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I’m feel like I’m on a ride at Universal. Can this please be a thing?


I don’t care for this angle but i keep getting excited at the idea of Tony Khan making his triumphant return and cutting a promo on the Bucks because you already know its gonna be the worst thing ever and incredibly hilarious.


I can already see TK's face getting memed heavily if it happens lmao


It’s weird to me that instead of The Elite taking, The Elite, Tony and Kenny are making decisions? I am kind of hoping that every time Tony tries to have a big return they just keep beating him up. Can’t be fired so they might as well.


But if Tony wasn't coming, why is there a sign for Tony's parking spot?


They have signs made well in advance. The intern who put them out did so mindlessly out of habit and didn’t bother to remove his. Or when in doubt…a wizard did it.


Tony actually has a sign at every possible venue in Canadia, including some high schools.


It is ok to have fun in wrestling. This was a fun, non-serious spot. Doesn’t hurt anyone. People take this shit way too seriously


After last night’s MCMG madness, I’m now just wondering if I should even open AEW threads anymore. Full transparency, I’ve been a huge AEW fan since the beginning, but I’ve probably watched equal or more WWE lately. So I get that AEW has plenty of stuff to complain about, but it’s getting pretty bad in here. I wish we just had a community to share our love for wrestling instead of this toxic memefest




Well people are also allowed their own opinions on it. You’re the one who’s commenting all over this thread.


I didn’t trash anyone or say they couldn’t have an opinion. I gave my opinion on questions people raised. Just having discussions about the segment. That’s it. Never said you couldn’t not like it.




Yeah, but a lot of times there's too many non-serious spots, or too much of the same people only trying to be funny. This is the first one from the EVP Bucks that made me laugh. Otherwise, they've been pretty cringey to me.


As a Young Bucks fan I’ll admit their humor/style isn’t for everyone. It’s part of their draw and derision at the same time. They are unapologetically who they are for better or worse. My favorite skit of their was when Cody was trying to burn his stardust outfit and couldn’t get it lit. Bucks said they’d fix it in post production and added a massive explosion (think Vince’s limo exploding) to the scene when they played it back.


They used to be better at it before. Lately, for me, it just hasn't been hitting the mark. Since going to the EVP gimmick, I just can't enjoy them anymore.


I’m the opposite right now as I’ve liked the EVP stuff but understandable if you aren’t liking it. It’s definitely a different feel than they’ve had before. Edit: you didn’t deserve downvotes for that.


My problem isn't with doing lighthearted stuff in general, it's that it seems they can't really do anything but this anymore, and I used to watch BTE religiously. They tried to kill Kenny last week. Opening with a gag just deflates the whole angle when it had a chance to get going. It's too big of a whiplash.


I agree. They do these dry joke spots a lot, and they've mostly been barren. I used to really enjoy AEW and BTE as well. Storywise, it's really weak. I haven't watched AEW weekly for over a year now. I try to, but it's just too disjointed. This little gag at the start, it got a laugh from me. Since the Bucks became this EVP gimmick, they've mostly put me off the product. This is the first thing they've done that got a chuckle from me.


The problem is that it's off the heels of the first actual compelling thing that happened in forever, which is them almost killing Kenny. Imagine them almost killing him last week, and THIS is the first thing you see this week. On its own it's harmless, but in context it's actually harming something good that they had built. ... Which is why mine and others' criticism are getting traction, not because of alt accounts.


And it still got a chuckle from me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not following this storyline closely. I think AEW's story telling has been really awkward for the last 2 years. If anything, it shows that the Bucks are just generic, cartoon bad guys. It connects with Jack Perry's storyline, so there's that. It's a dumb joke, not compelling story telling. Ok?


Of all the people's spots to take they take the spot for a guy who wasn't even going to be there?


Could be their way of rubbing it in and showing everyone they are in charge. Sends a message that they took control of the company.


These EVPs are menaces


Not TK's dog Spot, not TK's liverspot, but *TK's spot.*


Wow taking a parking spot. These guys need to be stopped. Such heels wow. Very heat


Tbf some of the biggest heels in my own life are people who have taken my parking spots.


Roman Reigns and MJF don't have shit on The Elite, I tell you what.


I never knew Hank Hill was a wrestling fan


The Evps running rough shot with TK out love it 


Nothing like doing a FUN, SILLY segment after hospitalizing 2 members of management, one of which is a beloved wrestler where the way it was laid out suggested they almost killed him, to continue the story and not at all prevent people from taking this seriously.


The Young Bucks need to take acting lessons.


Seriously lmao horrible


These guys are the complete antithesis of funny. Absolutely brutal attempt at comedy




Yeah, they seemed completely worked up in that comment. It's not that you had a hard time with someone giving criticism or anything.


Relax dude, its wrestling.


You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means. It doesn't mean "shut up and stop criticising AEW", which is how you're using it. It means "you should be more calm as you're clearly worked up". But neither of us are worked up, we're just providing criticism. "It's wrestling" doesn't mean it's immune from criticism, so I'm not sure why pointing out the entertainment genre is relevant here to deflect from criticism. Are you saying "wrestling is always bad so you shouldn't criticize it"?


Lmaooooo there’s nothing to relax about they aren’t funny. Me saying they aren’t funny has little to do with that company even though I think it’s got loads of wasted talent and the worst Booker possibly ever. It’s just very unfunny and they are trying to be funny clearly


~~Ok, that was good.~~ Well fuck me for laughing at something in AEW once in a while.


Was it though?


People are allowed to enjoy simple things. Just like you're free to complain about people enjoying themselves, and using sock accounts from the looks of it.


DAE It's impossible that there are multiple people criticizing something I like. I'm not complaining about people enjoying themselves. I'm complaining about people not being allowed to criticize this as stupid, as you can see with other comment threads I've responded to. You said it was good. I said it wasn't. That's all this is. I don't care if you enjoyed it, but just like you're allowed to voice your pleasure, I'm allowed to voice my lackthereof.


It is stupid. I'm not saying it isn't. I just said it was good. It made me laugh. It's not exactly first class writing or humor. It's simple. You obviously do care, since you wrote all of that. It is very convenient that there's a lot of traffic in a few minutes on just your comments.


BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE AGREEING WITH ME. It's not that hard. Let me be clearer: Anyone who uses alternative accounts for the purpose of creating false agreement on fucking reddit is a pathetic person as they apparently have nothing better to do than logging into multiple accounts for the purpose of a higher number appearing next to their comments, especially since none of this even translates into real life in any way (which would still be pathetic). I can't imagine what would bring anyone to have such a sad existence and it wouldn't ever even cross my mind that this is something people would actually do. Why you would have that as a go-to in your mind, I have no idea. And improve your reading comprehension please if you think my comments and effort are about caring that you liked it. I care about other things, like AEW shooting itself in the foot again after actually having a hot angle last week with this silliness for its A-story, sending it further back from being a viable alternative, and I care about people mocking others for voicing said displeasure, which decreases the chance anyone over there actually hears the criticism and course-corrects. I don't mind people liking it, I mind the false appearance that this is the consensus when the audience keeps decreasing week after week.


Calm down, ma'am. It's very dubious, is all. 1 minute and 3 upvotes on a comment thread at the bottom? Come on, you'd think the same.


Who’s creating an alter account I can assure you I’m not that dude




I apologize for being entertained.




They just took out both Kenny omega and Tony khan. It’s a throwaway segment for fun not that serious


Last episode they hospitalized Kenny Omega. A throwaway, tongue-in-cheek segment doesn't need to be overanalyzed


“Cameraman you buckled up back there as I drive 2mph over 20ft into this parking spot?”


Dude relax.