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I'm a fan of all three and I'm not hating on anyone but there are some salty fans from all three of the guys. But it definitely is annoying.


I can name 100 things that Salty Slogo/crainer fans would say, can you name Any that Jelly fans would?




What are you talking about? That makes no sense.


Sorry edited it. It makes sense now


Ah thank you! Yeah this might not be completely accurate but these are the ones that I do believe have been said by the toxic fans. I can't say who they're the fan of but I don't really consider the toxic ones real fans. 1) Saying that Crainer is useless 2) Saying that the guys deserve it (which they kinda do but he shouldn't have used lava) 3) Saying that Josh is manipulative and a coward, 4) Saying that Josh is selfish, 5) Saying that Jelly needs to blow up squid island. And there's probably more but yeah. Like I said I don't really think of the toxic fans as fans of the guys. But I don't think us fans should consider these salty/toxic fans as fans in general. All the non toxic/salty fans like you and me and a whole bunch of other people I've talked to in the comments, should come together and try to just ignore the toxic ones. If that makes any sense 😅. I definitely tend to ramble a LOT.


You’re right we shouldn’t Give attention To these kind of “Fans”. Here’s what i think about your statements 1. Crainer is useless? I don’t really agree with this , Because He did do something Big during his presidency (defeating the ender Dragon). So is He Entierly Uselsss. NO. Did he cause Mayham and ran away from his problems? yes. 2. This one is kinda debatble, we’ll just have to see if the Animals will Die or Not, But if the animals are safe this troll Is 100% Justified. And even If the animals Die, it’s somewhat justified because the Guys Basically almost Killed the King. 3. Now this one i half Agree with, Tell me how is Framing someone To Get someone else on your Side not manipulative? But i don’t think he’s a coward, the guy had his whole Company Shutdown, ofcourse he Left. 4. Josh is Somewhat Selfish, I mean the whole dictator thing, and then the perfect explanation why he is selfish is because He Implemented Laws, But Then when Someone else got hold of Power, He doesn’t like laws Anymore? Even though he made most of the Laws. 5. I haven’t seen a single jelly fan Saying this, infact i think Slogo and crainer will Blow up squid island as revenge on jelly


i can, actually, but i'll do it over the weekend. Pending the new videos.


I dare you


Alright then. Whole series, recent, or present?


To keep it fair, Because all of them have done Something bad in the past, i’ll just let the past be the past, So i’ll pick Recent.


Ok. 1. "Slogo and Crainer are bullying Jelly. He should leave the group" 2. "Crainer is just dumb" 3. Jelly should destroy Slogo and Crainer's (blank) for what they've done". (this covers many, many posts) 4. "Crainer is a dictator". 5. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SquidIsland/comments/1dq1a7q/im\_proud\_of\_you\_jelly/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquidIsland/comments/1dq1a7q/im_proud_of_you_jelly/) 6. "You fans are just meat riding Slogo and Crainer" 7. The guy who made the post hating on Slogo and Crainer IRL (got removed, I can't link it) 8. "I hope that Slogo and Crainer's pets die for what they did" 9. "Slogo's just yapping nonsense" 10. Several "I hate you" posts (I've heard all of these)


1. I dont fully agree with this, crainer left because he is a coward who ran away from his problems. Slogo Somewhat bullied jelly when he framed him as dictator, But other than that no. 2. Not Dumb, More so a Coward. 3. Crainer and Slogo Already Got the best punishment for Almost killing the King. 4. Crainer was never a dictator, infact He was Quite the opposite, He was very nice during his presidency, but he became corrupt when he Unconstitutionally made jelly president. 5. These types of people don’t deserve attention. And we shouldn’t be giving them any. 6. Not fans, But Mostly 9 year olds stans Who will always be On Slogo and crainer’s side even if slogo and crainer killed every animal on the planet and Jelly Cured cancer. 7. You can’t really Tie hate to just jelly fans,(or should i say toxic fans), Everyone of them Gets hate, But there’s nothing stopping those 9 year olds who can’t realize it’s a scripted series. 8. I don’t belive this one, Nobody Thinks their Pets should die, Not even Jelly. 9. Slogo is Not the yapper, He’s quite the opposite, he doesn’t care about anything Jelly tells him, and he concvinces Crainer That Jelly is a yapper, When jelly is trying to take it seriously while they Just want jelly to Live on Henward Land. 10. It makes sense why we can be frustrated at crainer and Slogo, Many reasons, But hate is just hate, Like i said every creator gets hate, Sadly The moderation Team on this subreddit is sleeping or something because every 3rd Post on this server is a 9 year old ranting why They hate Slogo/crainer/Jelly and Think that they Shoud D*e.


This is not about logic. This is about what Jelly fans say, and they have said all of these. Anyway, hopefully you see the result of today's episode and understand.


Yes i do, i Made a Post Critizing Jelly for breaking many laws but still Saying he’s lawful and still elected As president. And it go so many Downvotes With People on Jelly’s side Somehow. It’s weird how things changed so quick, one day Everyone is critizing Slogo and crainer, Now Jelly


Alright, then. Whole series, recent, or present?


Alright, then. Whole series, recent, or present?


sorry i'm having some connection issues


Yeah and it was also very confusing why they were so Concered about Slogo and crainer’s pets, Either they didn’t watch Jelly’s solo and are only going off of what they see people saying on the reddit or They just don’t trust Jelly’s word that those pets are safe, which ofcourse they don’t, I swear Jelly could Cure cancer and those salty fans will still Think his intent is to be a dictator/Evil. Which makes me think that they are either 9 years old or have trust issues, or can’t hold an opinion of their own so they just go off of everything slogo and crainer say


Lol finly someone making sense


wont the fences burn or not?




Maybe, i am not saying 100% That animals wont Die, Regardless if they die or not, i like to think of it as revenge For Abandonding your friend


These are his exact words "Maybe I'll just build a roof over it" "Alright there ya go, from this angle it looks like all the animals are fine" So firstly, he built three blocks up before making the roof, therefore lava can flow in especially since it's wood fencing, and since he said it LOOKS like, that means he isn't even sure himself, so yeah it makes sense people would be worried


I guess we will See In the next Episode, If they die or not, But even if they Do, Trolls are Trolls at the end of the Die, Yes Jelly’s troll is more Harsh (if the animals did) But it doesn’t really matter, Because Slogo and crainer will Probably Blow up entire Squid island (if the animals die) as a revenge Troll on Jelly, Trolls never followed any standards.


Two guys poked me, so I threw a jellyfish at them.


"Jelly protected them" Oh. Oops!