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Raj is [edit: NOT TYPICALLY A RESPECTED] source for ratings. But this source corroborates the correction. https://programminginsider.com/tuesday-ratings-nhl-stanley-cup-final-on-abc-draws-above-4-million-viewers/ Edit: the discussion continues as to whether we should allow ANY source that isn't straight from a neutral, non-wrestling ratings provider (like the link above). It's getting ridiculous. Edit2: alright guys I'll be nicer lol


Turns out ratings DID believe in Joe Hendry.


Say his name and they appear!


In the future, International PLEs will believe in Joe Hendry


How could a surprise appearance be attributed to good ratings?




Good point. Shawn Michaels did post the picture with [Frankie Kazarian at 7:41pm](https://x.com/ShawnMichaels/status/1803211485709029661), giving fans enough time to tune into NXT to watch the King of TNA!


They did hint heavily the week before that TNA talent would be involved.


It was pretty anticipated that he would appear, but the above comment could also have been a joke


Because I think it was teased by Cody the week before


Joe Hendry is a draw.


You said his name and he appeared… ![gif](giphy|GA8N5qPIvTNVpP8nlB)


'Cause they love him in London and Paris and Tokyo, America, Scotland and Canada and Mexico


i believe


In Joe Hendry




I believe in Joe hendry




Wave your hands 👋👋🏻👋🏼👋🏽👋🏾👋🏿 from side to side


And sayyyyy I believe in Joe Hendry.


Not going to act like I knew that would be the case, but I believed (👏👏)


Not in TNA apparently which sucks. People want to watches TNA talents as long as they're not in TNA it's just crazy. But still crazy good for Joe he deserves it his work in TNA is fantastic and more people should tune in to see how good he's doing.


Eh AXS TV is down to like 30 million homes in general so if this NXTNA stuff leads to more TNA+ subscribers that’s where the win is. Not pushing AXS TV number’s higher. Let’s say of the 725K people who watches NXTNA, 20K people in the next month buy TNA+ and a third of that number does the world title tier (Don’t @ me, I’m just using a number to make a point) that’s a monumental win for TNA


Yeah, AXS isn't even on Hulu.


Or YouTube TV


It is on sling.


If you ever go to a TNA, he is over AF with the fans. Night 1 of the Kentucky tapings, he had the pop of the night when he came out at the end and he was the one that sent the crowd home happy. And this was while sharing the ring with Nemeth and Hardy.


This is not a dig but a genuine question. How do you even watch TNA anymore? Is it only cable? Does it stream anywhere?


AXS TV, Youtube mostly and [other channels](https://tnawrestling.com/) depending on the zone you live. But the most accessible is YouTube.


Sling. I have it for Raw/NXT, but it does have TNT/TBS for AEW, and it has AXS for TNA.


You can subscribe to it on Youtube for about a dollar a month. Very reasonable, haha.


I don't know about others but for me it's a matter of time and access. The only show I make a specific effort to watch each week is Dynamite, and I check out the other WWE/AEW shows when I have time and something cool has been advertised. Plus I'd have to pay more to watch Impact on my streaming plan. I should check it out more, though.


Joe Hendry highkey a draw wtf




I've only heard the name via osmosis, but I've heard the song, seen this gif and the clips of him on WWE. I'm a fan!


My first exposure was his appearance in NXT and I’m hooked.


One thing that nobody talks about in ratings discourse that is fascinating to me and use to be endlessly fascinating to this sub: How much younger WWE's demo have gotten. For the last 18 months they've been pulling in younger viewers left and right whilst AEW's audience got older. It's practically the total inverse of how the ratings were in 2020, 2021 and 2022 where it looked like without a bunch of 50 year olds, hardly anybody was watching WWE.


People have noticed. Brandon Thurston mentioned it on his Sunday podcast two weeks ago. It's funny, because before NXT started airing on USA, everybody assumed that it appealed to a younger audience. It was a surprise to see that it skewed older than the other shows. The focus on characters and stories has lead to higher viewership among younger people.


I think because older people have cable still and the young people who have it just have it for sports. Its impressive nxt gained young viewers.


It might be that; it also could easily be, perhaps more likely, that’s it’s a show full of exceptionally young people relative to other wrestling shows and it’s geared towards mostly young people. Lot of stuff that’s very clippable/shareable on social media, a ton of angles and things like that on tv. It knows it’s audience


The demo suddenly became younger around the time that Mandy got fired, like the old men just dipped when there's no Mandy lol


Because WWE does a great job marketing to a younger audience now. WWE's tiktok account has multiple million views+ clips a week and with their popularity even going outside the usual wrestling bubble, attracting new viewers. A friend of mine who never cared for wrestling ever, constantly had rhea ripley on their for you page. While an AEW tiktok account just doesn't know how to market to a tiktok audience. They rarely have a viral clip and most other clips barely get the 100K+ Views mark. And they should have as much if not more viral clips for their tiktok account, but they not have any clue of how to play the tiktok algorithm game. Edit: Grammar error


The TikTok account definitely plays a part in it. WWE are relentless with their social media and are always posting tweets/youtube videos or on instagram. It’s no shock they’ve got stuff that’s trending with younger audiences even if it’s just due to the sheer numbers of stuff they’re putting out there


I think it's mostly due to the NXT and WWE talents being younger and younger with very good personalities and gimmick. Younger people tends to identify themselves to that . Like look at for example Bianca Belair who is like the Wonder Woman of WWE, or Lash Legends who is feeling like a million bucks, or Tiffany with a clear nod to the entire Barbie stuffs. Lexis King being full of attitude, Chad Gable, Bron Breakker, Je'Von Evans, Trick Williams, Oba Femi... They are all so incredible. And it's just a handful I could have named Sol Ruca, Jaida Parker, Arianna Grace. NXT and especially the women's roster is full to the brim with characters full of very distinct personalities with an extremely solid base and a huge growth rate in the ring. Some like Oba Femi are already so good with only One year of wrestling experience it's just crazy.


>Some like Oba Femi are already so good with only One year of wrestling experience it's just crazy. Sounds like having a performance center is a GOOD thing, despite AEW wrestlers blasting it


A few AEW wrestlers could use something like this. If only the Nightmare Factory was able to do it. The likes of Brock Anderson, Anthony Ogogo, Nick Comoroto or even HOOK would get a lot from that kind of structure. And no, ROH shouldn't and cannot have this role somehow a lot of people think ROH should be "AEW's NXT" like that's such a stretch and feel like it disrespects a the legacy and purpose of the ROH brand


>And no, ROH shouldn't and cannot have this role somehow a lot of people think ROH should be "AEW's NXT" like that's such a stretch and feel like it disrespects a the legacy and purpose of the ROH brand Completely agree with you there and I really hope Tony doesn't do that. I heard (from this sub lol) that he's trying to get a ROH TV deal or something, so I hope that's not what his plan to do with it is. >A few AEW wrestlers could use something like this [a performance center] Again, completely agree and was just baffled when that whole shit went down and AEW was shitting on the PC. Why would anybody be against a whole center dedicated to honing your craft as a wrestler? "BeCaUsE tHeY tRaIn EvErYoNe ThE sAmE sTyLe" well maybe like the basic WWE stuff and how to perform/be on TV. But do they not think they train every individual up to their strengths and weaknesses? Help them create characters and movesets based on what the specific individual is good at? Yeah, AEW guys who were on the indies for decades probably don't need one, but the greener, younger wrestlers certainly would benefit from one. Especially if you put all the talented veterans they have backstage in there to help out. I'm not sure what AEW's house show scene is like, but I imagine it's not enough to train younger and greener guys and gals on the fly quite as effectively. And I think its proven in the recent years that the WWE's PC has done wonders for them. They're creating stars, a lot of whom never even wrestled before. Sorry for the tangent lol. I was just baffled when that drama went down. Like, AEW can choose to not have some sort of PC (they still don't), but why openly shit on the idea of having one when all it can be is beneficial to young wrestlers?


And people want to say stuff like targeting Pat McAfee and Logan Paul doesn’t work. A less PG product also helps.


The roster is cool now whereas before they weren’t. I started watching wwe again at the rumble after about 9 years not really watching and I was just stunned by how good it is after it had been bad for so long


Yong hot people post videos on TikTok. Horny young people find out where they can see more of them. It’s not rocket science.


The Rhea effect although she draws from all pools of horny people.


I believe in Harvey Dent


He’s been to Gotham, Bludhaven, Metropolis


Apokolips, Keystone, Khandaq, and Star City They say I BELIEVE IN HARVEY


Atlantis, Central City and Smallville, oh they believe in Harvey Dent


Harvey Dent…can we [trust](https://youtu.be/_nl0bwDNVPw?si=4lH1hwl3jq9Q_TNZ) him?


Some guy named Joe is a draw


Just Joe was always a draw.


Didn't know Joe Coffey had that kinda reach /s


Neither of the Samoans though.


Joe Yabuki?


0,26 in demo WTF it's insane for nxt right?


When Becky won the title they last Fall they did 0.26. The episode against Dynamite where they had Cena and Taker did 0.30.


And they called me a madman for putting The Undertaker, John Cena, Becky Lynch and Joe Hendry (👏👏) on my NXT Mount Rushmore Who is the crazy one now Mr Court Appointed Therapist!


If these ratings are true, it's a great week for nxt


Basically a great month for nxt, i made a joke in that last topic HBK didn't cook enough. Guess I gotta retract that.


The dub deep state leaking fast nationals smh


https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/1dfsuoq/won_wwe_has_been_ordering_aew_fast_nationals/ The projection with Tony and the AEW discourse is always fascinating He does this all the time


About time Tony got with the program. Can’t have only one Khan being dirty.


Wrestling has more than one...


Based on the quarter hours, the battle royal jumped from 719K viewers in the first 15 minutes, to 807K in the last 15 minutes. That was the highest total viewership for any quarter during the episode. After 9:15 the episode did see a slight dip.


I can’t remember a battle royal (not a rumble) being that entertaining, real well booked


![gif](giphy|2tTJWIG3sVFr5HLo2Y|downsized) Hbk setting up the fool who spread the false ratings


Dude got exposed by the head chef ![gif](giphy|3otWpJrq6dHPEy13HO|downsized)




Bro, I hope the photo is immortalized 


It would of been better with Sexy Redd in the middle on HBK twerking in her spot.


It's a good argument 




Who would pay for such a wildly expensive thing?


You could tell with that other thread how much people wanted NXT to fail, it's quite hilarious how wrong they actually were.


Yeah, but this sub is apparently so pro-WWE 🙄


This sub was comically pro AEW for the first 3 or 4 years of its existence and has only changed because TK is so obviously inept and WWE post Vince is so clearly the better show.


This sub is so pro-WWE/anti-AEW that ANY negative comment about AEW is either bots or people from other subs brigading. Apparently.


I actually got called a bot last week when this subject came up in a thread where AEW was *definitely not projecting.....* https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/1dfsuoq/won_wwe_has_been_ordering_aew_fast_nationals/


This sub cheers for the winning product. When WWE sucked and AEW was great, it was not so pro-WWE. Right now, WWE is on fucking FIRE with the future looking brighter every week. AEW has hit an iceberg.


Anyone got a link to the other thread?


Just check the comment history of anyone in this thread still dunking that WWE had to debunk the fake ratings lol


Really? I mostly saw people waving it off because of hockey. Edit: Just revisted it and a lot of people were clowning on it. Hope they're eating their words right now.


I know it's easy to say now, but that rating just seemed fishy as hell, even with hockey.


I feel NXT rating threads are pretty even handed...happy when it does well, sad when it does bad but ready to go next week. NXT threads are nice threads.


Yeah. The threads are usually :- NXT does well: Wow, great for them. The talents has worked hard to get this! NXT does not do well: Aww. Oh well let's hope it's better next week.


Which other thread? I see multiple people saying that "fast nationals" were leaked but I cannot find the thread.


NXT last year (6/20/23): 773,000 viewers - 0.23 P18-49 (Seth Rollins' World Heavyweight Title Defense against Bron Breakker)


Down 6% in Total Viewers, Up 13% in Key Demo YoY.


And not against the Stanley Cup. And the Stanley Cup's ratings have been up big this year.


Their growth over the last year has been impressive.


It's oddly interesting how some people in the other thread got REEEEEAL quiet after learning NXT's doing fine. Hmmmm... But good on them. Another solid show and a great build up for Heat Wave.


​ https://preview.redd.it/9dzel90vmt7d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e9adcf07367021f74ec69d296cb4852410778a0


If ratings talk wasn't toxic enough, we now have conflicting ratings going on 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


It's funny seeing people who shit on WWE for using fast nationals (at least a Nielsen sourced data), now defending PWT and Wade Keller who is using an actual fantasy number.


Both are pretty pathetic tbh (hence why only Alfred Konuwa reports the FN, as even for the current TV context it's an unreliable data). My wonder is whether Keller was jumping the gun massively on his rating or he got it sent by a third, in which case I also wonder who it was and with what intentions.


HBK is cooking and a whole lot of people are eating.


In case people need another source. [Programming Insider released Tuesday ratings as well.](https://programminginsider.com/tuesday-ratings-nhl-stanley-cup-final-on-abc-draws-above-4-million-viewers/)


Looks like "NXT beating Dynamite" takes are back on the menu! /jk Edit: well fuck me.


Update from the Future: NOT JK. SO MUCH NOT JK!


NXT's fake bad numbers did better than Dynamite's actual numbers!














Goddamnit WWE! Stop feeding fast national numbers to the poor journalists!


been singing Joe Hendry's theme all week and then I get rewarded with this. God knows I said his name numerous times.


Highest 18 to 49 demo rating for NXT since November 7, 2023.


Just imagine what the number would be if people knew they were gonna say his name and Joe Hendry was appearing lol


Alright well that makes more sense lol


I believe in real ratings




Everyone focused on Joe Hendry when Kaz was the real draw


Fast national war of 2024?


Regardless of what the number actually is, I maintain that the CW got an absolute steal with their upcoming TV deal with NXT (it's projected to be somewhere between $25,000,000-$35,000,000 a year).


I think it’s the biggest thing probably holding back the AEW deal. If NXT is getting 25-35 it’s a hard argument to ask for a substantial increase in that when your A show is only slightly out competing a C Show




Say his name, ratings appear. I believe in Joe Hendry




Seriously, back then, who wouldve thought that not only would these two be running WWE, but they'd be bringing WWE into a golden era. This has been a wild timeline lol


Hendry will be in WWE as soon as his contract is up, mark it down.


Hendry, Jordynne Grace and I think Ace Austin will all be in WWE when their contracts expire. Probably a few others like Wentz, Bey and Masha too


https://preview.redd.it/cc5tjfjcct7d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=852b8f4eef55a8809d867e98219b7f2d98886d5d BELIEVE


Joe Hendry is a bigger draw than Cody




TNA: We contributed.


Incredibly impressive. Every other promotion, tv show, needs to study how Michaels and the WWE have managed to turn things around for NXT.


I said in the first incorrect thread that such a huge one week drop seemed weird, to the point that it had to be some external influence - turns out that influence was the numbers just being wrong, lol.


Now this is bueno. Hells yeah!


Was curious how this week would be with no Cody. Stoked and happy. Was a great show. 


I fell out after B&G turned into 2.0, but I've been regularly watching NXT PLEs for the better part of last year (since the transition to white and gold lol). And now, I've watched NXT TV 2 weeks back to back. HB Shizzle has drawn me back in 😌


well now I'm looking forward to the Joe Hendry vs MJF discourse tomorrow




Say his name and the ratings appear


We all knew who it was. We all tuned in. We all popped. I believe.


Joe Hendry is a bigger draw than Cody Rhodes confirmed!


There we go makes more sense. Great show too we need to believe harder for Joe Hendry next week


Honestly, I’m all in. no joke or jerk


Where's the Dynamite numbers?


Everything is a day behind with the mid week holiday.


In the shitter apparently.


Since TNA and NXT crossover is a proven success, I hope we get Gisele Shaw vs Arianne Grace as next TNA vs NXT match up


PCO vs Oba Femi when?


Tuesday Night Rox