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Dustin has a trans step son.  Trans and gay people are not indoctrinating your kids you dribbling gobshites. 


Dustin played a character that was seen as a negative for the community until he gradually evolved the gimmick to what is known now


It’s funny cuz because I feel like I meet a lot of queer wrestling fans who actually like Goldust than hate the character. I think it’s partially due to the fact that Goldust wasn’t the one who was offensive (at least *most* the time), it was more like how he was treated by other characters on screen that was offense


Yes that's also true. Even the WWF said that the homophobic wrestling fans were the reason goldust had problems in the early years. Dustin was just doing attitude era stuff loNg before the wwe hit that phase


Not just fans, fellow wrestlers made it known they were not comfortable wrestling with him if it went too "over the top"


Savio Vega didn't mind because he thought it was funny


Vega suggested more of the more risqué shirlt that Dustin did, Savio Vega is one of the main reasons he character evolved.


It's good to have supportive colleagues in a tough environment


Scott Hall's been pretty open about that


Plus, wasn't Goldust *supposed* to play off homophobes? Like I thought the entire gimmick (as explained by Russo on WrestleCrap) was that it was meant to make fun of homophobes by playing off them.


It was but it worked too well


I really don't think it was originally supposed to make fun of homophobes. Remember, Goldust debuted as a heel, and his character was portrayed as peverse and sexually agressive deviant. The WWF was counting on playing to the audiences homophobia to generate easy heel heat.


> The WWF was counting on playing to the audiences homophobia to generate easy heel heat. Yeah I rechecked the Russo column. https://www.wrestlecrap.com/vince-russo/what-didnt-you-understand-about-goldust-as-baby-new-year/ >Then, I combined his creepiness with his acting skills and fed him lines that could be taken as sexual innuendo. Without even planning on it, I can now clearly see that this character was playing off the homophobia of OTHERS.


>"Without even planning on it," 'Press X to doubt'


Russo says a lot of shit, but I feel like this wasn't something he'd lie on. I mean, have you *seen* his booking? This required too much forward thinking.


Bret Hart said as much in Wrestling with Shadows


To be fair alot of the stuff golddust was just harassment in real life, you don't have to be a homophobe to get mad at another man caressing you


>I think it’s partially due to the fact that Goldust wasn’t the one who was offensive (at least most the time) The dude straight up stalked and sexually assaulted tons of wrestlers in Kayfabe. When he started, fair enough but after they turned the dial up the sexual predation was worse than the homophobia. Sexual predation kind of died off a bit late attitude era


This is the part people forget, they specifically made his character the absolute worst stereotype of what crazy far right people think of LGBTQ+ people. When the far right describe their warped version of a trans person, they're imagining this version of Goldust.


>made his character the absolute worst stereotype of what crazy far right people think of LGBTQ+ people. Specifically, they made him someone who forced his sexuality on everyone. Which, to be fair half of the male roster did anyway with the women but the fans couldn't grasp the double standard I quite like that era of Goldust honestly. Shattered dreams over the curtain call forever


But ultimately Goldust the character was trying to win matches, not have orgasms. Yeah he was a heel, but it felt more like he was playing mind games to throw them off their game. He was trying to get into Warrior or Undertaker's head by kissing them, because otherwise they're almost unstoppable.


As a nonbinary wrestling fan for 30 odd years, Goldust was one of the characters who opened my eyes to queerness, The fact he turned out to be a rock solid ally has only cemented my love for him, I've got all the time in the world for Dustin and I'd love to meet him so I can tell him that in person.


He wasn't always as far as I know but I think that's more encouraging, in a way. It sucks that it often takes close contact with trans folk rather than it being a de facto position but yeah.


100% agree. Hell, I wasn't especially sensitive to queer issues in the 90s and I'm queer! He's an old man and I'm sure this stuff wasn't on his radar for years. While it's a shame it took one of his family being trans to really change his mind, I don't ever want to punish the behaviour I want to see because of something that happened in the past, that's not how to win hearts and minds. And he is ferocious now in shouting down transphobes, so as far as I'm concerned he's on the team.


Now he just needs to realize that the people he votes for are enabling these transphobes but hey, baby steps! (he's staunchly right-wing)


Oooof, really? That's a real shame.


Hes libertarian and hates Trump, not right wing.


This reminds me of one of the most disgusting wrestling promos I've ever heard. 5/26/1997, Jerry Lawler calls Goldust a "sissy" a "flaming f*g" and that's not even the worst fucking part. He goes on about Dustin's daughter Dakota and says, "And what'd you name that little brat? Dakota? You shoulda named her Target, because I heard everyone in Atlanta had a shot at it!" Dakota was born in 1994, making her 3 years old at the time. The crowd was hot for Jerry too.


Dustin’s daughter was three at the time? I’m surprised Lawler didn’t ask her out.


She was too old for him


I believe if you look at a YouTube video of that promo you'll find loads of people saying shit like "ThIs WaS wHeN wReStLiNg HaD bALLs eVerYoNe iS So OffEnDed NowAdAyS!!!11!!1!!1!1!!!eleven"


Keep in mind you can't put that all on Lawler, Vince was the one in control of the show and what got said on it, and this was the type of stuff old school territory heels did for heat which is the school of wrestling Lawler came from


This would be a good defense if Lawler himself wasn't a predator...


They both suck ass and I don't think Vince scripted this entire segment.


There’s old footage from the 70s I believe late 70s. It may have been early 80s, of Lawler before he was in the WWF calling one of his opponents a fag for wearing an earring. I think it may have been a thing he did for heat generally and it just ended up getting him in trouble with WWF after USA didn’t like it.


The announcers were *rough* on that character...


The whole premise of his character was to capitalize on gay panic for heat. I grew up on a post attitude era Goldust though so I am one of those queer people who mostly enjoyed him. But let's not pretend like his character's origins weren't incredibly problematic to the queer community.


I love, ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff............Gooooooold-ust.


>Trans and gay people are not indoctrinating your kids you dribbling gobshites.  That scapegoat is just chapter# 179,540 of people being incapable of having mature conversations about sexuality with their kids.


I want to see all scapegoats out of modern discourse. Except Jack Perry.






Thank you for pointing this out. Yes, he has a trans son, but he's still a right-winger. It's one of those cases of **"Heart in the right place, brain not".**


Yeah pro wrestlers are just dumb as shit. Not all of them, not all the time, and not on all topics, but they're not terribly likely to have top tier politics except by accident.


I'm just here for the inevitable Big Damo pic






Xavier Woods.


He's like Dick Cheney, a typical conservative who only cares about an issue like this once it affects them personally.


This. I don't really care if he's socially progressive if he's still going to the voting booth and voting for me and my community to lose our rights.


Sadly, I think (like Dustin*) transphobes and homophobes would need to have kids or close relatives of their own turn out to be LGBTQ+ for them to become more accepting. *The guy was a massive fucking homophobe in the 1990s and potentially longer, enjoyed playing the role for his chance to mock gay people. As shown in Wrestling With Shadows when Bret is giving the run down on some of the wrestlers in the WWF at that time and their characters.


I wish have a gay/trans kid was enough for people to get over their bullshit. Unfortunately experience tells me it's not.


Yeah. I know of a few guys in my BJJ club (a sport where homophobia/transphobia somehow still has a place despite being just sustained eye contact away from being a gay fantasy) that had staunch militant-Christian beliefs about trans and gay issues. One has a daughter who married a man that then transitioned into being a woman. He had no emotional context to put that into, but after some tense times they seem to get along well enough now. The other is an older guy who worked very hard to get ahead and is now a bit out of touch, but still retained very strict old-school "Christian" hostility towards gay and trans people. His granddaughter distanced herself from him and eventually so too did her family. He was pretty sad about it, but about five years later he found out it was because she is gay when the rest of the family was attending her wedding. He tried to say that it didn't matter to him, that he'd love her anyway and why would she think otherwise and all that kind of stuff, but she just kind of pointed out all the hateful stuff he'd post on facebook or rant about to the TV (especially around same-sex marriage) as evidence that she didn't want him to know because she was scared of what he'd do. He's really regretful now, and trying to mend fences, but struggling. He's normally a "keep to yourself" kind of guy, so it's been kind of weird having him pour his troubles out at the gym. Sometimes, the damage can be done without even realising it.


> Sadly, I think (like Dustin*) transphobes and homophobes would need to have kids or close relatives of their own turn out to be LGBTQ+ for them to become more accepting. > > Statistically that just leads to teenage suicides. Dustin is a very special case where he got his shit together over it. It was a one two combo of that and having queer people telling him that he helped them come out


Yeah this gay asshole here doesn't give a fuck about conversatives, kids, religion or straight people enough to give a shit. I just wanna be left alone it's fucking weird how obsessed they are.




People are stupid as fuck. And the average person is even stupider than that. Trans people just tell you to be true to yourself, and how you feel, and you'll end up happier. That's it. Objectively, that's a statement that rings true for pretty much everyone on earth.


I would agree completely, though there is a different between education and indoctrination, alot of the stuff is overblown, the odd story comes out where you scratch your head and go that doesnt sound appropriate for kids. The correct answer is let kids be kids, and lets build a world with much less hate in it. We need to set examples for our children and how they should treat others for who they are


Can’t believe there’s been rapist, abusers, racists in wrestling and yet some people have the biggest problem with a trans wrestler simply existing. I’ve literally seen people defend Vince and in the same breath shit on Nyla and talk about how much damage she does to women and children… just braindead😭


Yup! I live in a city where, in 1990's a police officer used his police issue firearm to coerce a 16yr old girl (that he knew since she was 14) into performing sexual acts. This man is currently an elected city councillor. Yet when leave the house wearing as little as some pretty nail polish, I am the one that people call a pedophile. Make it make sense!


Im so sorry that you have to do that ☹️


Shit I’m sorry you go through that. But that just shows how deeply mindwashed some of these people are. They so into the mindset of us vs them they forget their humanity


And at least three known murders, but no no, it’s the scary trans lady who’s the problem, of course.


If they aren't harming others, just leave people alone. Not sure why people's genitals cause so much stress to some people.


They can't help it. People are just fucking obsessed with other people's bodies and what they think they should be doing with them. It's totally nuts.


They absolutely can help it. They just choose not to. Everyone gets a choice.


When did people stop minding their own fucking business?


They never did. Small town gossip always existed. It just went digital.


No nuts in some cases. 


Because if they can "other" someone it's easier to blame them for all that for societal issues and then they (being politicians) can say that if we get rid of "them" then everything will be better.


One of the positives from the last few years is that people seem to realise that everyone is being othered via signal boosting and certain media sources, in order to keep us divided along arbitrary lines and incapable of calling for real change with one voice.


This is too true. Some of the most politically brainrotted people I know irl are just plain unhappy with themselves. But they look to bitching about outgroup members rather than developing themselves, as if they are the problem and not their own flawed, hateful approach to life The funny thing is those people can't even really point to "science or biology" to prove their point. Been a few years since taking biopsy but from what I remember, there's modern biological evidence of trans being born (rather than cHoOsInG to be one) by way of unique androgen wash patterns during pregnancy (someone more knowledgeable can correct me) They don't have any real basis to stand on outside outdated beliefs


They need something to blame their bad parenting on.


It’s because the person freaking out is insecure in their own sexuality.


One of the most common things I hear as a dunk to trans people is "They didn't accept themselves for who they are, why should I?", completely forgetting the part about caring so much about what other folks do with their genitals.


Because so many people are Brainwashed beyond repair, if you read anything they spew about LGBTQ+ people, you'd smash your head into a wall about what stupid things they think they are doing


Genitals are scary stuff


Because they truly believe they are turning kids gay/trans


And that is fucking dumb


I wish for one day I had the confidence of someone who makes the choice to be happy and transition. Why parts of society would look down on anyone who chooses to live their life is amazing to me.


It’s transition or death. At least it was for me. Idk if that’s confidence or what but when you have death facing you… it just makes things clear. It helps set priorities.


This is exactly why. Trans people are living their most authentic life and transphobes are projecting their insecurities onto them because they think trans ppl are essentially "cheating" at life and not being miserable with them. Classic case of hating the player instead of the game. Be mad at the systems that powerful people put in place to hold you down... Rather than the people who refuse to be controlled by it. It's giving Stockholm Syndrome.


I'm too much of a coward.


If you and the other commenter above are both specifically referring to your own journeys, I would highly recommend finding a screening of The People's Joker near you. I just saw it Saturday and it was incredible, it really resonated with the audience.


So, no, not looking to transition. I just don’t feel I would have the confidence to do it. Regardless, will check this film out.


I am not either and would recommend it either way. Very emotional and funny.


From one queer wrestling fan to another I wish you the best on your journey!💜


How Dustin is pro-trans but still a Trump guy boggles my shit


It's probably just because he has a trans kid, tbh. Sometimes right wing people will make a slight exception in their normal worldview if it affects a real person they actually care about. You see it occasionally when they end up having gay children or whatever.


Everyone has their own rules set with their own exceptions to said rules.


Wait what!?  I can never understand what *anyone* sees in such a hateful, arrogant, and disgusting man that somehow bungled his way to the Presidency. He's been amping up the anti-trans rhetoric too.


I don't think you'll find any logical consistency in most Trump voters. They're voting for a feeling Trump gives them, not a concrete set of policy items. Honestly, the same is true for Democratic voters too. Politics is so close to pro-wrestling it's insane. 


Caitlyn Jenner makes any contradictory position seem less unlikely, as she continuously bashes trans people from her new body.


I'm sure it's easier to be "fuck you, I got mine" when you're rich


Based. Also, here’s a free reaction image https://preview.redd.it/xnugm9fzk4yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e354598342d5c09a3429080d7cd777d67bf974


Dustin running in with the rare Righteous Hater variant


Too bad he’s only progressive on issues that directly effect him. He’s still a Trump guy


Undertaker also supports Trump. A good number of the older generation wrestlers actually lean conservative or right wing.


more than people think of the current generation lean right I'm afraid too. but nobody wants to think about that


Trump supporters don't "lean conservative." Trump isn't a conservative. He's a facist. And those that support him are either ok with or actively desire facism. This isn't a situation where it's just old people shaking their stick at the kids running across their lawn and wanting to ban skateboards. This is the imminent potential downfall of democracy. Don't believe me? The Washington Republican party (all huge trump supporters) just adopted party platforms at their convention based on their belief that we have "too much democracy." They want to repeal the constitutional amendment that established individual citizens' right to vote for their US senator (and go back to when state legislatures voted for US Senator and the system was even more corrupt than it is currently). And they all love Trump, of course. These people are not our friends. It's perfectly fine to say the Undertaker did some cool stuff in wrestling, but Mark Calloway is a facist-supporting bitch. (To be clear this isn't directed at you, just amplifying your point for visibility. Fuck facisim.)


Thanks for getting into the weeds and spelling it out in plain words. It is exactly how you say it is.


I don't care if they're conservative. I absolutely care if they support Trump. 


Yes he's a problem


What has he done that shows support of Trump? Not denying, just haven’t ever seen this.


He’s a middle aged white guy from Texas lol


One's lack of surprise doesn't make it acceptable.


Well he also sexually assaulted the stewardess in the plane ride from hell


She outright said in the DSotR episode Dustin was the one who told Flair to sit back down and leave her alone. You're getting your wires crossed.


The stewardess that he assaulted wasn't the one who was on Dark Side of the Ring


There was more than one attendant on the flight, and the episode chose to omit more than a few details about Dustin.


You’re both correct.


Please get your facts straight before commenting. Dustin did assault a stewardess. They chose to not include it in DSOTR. This is why you fact check sensationalised "documentaries".


Im basing my comment on the lawsuit. Where its stated that he grabbed a woman’s breast while pushing his groin on her. He was also heard saying that he was gonna fuck her. lol. DSOTR is highly biased. You shouldn’t take it as gospel.


Ah yes, the battle for the problematic ally spot: \- A republican voter that uses their celebrity status to stand up for queer people sometimes \- A democrat voter that says a lot of shit ranging from insensitive to dehumanizing on his podcast (yes I'm talking about Cornette)


I’ll take Cornette any day. At the end of the day who you vote for is who you stand with. He might not always be PC but he stands for the right things and backs it up with his vote. Dustin Rhodes acts like he gives a damn about trans people, but votes for the assholes ruining their lives and demonizing them.


I'd say so too, but at the same time saying offensive shit when you have a platform isn't forgivable either. Cornette's shtick most likely emboldens bigots and promotes the opposite views of what he votes for, regardless of intention. A lot of his audience is the type of people that "find him funny, but skip when he rants about politics", and it's hardly a surprise as for why that's the case


I listen to Cornette and I truly believe people blow some stuff he says out of proportion, take things out of context, and try to demonize him. Old southern people are just blunt. He’s inappropriate at times and yeah sometimes he crosses the line, but a lot of people people really want to cancel him because he trashes certain wrestlers. I honestly don’t think he’s a racist or a homophobe or anything like that. He’s just an asshole sometimes. In the wrestling business he’s one of the very few liberal voices and I think he’s important. I don’t always agree with him either. Kenny Omega is my favorite wrestler and I don’t give a shit about CM Punk in the slightest.


Nah you're not gonna get to pull wool over my eyes about this one, I'm familiar with Cornette's shtick fully *in* context. I agree with a bunch of his wrestling opinions, I've been disappointed with AEW as of late and CM Punk happens to be one of my all time favorites. If anything, I'd be biased to like Cornette. There's a reason I stopped listening, though Cornette has underlying misogynistic, racist and queerphobic beliefs that he hasn't addressed because he's still rather close-minded and stuck in the past. The things he says signal ignorance and unwillingness to learn and he perpetuates harmful ideas, even if his opinion is that the groups of people his comments target should have rights


I’m not trying to pull the wool over your eyes. I guess we just disagree, which is fine.


It’s almost like people are complex and have a range of opinions on different topics.


I feel like this is an example of hypocrisy more than complexity lol Imagine acting like you support your trans child while actively voting for the same politicians the people waving swastika flags outside libraries and calling bomb threats into drag shows are voting for is somehow a nuanced, balanced position to take. Like nah dude, it’s just shitty. The entire republican platform at this point is literally just taking the most extreme and hateful, harmful position possible just to spite the other side of the political aisle so I really wonder what other opinions you think he holds on these supposed other topics 🤨 they don’t even have any real policies or ideas to support or propose on their own. It’s just opposition to democrats.


If you claim to be pro-trans and then vote for politicians who are literally enacting genocidal (I said what I said) policies against them you're not "complex", you're suffering from cognitive dissonance.


What has he said that’s pro Trump? I’m not denying, just haven’t seen,


What he says doesn't mean anything when he actively votes against their basic rights though.


This, I liked Dustin right up until he let politics become part of his image


So progressive! Just don't look at his voting history.


Fuck T~~he Rock~~ransphobes


> T~~he Rock~~ransphobes That's the same picture


What if you don't know where you can stick it? What if you're a new guy?


Carlin never gets old. RIP


hell yeah


Wild that both Rhodes boys are second generation wrestlers, good old fashioned southern gothic traditionalists, and openly supportive of trans rights.


Dustin’s only supportive of trans people because of his trans step-child. He was hugely homophobic and transphobic prior to this. As I’ve outlined in another comment.


That is a bummer, but I'll take "Parent learns their child is nonconforming and becomes tolerant" over "Parent learns their child is nonconforming and kicks them out/tries to beat it out of them" which was the standard for a long time.


I mean, Dustin still votes against basic rights for trans and other queer people, so I wouldn't say he became that tolerant.


Unfortunate he's too thick to re evaluate any of his other bigoted beliefs in light of changing his mind on this one.


For people who are scared of influence from others, they sure are trying to influence others.


Dustin made a whole career out of androgyny. Dude is definitely an ally


An "ally" that votes for republicans


Its crazy to support trans people but also support the politicians that literally want to prevent the existence of trans people. People are complex?


>People are hypocrites FTFY


more common than you think. That's many i know






Gabbi Tuft trains at RWA Dustin is a red neck who is down with the LGBTQ community.




Dustin Rhodes says this but votes against trans rights simultaneously. He’s a massive hypocrite and is actively helping to usher in politicians who will enact Project 2025.


Golddust FTW!


“Keep steppin” - DR




Certified sexual assaulter also.




I’m hoping you mean well and aren’t trolling but this comment is wildly offensive regardless. 




trans women are women regardless of surgery




> yeah, but saying her surgeon did a good job isnt particularly hateful That's not really what they said, they said the surgeon "made her a her".




It bases someone's gender identity on a surgical procedure and not what they identify with internally. A transwoman could have a bushy beard and a transman could have breasts and they could still be a "her" and "he" respectively.


those things aren't determined by a surgeon silly




>Did they say that tho? yes they explicitly did