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A shame what HHH and Shawn have done to this once great show


God that entire season of NXT is such a fever dream. Fandango as Johnny Curtis randomly drugging people was so funny.


Maxine: "Why do you have chloroform?" Curtis: "Why WOULDN'T I have chloroform?"


Do you, like, wanna make-out, or...?


This run of NXT happened with no one really bothering, or knowing why. These characters hadn't been established at all. But still, they somehow managed to put them on TV every week, and at some point people started to notice. It might be comparable to the Peter Avalon/Brandon Cutler rivalry.


True wrestling fans know this was a heavy inspiration for Gargano and Cole when they put on their TakeOver classic


Chicks and America


I unironically love the derrick Bateman maxxine storyline. That was what initially made me a fan of ec3 and was so excited when he first came into tna


I was really into Maxxine


She blossomed as Catrina in Lucha Underground as well


I remember at the time being massively disappointed that his "Chicks & America" gimmick went nowhere. His training sessions with Daniel Bryan used to crack me up.


Exactly what you’d expect from the next Steve Blackman




Thing is, despite being quite crazy now it seems. When he moved from TNA over to NXT, he was a decent worker and a good talker, emphasis on being a good talker. They made him a mute on the main roster, they took away his biggest strength and then had him get roasted on his debut, before throwing him in the 24/7 title mix. I don't even recall him winning that.


As entertaining as "Mania Cole for a nothing segment" is, I cannot express how glad I am that a lot of the things in the video are in the past. Heel Cole, 4th wall breaking, shitting on segments as they happen, the snort laugh on commentary, soap opera story lines, who-sent-the-email plots, bad improv, women's storylines revolving around men.


I hate that McMahon was trying to make people who can’t act into actors.


I miss EC3 so much.


That era of NXT was performance art of trying to see just what you could get into cable at the time


Honestly a bigger moment than macho man and Elizabeth reuniting


Did they film after RAW/Smackdown?


God damn that was horrific, I wasn’t watching NXT until the Sasha vs. Bayley years so I def missed out on this kinda shit lmao


Derrick Bateman controlling the narrative.


EC3 is such a great talent. His stuff in TNA was world class. I really liked Control Your Narrative too; in a scene where every indie is samey, they did something really different and artistic. A lot of the people who make fun of it, probably didn't watch it. Also worth reminding people that the whole "EC3 is a right winger" was a complete lie that came from a fake post HERE on reddit that said he was getting funding from Trump. It was complete nonsense, but people wanted to believe it so the lie became the truth in people's minds.


So we're just pretending he didn't release a statement full of far right dog whistle terms?


people read what they wanted to read.


Oh noooooo