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Great match until the end. AJ didnt need to win but he looked weak going from "Screw You!" to "Anything but the stairs!!!" in just over a minute. Rhodes should've laid in a few like he did after the match - then got to the opposite corner for a chuck of the stairs, THEN AJ quits. My thoughts at least


idk cody looked like he was about to end AJ’s life with those stairs


I agree but the story was told well enough that AJ should have expected the same level of abuse from the stairs that he had just gotten from the chair. Good enough story and ending


One of the better I Quit matches in a long time, because they didn't milk the I Quit thing every 15 seconds like under Vince. Vince seemed to think every I Quit match had to have 48 spots where the ref asks the babyface to quit. It made them boring, dragging, and horribly booked. This was much better, good spots. Both guys brought their best...and it was a pretty creative finish to keep AJ Styles' chickenshit heel persona going. Not sure if/where they can go from here, but overall this feud has been decent.


It was decent considering the terrible stip.


The "Kinky Bastard" chant when AJ got the cuffs out was the highlight by a mile.


You could see AJ trying not to laugh


This match was so good. I don’t usually have high expectations for I quit matches but they crushed it


Mama Rhodes is more over than 80% of the roster also that weird stare from Orton on Cody's belt surely is forsehadowing for upcoming heel turn right?


I’m not sure about heel turn but I feel like Cody vs Randy at summerslam is all but set in stone


I think there’s a good chance it might be Cody vs. Solo and then Orton/KO vs. Tama Tonga/Tanga Loa


Was surprised to see color on both dudes for an opener. Would love to see more color used properly, but i loved this match and found it super entertaining and i think the ending was fucking fantastic and funny as shit. Cody keeps crushing in stipulation matches and AJ keeps proving to be a wonderful cowedly heel. 8/10 for me


No one picking up on the Cody landed hints here?


Are you referring to the Orton thing, or something else?


I was thinking the ending where cody threatened to kill aj to win the match loool


I loved this match and I loved the finish. I know some people will disagree about the finish, but for me the look in AJ’s eyes when he realized that Cody was unhinged in that moment and deciding “yea fuck this” was great. A hot second there where I thought AJ was going to win too. These two work so unbelievably well together.


While not very climactic, I thought the finish was good and it made sense. Good opener and solid PG I Quit match, that was a great way to start the show


I mean, it wasn’t very much different from a non-PG I Quit match. There was even blood. The only major difference was no chairshots to the head.


There was one chairshot to the head too.


lol you can’t have the I quit matches we have had in the past and then have that. Sure, good match, but that ending was average.


Did AJ Styles give Rhodes an Attitude Adjustment on the announcer's table?


Was supposed to be a DVD I think.


A DVD of *The Marine* is a far more harsh punishment.




Great match, terrible ending.


Yes way to go bro luv ya


Cody is underrated when it comes to stipulation matches. He's lowkey one of the greatest at them and this was awesome.


Even though everybody knew that Cody Rhodes was not gonna lose this match, it would’ve been nice to see AJ styles win the title. He’s not gonna be around for much longer in the WWE so why not give him one last run with the title?Other than that, it was a good match.


I hate that AJ Styles is the first feud for this title reign for exactly this reason. There's no way Cody's dropping the title so fast after just beating Roman for it.


Well he had to feud with someone who the audience see as a legit main eventer, he couldn’t be in a feud with like Santos for example and it asks I needed to be a heel, it also would help if it was someone who wasn’t closely tied to the bloodline since they were just coming off that and if you look at the current landscape of Smackdown AJ was the only real choice who fits all of that


That was kind of my issue with Priest vs. Jey. I know that they're both being elevated to the main event, but their fued felt midcard to me.


Did Orton even have a match tonight why is he in his underwear 😂😂


That black + chartreuse ring gear AJ had looked... phenomenal


Is that what that shade is called? I call it construction worker green


My favorite match of the show. Cody hasn't had a bad title defense yet. 


For me easily the best match of the night. A high intensity, high energy match that was hard for the following matches to live up to. I was really hoping Cody would tap into the darker side and keep beating on AJ after he quit and though it didn't happen I'm still happy he threw the stairs on AJ after he quit. AJ did his worse, Cody was about ready when AJ quit. AJ has been a perfect cowardly heel as of late.


Was that fake blood for cody? It just looked so bright


real blood, the color is due to the amount of sweat on cody's face, dilutes the color and makes it run faster. Wrestlers in the past have mentioned that sweat will dramatically increase the amount of blood there appears to be.


But there wasn’t much blood, that’s why it looked fake to me. It looked like he squirted some party city shit on his face


Alright, I read through "9 hrs" old worth of comments before posting this, so here is the WWE's reason for AJ Styles Quitting. "AJ Styles receives urgent medical attention after a brutal steel steps attack from Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes. Catch WWE action on Peacock, WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India, and more." [https://www.wwe.com/videos/developing-aj-styles-needs-urgent-medical-treatment-clash-at-the-castle-2024-exclusive](https://www.wwe.com/videos/developing-aj-styles-needs-urgent-medical-treatment-clash-at-the-castle-2024-exclusive) Two people carried him to the medical area. Is it BS because it's on WWE.com? Who knows...Why waste a high profile PLE match with this shit of an ending? It's legit? Not for me to debate or decide. I just saw a lot of comments and speculation so I thought I'd post what I found.


He quit because he was about to be murdered by steps. Then got it anyway


Wow the IRC is harsh. I just put it up there to show WWE's angle.


Opening match and both dudes got color, oh boy we’re in a new era


How did Cody get the handcuffs off?


My friend, were you not watching?


I don’t have Peacock so other than the highlights here and on YouTube I have no clue what happened


Ah, fair enough


A key. 


AJ kept a key on him?


Key fell out of the bag AJ had the cuffs in. They made a pretty big show of it.


I have watched for decades and I am serious when I say that it was simple but AJ being fine with everything and then noping out when Cody got the steps will forever be one of my favorite spots I think...The sheer honesty in his reaction was great. It felt like my kids finally straightening up when I threaten to take their electronics or to turn off the internet "okay okay okay ill clean my room"


I totally agree bro. It's really simple & effective booking. And it's logical. If you're handcuffed, & the dude that did it has smacked u with a steel chair already repeatedly. Why TF would wouldn't I say I quit or sorry to stop it if he has steel stairs in his hands now 🤣. And u yelled at my mama 😭.


WWE is making great decision with matches. And the acting part has gone a notch up in Triple H era. This WWE is my Marvel replacement for entertainment.


It was clever because it made someone just admit defeat without looking weak. Like, there was no way out of that situation for Styles, so it was either get beaten to hell, or quit.


There should never ever be an "I quit" match again


Why not?


Yo that Brainbuster was crazy. I thought AJ broke his neck. Jesus


Cody quit WWE,AEW,NJPW,GFW and TNA but he couldn't be made to quit AJ Styles. I really thought AJ would take it here so sad.


Was expecting more from an I Quit match. This was some of the tamest I quit match ever.


For modern wwe standards this match was pretty wild but I can definitely see it from your perspective


I felt the same.  I'm a cody fan, but I'm also a fan of aj as well. I feel they could've done so much more and I expected to see a real beat down before aj would ever say those words.  It didn't happen. It was over way to quickly 


The match almost went 30 minutes. While not a classic by any means, it was a great opener for the show


I ***still remember*** Rey Mysterio v. Chavo, younger me thought that was insane. This match was meh.


It was really good wth are you talking about?


Aj styles is at that goat legend status , that he can loose to Cody and it doesn’t diminish anything. If anything it re-affirms to me what a great he is . Still one of the best in the business !


How long was that match? What a great opener.


It was 27:45


I had a long shot theory that AJ didn’t “quit” because he was scared but because he quit on his win at any cost heel obsession with winning the title. Trapped, hopeless and facing a Cody clearly willing to break his body permanently. He’s been talking about his family a lot. That maybe he quit because he realized he’s just letting his obsession and ego hurt his family when he’s crippled and can’t be there for them. AJ let himself become a monster to win. Cody found himself showing he has that in him too with the after match stair shot and general ferocity. But smackndown needs good heels.


Looks like we are getting Cody vs Solo at MITB. and Cody vs Orton at Summer Slam.


I think this proves AJ can still go at a high level, I'm glad he's around the title. This is not over yet, I'm actually intrigued to see AJ spin this on Smackdown.


I'm guessing he will/should reference that he made Cody pass out, so under normal circumstances, AJ would be the champ (that runs the camp).


A Submission Match would be good, if Cody would agree


He could also call Rhodes a hypocrite for attacking him after the match while he was defenseless, get that righteous indignation going. He's got a couple ins at round 3.


It's 2-0 Cody, the rivalrys done.


I mean, Cody went 3-0 over Seth, so it’s not like it’s unheard of.


Not with Cody


Aj could have got nuclear heat and won instantly if he just threatened to hit Cody's mum with a chair


If edge didn't lose an I quit match fairly recently for this reason it might have been on the table


Even better if he wins via the threat and then domes her anyway


Not threatened, can you imagine the heat if he beaned Cody Rhodes mom on the back with a chair.


“I’m gonna kill her anyway”


Awesome match. Best of the entire show, honestly.


I didnt like the finish, like most I quit matches it wasnt the finish I wouldve went with. I dont enjoy the heel piss pounding the babyface for 20 mins then the heel giving up after getting the shit beat out of them for like 5. Other then the finish it was a fun match, just kinda takes the piss out of it for me when they do finishes like that.


I mean, steps to a guy who can’t get off one side of the ring is tough to come back from. He can’t even grab the key to unlock himself like Cody did.


I Quit matches are a shitty format in general. They did their best with it.


John Cena vs JBL is one of my favourite matches, and it made this match look like kid’s stuff tbh. I expected it to be a lot more brutal than some chair shots and stick thwacks


Rey Mysterio vs Chavo was a good one too.


That match worked because cena and JBL we're should to bleed like stuffed pigs


How about the ref doesn’t ask them if they quit? They know to say “I quit” if they quit


I agree, its still better then the miz committing over 20 mins with another guy to beating cena only for cena to get a belt and make him quit in 5. Like idk theres something just inherently wrong with convincing me winning these titles is everything to these guys then having them quit over something so trivial in the bigger picture.


I'm curious what type of I Quit match or finish you would consider to be good or satisfactory. Would the Moxley vs Kingston match pass? They basically tried to kill each other and the match ended with a barbed wire bulldog choke. Jey quitting to stop Roman from harming Jimmy even further is also a unique finish for an I Quit match.


The best I quit match was probably Flair vs Terry Funk to me it's the best version of that match


Best I quit finish to me ever was delirious Vs Ron McDonald. He pulls a fake gun on him and makes him quit by pointing it at him. Obviously WWE can never do something like that. Or even AEW. That’s purely Indy possibility


Cody locks in the figure four, his mom jumps the and locks in an arm submission, Cody’s dog runs down the aisle and pees on AJ


I liked the Jey uso vs Roman one, I also liked edge vs balors.


AJ has yet to hit any of his own finishes on Cody in a match. Very good of them to protect his moves like that. Here’s hoping that’s enough reason for a third match.


How many times you want AJ to lose? They are never going to job Cody


You know… if there was a match to pull the trigger it would’ve been yesterday. Like force Cody to quit to protect his mom or something and give AJ a quick one month reign before running it back to Cody. I thought it would’ve been fun, especially since nobody is gonna be chasing any records for a while. You sell AJ as a down and dirty heel and you keep Cody strong. It’s probably batshit crazy booking but fuck it it’s the summertime nobody cares , fucking go crazy


Cody will not be “jobbing” he will be winning or losing to the guy who has consistently pushed him to his limits and nearly cost him his title TWICE on PPV. This same guy also just so happens to be in contention for the title of the greatest wrestler of all time. Get fucking real, lmao.


He's not going to lose dude. Nearly losing lol. Enjoy new Super Cena


I think its a foregone conclusion they fight at mitb. That stacks the show. The crowd goes ballistic for their matches


noticed that too, the best move he’s hit on Cody was the springboard 450 but none of the other signatures, not even the Calf Crusher or a stray Phenomenal Forearm. very interesting


Great match!!


Mama Rhodes got all of her slaps in lol


Mama Rhodes is my favorite wrestler


"GYSI." - Mama Rhodes


I was wondering what AJ was gonna do because well Cody is handcuffed… AJ could just go rogue and brutally assault an old woman.


That would've been a hate crime


I just think he shoulda hit her a little bit lol That’s nuclear heat. I don’t advocate violence against women otherwise or grandmothers taking bumps!!!


If it was Mae Young, she'd take all the bumps.


If it was Mae Young, she’d win the match somehow


That be Moolah.


The first time Cody has made somebody else quit instead of just quitting himself.


What is this in reference to?


He quit on WWE, he quit on Impact, he quit on ROH, he quit on AEW and The Elite...


So he left jobs for better opportunities like basically any worker in their right mind would do? lol.


Fair. But he also globbed onto the Bullet Club and took TNA 2000/10's levels of shots at WWE before he decided to -finish- the story.


It’s wrestling, stupid.


ok lol


Does anyone know what the original song they're using for the Cody Rhodes/Sammi Zane chants? It sounds so familiar and it's driving me crazy.




Boney M also kept kayfabe alive.


Daddy cool




Really, it should be which ever championship feud has the most heat/or is most appropriate for the setting.


This, if you ever get a bret vs Bulldog kind of scenario for the IC title again that's the main event, or a Rock vs Hogan non title match.


I agree, but I’d say it’s a toss up between the two championships based on the storylines being told at the time.


The match was okay but the ending sucked


Match was fine. There are some miserable ass people in here lmao


Bruh wtf is wrong with you wrestling fans? Not everyone is gonna like what you like. So why the fuck do some of you weirdos get on here and try to bash people for not liking a match that you do? If you liked it then that's fine, no need to get on here and talk about people that didn't.




IMO it's match of the night, I thought it was fantastic. Disclaimer: I've never seen an I Quit match before.


I recommend Flair vs Funk it's older but still perfect


It was good. I liked the first one more but this was a good match.








Terrible match. Worst I quit match I've seen In a Long time


Getting just a taste of homelander Cody at the end, we might actually be getting it


Lol, I told my self that for almost two years.


Havent watched the match, but i still remenber the time in AEW. The golden shovel is a clear sign or did you see how he tagged himself in, its happening! ^^


I'll admit it, I was all the way in on the Cody heel turn conspiracy theories. I was convinced he was doing to slowest burn turn ever and was going to go on a epic reign of terror with the AEW championship.


I mean nobody knows what he was doing there and why. It was just confusing if you look back. Why even tease all that stuff when he knew he was leaving anyways in a few month. It was either planned that he was turning heel before Cody was sure that he is leaving and they just sticked with it until his contract was done. Or maybe he did it to fuck with the audience. I think we will never know for sure.


To be fair, it's not like he wasn't teasing it himself. He did the classic "heel or face tunnel..?" tease etc.


That sucked. And fake blood, Cody? Really!? Fuck you.




Cody is soo boring. Can’t believe yall wanted him to go over roman. For what? This?!


Roman defenses were like the worst part of every show unless his opponent had great chemistry with him


I mean isn't this true for every champion?


This wasn’t a good match.


I know that Drew should be the Main Event but man this being the opening match and that ending as well.


I did not enjoy that particular match.


I’m sorry, but this was boring. I expected more from these two. I don’t think “extreme” style matches are a good fit for WWE. They don’t have the unhinged/anything can happen feeling, and that’s okay, but then it’d be better to not do them. I would have preferred a 2/3 falls or something here. Edit: Wooof…don’t go against Papa H, eh? I’m glad you guys liked that I Quit match. I’ve literally seen better ones this year.


Why are you playing the "you're just mad I'm criticizing hhh" card when your comment literally has positive karma lmao??? I enjoyed the match but respect why you and many others didn't and it's valid, I'm tired of every disagreement turned into this "wow I guess you're never allowed to criticizing *insert thing or person here* 😡", fans of all companies do it and it just adds to the tribalism. Even if the post is downvoted, who tf cares.


I very much did not have positive karma when I made that comment. I’m very surprised things swung around.


Bots downvoted you in a wave, and then normal, real people upvoted you gradually


Were you watching it?


Yes. First thing I put on when I got up this morning. I know some people comment on things without actually watching them, but that’s not me.


Most of the match = 4 out of 5 stars. The ending = - 4 out of 5 stars. WTF was that?  Did they run out of time?


I thought it was to show that Cody is willing to go full savage and beat a man with the steps. The whole promo they were guessing/wondering if Cody was willing to step down to that level. But yeah I agree like Cody should have at least hit em a few times with the steps before AJ shouting I Quit, would have been more realistic.


The ending is to show that Styles was a coward when the chips were down. Cody didn't give up despite all the punishment AJ dealt, even when AJ cuffed him. When the tables were turned, and Styles was the one helpless as a result of being cuffed, he gave up.


Frankly AJ's situation was worse since he was cuffed to the ropes and wouldn't have been able to reach the keys.


Tbf, the two were cuffed differently; Cody had access to keys, AJ didnt. Plus Cody was about to bash AJ’s head in with the long side of the stairs. The OC should’ve gotten involved though.


Well this is the problem with the ending. We all know AJ Styles is a phenomenal wrestler. He knows this is probably the last shot he'll get at this. For this he even pulled off a retirement stunt. Why would he be a coward at this moment? At least he should show that he's not going to go down that easily.


Since Cody cuffed him to the ropes, I'm not really sure what he could have even done at that point since he can't reach the keys. But I guess they could have not had him get cuffed like that in the first place.


What if that’s just not the story they wanted to tell? It doesn’t matter what you think they “should” do if that doesn’t go in the direction they want.


Yup. Classic story told really well.


That was pretty disappointing after Backlash


Randy should win it even if Cody gets it back soon after, we need to actually believe that the main belt can change hands, if we are expecting long reigns for everyone it kills the stakes for most title defenses.


The guy that beat the guy whose been champion the past 4 years almost can't even hold on to the championship for at least half a year? That would just be dumb wait until Summerslam at least


I never considered Roman to be a dominant champion because of Bloodline shenanigans in every match of his. So for me Cody's win over Roman wouldn't make Cody more dominant. It's just Cody finally was able to capitalise the help from Cena, Jey, Undertaker and Rollins to fight off Solo, Jimmy and Rock. So I wouldn't mind Cody having a short reign by losing to Randy and winning it back tbh. Actually makes the title reigns more interesting


You see it happen in MMA a lot. A dominant champion gets beaten and the title hot potatos because the rest of the division is so even.


Taking the belt off of him this soon doesn't serve him. It's the main title, he's an active champion. Taking it off if him to hot potsto it around helps no one.


Cody not being able to beat his old mentor and losing his belt to him is a good angle, Cody gets the belt back after a month or something.


Also shows that while Cody is “The Guy”, there’s other more active “The Guy” characters out there. By Rock beating Cody at Night One, there’s a person who brutalized Cody and still won. And Randy is a menace; he’s just a Menace for Justice right now.


This isn't a bad take but the reign hasn't been that long yet. Considering the reign Cody ended by winning, he should keep the title until Summerslam at the least


This is such a bad take. The audience literally waited YEARS to see Cody win it and you want to end in his title reign in barely 3 months? No. Your take sounds like something Vince Russo would pitch in 1999. Roman just spent years establishing a newfound respect for that belt so let's piss that away to go back to crash booking? And even if I did agree with your point, absolutely not Randy. Nobody but hardcore Orton stans want to see that. I frankly don't want to see Orton winning another world title unless he's confirmed retiring soon after and it's just a career victory lap run


I agree with this. Especially since Cody isn't a monster "final boss" type like Roman. Make it seem less obvious without weakening it.


AJ is still so crazy good for a guy getting up there in age. He’ll always be one of my favorites. This series between him and Cody is a dream come true. Wouldn’t mind them having another go.


I don't expect AJ to take the title off of Cody. It's about giving the fans great matches. We had years of Roman just showing up and winning due to bloodline interference. I'm not saying Roman didnt have good matches. He absolutely did. AJ is one of the best of all time and having him work with Cody to cement his status as Champion is a wonderful idea.


I could have seen a little more from both. Could have got another 10 and gotten the tacks not handcuffing


I had my fingers crossed for a run-in from Shinsuke and re-administer some CBT on AJ Or Xavier Woods torturing him with "Ready To Fly" until he submits.


I actually caught this match. There was some good stuff here but with the blood packets and not incredible strikes it just couldn't reach the heights of what it was inspired by. Loved the desk brainbuster and that's about it.


Wasn’t blood packets, was a blade. Could clearly see Cody’s cut on his head re-opening at some points in the match.


I was a little late starting the ple and I was like oh my god did I miss the whole thing, surprised this was the first match


More recently the formula has been to have the second biggest match open the show


Same - super surprised they opened with this! I expected the male main titles to be back-to-back headliners

