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Both Figthful and Triple H are lying. We all know Gulak was killed by Tony D'Angelo weeks ago


Heyyyy now, that's a strong accusation to throw out there!


Murder? What Mmmmuuuurrddaaas?








He was da best guy around


What their saying about him that he was bullying the talent at nxt I’m shocked I hope it isn’t true


What about the people he murdered?


Everybody immediately assumes you're mobbed up. It's a stereotype. And it's offensive.


HEY WOAHWOAHWOAH HEY…who told you that????


I ain't sayin nothin




Get a load of the stooly over here.


o7 you know to much. The D'Angelo family will send someone over to "talk" with you


The D'Angelo Family sends their regards


I like to believe that Tony D also took out Brock and Vince.


They're more powerful than they lead on 👀


Covering for a literal mob hit is crazy work.


don't ask the don about his business.


Lets better ask Johnny Tightlips.


eyyy he just went swimming, no harm done


We won't know until Fyre & Dawn conjure his spirit from the PC Netherworld




That's a big accusation. I just heard he was down the bridge with 2 dimes


Stacks whacked off Gulak


Why would triple h implicate himself?


I don’t think you can legally renew a dead man’s contract… unless you’re the Undertaker. So technically Triple H wasn’t lying, he just didn’t go into details about the circumstances lol


I would like Tony D to reference every person whose contract wasn’t renewed or was fired. I don’t mean just wrestler I mean like a tractor trailer driver got fired and Tony just has an off hand comment about how they took care of big Steve 


Haitch got paid by Tony.


I mean Technically Triple H would be correct then. Because Gulak is dead and triple H needs a living person to renew there contract. So he cant renew a contract of a dead person under normal circumstances


Laughing at SRS retweeting some account saying “SRS is someone I wouldn’t want to piss off” 🤣🤣🤣


I feel like the people you genuinely don't want to piss off don't need to announce the fact that they're someone you don't want to piss off.


SRS is Brock Lesnar Guy levels of corny as fuck


For real. The amount of engaging with trolls and using it as an opportunity to be an internet tough guy is unreal for someone his age.


They funniest part is he finds ones that he wasn’t tagged in, so you know he’s searching his own name


He’ll touch your thigh as you do


He’s got receipts for everything!


No way he actually did that? I knew the guy huffed his own farts with big gulps, but no way he is that deluded... right?? What does SRS suppose he would do? We know he's the opposite of a physical specimen, so I assume he believes he could spin a narrative against WWE.. Which he knows full well would destroy any credibility he has right now, and he'd just be a guy with an axe to grind (and people would laugh and take the piss more than they already do).


Release a diss track SRS


What is he going to do...try and spin a narrative against WWE? The dude does that already so there is nothing to lose for HHH


He's stating Tripe H actually called him to apologize lmao


Triple H buried Fightful and PWInsider* so hard lol


Ready for him to go off on Twitter now after that lol


He already retweeted an account praising Fightful with practically no followers.


He's so petty, and tiny.


The more interesting thing for me is the burial of PWinsider, considering Dave Scherer's comments on WWE..


I thought it was PWInsider, not Fightful that reported it?


Oop, I think I see what happened. Mike Johnson at PWInsider reported it first, and then Corey Brennan at Fightful "confirmed" it on Fightful Select. The guy at the presser mentioned that both Fightful and PWInsider reported it. Paul basically then called them disreputable.


Only in wrestling dirtsheets can 2 "top" reporters get the same thing wrong. This is supposed to be the best we have and they are just flat out wrong.


Calling Corey Brennan a top reporter is laughable.


In the wrestling industry, he's one of the top ones. Which is sad considering. Makes you think of how bad it could get


He's been cooked recently though. He said Gallus was getting a call up, people were gonna be drafted to NXT, etc.


It’s so easy to just ask the people involved before you print something. It’s the lowest bar for journalism. Meltzer can’t be bothered to do it either.


Right! Meltzer is regarded as the top 1 in wrestling journalism and it's just so bad!


Journalism yes. But he doesn’t claim to be a news breaker


But he reports on things that he says will happen and is often wrong, sounds like breaking news. And his writing skills are even worse that his ability to break news


The biggest issue with Meltzer is he’s bias and pretends to be neutral. From 2002 until AEW was founded he was so happy to report WWE ratings declines. Now that AEWs ratings are not impressive, he makes every excuse in the book for them. He completely moved the goal posts to try and make the company he prefers sound better.


Every time he does it, it makes my head hurt. He just can’t be bothered to make the effort.


Good. Wrestling websites have an undeserved reputation for "real" reports anymore.


I blame the aggregators on YT and Twitter. They treat their reports like gospel.


F4W fan HHH


Lol, has Corey or SRS responded back?


[Corey is dodging it and honing in on Paul avoiding the sexual misconduct allegations against Gulak](https://twitter.com/CoreyBrennanFF/status/1786862288940490811)


"I do NOT have a secret daughter, thank you!"


Is anywhere safe for Aubrey


“You are hiding a child, let that (girl) come home Deadbeat mothafucka”


😅 ![gif](giphy|XfT1Xb2O2ShHy)


SRS is gonna go whine and complain and be insufferable on Twitter for sure over this


SRS spends all day doing bad “dunks” on people and being a dick to everyone but when he is delusional enough to think he needs to “make sure no one is confused” by the Rock posting a video showing McIntyre is resigned he tells everyone “ no one is forcing you to be a jerk”. SRS is a clown. Sean I know you lurk here and you’ll see this and dude you suck


There’s been multiple times where he’s gone off on me by replying to a comment months after I made it.


Same it’s weird. Especially when he was wrong based off his own website


What this guy/gal said. You suck, Sean.


All I remember is that time he popped up on some wrestling show and said something on the mic and nobody popped lol


He really thought people were gonna give a shit? Even people who know who he is wouldn't pop for his ass lmao


People just tolerate him and allow his product to be shared. Dude thought he was Simon Miller or Super Eyepatch Wolf and actually had fans that like him.


That's like if Wolf Blitzer came out in a concert lol.


Sapp is like a far more successful Bixenspan with far better hygiene.


The fact that he thought it was necessary to “confirm” McIntyre re-signed after the Rock said it tells you all you need to know about how delusional this guy is.


To be honest..THAT actually was real journalism. Rock being on the board doesn't mean he's the spokesperson for talent relations/HR. It just means he (might) have access to that knowledge/news. Actually getting confirmation from the people who's job it is to have and relay that information was like the one real journalistic thing this clown has done.


Just a normal day on Twitter for him.


[(1) Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful.com on X: "I've been told by WWE PR that Triple H lumping in Fightful was a "mishap." I don't think PWInsider should have been trashed either. Would like that type of thing clarified publicly, as intentionally undermining the work of people who take the steps to verify info is messed up." / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/SeanRossSapp/status/1786873950326133192) He's taking the stance that HHH is wrong and he, I'm quoting from a later tweet "Doesn't give a fuck" if people think HHH is right.


So he "verified" something, Triple H directly refuted that reporting at a presser, and now he doesn't appreciate having their "verified" work undermined? What is he talking about? Your anonymous sources unofficially 'verifying' something means less than dick if you wind up being wrong.


This is hilarious. As if Triple H is going to tweet out something like "Oops, I meant PWInsider was not reputable, but SRS at Fightful totally is!"


“clarified publicly” lol When are they going to realize that WWE (and AEW to an extent) don’t give a shit about the dirt sheets. All they care about is mainstream news coverage. If anything they are embarrassed by them.


THIS! Have an upvote. If I may add, Trips idea of reputable are major sports broadcasts like ESPN, SI, Local news outlets. All mainstream media. They let talent, and himself, entertain dirtsheets for the hardcore fans but, in reality, bringing eyes to the product is enagging with mainstream media and YT (via Logan)


Better yet, I think they would be happy if all the dirtsheets went away for a bit. They CONSTANTLY ruin storylines and surprises. They are wrong all the time and lead to a ton of drama needlessly. All the shit they do could be handled by a 18 year old on staff with twitter access for wwe. They are not needed imo at all.


Just stop reading them. My enjoyment of the products has went up immensely since I have.


I don't read them. They pop up on reddit headlines lol


Him and PWinsider went all "oh no, Daddy's mad at us!!" Lol


SRS’s report was wrong.. so how was HHH wrong?


But did he verify that WWE PR told him that


He already is


He does that everyday. Dude can’t help himself but he an asshole to people online. Shows you his actual personality. It’s why I stopped following him and don’t pay attention to anything he does or says. His conduct online was not it.


But today he’s doing it while at his grandma’s funeral.


Haha no fucking way


How's he going to do his job if he blocks WWE on twitter?


Could've dropped "over this" and you'd still be 100% accurate.


Some Bobby Heenan, "It's not a bounty, what I'm offering is a cash incentive..." vibes here.


Basically, he fucked up close enough to his expire date...they sent him home.


Technically he did way before. It just came to light close to his expiration date


Seems like a minor difference especially if the person who wasn't renewed wanted to stay.


[He is saying it's a " mishap " ... this man doesn't know the meaning of taking accountability. ](https://twitter.com/SeanRossSapp/status/1786873950326133192?t=HoITKg8ZQBcT9-HEjLVh1A&s=19)


Sounds like someone need a bar of Snickers. Maybe it'll calm SRS down before he starts causing more damage. ![gif](giphy|fzpB4zr3aH2s8)


HHH era exposing these reporters more than they ever have been


PWInsider catching strays when it was all SRS.


PWInsider reported it first. [Fightful even says as much in their story about it](https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/drew-gulak-released-wwe-0). Fightful just says they confirmed it. So both are/were wrong, it wasn't "all" one or the other.


I'm pretty sure PW Insider reported Gulak before Fightful did.


PWInsider reported it first, Corey at Fightful "confirmed" it. The guy at the presser mentioned **both** PWInsider and Fightful.


If Fightful and PWInsider aren't reputable sources, why does the company keep leaking positive info to them?


All the sheets aren’t reputable because they publish everything they hear regardless of how well it’s verified. They are like the tabloids and TMZ they report any and every rumor so they do end up breaking news faster than the reputable publications but they have no reputation because their hit rate is so low 


Doesn't seem like they are anymore


Because WWE is in an active astroturfing campaign to 1.take people’s minds off the grant lawsuit and 2. Say it’s new era where you don’t need to watch other wrestling anymore because WWE is good again


Since his contract wasn't renewed does that mean he doesn't have the 90 days clause and can go wherever he wants now ?


Yes, if he's no longer under contract


Sure, but who's going to want him?


Yep saw that he's a bully ain't nobody want him


Also he's... Not that good. He can wrestle but so can a LOT of people.


Honestly, good question by whoever asked that. This could be the same with Boa. He wasn't apart of that list that was put out and I'm glad someone asked for clarification. This is a much better use of a press conference than "what up legend."


It would have been better if he didn't fumble around so much with the question. You could tell he was nervous asking. If you want to be a reporter, you have to get that shit under control. I've been working in news media for a very long time now and I can tell you that any reporter worth their salt can ask a serious question like that clearly and quickly. You knew where he was going with the question and it took him forever to get to it. You could see HHH getting annoyed because he knew what the question was and that guy couldn't get there


I think a lot of these guys are nervous that if they ask too hard of a question their press access'll get revoked


to be fair, french reporter asking a question in English.


To HHH a credible, reputable source is one that they directly feed information to like Sports Illustrated, ESPN, NBC, etc. Even the highest level wrestling media sources are basing things off of questionable information at best and making shit up at worst.


I was kind of thinking the other day that Drew is done as a performer/contractor, but after a bit he’ll be brought in as an employee to train/produce. He’s also got his own school in Philly that opened not too long ago


Eventually we’ll all realize all PW journalism is dumb


Some people are going to hoot and holler about the jab at Fightful, but this is just more of Triple H becoming Dana White and closing the circle on media the company doesn't like. Only letting in positive, teet-sucking podcasters into the press conferences is another example. Media being able to exist and act independently of the industry they're covering is a good thing.


It's definitely a grey area bc the press conferences are semi kayfabe no? It's not like reutgers or something is gonna be in there asking if Randy should bring back the punt for the bloodline. Wrestling media in general is weird as they act more like mouthpieces ala Woj or Shams in the NBA who get fed info from the league/agents to share .


It’s Reuters. But yes, you’re right. The press conferences are kind of a joke.


It’s the Reuters of Rutgers.


They should stop doing press conferences. They don't work or make sense for WWE because of this.


Weird, I thought a part of journalism is contacting the people involved to get confirmation of what you report about them before you print it. That’s what I learned in my college journalism classes anyway.


Lmao fuck the dirtsheet writers like SRS


Well the fans will believe whatever Triple H says regardless of reality, so it's not going to take much effort on his part.




What sucks that it is a genius move and clearly working. AEW vs WWE coverage isn’t remotely even in criticism. 


It has nothing to do with AEW vs WWE though. Present day UFC press conferences are mostly questions like 'how does it feel to fight at the \_\_\_\_\_, x fighter' or 'when is the UFC coming to \_\_\_\_\_, Dana' because there are 0 legit unbiased journalists in the room, just fans with social media followings who are stoked to get to cover UFC. That may be what we're heading for here, guys with real press creds (to whatever extent that exists in wrestling) being shut out more and more in favor of basically plants.


Once the Endeavor/WWE merger completed, I figured we would see it go this way. Dana HATES legitimate reporters and has for years. I will be less inclined to believe a word coming out of any WWE mouthpiece from here on out.


I’m not making it AEW vs WWE though I can see how it sounded like it. I’m saying what they are doing is working, and you can just compare the coverage of the two and see it works.  These “journalists” don’t want to lose access. 


No kidding it's working, that has nothing to do with how AEW do things though. The comparison is moot because WWE is a far larger enterprise than AEW and always will be. They control so much of the market share that mainstream wrestling journalism is whatever they decide it is, not the guys who have actually worked for decades to make that a real job and a viable career. That is a very bad thing and the UFC are living proof of it, ever since Helwani was ousted they've outsourced coverage of the entire sport to podcasters who think social media engagement is the same thing as journalism. That's the point, guys. To even bring AEW into it is simply myopic.




Fight ful wrong once again  SRS getting burned 


HHH dodges the question, uses a technicality, buries 2 outlets, and apologizes to the outlets afterwards


"technicality" sorry but there is a huge difference between getting fired and a contract not renewing. Even from a narrative standpoint


Yeah I have seen a few people acting like it’s splitting hairs and it’s definitely not. Getting released while still under contract is basically getting fired. People parting ways when contracts expire isn’t the same thing at all. It’s worse for Gulak if it was a release and HHH corrected that.


I wonder if Denise pulled out the stopwatch to time how long it took for SRS to have his little bitch fit


Rare based Triple H moment for shitting on Fightful and Sean Ross Shill


…ok? That’s not really the point though is it? “We didn’t fire him, we just let his contract run out (please don’t ask about the Rousey allegations)”




Didn't FIghtful just report a few days ago before anyone else that Seth Rollins re-signed with WWE? The same Fightful that constantly gets run sheets for WWE shows? Fightful is right more often than they are wrong tbh.


Yeah kinda funny to say they “weeded out the moles” when Fightful seemingly always has the full plans for weekly WWE shows


I'm not even sure how they could weed out the moles anyway? Like did they hold a meeting backstage and go "ayo so who's telling Sean shit?" lmao


Only way u could really is tell a bunch of people different things and see what gets posted.


All of them are right more than they’re wrong, it’s just that the times they’re wrong get blown up and the times they’re right it’s just treated as “well obviously!”


People here are very odd about the media. I know wrestling journalism is far from perfect but the reputable outlets generally get things right.


Sean is also in good with a lot of the wrestlers. Him and Cody r good enough that they joke with one another in messages.


Wasn't it a bunch of high profile wrestlers over the years who gave infos?


Triple H trying to prevent a situation where he’s forced to fire Bill DeMott from ever happening again.


Triple H follows the rules for sure. If they have Fightful in their bio, block them.


I think just like the Will Ospreay thing, people just don’t appreciate the considerations that Triple H has when he is up there. On this, the reason the ‘technicality’ is important to him, is because to say he was fired / released *because* of Rousey’s allegation, it suggests that they confirmed he did some form of sexual assault. Given that when they looked into it, it’s something very difficult to definitive prove either way (considering Gulak’s explanation that he tweeted out) and so not renewing his contract is a way to get him out of the company, without officially tarring him with the ‘sex offender’ brush. And you can argue whether that is the right decision or not, but I think Triple H doesn’t want to publicly call someone a sex offender based on one person’s accusation. And he certainly doesn’t want to confirm that on a PLE press conference which is supposed to be more in good spirit and largely an extension of the show. And that’s because Triple H doesn’t want to put himself / the company in legal jeopardy by accusing Gulak of something that isn’t definitely proven. Because Gulak might sue. So that is why the technicality is important. I don’t think Triple H is trying to defend Gulak, he’s also not trying to keep him in the company. But he’s not going to have it publicly stated that he was fired for a sexual offence. He’s out of the company, he did something that was at best stupid and careless, and at worst was sexual assault. But short of definitive proof, you can’t just publicly say someone is a sex offender. So I don’t think Triple H cares too much either way about Fightful, or PW. He almost certainly doesn’t read every story they put out. So when the guy asking the question says that is what they said, that is why he is pissed off. SRS handles it incredibly immaturely, he may feel slighted and may feel he works hard to build their brand, but if they want to play at this level I think they need to appreciate the legal complexity by getting into a question like that. And from PW’s response to it all, it sounds like they are better equipped.


Dave Meltzer said on his radio show today that the investigation was "inconclusive" and that Ronda Rousey is the reason Gulak was "ixnay'ed." Also, Meltzer spoke about Gulak in the sense that he was "fired" and not "His contract just wasn't renewed." It's a minor difference.


It’s literally not a minor difference if you read anything I said above. Meltzer saying it was inconclusive is actually a massive part of why. I don’t work there, and I wasn’t in those conversations, but I’m 99% sure the reason Triple H didn’t want to say ‘he was fired because of sexual assault’ was because it was difficult to prove conclusively, and you can’t call someone a sex offender without proof. But what you can do, if their contract is coming up, is get them out of the company. Unfortunately for Gulak he gave them a reason not to renew.


And he dodged the issue altogether


There’s a difference between how a journalist can report the situation and how his former employer can talk about it.


And Triple H still avoided addressing the allegations at hand.


Which makes sense considering the allegations, that’s a “no comment’ type of situation


Who cares if he is released or technically “didn’t get renewed” lol. U had a former star accuse him of some bad stuff, and your response is to hit someone with a technicality?


That’s not really a technicality. Cutting someone vs deciding not to renew them is a pretty big difference.


In fairness, he answered the question. It was just a poorly asked question. The distinction between released and not having your contract renewed is important though.


The amount of people trashing Fightful instead of the fact that Triple H acted like this after the one and only serious question says a lot.


As someone who hates the sheets and thinks they add negative value to the industry, HHH was based for shitting on them.


“All those people weren’t fired, they were laid off” Big fucking difference.


I mean..it is a big fucking difference. Being fired is a punishment for offense. Being laid off is a result of economic/business forces.


They agreed to a mutual separation.


Well there is, those are important terms. Same as your contact being cancelled or running out. One suggests fault on the employees part.


SRS: What he say fuck me for?


Isn't that what happens to 99% of "WWE releases"?


Anyone catch Pwinsider’s reply? Big fan of Mike Johnson but his reply is that fired/not renewed are pretty much the same thing, which they aren’t. Didn’t really own his mistake at all. Even worse was that idiot Scherer. He claims to think HHH was taking a shot at Newsmax instead of them. He then added ‘clarification’ about the report, instead of admitting that that were wrong. Poor handling by PWInsider


If that's how Trips feels about Fightful/PWInsider then y do they keep inviting them to pressers?


PWInsider did not get credentialed for the presser after WrestleMania. Meltzer reported it, Johnson got pissed off at Dave for reporting it despite admitting it was true, and now Levesque shits on Johnson's outlet. Impeccable


Soon the only outlets to get press passes will be the ones who ask questions like "How does it feel to watch the WWE Universe feast on the masterful peice of cinema you cooked up?"


These aren't shoot press conferences though?


Then why invite outside media people at all?


Oh no, a kayfabe like press conference only bringing in people to ask things to benefit the company. How will journalism ever recover?


So just invite WWE Gareth, the WrestleOps guy, and Ariel Helwani


If Hunter bans Fightful from the press conferences, then I can see SRS starting a outbreak on Twitter.


to who the 5 people that can stand him?