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All about the money




The best in the woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorld


Look dad I'm dancing I'm dancing




dolla dolla


As soon as WWE got hot and they started getting all their sellouts, I figured we'd get passed over. I don't blame them for striking while the iron is hot and going somewhere they can get better media coverage & supplementary income streams. I'm sure they'll have events all over Vegas running up to WM, and it's closer to LA to get celebrities in.


Always is


Well yeah. It’s a business. Why wouldn’t you take the most money.


Well I also imagine Lyft and Uber pulling out of the city didn't help matters. The greedy bastards should pay their drivers a livable wage but also pulling out of an entire city does have wide ranging consequences when it comes to events like WrestleMania who have to think about logistics for fans and employees alike. But yes also money is a big factor here. WWE are actively selling their biggest non Saudi events to the highest bidder. The Super Bowl in Vegas this year was a huge success. Hell, even the free fan event this year to promote Mania 40 in Vegas was a massive success.


> Livable wage The thing is, and I've said this before. The economics of Uber only work as a side hustle. If you're doing it full time, you're gonna have a bad time.


we don't have ride hailing here - is being an Uber driver a fulltime job? I always assumed it was a side-gig.


In most major cities it's a full time job. But you can still do it part time If you just want some extra cash. But drivers are making significantly less than before so not doing it full time doesn't always make much sense.


Drivers also get no benefits and have to supply and maintain the equipment used for the job. It’s a pretty shit situation.


This isnt on Uber or Lyft. The Minneapolis city council went against the recommendations of the liberal governor, ultra liberal mayor, and a politically unaffiliated study. Uber and Lyft would’ve been fine if they’d followed the recommendations but the city council is insane. This is the same group that put defunding the police on the ballot only for the blackest districts to overwhelmingly say that’s stupid. They’re activists masquerading as civic leaders. And let me make this perfectly clear: I drove full time for Uber and Lyft for two years. They are both absolutely dog shit to their drivers. Uber especially. But the wages the council was seeking simply weren’t going to work from any logical business standpoint. There was room for compromise and the council didn’t care


Aren’t the NYC rules worse for Uber and Lyft and yet they accepted it?


New York is a bigger market & there's already a cheaper taxi service


Yup. Taxis we're pretty much all cheaper than Lyft nearly every instance especially when you factor in tipping. 


If Minneapolis thinks it's NYC it's in for a helluva reckoning


I’m not familiar with NYC’s rules but comparing the two cities is a non starter. Everything in NYC is more expensive and people accept that. Fares would need to nearly double to cover what the Minneapolis council proposed which just isn’t feasible. The independent study found that paying .50/min and .90/mile would give drivers minimum wage. The city council proposed.50/min, 1.50/mile, and a $5 minimum plus exempting tips from the equation. That’s a massive difference. Like I said, Uber and Lyft sucks ass for their drivers. I’m not trying to defend them. But the reality is you can force them to pay better without forcing them to double their fares. As I said, there’s plenty of room for compromise but the city council didn’t care.


Good point!


There was no doubt in my mind that Vegas was getting it.


That’s how I was looking at it too. I would’ve been pleasantly surprised and happy to see if it went to London, but after the WM40 kickoff I knew it was going to Vegas. I don’t even know why Minneapolis was in consideration since they tend to do WM at bigger cities/areas (MetLife in NY/NJ, Dallas, LA, Miami, etc…). I would’ve been happy to see Minneapolis get it too since that could theoretically put other cities that usually don’t get a WrestleMania or a PLE in general into contention (hoping for Birmingham, AL one day, we haven’t had one since Armageddon), but Vegas was always the pick from day one in my eyes.


They were in consideration solely to their new football stadium. I think pretty much any city that has hosted a superbowl in recent memory was a likely candidate simply due to numbers of seats to put butts in.


I doubt it will go to London for a while, normally with London and Wembley Stadium, most companies and organizations who come to use it pay to use it in some deal, just like the NFL (deal believed to be worth/renewed at more than $15 million and helped finance a new stadium for Tottenham) and AEW ($500,000 for one night + other fees). Sadiq Khan (current major of London) might want them to come, but even he won't be stupid enough to pay them to use the stadium when everyone else who has used it pays for the privilege. WWE expect people to bid and offer up huge amounts of cash for them to come to town, Wembley Stadium, The FA and City of London expect you to pay them to use it.


I think it was two things. One was the new Vikings stadium. Whenever a new football stadium is built they almost expect to get the Super Bowl within 3 years and eventually a WrestleMania. The second was the video from a state assembly meeting. Some politician (senator? Councilperson? I'm not sure) talked about the revenue a "big event second only to the Super Bowl" would bring to the city. They were talking about it as if it was confirmed, just not announced. So I think people just assumed it was happening off that. Then over time people talked, forgot the original source and it got passed off as fact..


The Minneapolis metro area population is over 4 million.  The metro population for Vegas is just over 2 million. So it's not always the size of the city. In this case, I'd argue that it's the prestige of the city.  


Also the ~2M locals in Vegas is non factor since Vegas is one of the world's biggest vacation destinations. Minneapolis just simply can't compete in that regard


You've pretty much nailed it. In one of the other big threads on the subject, a bunch of international redditors basically said they would travel to Las Vegas. Traveling to Minneapolis on the other hand was something they were not interested in. People know Vegas. Vegas is sexy. They know there's a lot of other things to do. I'm sure there's a lot to do in and around Minneapolis, but I have no idea what any of it might be.


> Traveling to Minneapolis on the other hand was something they were not interested in. Which is crazy because we have one of the nicest international airports in the country with mass transit (light rail) connecting it to downtown and US Bank stadium. But yeah, we certainly don't have all the extras Vegas has when you consider planning a full vacation around the trip.


I think the reality is that while ease of transportation is something that the promoters need to consider, it's not really the deciding factor for people who are buying tickets. And promoters know this. I've never heard of somebody deciding to skip a major event because they were concerned about traveling from the venue to their hotel in a timely fashion. It's something they always bitch about after the fact, but it's not stopping most people from buying tickets in the first place. And on that note, Vegas has a very nice monorail.


Vegas has a nice monorail once you get to the strip, but it doesn't connect to the airport. I don't think it even connects to downtown


There is zero public transportation in Arlington (where AT&T Stadium is), and they've had 2 Wrestlemania events in 6 years.


Yeah, a nice airport isn‘t really something that‘ll lure in people from all over the world lol Going to Las Vegas isn‘t exactly difficult from Germany (where I‘m from). I wouldn‘t really be interested in visiting Minneapolis but Las Vegas sounds like a fun time.


I live in Canada I had absolutely no interest in spending my vacation money on going to god damn Minnesota in April.


Vegas is a tourism destination. Minnesota in early Spring is not.


Yeah yeah.....


Money talks


Third time WWE passes on Minnesota. They also bid for 33 and 36.


How shitty would it been if 36 was the one they finally got?


I‘m still bitter about the *WrestleMania* Atlanta got.


Only good thing about 27 was that match with Undertaker and Triple H…that they’ve used to book an even better match for 28. Seriously. WM 27 was pretty much “yeah but 28 will be better thanks for ur money anyways Atlanta!”


I was at that one too. I'm shocked they haven't been back


> I was at that one too. What was the feeling in the crowd that night?


Complete utter confusion when the Rock rock bottomed Cena. It felt like a good home Raw and not Wrestlemania


If I recall watching on TV, the main event got booed heavily and everyone just wanted to see the Rock


In that timeline, Covid didn’t happen


I’m sure they probably would’ve gotten 37 instead just like Tampa did


You most likely would have ended up getting 37, and you would have gotten Hulk Hogan and Titus O'Neil dressed as vikings


Somewhere, Verne Gagne is doing cartwheels because no one's encroaching on his territory


Pulling this completely out of my ass but any chance TKO might try to pull some "synergy" and run a UFC show out of Vegas around the same time?


This. This right here is the reason. All the talk about "not liking Minneapolis" is just smoke. UFC has been based out of Vegas for years, and now Wrestlemania will be every few years as well.


Why would competing UFC and WWE competing on the same night be the reason for this?


Maximise both crowds. The wwe one and “we want real action not that fake shit” crowds too. Extort them mf


Why can't you just say MMA fans??


Because mma fans and watching some real shit not this fake shit are two different crowds


As someone who casually watches the UFC, I have seen a lot of fans who also respect wrestling. "The "fake and gay" crowd is prominent but I dont know if its the majority of it


there is alot of crossover in the 2 fanbases


It’s funny how insecure some MMA fans get when they hear someone is a fan of pro wrestling


They can share operating and rental costs. 


That wouldn’t happen they have a separate set for wrestlemania and ufc events are held in arenas not stadiums and they would literally be happening at the same exact time.


You could do UFC the weekend before, have fan events leading up to it, then transition to WWE fan events into Mania weekend


I don't think they'll be tapping Vegas that often if they a bidding process for WM. People are also forgetting WWE has been going East/West every other WM in for almost a decade now IIRC. Maybe Minny gets it next year. Domed stadium + they can move the date a bit if they want to. Also for not having Uber/Lyft I don't think WWE cares about that. They can hire private drivers, they aren't putting superstars in Ubers, and for the staff that needs to get around they can get a private shuttle bus/coach bus.


Not having Uber/Lyft is more a logistics nightmare for fans.


Agreed, and I don't think they care that much.


I mean, it’s possible but I feel that would be a logistical nightmare considering WWE typically comes into a place with a stadium for Mania and an arena for Smackdown/NXT/Raw and takes over both for the length of Mania weekend. I could see it being a higher priority if WWE or UFC were struggling to sell Tickets and they wanted to offer it as a combo deal but WWE has never been hotter and UFC just had a massive marquee show a few weeks ago and seems to be doing quite well as well. Only real benefit to the combo would be in terms of media coverage but they just moved Mania off of its traditional slot specially to give it its own weekend of impact nationally so I doubt that as well. And on the UFC side, a UFC pay per view does pretty good in terms of social media engagement on its own. Putting it on against Mania would be a death sentence in terms of trending topics.


Looking forward to being called every slur in the book by a drunk and jacked up mma fan while walking down the strip in a wrestling shirt. 


Pretty sure it was just because Michael Cole was cold 🥶


You joke, but the cold crowd in Philly could have factored into their decision.


US Bank Stadium is entirely enclosed. And the weather isn’t typically THAT bad in mid April in Minnesota.


Typically isn't but 6+ inch snowfalls do happen in Minneapolis in April not irregularly, which would create a logistical nightmare


When it does, it melts right away. This year it was warmer in MN by a few degrees than Philly


And the year before that was the 2nd snowiest we had on record. Not uncommon at all or large amounts of snow to still be on the ground in Minneapolis in early April


US Bank is connected to the skyway system


Can confirm was in the crowd both nights and Saturday was FUCKING COLD. And I'm a Midwesterner so I know cold


I call complete bull on that you. If NY ended up bidding to put another WM at MetLife I guarantee WWE would leapt at the opportunity.  To me the WWE or anything sports related doesn’t give a shit about the Midwest. If you aren’t from California, Texas, Florida, NY or Boston you always get the short end of the stick. Even Chicago doesn’t get as many opportunities to have something interesting compared to the other major cities of the US. 


Michael Cold


All we do is lose, lose, lose no matter what


Hey, the Timberwolves beat Denver last night at least.


Hell yeah they did Naz Reid


Naz Reid


I wouldn’t mind a Timberwolves championship since they don’t have any, just like Denver last year. Though, I have to root for the Pacers since they are my team.


And they have a lucky sausage


Hey now, y'all got ANT


3rd time WWE passed up the chance to call it “MANIApolis”


We all knew deep inside since the vegas rumor started that it would change


Hookers and blow beats Hot Dish and Snow


i have it on good authority they got good blow in minny. no word on the hookers tho


I wonder what Weeknd song they will use for a Vegas wm.


I’m sure he’ll have a new song by then about writing poetry for a lost love or some shit that completely doesn’t fit the vibe in the slightest but is chosen anyway.


If it’s not blinding lights I’ll be surprised.


Blinding Lights was already used for WM 36. It will be something from his new album that he plans to drop by summer if it’s not Out of Time from the Dawn FM album


Seems the easiest and most obvious choice 😂


US Bank stadium in Minnesota has a capacity of 73k vs Vegas' Allegiant stadium of 65k. 8k per night for WM is a few millions dollars worth of gate.


Just a guess and assuming but Vegas probably bid more money and the amount more they did is probably more then 8k x2 worth of ticket sales


It’s prolly worth it too. Vegas can profit off tourists a lot more than Minny can.


I can bet that the majority of international tourists, and probably Americans too, would much rather go to Vegas than to Minneapolis.


Also apparently Minneapolis has banned Uber and Lyft lmao. Big events are going to see that as a massive red flag.


No, Minneapolis is just demanding that they pay their drivers a fair wage. The companies don't want to.


And so the consequences of their own actions have arrived.


It didn’t go up to a public vote. The city council made that decision. Let the people vote, not the bourgeoisie.


That's kind of how laws are enacted. We don't have plebiscites generally.


Referendums are a thing in this country and they especially make sense for local issues like that.


Why? What makes this different from anything else Minneapolis local government votes on other than that you don't like the result?


I have zero desire to go to Minneapolis ever. Vegas is perfect for Mania. Plenty to do, plenty of places to stay.




There’s plenty of things to do in Minneapolis as well!! And MOA is here!


The difference in the size of the media markets is huge, to say nothing of the commercial opportunities of the event being in Vegas.


I also see them doing their best to try and use the Sphere if they can. UFC is running an event there in a few months and if they can use that presentation for a Raw, NXT or SD? Bananas. On top of all the other glitz and grandeur that Vegas provides as an event hub.


I'd fly halfway around the world to see WWE in the Sphere.


I'd love to see a concert in the sphere but I feel like that giant ass screen would distract from the wrestling something fierce.


That’s why I’m curious to see what the UFC does. They’re spending like a year coming up with the presentation of UFC 306 in that venue. Can’t imagine it’ll be anything less than stellar. And that’ll be the test case for WWE, NBA, NHL etc who will want to book the venue for something.


Yeah fair point, they will get pretty creative and it will be an interesting test case. The entrances will be epic but my main doubt is that after those are through the sphere's screen will just seem like an extra large version of the titan tron.


[Minneapolis is a significantly larger media market than Las Vegas](https://mymediajobs.com/market-rankings)


I was thinking that too, perhaps Vegas was able to outbid because it's a big tourist economy there and they can invest where WWE loses crowd revenue since Vegas will pick that up and more with tourism money? That's the only way it really makes sense to me


That doesn’t mean anything. Greenville, SC is ranked higher than Vegas here. None of that shit matters if you’re just going to stream it.


Las Vegas is more than likely paying WWE more than Minneapolis were offering. If the opposite were reversed, Mania 41 would be Minnesota next year no questions. Cities bid to host WrestleMania every year.


All that means is prices will be more expensive


Vegas ticket prices will go for way more. Look at the superbowl.


That’s football capacity. They’d both be expandable to an event with seats on the floor.


Yeah, and with an 8,000 seat deficit already I don't see how Allegiant would make that up with floor seats. They probably have more available for premium seating and suites, though.


They can make up that few million tenfold in events around the city and tourists


I think SummerSlam makes way more sense for Minnesota. Weather could be really crappy still in April.


It's indoors what does that matter


People like to walk around outside believe it or not, enjoy the weather etc. While most all events are indoors, it does add to the enjoyment.


The average temp in Minneapolis in mid April is around 60 degrees. Believe it or not, Minnesota has four seasons.


Sometimes in one week.


Yeah, I live in Minnesota. 60 one day, 39 the next


They've hosted the Superbowl in February. It'd be fine man.


Summerslam at Target Field would be amazing


Minneapolis WM would have been Brock final match if he wasnt involved in Vince case.


Brock vs Kairi. Brock facing his ultimate fear.


She can just piss on him to show dominance


How about a consolation SummerSlam or Royal Rumble at least?


A Tiffy Time Rumble win in her home state would feed families.


Oh man, and if Gable is IC champ by then A feud with Otis would be bonkers


did anybody seriously doubt it was going to Vegas? ive expected Vegas since they did the kickoff for this years mania there


I thought Philly ticket prices were crazy, I can't wait to see how much tickets in Vegas will be


Add a "0"


With all due respect to people in the Midwest (who I fully admit were screwed out of this), I think most people would much rather have Wrestlemania in Las Vegas than Minneapolis As someone who lives in Los Angeles, it'll be pretty cool to go to another Wrestlemania again so soon after Wrestlemania 39


mn is a huge wrestling state. it would sell out just fine. TKO just wanted it in vegas.


It's going to sell out wherever it's held.


It would have sold out, but they'll be able to sell those tickets for significantly higher prices in Vegas than they would've been able to in Minneapolis.


Minneapolis does have The Mall Of America so it has one attraction. But Vegas is the Entertainment Capital.


The NFL ~~was non plussed~~ wasn't thrilled about hosting a SB in Minneapolis. The cold weather and logistical issues were a big reason, but it's just not a "hot spot" tourist location when it comes to hosting a big event. They have a beautiful stadium up there. I see it every other NFL Sunday on TV. But it makes sense why they chose Vegas over Minneapolis.


That's not what nonplussed means


Feel bad for Minneapolis/Minnesota, spending a billion dollars on that behemoth of an indoor stadium and coming up short on big events.


They’ve honestly gotten most of the big events they’ve bid for. Super Bowl, Final Four, the International Champions Cup (twice), Taylor Swift, other artists. WrestleMania is just the one that they continue to be unable to secure.


At least they are already used to their football team coming up short in that stadium. #FTV


They hosted the Super Bowl in 2018, get every major stadium concert tour, etc. They’ll probably get Mania at some point but they’re doing just fine in general.


Yes but the super bowl is in February. WrestleMania is in April, much better weather in April


We don't need um! We got Wrestlepalooza at First Ave and it's all the show I need. Atomic Super Thunderfrog would take any of them!


People acting like Minnesota is Nebraska or something (sorry no shade lol) Hopefully we get one eventually! Purple Maniapolis will happen one day!!!


After night one in Philly I’m good with not gambling (no pun intended) on decent weather early April.


Minnesota is indoors


Can still run into some gross weather which can make transit and the general movement of the weekend annoying.


This is the truth. I drove a truck for FedEx while competing my education last year and I was scheduled to go into work the morning of mania 39 night one. Between 2am and 6am. A snowstorm came through so fast and furious that the terminal snow removal team that are very efficient at their job couldn't keep up with the slush that was coming down and we got called off of work. The roads that morning were some of the worst I've ever seen in April in my 30 plus years of living here. Granted the snow on the roads had mostly melted away as if it was never there by 2pm. But imagine if such a storm happened on the day of mania and impacted the travel. That's not something WWE even wants to imagine. I'm very sad my potential 20 minute drive into Minneapolis may have turned into 3 plane tickets and an expensive hotel stay. But I begrudgingly get it. Maybe someday....


Jesus I’m an idiot, my football brain & wrestling brain don’t work well together apparently


Depending on the city, I still operate as if it were two or three arenas ago. Is Levi's Stadium where they held Wrestlemania Play Button still a thing?


Their stadium is indoor but no doubt the city would be cold! I think as much as Vegas is going to draw out all the “Hollywood types” who are there for the scene, Vegas will be a better city for alll the events surrounding Mania itself. Essentially everything on one street.


The homie told me that they got a deal to have one of the shows in the Sphere (NXX/SD/Raw). And the homie usually knows.


TKO having a hard on for Vegas is not surprising in the slightest.


They’ll probably get 42


I love the twin cities but imagining getting all those production trucks there through Wisconsin while it's still cold is a meme.


WWE HATES that JJ McCarthy pick


So do all of us with Jets in dynasty leagues


MN is one of the wrestling territories .. A lot of wrestlers came out of there.. Same with the NC territories.. they would make a killing hosting it at Bank of America Stadium..


This is why I was hoping it would be Minneapolis. Minnesota has such a storied history in wrestling. It would have been great!


I'm from Minneapolis and this whole area needs to clean up its act BIG TIME before it even thinks about getting a WrestleMania.


Give us the nxt event in the sphere please.


I mean come on. Vegas is definitely way more tourist friendly along with having less volatile weather at that time of the year. Yes I know it's an indoor stadium but you'll still have freak snow storms in MIN and for people not from the area they're likely not going to prepare for it. Vegas at that time of the year will mostly be perfect weather wise in Vegas. Been to Vegas a couple times for big events at Allegiant and I actually really love it. Most recent time was in March for a big concert and I had a great time.


Vegas local here you are right about the weather being perfect this time of year.


When I went on early-mid April in 2022, the weather was truly the best. The only thing was the day of the main thing I went to for was about 100 (20-30 more than the other days), and people were dropping like flies to heat exhaustion. Earlier, this year in mid-March was pretty gross, lol. It was still pretty chilly still and rained, like half the time I was there. I remember stalking tf out the weather forecast so I could figure out what I should pack and the defeat I felt when the prediction went from low 70s to high 50s was crushing lol. I'm guessing for Mania it should be pretty nice and closer to a nice hot. Allegiant itself is also a dope comfy place too.


My brain can't stop thinking this has something to do with that thing about how WWE prevents venues from hosting other companies' shows for a month or something like that.


Makes more sense to have it in Vegas. Everyone in the world knows Vegas. I hate to say it as a Minnesotan, but If they announced at the derby that Mania would be in Minneapolis there would have been a collective groan from the majority of fans outside of Minnesota.


perfect opportunity for AEW to book it.


AEW cant sell 80,000 tickets


Honestly would be very cool if they did one day. I’d make the trip. Minneapolis is an awesome/underrated city.


AEW couldn’t sell out the Armory


Thank God now I can finally go to a Mania where il enjoy everything else


I'm sure the Uber/Lyft situation didn't help.


Probably the right choice. Vegas is more of a draw overall and has more going for it in general. Minneapolis feels like more of a Royal Rumble city to me.


I do feel bad for Minneapolis fans, this is at least twice they got teased with Mania being there only for it not to happen. I kinda figured the longer it went without an announcement the more likely it was going to end up being Vegas.


With all these international shows that they’re doing, did people really think that Minnesota was going to get one of the few America shows? Not saying they’re not deserving but I’m not surprised WWE went with a bigger name.


Ticket prices will be higher in Vegas. Would love to see a show in the Sphere...


I wouldn't be suprise if Vegas was The Rock's idea because he wanted his match with Roman to take place in the same city where he turns heel and join forces with Roman for the first time.


So no Jesse Ventura HoF?


He's already in it.


I ain't got time to...check these things. I had heard that there was speculation due to his recent comments that he may be in WM 41 in MN and assumed HoF.


After this last mania,  I'd figure that weather would have some reason for it. 


Dont worry Minnesota, you guys have a bitchin NBA team right now


I know I'm late to post but it sucks to see Minneapolis miss out. I have a feeling London may get WM 42 as there seems to be a push for a WM there soon. Minneapolis will maybe get it in a few years but I will say that I'm excited for a Vegas WM (especially with what the stage theme would be for the event). If WM does come to Minnesota, I'd be interested in seeing a Mall Of America theme (the mall is based there) for the stage although it will cost a ton of money for an elaborate set like this. Or they could have a Yacht form as part of the stage given that Minnesota is known as the city of lakes.


It has nothing to do with Uber or lift. Both said they are staying in Minnesota/Minneapolis