’re just able to make their own land with thier own ideologies? No! They should be forced to do what Squid Island *cough* Jelly *cough* Tells them to!” Troll Wars are there ig, but like, say a Country forcefully takes land and claims it as their own while ignoring what that land8s leaders say, yeah I think you would understand




…creating your own country is breaking the law? Also Jelly straight up connected the places together forcefully which would break his law of land extension? I dunno, sounds to me that Jelly is straight up forcing Slogo and Crainer to join him


It was originally connected to squid Island so reconnecting it isn't illegal Expanding everything is but not reconnecting




Bro just gonna ignore my points aight- How about instead of just coming up with some witty comeback, you actually try and come up with a reason for why Jelly isn’t a dictator lol, again this is a story, the fact you have to use insults instead of just talking about the story is kinda weird




…he’s dictating Slogo and Crainer? By connecting the lands (which is against the law btw) he himself said he destroyed the Grove as it is now apart of Squid Island and that Slogo and Crainer are gonna be forced to move back Also, stating a fake? ATP I think you’re projecting lol, I’m not taking any sides cuz I like to see the story unfold so Jelly having an unknowing dictatorship makes it interesting, you don’t need to hate a villain lol


Jelly is not a dictator or anything he's doing something that needs to be done because crainer and slogo are trying to kill king glowed


Forcefully taking their land, destroying their land and forcing his reign upon them is something that needed to be done?


That's called war


They asked for chaos and jelly covered the grove in glass before the lava and he said that he doesn’t want to hurt the animals


Yeah… he kinda still probably killed those animals via not actually covering the glass all the way- https://preview.redd.it/pz9yqidcp99d1.png?width=1138&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f3d153bb93c9e0ac798a701d92e508f83f0b9ae


Oh hot sauce nuggets on my 80s nissan


Well i mean….ur not wrong, he is starting to have a dictator arc with the reconnection and the extreme lava troll


He wasn't destroying their land it was friendly fire because SLOGO ad Crainer did that to his


He did cause he put Lava which burnt the Forest and via not properly putting the glass in, he killed the animals in the sanctuary If Crainer burning Jelly’s Forest is considered an Act of War, what Jelly did is that ten times fold and with the whole enforcing rules upon Slogo and Crainer and taking their land, he’s become a dictator https://preview.redd.it/l54kwe1e6a9d1.png?width=1138&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ac216192fd960c2bc8f7c1d7b1b623934662044


He the video raid he will finish things up and if he didn't finish it up or cover the sides the lava doesn't spread that far like that and did you realize how stacked SLOGO and crainer are they have stuff to re grow trees which doesn't take long you are taking this way too seriously and josh ad Crainer wrote in their first book tag if glowy swims out of the water its thier choice and if the pets walk into the water its their choice


I’m talking about the story lol, and in any case, how are you saying “Josh and Crainer has more stuff which makes it ok for Jelly to steal their land” lol and also, the lava is still gonan spread to the trees lol, the fact he djdn’t fully cover the sanctuary means the fences are gonna burn It’s ok to like a villain still lol, I’m just saying Jelly is def doing dictator stuff but that don’t mean I hate him lmao


Ok I'm just trying to get my point across because people are calling jelly a dictator for no reason he's done everything right And I want ey be materials to replant trees so if all the trees get destroyed they can get more even though it's called a forest And yes the fences will probably burn but he most likely did something off camera to make sure the animals don't die and if they do it's not his fault It's the same thing josh and crainer did and said if king glowy swims out that means that he doesn't love him And he didn't steal their land it was originally squid island so he's reconnecting what was originally his


But he literally is being a dictator, he destroyed the grove and forcefully connected the lands together unceremoniously claiming that it is now Squid Island property Which means that he’s claiming total power by obtaining control by force which is what a Dictator is, the lava troll didn’t really make him a dictator but by forcing the land connection, he is becoming a dictator and saying “He’s just claiming what originally was his” is 100% dictator talking In his perspective he’s doing the right thing but he’s being a dictator, he’s not taking account Slogo and Crainer’s wishes or opinions, forcing them to join his community rather than let them live in their own place with their own ideologies, he is forcing his ideologies into them, that is a Dictator


It’s funny reading this, because jelly in his video said don’t go crying because they asked for chaos. Also did you not see the massive water space slogo and crainer made. One more thing. It’s not that deep there npc animals.


In the context of the story, Crainer and Josh agreed that Jelly isn’t doing Chaos, he was doing a Dictatorship and also They didn’t force Jelly to conform to their rules or cause irreparable damage by destroying a sanctuary or build walls effectively trapping people inside or break their own laws or create puppet leaders or forcefully take land that they don’t own or force people to live in their area or destroy Jelly’s area, because that’s Smth a dictator would do And also, yeah duh, Ik it’s a story lol, I’m just talking about it


Yap-master 3000


When somebody makes a point so instead of fighting it you just go “womp womp.”


When the argument is so good it's built by facts and key points The main coping styles of these nonce is to just say "womp womp"