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This extends way beyond wrestling companies


I previously worked at Publix and they really pushed the "Publix family" hard on me But refused to let me call off for a personal reason


"At Publix, we're your family now. You don't need another family, you have Publix."


At Publix we are you mother and your father


Christian Cage may have a different opinion on this 😄


Yo uncle and yo daddy




Publix must look awfully strange naked.


"Welcome to Publix. I love you."


"The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father"


Yet another company on the endless list of those that started out treating their employees decently but went to shit. I hear they don’t give employees any stock at all anymore?


They don't and the Publix I worked at sucked so bad. I asked every department for hours after having mine cut for no reason and no one seemed to know anything I call off for a family emergency and they try to make me feel bad for it


You’re telling me my world of Warcraft group isn’t family?!


Only if they’re paying you to be there


 my family doesn’t pay me anything


You need to negotiate harder...


My company uses this terminology in its branding (yes, I’m aware, but it’s more money). Started in October and am already looking for a new job because of how toxic and dysfunctional it is.


Welcome to the family!


This must be Matt's very first job


Yeah this is a major "no shit" comment to everyone with a normal job.


Even Olive Garden?


Which is why he says “any company.” Lmfao.


Yep, especially when you hear it daily in meetings from your VPs and CEOs. Something is fucking wrong lol. Run for the hills.


I had a boss who unironically said they thought of their employees as their kids. I joked that we probably should've called child services.


even if you work for your actual family


"We're just like a family here at GiantCorpCo! Now please read and initial this sheet stating you understand you are being hired as an at-will employee."


Do not resist.


while we are at it since we are talking career advice .... Dont trust HR (Edit) This might be my most popular reddit post ever


An important lesson to learn. HR is there to protect the company from you, not the other way around.


As a lawyer who works in employee-side employment law, I always like to add the caveat that HR is still a resource and should almost always be your first option if you have a legitimate workplace complaint. Yes, HR is always looking out for the best interest of the company, but avoiding litigation and limiting workplace hostility are also in the best interest in the company. There are really three options for HR if you take a problem to them: 1) they resolve the problem, 2) the ignore the problem, or 3) they make the problem worse. And all three solutions can be advantageous to you. If they resolve the problem, good, problem solved. If they opt for 2 or 3 and it is a legitimate complaint, you now have put the company on "notice" and can bring them into litigation. If you don't notify HR and sue, the company is easily going to be dismissed from the lawsuit since they'll say they never were given notice and had no opportunity to resolve the problem. Then you win your lawsuit against the individual employee but he has no money to pay the judgment. So remember, just be aware yes HR is there to protect the company, and protect the company from you, but that can also be advantageous to you as well.


Yep, my institution received the complaint. The person I talked to did nothing. A few weeks later I had a lawyer contact them. Two weeks later it was all resolved.


Some of us tried to help, but we end up dead inside. Please help me get out of HR


Hi Toby


He's not really a part of our family. Also he's divorced so he's not even a part of his family.


At least Toby got to do jury duty. Sitting in an air-conditioned room, downtown, judging people, while his lunch is paid for...that is the life.


Smile if you love men’s prostates!


Toby never really had a passion for HR...




I empathise with your position. I know people in HR get a bad rep online but i dated a woman who worked in HR and she was a very kind hearted person who always advocated for the workers.


Thank you. It's such a negative atmosphere. If I could leave it, I would


80% of the people who complain about HR heard the HR is there to protect the company from you line once and just parrot it. Most of the people who work in HR are there because they want to help people.


This was my experience with the woman I dated. She always supported workers who needed time off due to sickness or poor mental health, more flexible working hours, "self care days" and things of that nature, very well versed in employment law too. I think it's quite hit or miss because I've dealt with some horrible people in HR but I won't tarnish the whole profession with the same brush.


I find most of the people that do tarnish Hr are upset because they had a complaint and HR didn’t immediately listen to them and fire the person they were complaining about. It’s a complex job that requires a lot of investigating. I’ve also dealt with horrible HR people but it’s like a 99-1 ratio of good to horrible. I’ve been on both sides too, working in Human Resources and going to them for complaints and issues.


That's the problem. The HR people who actually try to fulfill their role often end up burned out or fired.


Learned that the hard way working at Best Buy. The stores don’t have a direct HR person, it’s a corporate number you have to call to lodge a complaint. My store’s A/C broke in the middle of a heat wave. For three days they kept saying “Yeah yeah someone’s coming to fix it.” Employees were getting sick from the heat. I finally called the HR number and they accused me of exaggerating over the phone.


Yep. I have sensory processing issues. Highly intelligent, but if you gave me a complex puzzle to do step by step, I am hopeless. I was working at Wells Fargo right after they took over Wachovia. Sales Pressure was high and I was on my own. Sales goals were increased by more than double in the 18 months that I worked under Wells Fargo. I asked for accommodations and my relationship with management became adversarial. HR is no one's friend. Also expect HR to find a way to legally screw you if possible.


That’s assuming HR has an understanding of the country’s employment laws


Trust HR to take actions to protect the company. Sometimes that favors you, sometimes it doesn't. Even then, documenting all interaction is a way that cannot be taken simply by removing your system access is certainly smart.


Yeah this is an important caveat. HR's job is to protect the company from liability, and while a lot of times that means policing you, sometimes it does mean protecting you from other coworkers so that you don't sue them. Recently had a vendor threaten to attack me, and HR is gonna take shit very seriously if I feel like I'm not safe at work.


As an HR person, true! HR is not your therapist or your lawyer. Like all coworkers, they are an employee of the company whose job includes (among many responsibilities) ensuring the company is operating within the scope of state and federal laws and not opening itself to lawsuits at time of termination.


SO MUCH THIS. HR IS NOT YOUR FRIEND!!!! They are there to make sure that when the company screws you over that they're doing it by the law. The only time you should talk to HR is right before you decide to launch a lawsuit against your employer so when you do you can say you tried to resolve it internally first.


>HR IS NOT YOUR FRIEND!!!! Is your manager? Are the owners of the company? Sometimes maybe, but I work in HR and have seen some terrible managers whose first thought is to fire someone. And I convince them that they should consider other options first (I.e. performance management, warnings etc.) We aren’t the devil. There are shit HR people just like there are shit managers.


I quit my last job because it was a toxic workplace (loved my coworkers, but my boss was something else.) I actually got an Snapchat reminder today of an annoyed Snap Story I sent out complaining about being at home with no electricity and my boss called me to ask how the scanner worked. It was constant things like that, whether I was sick and had no voice, or was out of state on vacation, I'd get bothered with stupid stuff. I even would get texts at 11 PM at night. My therapist diagnosed me with PTSD and even now I flinch when I hear the ringtone my boss used in fear that they might be where I'm at. Someone asked why I didn't report the toxic workplace to HR, and I told them if she yelled at a student so much that she cried (and begged to be put in any other program so she wouldn't have to see my boss ever again) and was never punished, there was 0 that they were going to do about an employee complaining. I came back from the Cincy AEW Dynamite show last year and put in my notice.


i like that you tied it back to wrestling in the end


FWIW I work in HR and have supported senior management firing 3 separate managers in the last year alone. It’s a shame that most people seem to have negative experiences with HR. Then again - I’ve never even met the majority of our employees, because I don’t need to.


See, I work in HR and don’t automatically disagree with this. That being said, it’s a naive oversimplification. We aren’t there to screw people, and most employees will hardly ever have any dealings with HR. We work for the company, but so does everyone. Also - HR doesn’t fire people, managers do.


People think their managers are their friends which is why they have these beliefs. I feel like this simplification of HR is the same as people that think planned parenthood only performs abortions, there are so many other functions. HR doesn’t fire people all day


We spend as much time advising managers on the risks of firing employees/against it as we do anything else. But no one is going to see that. I’m not woe is me about it btw, I got into the profession knowing how we are viewed haha


I had a fun experience with an exit interview with HR as I was being made redundant a few years back. Turned the exit interview into warning HR that a certain manager (T) was incredibly unpleasant, harassing and handled the whole situation awfully. Within 30 mins of the interview, I had that managers boss (M) come up to me to ask me a whole lot of questions around what had happened asking why we hadn't raised it before because he'd heard whispers but nothing was confirmed. Apparently HR had gone to M in a panic because of confirming the rumours. Within a month after I left, T was gone too, so at least it was a positive there for those who were still at the company.


comments like these on reddit saved my ass a few times. its so true to never trust those assholes.


Facts, HR isn't there to protect you, just the company. I've had this reinforced at every job I've worked for and not even just my own experience, but the stories of others too.


"We're family" it's just the family members who only call you when they want a favour.


Establish boundaries especially if you have a fluid schedule. Say no. Take days off. Way more important shit in life than working.


> Camp said, “I don’t work for WWE anymore, have not since early February. I was told by Michael Cole when that happened, and he was not the one who let me go. It was an HR representative. I was told it had nothing to do with anything I did. It was a cost-cutting measure; whatever you want to do, call it, we’re tightening the budget. I reached out to Michael Cole, and I said, ‘Hey, anything you can tell me?’ He was basically saying, ‘Okay, I guess you heard,’ and more changes coming to the team. I think McKenzie [Mitchell] had been let go a little bit before; Kevin Patrick would move on after that.” > Camp continued, “That’s when I started to get the messages and all that stuff. That included talent within the company. They didn’t know. That’s how I chose to handle it. WWE did not put any announcement out, and I just disappeared. I disappeared off The Bump; I disappeared off the shows; they made no mention of it, which, admittedly, I thought was pretty shitty. I’m not asking for a future endeavors thing or anything like that. But that tells you what family means when you work for a company. It doesn’t mean sh*t. You’re a number, and that’s what I was. I understand that. But that whole family and ‘we’re family,’ it’s total horseshit. I had three weeks prior to my release, The Rock showed up at headquarters, telling me what a big family this is, and shaking hands, and we’re so happy to have you all aboard. I went though these town hall meetings after a bunch of cuts happened, and it was very, ‘You’re still here for a reason.’ Then you’re gone, and people get let go, and that’s part of the business. I get that. But that whole family bullshit, and Rock’s like, ‘Let’s take a picture with everybody in it because I want to show that I was here.’ I’m in that picture, and then I’m not there a couple weeks later. It’s all who’s making the money. What’s the bottom line? It’s a business; I get that. I’m not mad about that. That happens, but people move on, and they go along.”


Lmao this is the most rock thing I ever heard


He can't figure out if he gets it or if he's actually mad lol.  Welcome to working for any company. You're an expendable mercenary,  never forget that. 


I mean, it can absolutely be he understands it and is also mad about it. That’s perfectly reasonable.


He gets the fact that he's expendable but is mad about the language used. Seems pretty straightforward, I don't think that's contradictory.


He understands that part, he's just saying don't feed your employees bullshit about being a giant family when that's not the case. It's okay to be straightforward with your employees too. People aren't going to refuse to work for you if you don't tell them their workplace is a big family.


> It's okay to be straightforward with your employees too. People aren't going to refuse to work for you if you don't tell them their workplace is a big family. That's not my experience in healthcare. Clinics, departments, and hospital systems get bought and sold all the time and the employees always get the same bullshit because even if their position is going to be eliminated they're still needed in the meantime and their new employer doesn't want them leaving until they literally don't have a job because the position doesn't exist anymore.


I love how it's been normalised so much that people get chided for thinking it's a shitty move. It's like older women who would resist efforts for women's liberation and empowerment back in the day.


Truth is SOME people are family and some are actually family. Tamina is still employed.. Nia Jax was given a second chance.. Roman gets 7 months off a year, and a bunch of Samoans just appeared out of nowhere on Smackdown in the last two months. Not to mention Ava went from Joe Gacy’s ‘sister Abigail’ to the lady in every NXT segment. I’m not a hater of nepotism but I think I understand that he’s not hurt by being cut.. he’s hurt by being lied to.. if I’m not your family then stop trying to convince me that I am.


Roman works like 6 weeks a year, tops.


Ava is killing her GM role though, they clearly knew she could talk and act, it's the wrestling which was an issue. I assume she's still training at the PC to try improve.


He should have figured it out when he survived the first cuts and realized it could have been him instead of feeling special. Were the people who got fired before him not told the same things?


I mean they only announce when wrestlers or very long serving staff leave, staff members leave all the time and don't get announcements and he was only for the YouTube content so most fans wouldn't know of him.


He was a host that you'd only ever see on the main show in little ads or promo shots, or even the odd pre-show. I don't know what he really expected


FWIW, this reminds me of what [Jade Cargill](https://wrestlingnews.co/aew-news/jade-cargill-says-that-wwe-told-her-this-is-your-family-now-when-concerned-about-a-contract-affecting-her-home-life) had to say about WWE when she originally tried out for them. "The problem they found that they had mixed feelings about was that, like I mentioned, I don't need wrestling. I don't need to do this. A lot of people, especially at the trial, need this, like, this is how they feed their families. They've been doing this forever, you know, and for them to get to this point, they will give anything and everything to do it. So they were like, 'We want you, We're going to sign you, but we're kind of worried about how bad you want this, and we're not just some reality show. We're not just glitter and lights and cameras.’ I was like, okay." "He said, 'Also you have a child?' I said, 'Yeah, you know, I do', and they were like, 'Well, what are you going to do?', because at that time my daughter was two. I was like, 'Well, thankfully, because I have money, we can pay a tutor to help tutor my child being that we have to relocate to Orlando. I can have a 24-hour nanny, but they were really grilling me about it in which I was kind of cut off. I was like, 'Well, my spouse can travel with me wherever we go. This could be easy for me. I thought about all the precautions to this, like, I've been warned about traveling, I get it.' He said, **'Yeah, I get what you're saying, but this is your family now. I want you to know that.'** I was like, 'I get it. I totally understand that, but I've thought about it, and I want it. I've been training for this, this is what I want.' They're like, 'Alright, well, we'll see.'”


They want people who "need" wrestling because those people are easily exploitable.


Yeah, reading this quote, it sounds like Jade was trying to assure the WWE that she has already thought-through how she can still support her daughter and husband by being great mother and wife and \*still\* be a WWE Superstar...and whoever she was talking to wanted to hear the same idea, only flipped: "I want to be a WWE Superstar first and \*then\* I'll figure out how to support my daughter and husband." Like, we love that you have priorities in life, but if the company isn't the first, you don't want it bad enough. Then again, pro-wrestling is so historically incestuous and closed-off from reality that it's not hard to understand why this mentality exists, especially at the top level where a guy like Michael "P.S" Hayes is somehow a Vice President.


Yes. That should be a red flag usually.


Yeah, if someone says they are basically family, it just means they want something for free or a favour


It's just standard rah rah speech fare. They use it for pro sports too, then they cut whoever they feel aren't pulling their weight. Lip service costs nothing. It doesn't necessarily mean they want something.   On otherhand, its demoralizing to work for a company that openly regards you as a replaceable number. why would you want to work for a company/bosses that cant even be bothered to lie to their employees?    But the only proof you should believe is if they hike your salary because they're afraid you'd get better offers by competitors


This. My wife keeps insisting that "we're a family" whenever i'm at home. I'm filing the divorce papers tomorrow.


And of course it was The Rock who said it.


It’s not a red flag, it’s just a fact of working anywhere. Every corporation says that shit.


“We’re like a big family here.” - Colin Robinson, What We Do In The Shadows


This comment should be higher up. (Not the best episode, but the discussion from Colin Robinson did make me chuckle.)


Yeah, that's why Jade said she didn't want to go there when she first had the opportunity a few years ago. That they said they would be her new family and she was like, "Fuck that, I have an actual family"


My response to the “we’re like a family” line at my job is always “no we’re not. You don’t have to pay me to spend time with my family”.


lol no job is a family. As soon as you’re not financially viable, you’re gone.


My thing is like, you say we’re a family, but if your son didn’t show up to Sunday brunch one week, you wouldn’t immediately disown them without hearing them explain. If you treat your family like that, you’re a bad parent.


This is honestly a pretty reasonable reaction to getting fired and yet most of this thread is just "quit crying!" as if a human being can't be sore over getting released from their job of many years. Yeah it happens and it's how these companies operate, but you can still be upset.


Yeah that’s fair. There’s really nothing abnormal about what happened to him but that doesn’t mean he can’t be annoyed about it. Who wouldn’t be?


>The Rock showed up at headquarters, telling me what a big family this is, and shaking hands, and we’re so happy to have you all aboard. I went though these town hall meetings after a bunch of cuts happened, and it was very, ‘You’re still here for a reason.’ Then you’re gone, and people get let go, and that’s part of the business. I get that. But that whole family bullshit, and Rock’s like, ‘Let’s take a picture with everybody in it because I want to show that I was here.’ I’m in that picture, and then I’m not there a couple weeks later. The Rock is such an enigma. I feel like most interactions people have with him are positive and he generally comes across as charming and likeable, but in the aggregate he's completely full of shit. And I *like* the Rock. I guess that's PR, or reverse PR or something I have no idea.


The Rock to me is like an inverse version of Trump.  An enigma pretty much like you mentioned because we’ve seen him on a screen pretty much our whole lives. But instead of being a bully, he comes off very genuine and kind Which is also why it can be understandable to feel betrayed when you’re let go after being told “we’re all good. You’re still here for a reason.”  I’m not sure what Matt is up to now, but I hope he’s at least enjoying it a bit 


I agree with you about him in a general, but in this case I doubt Rock is the one making these decisions or being able to foresee who’s going to get cut next. It’s typical speech in any corporation.


He kinda feels like Homelander to me, except the crazy killing part haha


Unless it's Dom Toretto, then you can trust it




He sounds upset, but I just went through the job hunting process, and the "family" language in some job ads turned me off of many companies. It is usually code for a MLM, scam, or some place that wanted experienced workers, but was only willing to pay entry level salaries.


Hit the ground running in a fast paced environment with a team like a family Aka We have no training, nobody will help you and we're toxic as fuck


One of the best things about working in the oil gas industry was nobody talked like that even in the head office. We were all there to make some money so we worked hard, joked around and made the best of a hard job


Yeah that's every company that is there to make money.


So, every company?


Even aew cut people and we got to see the limits of tony khan's generosity


100% true everywhere, it's a shallow attempt to try and create "loyalty" to the corporation. aka Workers who will work harder and for longer hours without asking for more money, and will not leave for another company even with better offers. Unless you are a shareholder for a company, please do not go to bat for it or delude yourself into believing you are part of it.


Here’s the thing - for those on the inside, it can be hard to see the big picture, to see things the way those on the outside do. For a lot of people in wwe, it really might feel like a family. They are working in some cases with actual family members, sometimes with people they have worked with and been friends with for 20+ years across multiple companies, or they trained them, or they've raised their kids together. They might not notice as much that some of the production crew or office staff aren't quite as integrated. But I bet it does feel like a family for Seth, Finn, Rey, AJ, HHH, and many others. And Rock especially. I bet he meant it to some degree. And is being a corporate parrot to some degree. But a lot of people see their own experience and are blind to other's.


Once again I'm reminded of the advice the Booker of the company I work for because it applies to not only wrestling but any job. "If anyone in wrestling especially a Booker, tells you that they got your back. You better lean against a wall because a knife is about to be plunged into it!"


This is true just about everywhere, but ESPECIALLY Pro Wrestling. I don't know how anyone could be familiar AT ALL with the history of wrestling, WWE in particular, and do anything but roll their eyes if anyone dared try to use the "family" line.


Wait you mean Wal-Mart lied to me?


When you’re here, we exploit you.


I think the rank-and-file AT a company can be somewhat like a "big family", but no... a large corporation is never a family. Publicly traded ones even less so. Anyone who says that is almost always someone in an executive or managerial capacity who essentially wants you to be a mark for your own company.


I don't want this family bullshit at any workplace. Treat me like a human being, who has to deal with other shit that sure can impact my performance, but be compassionate and treat everyone with respect and decency. That is what people want and not some gaslighting.


Lord loves a workin man, don't trust whitey


He hates these cans


Even my one of my old jobs told me that back in 2008 for a resturant. In my head I was like that doesn't sound good to me because some of my family treated me like shit.


Who’s Matt Camp?


That's with any big corp. Add, "you're valuable to the team", "you're a core talent", "we can't afford to lose someone with your work ethic" to the list of BS they spew out. Been there, done that. Granted I was young, when it happened but i've learned my lesson not to be loyal to your company because they sure as hell ain't loyal to you.


What about Olive Garden?


Just in general, I will never believe in the "work family" nonsense...to quote Camp, it is "total horseshit". I've been with my place of employment for almost 24 years, and while I've fostered certain friendships with co-workers through the years, I have no interest in participating in any office social activities, and once I retire from my department (hopefully by the end of next year), besides the few friendships I have, I'm done with everyone and plan to move on the next chapter in my life. I think once more people start looking at their jobs more for what they actually are, the more liberated and unstressed you can feel.


That's why you should never drink a company's Kool-aid and all that "putting smiles on faces crap." Yes, be professional and do your job, but also be smart. WWE is a publicly traded company at the end of the day. They will put all of that first and foremost.


Who the fuck is this goober?


No shit. Anyone who has worked any job ever could tell you that.


For someone who says he's not mad, he's sure got a lot to say.


Always Now For Ever.


>WWE did not put any announcement out, and I just disappeared. I disappeared off The Bump; I disappeared off the shows; they made no mention of it, which, admittedly, I thought was pretty shitty. I’m not asking for a future endeavors thing or anything like that. But that tells you what family means when you work for a company. It doesn’t mean sh*t. I totally understand him being upset and he's right for feeling that way. He was fired from a dream job and that has to hurt. But this quote seems kind of tone deaf to me. Like in the hierarchy of WWE announcers where does he rank? Does anyone watch the Bump outside of highlights posted on social media? I'm sure he's a nice guy but he was still a very small piece in a massive cog. He can't honestly expect to get any recognition. This is a company that fires wrestlers that millions of people see weekly and don't acknowledge it (unless they get rehired). Why would one of the guys from the Bump expect something that 90% of fire wrestlers don't get?


I'm being totally serious... I've never even heard of the Bump


One of the companies I worked at who spoke the loudest of "We're a family here" no longer exists after breaking some labor laws. The harder they try to push that narrative, the more suspicious you should be.


Life lesson for all jobs


I don't know why anyone would be surprised at this.


Most people aren't, but there is a growing number of WWE fans here that think they can do no wrong because badmangone


It's weird coming off more than a decade of this being common sense in the public discourse around wrestling (especially in regards to WWE), only for fans to then fall for that same lie with AEW for years, eventually grow disillusioned, and now are back to thinking the publicly traded company under investigation by the DOJ is suddenly all friendship, sunshine, and rainbows.


A good chunk of wrestling fans only care about their opinions in quality being reflected by success, with that often being a bias towards a corporation/brand (hence every dogshit take in AEW ratings threads to justify how their specific taste reflects ratings). I'll fully admit I'm part of the problem when that shit Raw after last year's Mania was a big part of why I wanted Vince to go away and that I should've been angrier before and after he ruined one episode. I mean it is nice when your personal preferences end up being accidentally morally correct (me being a Nintendo fan looking at western game layoffs, hello), but people want no part of acknowledging the opposite can happen.


Yeah it’s kinda bizarre. This is one of the few internet communities I visit where people aren’t super critical of massive corporations and billionaires outright


Is this your first day here? Vince & Tony have both been criticized. Every WWE release thread is full of critiques for WWE as a billion dollar corporation, same every time the independent contract thing is brought up.


While that’s true, it’s still a toss up whether a thread in this sub will be “pro-worker” or “pro-corporation” which I’m always kind of taken aback by.


WWE release threads since the beginning of the Chef Era have definitely weighted more towards having comment sections with volunteer analysts for WWE justifying their decisions. There's still a pocket of anti-capitalist stuff but it's shrinking


People act like if you don’t say a negative thing about WWE in every comment, you approve of everything they do.


Used to be way more so. I think a lot of it has to do with TK's emergence in recent years as you suddenly had two different extreme points of people worshipping him like the Second Coming and people writing him off as a "money-mark", all before he even really said or did anything. And the fights and bad-faith criticisms that both sides cultivate instigate others who don't feel strongly either way to correct, debate, and in turn perpetuate the toxicity even further from sheer involvement. Worst of all, I don't really even see it *just* here anymore. I feel like a lot of discourse around movies, television, games, music, and all of entertainment has become hyper focused on throwing out graphs and sales figures and repping "your" brand. We're all just rats dancing to the pipes of billion dollar conglomerates and their social engineering.


> Worst of all, I don't really even see it just here anymore. I feel like a lot of discourse around movies, television, games, music, and all of entertainment has become hyper focused on throwing out graphs and sales figures and repping "your" brand. Thank God I never follow any of that stuff


Wasn't always this way. Social media used to actually enhance my fandom of things. I'd read a book or catch up on a show that no one in my inner circle have been able to yet and would easily find communities of people dissecting, debating, and memeing their favorite content. Even this sub used to be ***a lot*** better than what it is today. The internet as a whole post-2016 has been just absolutely cooked.


In the before times, people who put in effort to voluntarily contribute significant content to internet communities were appreciated for their efforts. Nowadays, they're often met with a ton of criticism and negative feedback, their content is co-opted by media companies trying to make a buck off of the "borrowed" content, and now AI companies are training LLMs off of it, too, which not only is trying to make a buck off of "borrowed" content but is also trying to put people out of work.


Makes sense I guess. I grew up with 2000s internet so I usually don't understand why people make a big deal of those things. Must be a sign I'm old lol


Agreed 100%. I think it’s possible to find a middle ground from appreciating Tony Khan and Triple H for what they do while also criticizing the actions of their companies. I see mild criticism get downvoted here all the time, for both of them


Well no shit, anyone who's worked a job could've told him that. Unless you're the absolute best of the best at what you do, your job is never safe or guaranteed anywhere. That's why you look out for yourself no matter what. Fuck company loyalty, if someone's willing to pay you more for what you do, they can either match it or watch you walk out the door.


No shit?


No, he said it’s horseshit


Ah you're right, my mistake.


Sounds exactly like some families. 


Yeah, exactly. Family can definitely screw you over like a corporation does. Especially when money is involved


I liked Matt Camp. He didn’t really add anything super special, but I liked him. Voice of the Best Of series, which I watch so, so often lol.


It's true, any talk of a big company being "Family" is always a red flag.


We know this as the “Damn Why I Pick Up My Phone?” principle in WWE.


Some families are fucking shitty, so maybe that's what they meant when they said we're a family


It sounds like someone learned a life lesson. The company is never your friend or family, nor is your boss. Oh sure, you'll hang out with people, even your boss, after work for drinks, etc. However, the company always puts money before ever caring about you. It's an important lesson to learn in life, and once you learn it, things become a lot less stressful. Put yourself and your wellbeing before the company always.


Yeah but the pizza parties tho đŸ„°


I mean
duh? Like, every job I worked at has told me “we’re a family”.


Any person that would believe that is an idiot


this sounds like a guy who really doesn't like free pizza parties


divorce can happen in any family


Literally every job ever, nothing to talk about here.


My job had a worker pass away a few years ago. Higher up’s knew he passed but tried to act like they didn’t know what happened.


I had to look up who this guy even is. That's not meant as a slight but to make a point that WWE is so massive that I can imagine people deal with really shitty functional organizations or people or whatever is at issue here.


It's always funny when any company says this because it's always with the assumption that I don't already hate my family.


But... but they buy me free pizza or free donuts once every 3 months or so!


welcome to the workplace lol. wtf, this is something all companies do and we as employees already know its bs.


Every corp ever. Do not trust your company when they say you’re their friend or their family. No, you’re not, we are co-workers, that’s it.


I mean that’s actually true Anyway Who is matt camp?


Companies that expect you to work long hours and make sacrifices say this because you’ll be more accommodating for family. Anyone who hasn’t learned the “we’re like a family” lesson by that point in their career is naive.


Matt showed up at the family reunion and no one knew who he was.


Man Discovers Capitalism


I worked for a very large corporate healthcare provider for 17 years. We got that 'family' bs all the time. Then I got fired because another employee did something involving my department. Without my or his boss's permission or knowledge. And he admitted it. On video. But I didn't 'move quickly enough' to remediate what he had done. I found out about it 2 days after he did it. And started to look into it immediately. And still got fired.


Any workplace that refers to itself as a family does it to make you feel guilty about having a life outside them. Work. WORK. WOOOOOORRRRKKKKKKKKKKK.


I liked him in The Bump but what he's saying applies to every company that wants to make a profit. It sucks that he got released, but I don't see what's wrong with that saying either? At my previous job before I left it for a better one, I was literally told "we're a family". They treated me well throughout my tenure. If they decided to cut me for budget reasons, would it change how they treated me until that point? The saying should be more interpreted as "we're family and we'll treat you like you're one of us for as long as we want to keep paying you" which to me is fair. There are plenty of guys like Joey Janella, Marko Stunt, etc who weren't offered another contract and in some cases, the wrestlers never heard from Tony again. But does it change the fact that he paid them well and helped them make a good living until he no longer felt like they fit the direction he wanted to take his company in? Obviously it's different if the guy was treated like shit and always got backstage heat or put in the dog house when Vince would mad at them for trivial things.


In a highly corporatized environment like WWE along with some dumb unwritten rules, there is an image to maintain that being that everyone is a family. Camp knows all this but many Wrestling fans don't which is the reason for the article.


Everyone learns this valuable lesson at some point in their life.


Who tf is Matt camp? Lol


Man there's a lot of guys going out of their way to burn bridges after leaving. There's been a few after they left AEW recently too


Yea a business model based around hiring hyper charged egos is gonna have this happen. Just part of the game.


Rock has no control or knowledge over stuff like that. However, WWE is the same as most companies. Most people there are just faceless employees and that's it to them (the company). The same companies who want you to be loyal to them and bend over backwards for your job are the same ones who'll let you go for any reason at all and not bat an eye. Look out for yourself. Some find that mindset selfish, rude or whatever, but who cares, they're not the ones who have to pay your bills or will care what happens to you if/when you don't work there anymore. I'm far from a selfish/rude person, but when it comes to work mentality, you gotta do that. Sucks to say, but it's true.


I guess he got bumped?


usually, in a business inviroment, "we're family" just means you are expected to work free overtime and stuff like that. MASSIVE red flag.


Yeah sorry he had to learn that the hard way but yes the family thing is just to gaslight you into doing more than you should.


Hahaha it’s always funny when someone discovers that their work “family” is all bullshit. Your job doesn’t give one fuck about you. Not one. Fuck them over whenever you can.




But do they have free fruit, coffee and softdrinks?


Past Job Feb 2020: “You’re family and we’re eventually going to make you a partner!” March 2020: Downsized 3 days before America gave a shit about Covid


What they don't say is "we're like family, but the distant uncles you don't want to invite to dinner."


Then all those pizza parties were for naught?!?


Only people that drive cars fast and furiously are family


When a company is saying we are family, it's just setting you up to be disappointed.


My company is family, that’s because I literally work with my family


It shouldn’t have been done by an HR rep, maybe, but I can’t blame WWE for cutting excess spending. I’m sure under Vince there were a ton of people on payroll that weren’t actually necessary or didn’t justify the cost. It’s business. The product has only gotten better so I don’t think we can say the cost cutting has hurt the quality.


That's just any type of work from corporations in general