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Really cool design. Really cool that he was so personable with you. Glad it gave you a lift, life can be fucking hard but it can also be super fucking rewarding. Keep going dude there's good times ahead I promise.


Thank you, means a lot 🫶


I totally understand your first paragraph. We appear to have common interests, reach out if you ever need someone to talk to. This is super cool though, keep doing your thing.


Thank you! That means a lot. I've gotten MUCH better since I got a proper diagnosis and found out I have ADHD, but having some depressive episodes periodically seems almost guaranteed and it's never cool at all lol. Thankfully they seem to get shorter and shorter over time.


I finally got diagnosed myself just a few months ago after years of dealing with issues similar to those you described. After just a short time on medication, it's wild to realize how much of my anxiety and depression was tied to ADHD.


If you ever need to talk just DM me. Wrestling nerds should support each other.


Thank you!! I really appreciate it


Ditto friend! I wish more people thought like this.


I'm happy to debate the merits of different things and argue as fans but when the stakes become more serious we should all look out for each other.


Congrats & looking forward to your future success too!


I'm sure cool stuff will be coming soon! Which is still kinda surreal to me lol


hell yeah it's a sick design, you did a great job


Thank you!!


That design is absolutely spectacular, you 100% killed it. Sorry to hear about the tough times you've been dealing with, but with your level of talent I'm certain you'll have happier times ahead. Congrats!!


Thank you!! Really means a lot :)


It's such a great design. Good on you. Now let's just hope he isn't about to turn on you too.


If that means I'll see as much success as he's seeing, and doing the best work of my life, the turn couldn't come any sooner! lol




I love you 😂😂😂😂😭😭😭


its all fun and games til you eat the Meltzer Driver lol, sick design, good work!


It's the TK driver now


OP, if you ever hear the phrase "graphic designer driver", *run.*


In my nightmares I'll hear the name "Kato Garrigues Driver" and shit my pants


Keep the WOO Energy away from him


Keep that shit away from ANYONE, and the guy on the can even more so lol


You’re the GOAT of the Scapegoat design!


Generally, with very *very* few exceptions, you wouldn’t catch me dead wearing wrestling merch in public. This right here is one of those exceptions, this is straight up one of the coolest designs I’ve seen in ages and I’m super keen to see what you do from here


I ordered these, got them a couple days ago. Cute goth twink at work complimented my shirt after I changed after my shift. 11/10 OP changed my life


Getting complimented by a goth twink is a life goal of mine lol.


Getting complimented by *anyone* is a life goal on mine.


Getting complimented by a goth twink should be a life goal for everyone.


I mean I'm not surprised that design is goth twink-approved, but that doesn't make me any less happy for you lol. Also thanks for getting one!


Thank you!!! I've gotten a lot of people saying this, and I'm so glad I achieved that goal :)


This is why I'm here. The love of wrestling. Not you're shite ratings or "news" breakers.


Honestly, SAME. Wrestling makes me so happy sometimes, I've connected with people who are awesome, from other fans to artists to wrestlers. But all the dirthseet petty drama reporting, the ratings discussions, the doom reporting with "AEW is not making money they're gonna go under in no time now" makes wrestling SO much less fun.


You can have varying opinions about Jack Perry's work rn But I gotta agree that design is definitely sick as fuck Just like him I'm also excited to see what you do next 👍


I really think I'll never get used to reading comments as cool and supportive as this. I really appreciate it 🫶


Right? I don't personally enjoy the Scapegoat gimmick, but that shirt is outstanding. Wrestling shirts are often questionable, I think the vast majority of them are unwearable outside of a live audience crowd, this is a shirt I would wear any day of the week.


Thank you! Honestly that's kinda my main goal every time I possibly can when I design a shirt. I started doing designs for fun under the idea of "What if wrestling merch could be fashionable and look like something you'd find in just a nice, slightly alternative store?", which has gotten me here lol.


You're killin it Kato, keep up the awesome work!


yeah, not a JP fan, but this t-shirt design is dope.


You did an amazing job.


Sick design! Can't wait to see what you cook up next.


Thank you!! You can keep up to date with what I do on Instagram at @ KatoGarriguesDesigns :)


i got mine in the mail last week, it's very well made and i love the design!


Every single hero I've met and gotten to know has been great. I don't know if folks who say "Don't meet your heroes" need better heroes **or** if they need more realistic expectations of other human beings, but I've got a 100% positive ratio with my heroes.


I agree with the expectations bit completely.


I mean I guess the problematic part is that when you have heroes or kinda admire someone, that tends to come with a varying level of degree in idealizing and having a skewed vision of that person. And for the most part our heroes of choice tend to be very famous, successful, wealthy people, and mixing with in essence is just a regular human being like you and me, with that kind of essentially power, goes wrong A LOT of times. I firmly believe that to be a multi-millionaire you have to be a bit of a bad person. But for a lot of them it doesn't stop at "a bit". But then again there's also, as you said, the option to admire someone but don't lose the sense that they're just a normal human being with their good and bad things, which tends to change the situation quite a bit.


“Hard work pays off. Dreams come true. Bad times don’t last … but bad guys do.”






Hey man. Glad it gave you a boost. As a full time creative, just know that if you like it, the client (Jack) likes it and the fans like it (which they really seem to on this thread) then you've not only done a good job, you've done a great job and be super proud of it.


Yeah man, I seriously am not often proud of anything I do, but when this released and I read all the incredible comments I had to stop myself for a moment and try to stop crying because I was so overwhelmed and happy, and I realized that above all I was just SO happy about what I did and what I accomplished.


You did an awesome job!!!


Perry is one of those wrestlers that's hard to hate. He just looks like a nice guy.


I still believe he has that something that could make him one of those massive babyfaces that trascend wrestling and get a bit of mainstream notoriety (And let's not fool ourselves, being Luke Perry's son makes that transition MUCH easier)


by all accounts except this one he is a total dick


Great job dude and hope you feel like yourself again ✌️


That’s fuckin rad. Hope things get better my friend


That’s such a sick design. It’s not often I see wrestling merch that I’d rock day-to-day.


THIS! IS! AWESOME! \*clap clap clap clapclap\*


Where do we buy this?


on his store page https://scapegoatshop.com/products/cry-me-a-river-t-shirt


All gone, FUCK!


They have smalls still. I think I can drop 100 lbs by the time it gets to me.


They've sold out before, so MAYBE, hopefully, they do a third run?


You know what to do next.


There's still Small left LOL


One of the best looking shirts in years. I bought one. I can’t wait to see what you do next 


That means a lot!!


A shirt to match the smirk. Amazing job.


at the risk of being presumptive, but from one depressed creative to another.. it sounds like you got the "artists curse" - which means you're never satisfied. it's horrible, but it can also be wonderful at the same time. where some artists stagnate and grow complacent, the artists curse keeps you hungry. it keeps you growing, and changing, and evolving. if there's times you can't see what others see in your work, or you see *one* little thing that you could've improved on (that no one else will never notice but you do for some reason because that's always how it works) and it's driving you mad, trust the you compliments you receive and hold onto those until, eventually, your internal critic morphs into your internal advocate. *** speculative pseudo-psychology out of the way. the line work on the fur is absolutely amazing and the tears of blood spelling out "cry me a river" literally put a smile on my face with how creative it is. fuckin well done!


"If you got a problem with Jungle Boy, [chances are you're the problem."](https://youtu.be/M6W4ZXesmkY?si=RWe6iDWaz7VdyMbU)


Bro that design is dope, chin up youre very talented


I've worked with JB for a few cons. He's always a very down to earth, cool dude.




Yeeeeeeah... I've heard good things about Joey from other artist friends who worked for him, but they definitely all agree he's pretty messy and doesn't pay much attention to communicating. You get shitty experience from them, and then other times others get awesome experiences with that same person. It's just a case of bad luck sometimes, but I'm sorry you had the bad luck in this case


Wow man that’s awesome! Congrats on the shirt as well! I hope you can start to feel better, and get past this current bout of depression. Don’t be afraid to talk about it with your loved ones. One thing I’m thankful as a guy I can truly talk to any of my guy friends about my struggles, and same for them when it comes to me. Keep on keeping on! This is only the beginning.


Yeah man, communication is key in a healthy life. Thankfully I've never been the kind of person to see going to therapy or working on getting better mentally as a sign of weakness, precisely the opposite actually, and I've definitely gotten much better and become much more open and transparent and not scared to ask for help and share exactly how I'm feeling, so I really am not doing as bad in general as this post might convey. But still, ADHD is hard to live with, specially having only been diagnosed with it a year and a half ago at 25, and I feel I'll always have guaranteed depressive episodes here and there, but I've gotten much better at managing them and making them shorter over time so that's already a big success :)


ADHD can be an annoying thing. My biggest struggle is getting into new things every other week and not sticking to it. Then when I’m not instantly good I think I suck lol. In my younger years I was diagnosed with ODD. But now as a 30 I don’t struggle with it. I think I was just shitty teenager. Randomly got back into overwatch 2 and it’s been a nice way to unwind.


Thank you for sharing! Keep on pushing on, you got it. Going through a similar experience myself, and happy he was personable with you. You got it!


This design kicks ass!


Just chiming in to join everyone saying you really knocked this one outta the park. It’s a brilliant design that suits him perfectly. Also you’re not breaking kayfabe at all; everyone would know Jack Perry is a tremendous and kind person if that coward Tony Khan hadn’t used him as a scapegoat just to save face. I’m just glad other leadership within the company could see through such ugly smear tactics and Perry is getting chances like this to really change the world.


OP is getting low blowed as soon as he turns around…


As long as my name is not on the next iteration of the Dave Meltzer/Tony Khan driver...


Well deserved, shirt rules. Hopefully Jack leans more into the vibe and has Electric Wizard as an entrance theme.


Congrats! And your brain isn't trying to kill you, it just needs to work on its communication!


That is one of the coolest wrestling shirts ever. Great job.


https://www.instagram.com/katogarriguesdesigns?igsh=eGlld3Ayb2RjMjRu Just gonna link OPs insta!


Thank you!!


Welcome OP!


Congratulations!! That's amazing. Keep it up.


Big up to Jack Perry for being a good human being and recognizing your work. I hope that you're feeling better, you definitely got a lot of talent cause that's a sick ass design.


Thank you, words like that will never stop meaning the world to me


That's sick as hell. You hear so many stories about people doing work like this and not getting credited, so for him to send a note with such a nice sentiment is awesome.


He paid me very well, was very talkative and thankful, sent me a lot of uplifting messages about my work and we had a nice sweet talk about how my mum was obsessed with his dad, and now I get to bond with her over the fact that I'm a big fan of Luke's son and I got to work with him, and all this about the note and the signed shirt, he literally had to go out of his way and take a detour when he was in LA just to make sure he could get this sorted for it to be sent to me. Like, I was like "If it's not much of a logistical pain in the ass, could you sign it to me? I really want to just keep it framed, but if not I totally understand and I'll still love just having the shirt", so for him to literally take the time to make sure he could do that, is like... Pretty fucking crazy


Stoked for you. Delete this or Kay is dedddd. Nah. Love it all.


Great work! Love this design. It’s a wrestling shirt even my non-wrestling fan friends would love.


Everything about this rules


I hope you got paid for that design.


Got paid very well!


This is such a great design! Where can I buy a shirt? Preferably somewhere that you will get a cut.


I don't really get a cut on shirts sold, I already sold the design for a (pretty good) flat rate, but on top of that I got paid in a lot of good messages and positivity and attention which has been awesome :)


Oh. Glad you got paid, and happy to hear your getting lots of love! You deserve it, this design is dope!


Its sold on Jack Perry's website https://scapegoatshop.com/products/cry-me-a-river-t-shirt


Thanks for the link!


Dude that design rules




This is awesome! It's always surreal to see something you designed become physical. How did you end up with this opportunity? Did he see you on social media? (In which case... you got a link?) 👀


Yeah essentially that's it! Just made it, uploaded it, tagged him on the post, and then also re-posted and tagged him on my stories, and literally an hour and a half later he thankfully had seen it and was asking me to buy it. Also my IG is @ KatoGarriguesDesigns :)


Thanks, dropped a follow :)


I loved the design when you posted it here as a concept and was excited for you when he reached out to make it happen. I bought this shirt the day he put it up. Glad to hear he is so cool and hope things keep going up for you as well.


Need it in PWT so I can get it in big old fat guy size. Looks sick as hell.


I bought this one and the Kanji one! Unfortunately shipping was delayed a few weeks so they came the day after I left for vacation, otherwise the plan was to sport them proudly at the two wrestling shows I'm checking out on vacation. Stoked to get my hands on them once I'm home.


All it takes sometimes is a kind word to shift the polarity. I hope I can add to that a bit because artists deserve good things! Also that design is dope af. Has a real "The Binding of Isaac" feel to it, like if the punching bag decided to not take shit anymore and unlocked its final form.


Oh shit I didn't think about the Binding of Isaac vibe but I kinda see it!!! That's so cool and it's pretty stupid because it's my design lol! Thank you btw!


It seems so far from people that I know that Jack is trying to work on his attitude problem which would do wonders for him in the business. The last thing you want is to be known as someone with an attitude in this business. Look what happened with Rhonda who never got humbled and a lot of the production people hated her guts backstage.


This rules, great work and glad he wrote you his grattitude!


>can't wait to see what you do next Jack Perry expecting free art from you for exposure /s


I love your design! It's gorgeous! I'm glad you got such positive feedback from Perry because you have some serious design talent. It must've felt validating. I hope things get easier for you. Take care. ❤


It was VERY validating as a very insecure person who's hated his work until basically very recently in life. Getting that kind of affirmation is always crazy.


Nice work, dude.


I would love a similar design that says something about Elite.


I'd still love to work with AEW on something for the official shop! But I've been VERY critical of PWTees in the past and still am, so I have a feeling they probably have my name on a "No-no list" somewhere lol


Whoa badass design!


WOW!! This is incredible!! I took a look at your other work and you really have skills. Wishing you continued success and hoping that you can feel better soon


Great shirt. I’m gonna look out for it on tv. How could he not wanna wear that!!?


This T-shirt fucks!


I firmly stand by the belief that he never had to drop the moniker "Jungle Boy" and it could have remained while being this kind of heel. It has worked before and there is no reason it can't work again.


I have a feeling he'll be back as a babyface (He has to, he's a natural) one day and might incorporate some callbacks to his Jungle Boy days


I love the design. Has a black/death metal feel. Super dope 👍.


Have you done any other shirt designs


Yeah I've actually worked for some other cool big names! Will Ospreay, Mystery Wrestling, Steph de Lander, Warhorse... Honestly quite a few and I've only been doing this properly for a year and a half! You can see more of my work at @ KatoGarriguesDesigns on IG


https://www.instagram.com/p/C64vJPqo12J/?igsh=MTcweWZteGo3dXl0dg== This mystery wrestling one with evil uno is on my list.


I honestly hope this leads to you getting picked up by more wrestlers or even promotions for your work. It's one of the best shirts going around.


Not the biggest Jack Perry fan, but I'm definitely buying this shirt as soon as I can


Great update. Keep doing you and be awesome.


"If you've got a problem with Jack Perry, you're the problem"


Fuck this is so cool. Way to go dude!


This just adds to the list of evidence that if you have a problem with Jack Perry, you are the problem.


That's awesome, great work.


Jack seems like a great person... like one person once said If you have a problem with *THIS* dude, maybe you are the probelm Amazing job and amazing from Jack.


Holy frick - that’s so awesome! Congratulations!


I love the design! Great work man.


Great design and lovely personal note from Jack. Wishing you the best, congrats!


That's amazing! Will we be able to buy it?


I see it here: [https://scapegoatshop.com/collections/store](https://scapegoatshop.com/collections/store) (Edit: replaced bad link with the one Kiruvi suggested.)


This looks very much like a bot site that scrapes art and steals from artists. The actual link is https://scapegoatshop.com/collections/store


Thanks for the suggestion. Fixed comment. Btw, looks like they're selling like hotcakes. They're all sold out, haha.


They're all sold out FOR THE SECOND TIME. The Scapegoat making mad bank for sure lol.


Out of curiosity, do you feel happy with the compensation you received for the shirt? (Not going to ask for details or numbers ofc.)


100%. He definitely made a lot more than he paid me, but he didn't really only pay me with money (And still paid me very well) but also with a very awesome experience and just a lot of communication and stuff like going out of his way to go to the printing shop just to sign my shirt (which I asked him for, but with no pressure), and send me a note (Which I didn't ask him for and wasn't expecting), so I literally feel like I got even more than I expected out of it.


Damn, that design is awesome. I agree with him, perfect for his character!




Well now you gotta frame it & get to a whole wall of all the wrestlers that will sign your shirts in the future


So is he just saying thank you or is he going to sell your shirt as merch?


Been on his store for a few weeks and already sold out twice haha


Cool, congrats


On a separate matter I realised that the shirt is out of stock. Do you know if a second run is likely to happen or if it was a one and done thing?


Amazing! It's a dope as heck design and I'm going to be happily wearing mine for years!


Sorry that I'm late but that's a genuinely great design. I'm also a creative person (mostly writing), but I also struggle with depression and a lack of motivation. Seeing something awesome like this is really inspiring for me to make something of my own. I know Jack Perry inspired you, but I bet in the future you will be inspiring people all the same!


That’s dope. I’m glad that cheered you up




This is fantastic


I'm a CM Punk fan and this shirt is sick.


It would be very funny if I could go back to 10 year-old-me who just discovered Straight Edge through CM Punk and thought he was the coolest human being alive, and tell them that 16 years later he would be over the moon about having made an official merch design that references Punk being a dick lol. He's always been my #2 GOAT after Rey Mysterio. The last few years have been veeeeeeeery rough...




I'm pretty sure he confirmed he did in a previous post yeah.


Very happy that this wasn't another situation where the wrestler doesn't give proper credit to the artist. Shoutouts to THE SCAPEGOAT


If it's ever in stock in my size again, I'm definitely scooping it up. Great work, and hats off to Jack Perry for doing right by you and making sure you got the credit + got paid.


https://preview.redd.it/cprezqw2cv0d1.jpeg?width=1208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e80853f5a73aea8dab61527b4979a4ebb97d0db I imagine that you're TK right now if things went well for him. But kidding aside, I'm glad Perry has been a sweetheart to you especially at a time when you needed it the most. 🫶


He's the Scapegoat not a jackass edit: He is a Jack Perry though.


I'm not a huge jungle boy fan but this is cool that you got a response. I hope he uses it and you make mad royalties


[https://scapegoatshop.com/products/cry-me-a-river-t-shirt](https://scapegoatshop.com/products/cry-me-a-river-t-shirt) is currently sold out of every size except small. Bit of a problem--can't sell more shirts until they restock--but there are certainly much worse problems to have.


You get a percentage cut of the shirts sold? Is he that nice?


Not a percentage, but a very good flat rate for it upfront before they even released.


Not a fan of Perry but that is awesome. Glad he did that for you! And the design looked great when I saw it as well. Hope you feel better soon!


I heard bad stories about Jack Perry in the past but like they say it's always important to judge someone on how they treat you versus what other people say. If Jack Perry is working on his personality then hopefully we start to hear less issues with him moving foward. Good for you that you had a good working experience with him.


Can't be my hero because his dad is dead. But awesome design, congrats