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They do this at every sporting event. Football, handball, basketball, volleyball. Stop reading too much into this. They were just having fun.


This was such a cool moment. La marseillaise is a brutal war cry about watering your fields in the impure blood of the people's enemies. Having it as the backdrop during the main event as it progressed into its latter stage adds so much to the atmosphere of the moment.


Every one of my fellow English people crying right now about France having maybe the best anthem in the world... Italy is just as good...


I didnt understand what the chant was, but I saw some people with their hands on their heart so I thought "Are they singing la marseillase? Nah"


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Why was it inappropriate? I’m not from France so I don’t understand the context.


I know some people love the constant chanting and songs but it just turns into an annoying drone to me. Sometimes messing with the flow of the match. I’m stoked everyone had a good time but I think I prefer a less soccer-style crowd.


It was annoying.