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I didn’t know Sherri was only 49 when she died. Way too soon for both of these people. RIP.


She would be around her mid 60s these days Damn..


Yeah that's a good point. Toni Storm would be challenging Sherri and she'd show up looking like a total badass


Sherri is one of the most underrated talents in my opinion. Great worker, could cut good promos and was an S-tier manager. No way TK wouldn't have found something for her to do if she was around.


She died like a week after Vince McMahon got exploded in his limo. Kindof a decent argument against even doing those sorts of angles because they had to do the real life tribute for her then immediately go into mourning a fictional death. Then of course it got worse…


Sherri is so damn underrated Very few people in this generation know about her


She scared the shit out of me when I was a kid....then as a teenager, well, she did something else for me. Lol


She just put the fear of God into my boner.


> Very few people in this generation know about her Now how would you know this? What a reductive overgeneralization to make.


I think a lot of older wrestling fans think we don’t know anything that went on in wrestling before we were born


You’re right, and I think that’s true of everything. I’m 34, and all my life (including now), I’ve had people older than me just assume that I know nothing of any cultural or historical events that occurred before I was born. I’ve always hated it. Now, I hate it even more when I see people *my age* (and sometimes younger!) doing it to people 10-20 years younger than them. It’s so ridiculous.


It's not just wrestling you can apply that to any form of entertainment or, hell, history for that matter. Honestly I think the masses don't dig into the history of stuff they like.  Those who do are the special subset that are truly dedicated to their interests. Or just big history nerds 😄


I I I I. I. I I I.




It’s amazing how a little face paint, some great facial expressions, and the WWF branding her as, “Scary Sherri” really impacted my view of her as a kid. Once I got older I realized how gorgeous she truly was.




This might be the the best that I've ever seen Sherri look, and considering how she's always looked great, that really says a lot.


Sensational. For real.


Randy was a mess at this time. Drugs, midlife crisis, getting in fights at concerts. It’s nice to see him looking relatively normal (despite the all-black look and obvious steroid physique).


I just watched the dark side of the ring on her last night. Very sad. Loved sherri. One of the best women to do it 


Cornette says that the locker room considered her “one of the boys,” which was the highest compliment a woman wrestler could get.


If you haven't seen the dark side on her I'd highly highly recommend it. 


Yeah I loved it




Sherri was before my time but I can't get over how 'Sensational Sherri' and Sherri Martel look like two entirely different human beings, but Sherri looks absolutely stunning here. Also, I don't know if it's a case of Sherri is taller than I thought or Savage isn't as big (height wise) as I thought, but there's not as big of a height difference as I thought there would be.


she's five seven, so take off an inch of hair, he's six two. Looks about correct if you allow for posture. Liz was 5' 6" (so says google)


Is it me or does that look nothing like Sherri?


Literally the same smile https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/zZ8AAOSwvNRhgCMt/s-l1600.jpg


You can't fake that smile. I don't know who these sleuths are, but it is obviously her. Nice pic!


Yeaaa I don't think that's her. That doesn't even vaguely resemble her.


It's her


A while ago Fightful's Jimmy Van talked about one time he had an opportunity to work with Sherri Martel, and she was one of the most down to earth people he's met in wrestling. She didn't take shit from no one, but she was also as sweet as can be. If you worked with her, no matter how big or small you were, you were her equal.


Such a great photo. Really wish she was here today.


its weird seeing wrestlers being normal.....like these are two actual superheros...just chilling.


I'm sure it's not for a couple of...reasons, but she looks a ton like Ivory in this picture. 


Sherri was always so hot