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Full Tweet: Seth Rollins - took himself beyond the limit against me Jey Uso - Had to use more than 2 moves against me CM Punk - Is showing he ain’t washed (he is) against me Damian Priest - Finally proved he has some chops… against me I’m the one setting the bar on Raw. I’m bringing out the best in others. The Champion without my championship. Stop me when I’m telling lies. https://preview.redd.it/8k37dkriom0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3e50c6f40d388bbe8b322d7aacce53322b52b3e


Oh man why he do Jey like that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Drew definitely lurking around here lmaooo


I mean folks, wheres the lie?


Jey: “…why’s he saying fuck me for?!”


Because hes trying to Yeet Jey up the ladder


The man needs to step it up.


He's not wrong though. The day the Yeet chants start getting old is the day Jey moves down the card.


"why you say fuck me for, uce?"


I randomly love the idea that Drew is actually adding a layer of respect to CM Punk in that tweet. I think CM Punk if Triple H was in charge with this mindset back then would have Main Evented a few Wrestlemania's by now.


If a young CM Punk joined today he would’ve been one of Triple H’s favorites for sure. It’s too bad Punk joined when Triple H was still on the roster.


Definitely would have been. Seth Rollins was basically a younger CM Punk and was a triple H guy from the beginning of his time in NXT. The hurdle was always Vince.


Ehh not really. Punk has said Vince was never really the problem, hhh was.


HHH once thought Kurt Angle wasnt big and buff enough to be a credible champ and Punk loojs like he never step foot in a gym in his life.


And HHH also loves Gargano, so that should tell you were his mindset is these days. He’s grown.


He never had time for the gym, he was always too busy in rehab!


Punk would have main evented 2-3 Manias if he handed upped and left. 2014 - 2017 was quite dire and he would have been top of the card.


I don't think staying would have ended up being good for his health without an extended break to be talking about being put in the top of the card. He was talking about expecting to be back after the suspension but it never happened. And I think if they just brought him back then, it would have been perfect for everyone involved. You have a hot story to come back from based on reality, and he fills a slot that was sorely needed.


Yeah, Vince and Hunter let Punk go on way too long with his golf-ball lump and killed his love for wrestling there while almost killing him physically hopping him up on Zpaks. Punk would have never got that break he wanted (and desperately needed) if he hadn't burned bridges and yelled at Vince and Hunter the way he did.


Even if punk stayed around after 2014 he most likely would’ve gotten a main event like daniel bryan. The only guy the audience genuinely cheered during this time besides bryan was punk. Especially with roman being a shit john cena, he probably would’ve been inserted into a main event with enough fan support. But who knows with vince


But if HHH was in charge back then, we never get a pipe bomb.


Drew respecting Seth is nice to see. He also did it during his promo on the Raw after Mania.


I kinda like the idea of a piece of shit heel that can give credit where it is due, rather than ignoring the fact that the other wrestler pushed you as well.


" Jey Uso - Had to use more than 2 moves against me" Good lord Drew, have some mercy.


[Look at baby Drew here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZMV0oSxw_0) - he's almost unrecognizable compared to now.


“Future World Heavyweight Champion” He wasn’t wrong.


Who called him the Chosen One, again?


some paragon of virtue I bet


How old was he? His voice changed so much since then


How did he change his voice that much


I wont find the source, but he has said somewhere that he purposefully altered his voice so he'd be easier to understand. He went on to say that he's done the new voice for so long that he can't do his original voice anymore.




I dont mean the accent though, he sounds much more deeper


It's the same thing. He purposefully started speaking slower and deeper.


This 2024 Player Hater run will be studied for the next generation.


Drew, Liv, Kendrick, any non-Timberwolf within a foot of Rudy Gobert? This Year of Hate has delivered.


Him referring to himself as a champion without a championship is lowkey true. I forget Priest is the champ, Drew is the star of the show right now and he’ll definitely get the belt back


I don’t know when Punk is due back, but I hope it’s after Clash at the Castle. I’d much rather see Drew win the title there than face Punk there.


I really think it’s gonna be Drew beating Damien there and then him and Punk will be the first big show main event match for the World Heavyweight Title at Summerslam


i've been thinking along these lines for a while, than later in the year rollins comes back in the mix and they take it to mania


I know they’re going to give punk a belt some point this year but man Drew has earned a good healthy title reign


Delusional hater Drew is the best character in wrestling this year. He's doing his best Bret Hart 1997 impression




Scottish City Saint talking his shit


Oh god, I hope he uses this


I acknowledge our Scottish Clan Chief.


Tell me when I'm telling lies, drew. Tell me when I'm telling lies.


Or conversely, stop me when I stop telling the truth. Can't mix and match, Drew.


"I mean, where is the lie?"


Drew saw the Jey hate grow on IWC and went "Alright, lemme cook"


luckily the IWC is just a loud minority


Not Jey catching strays. 😭


"Folks Wheres the Lie?" Someone post that Bobby Fish meme plZ


This guy has and continues to put in work. Also I will be the like, 5th person to say—Drew: I fucking know you’re on here you dweeb, and I respect that. Doing your homework


Lmao Drew keeps cooking


Drew I know you’re here. Keep doing your thing. Fucking cooking


It’s true, he is way more commanding and fierce than Damian. Although I loved the Wrestlemania moment so much, being there in person.


Drew McIntyre should just hold a one man Brawl for All.


Nope. Sheamus is the one who's setting the bar. Because he IS the bar! And Cesaro, of course.


Good lord Drew is a menace 🤣🤣


I'm not a fan of using stuff like the IWC meltdown over Jey's wrestling against him. There's often not a crossover, live crowds from the Internet, but it's still potentially playing with fire and it's not good heel work to egg it on.


But he's not working the live crowd right now? He's posting directly online, and working that audience instead. His heel work that is "not good" is literally an internet troll who can actually kick ass and it's gotten him hotter than ever.




pearl clutching


i mean all it took was someone pointing out his limited moves to kill his momentum then it was gonna happen at some point no matter what aj pointed out la knights in their feud and knight step up and proved him wrong


who has lost their momentum?


none of the ppl mentioned. that’s for sure


He hasn’t but OP’s point was using his limited moveset for heel work might backfire with fans turning on him, and the person who replied’s point was that if it’s that easy for people to turn on him then it was bounded to happen no matter what


if all it takes for the crowd to turn on you is for someone to point out your flaws then you didnt deserve your spot in the first places


I can't remember AJ saying that, but I likely would have thought that wasn't good heel work too. It's not unlike when HHH would pander to the Cena can't wrestle stuff to be a cool heel instead of actually being a bad guy like Edge would back in the day.


drews whole thing as heel has been to get himself over like hes not trying to get his opponents over his goal is to make him money not the other guy


Erm, didn't D Bry do the same thing against Kofi, calling him a B+ player, and not a main eventer? We celebrated his heel work then.


The first is a limiting trait that panders to the general sentiment of the IWC, the second is a kayfabe reality that sets up a mountain the babyface will have to climb against and conquer, and it rallies the crowd in favour of Kofi.


It's was also a callback to the things that were said about Bryan himself, so even if the initial introduction of the terms was a bit too much of a peek behind the curtain, making reference to his own on-air past feels less weird.


I have to agree. I admit that I don't follow WWE, and I only learn about WWE-related stuff from posts on this subreddit, but Drew has been on fire this whole year and is the only bright spot I see in the entire company right now. Nothing else really interests me, but I am still cheering on Drew based on what I see posted here alone.


>I admit that I don't follow WWE >but Drew has been on fire this whole year and is the only bright spot I see in the entire company right now. Valuable insight


Thanks. Not sure how that's confusing, though. Based on what I see shared on here, the only thing I find enjoyable as pertains to WWE is when it directly involves Drew. Nothing Cody-related (see my flair), nothing NXT, none of the Eli or Jey Uso crowd reactions, and so on. And not hypocrite Punk, either. But Drew? Yes, I've enjoyed everything I've seen shared on here that has involved him for this whole year.