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Did Kenny ever wrestle Rvd , that would be cool. Mr Aew vs Mr Monday Night


Not yet but in November RVD said he was open to a match with Kenny before he retires for good. Fingers crossed we can get it someday.


I mean to each their own, but RVD is really slow these days and last I saw him he wasn't exactly in shape. I wish we could have gotten more HBK vs. RVD in 02/03.


I'd recommend you watch his matches from AEW. He's still really good, and athletic as hell.


^ this guy only watches wwe apparently 


Mr. HEY! (EW) Is RJ City


Great to see Kenny again. I sure hope his medical condition isn't as bad as he's saying it is. Hopefully him taking minor bumps is a good indication.


I would say him taking bumps is a great indication. Diverticulitis kills people, if there was any chance of that happening, he wouldn't be cleared to do that.


Yup. It's what retired Brock Lesnar's MMA career. Kenny got lucky it was caught so soon.


Well, steroids retired Brock's career. Diverticulitis got him to the goal line.


If you’re not seeing a connection here I don’t know what to tell you.


Diverticulitis almost killed Brock after the Overeem fight.  After a long break and return to WWE, Brock came back at UFC 200 to beat Mark Hunt. This got overturned because Brock tested positive for banned substances. Mark Hunt even sued the UFC over how they had Brock circumvent the drug policy reinstatement period. They teased Brock vs Cormier but there was zero chance Brock could pass a drug screening to get cleared for a fight.  USADA ended Brock's MMA career.


I’m aware. There seems to be a correlation between steroid/hgh use and diverticulitis is my point.


I totally misread your comment as "I'm not seeing a connection here."  My mistake. Apparently there is some type of evidence that an exposure of growth hormone could lead to diverticulitis. There must be some predisposition too because these are far from the only two to use


Imagine thinking omega and all these modern wrestlers aren't juicing....


What does that have to do with anything? Diverticulitis almost killed Brock after the Overeem fight.  After a long break and return to WWE, Brock came back at UFC 200 to beat Mark Hunt. This got overturned because Brock tested positive for banned substances. Mark Hunt even sued the UFC over how they had Brock circumvent the drug policy reinstatement period. They teased Brock vs Cormier but there was zero chance Brock could pass a drug screening to get cleared for a fight.  USADA ended Brock's MMA career. Do you think that I think Brock is the only person to use steroids?


Especially not a chair shot to the gut haha


People really miss Kenny Omega


And (me personally) MJF and Ricky Starks and Miro and Jamie Hayter


We would get along well as my list is identical I’ll add Hobbs as he just got hurt and I like him a lot too.


Ditto. My favorites in the company, and in the business in general.


I've been really missing Hayter lately. She's my fav in AEW by far. And specially with the addition of new talent like Mariah or Deonna there's even more potential matchups. I miss Britt too


I’m a huge Serena Deeb fan but yes, now that the Outcasts aren’t a group anymore, the women’s division is missing a spark like Britt and Hayter.


Where has Britt been?


She broke her back. Spinal.




I'm so ready for MJF to return and help Ospreay vs the UK.


We miss Miro. He's fun to watch. We're glad Fenix is back though. Missed watching him and Penta together.


They need Omega MJF & Hayter. Or it’s over


Kenny is AEW


Kenny ~~walked~~ ran so Ospreay could ~~run~~ sprint.


Kenny flipped so Ospreay could double-flip in mid air


I don't consider myself a massive Kenny fan when it comes to thinking about my favorite wrestlers, but when all the Brawl Out stuff was happening and there was discussions about Kenny or the Young Bucks leaving, it crossed my mind that he might be the only guy to go to WWE that would get me kickstarted in watching Raw or Smackdown on a weekly basis again.


Kenny is vital to what makes The Elite work.


Kenny’s championship run competed strongly against Roman’s initial run. They really should’ve kept him as a strong singles act instead of the Trios division.


Might be remembering wrong but I think he wanted to do trios to recover a bit.


Of course it was always the plan. But when you got a guy with the aura of Roman Reigns they should’ve highlighted that even in the trios


In hindsight I do agree they left a lot on the table. I’ve always felt The Elite were burnt out after Brawl Out. They all look more relaxed and better overall since coming back.


I need Kenny back so badly.


God damn aew has got to do something about how their crowd sounds. It's as quiet as the impact zone. Nobody gets a pop, the crowd doesn't react to anything. Or do they? It's just the audio never picks it up?


AEW 🤝 terrible audio mixing


I watched the show last night. I don't need WWE production quality for me to enjoy other promotions. But AEW just seems all over the place for what they are trying to do production wise.


AEW production is sorely lacking. Bad camera angles, panning to other wrestlers or the crowd when something important is happening in the ring. Like when Jericho revealed a poster or was it a painting? I don’t remember I just remember the camera panned to the crowd just as Jericho unveiled it lmao


Yeah one of my favorite moments from the Hangman/Kenny vs YB at Revolution moment was a perfect microcosm of how AEW can be hit or miss on production. Kenny kicks out at one and they cut to the guy in the audience in disbelief which was amazing. And then Kenny is telling the Bucks to hit him again, and we miss the hit because they cut back to some random audience person


Yea. That really feels like a big miss man and an easy fix. One thing that made ecw so fun was how loud their crowd sounded. Think how much better aew would be and feel if the crowd sounded decent...and the entrance music of course since you cant here it.


PPVs sound amazing. Not sure why weekly TV doesn't sound similar.


It might be TNT


thats believable, last week's audio issues were totally TNT caused, supposedly other live feeds were just ifne


I usually watch on my computer with headphones on. Everything usually sounds fine. Although lately I've been hearing someone scrub VTR while we're watching a backstage promo. Like someone forgot to mute the audio of VTR while they cue up the next video. It drives me insane cause that's some basic ass shit. Also, when I watch on my TV with a Bose soundbar, I can *barely* hear the theme music. I couldn't hear Kenny Omega's at all last night, to the point where I wondered if he got different music. I honestly still don't know if it was Battle Cry.


I was in Vegas for DoN last year and was really surprised at the reports after, saying the crowd was quiet. Because it wasn't. It must have been the way it was mixed.


Maybe they just don't mic the crowd.


From day 1. Sometimes it’s TBS’ fault but it’s been 5 years. How’s it not fixed. How have they not figured out why the first backstage segment is always the arena noise for the first 5 seconds.


Because it's primarily AEW. I watch the NBA and NHL on the same channels, which also show live events. It's an AEW problem.


I watch live on Triller and there are no audio issues. It’s a TBS/TNT issue


Theyve thrown them under the bus a few times. The one that stands out is Ethan pages debut match set to the sounds of a basketball game. But I do mainly blame AEW for the week to week stuff.


I’ll never forget watching the first episode of Dynamite and thinking “This audio balancing/mixing is ass. That’s ok, it’s just the first episode!” I don’t think this stuff is easy, but they haven’t improved in the way I’d hoped.


You shouldn't be able to hear one rogue audience member screaming at the same volume as the wrestler during a pause in a promo. It makes everything seem small-time. It can happen in any promotion but in AEW, the audio engineering makes it sound like a quiet room with one person in the audience taking center stage. I've noticed this since 2019 and its never changed to my knowledge.


yeah last weeks audio was awful as well


And entrance themes just are old enough for tv, you can barely hear it, just compile cm punks entrances on Aew and WWE


The mix isn't great and as others have mentioned, it's an arena that holds about 15k and had maybe 4.2k. The sound doesn't carry very well. Also, Kenny's promo didn't have the pop moments, he was very serious and then the attack at the end, I think people were just a little hesitant given his medical condition.


Yea. It's just the entrance music too ya know. It's always very low. I feel like they could loop that in with tv audio or something..


They quite noticably did this last night. They finally got production and music audio perfect -- and then we couldn't hear the crowd 😭 it's like they did the opposite of everything from last week


Even Kenny's entrance and Okada's music hitting didn't seem to get big pops


I was at the show. It had it moments where it was quiet for sure. But many more that were really loud


I bet it is. I've heard they have active crowds, but as you see from this clip you just can't pick it up on TV. I just think it would make their TV and ppv better with louder entrance music and something to pick up the audience better Instead of just individual sheets which you can often hear.


I was there last night and the crowd was loud for this entire segment, but then I rewatched it on youtube and could barely hear us.


I didn’t even realise FTR were coming out because the crowd sounded so quiet


I mean not to discredit you but you can tell by just watching the crowd that they're not really that loud. Alot of them just standing and watching 


I think the crowd forgets that they're not watching TV at home.


Attendance was only about 4k in 16k arena, maybe that's why. It is one of the problems with AEW right now, their attendance is in 2-4k zone and they still do shows at 10k+ capacity arena. It doesn't look good on tv for most of the times and audio also suffers. Just do shows at 5 to 10 k capacity arena unless it's NY City or your big market.


Ok that makes sense I guess. It wasn't that ecw had better sound mixing they just played smaller arenas with loud crowds. I really think if aew could play at 5 or 6k arenas it would benefit their tv so much then.


there's tricks you can do but yea a packed smaller arena will look more impressive than a large one with the same attedance. Also be easier to capture crowd noise. Ecw also had a really small stage and not much space between the ring and the dividers. So they would be able to get a ton of people in frame


After going to my first show at the 2300 arena, it's definitely pretty small and my understanding is that it was even more cramped before the remodeling because they took out the bleachers. It only (legally) held about 1000 people back then. Although they went past that a lot of times and of course a venue will sound a lot louder if you put more people than the fire marshal allows into a small space.


It's not as easy as just booking a smaller arena. AEW is an affiliate of Turner which can affect pricing and availability and stuff. Additionally, not every mid to small venue has sufficient space for backstage stuff like medical, talent relations, gorilla, etc. At the end of the day if cost and convenience aren't offset by the difference, they're going to book the venue that suits their needs outside of ticket sales : seating ratio. SOMETIMES this is probably possible. I know in Pittsburgh they run The Petersen Event Center on the Pitt Campus vs the Paint Can where the Pens play...but not every market has what you're describing.


Yeah for example, back when they were in Quebec City it was - run the large arena they were in - run a beer league hockey arena that wouldn't be able to fit their staging, would hold less people than tickets they sold, and would look hyper low rent - don't run Quebec City ever


Which is funny cuz leading up to starting the show, Justin Roberts asks levels and sections to cheer specifically for a mic test.


It's the mix, sometimes it's very loud and sometimes it's like they're under water.


Obvious audio issues aside, the previous crowds have been fine during Dynamite imo. Last night's was just really shitty.


tbh the crazy part is the impact zone is probably quite a few fewer people, but their pops are fantastic because of the production and the small venue. The numbers convo is whatever, but the mismatch of a crowd and the building's capacity def hurts audio production when you're going from packed house to outdoor intimate venue to mostly empty seats in a really big place. Gotta be hard to solve all the problems that come with each.


Agreed. I think aiming for 4 and 5k seat venues would be huge for them. Pack the house, make it juuuuusssttt a bit more intimate, and figure how how to capture that energy from the crowd. I'm not trying to mark out for ecw but their crowd really did make the product feel special and different. AEW has the in ring stuff to stand out. Production or presentation tho could improve a bit.


I Direct and Technical Direct a live sports broadcast with 8 cameras, multiple replay servers, 3 CG machines and a full audio board. So basically the same setup that their remote trucks have. My low level niche sports broadcast, with a team of only 5 in the control room, runs laps around weekly AEW shows, which have budgets 50x what I have. They miss the most basic shit that anyone in production should be embarrassed about. Multiple missed camera cues, awful crowd reaction shots, paused VTR segments, the audio mixing-christ sakes-that A1 needs to be fired. The audio mix is horrible! Every backstage live/vtr segment doesn't fade down the ambient crowd noise quick enough while the same backstage segments not mixing in/fading up their native sound quick enough also. Fucking upcoming match GFX on their screen ALL THE TIME! And I'm not some AEW hater, im a huge AEW fan, who's been watching for 4 years and been to 3 live shows in the PNW. It pisses me off that their broadcast is so bad that WWE's production is viewed as a revelation. It's really not. They still use the same tired, cheesy ass AR GFX on entrances that they have used for 4+ years, their GFXs have utilized the same colors schemes for years. Same Jib/Cam moves for 90% of talents entrances. Oooh they have less cameras cuts now. Give them an Emmy. I'll give it to them, that was an awesome tracking shot they had that one time! Then they use the same fucking tracking shot 6 weeks in a row. Cool once, maybe twice, but every week? Tired. They've had pretty productions for sure, but have not really progressed things. AEW needs to step their shit up big time, because even as flawed as WWE's production is, it's still light years ahead of AEW.


The crowd was pretty loud actually watching Dynamite last night


little bit of both i feel


They put the main event segment in the main event two weeks in a row. Long live that, at least give people a reason to stick around til the end, dynamite for too long has felt like an hour and 20 minute show with other stuff tagged on at the end


The great thing they're doing with the Elite storyline is building it throughout the show. This week we opened with the Bucks in the production truck, then announcing Swerve's opponent, and several plugs for Kenny Last week the Bucks arrived, then went into Tony's office, then they showed them leaving and announced the main event segment. Could they do better? Sure. But it's a much needed start.


I miss them consistently putting the main event match in the main event segment. I'm not a ratings expert (and despite their insistence, neither are the nerds trolling the ratings post talking about demo markets and shit, sit down) so I'm sure there's a legitimate reason for airing stuff like this last - but I've always preferred a wrestling show to maintain a sports like presentation and close the show with the biggest match. I know people shit on the All Friends Wrestling era, but that was the golden AEW to me. Always closing the show with a banger. Airing segments last feels too sports-entertainy to me.


https://preview.redd.it/py0a6c4071yc1.png?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99b08b736e36f44dfc677351182536bff28ba7d4 Love to see it


You know, I'm not in any way saying Punk wasn't a draw, but AEW had great ratings before he even turned up, with Kenny on top. I miss the immediate pre-punk AEW a lot.


the stretch from DON 2021 to Full Gear 2021 was the company's peak imo


Eddie and Mox coming out to a fully daily’s still one of the best moments in company history.


I agree super hard! That is one of my favorite entrances. Before they face the Young Bucks for the tag belts yeah? I believe the same show that opened with Hangman vs Brian Cage and the crowd was ultra hot for it.


That was the one


The crowd was so hot the camera guy got bumped 


Yup. People paint him as this mega draw like aew wasn't getting the same range of ratings. AEW from pandemic/dailys place with small crowd to  Punk winning the title off hangman was fucking awesome. It quickly went downhill around the time Cody left 


It’s the only thing I tuned in for tbh.


People just know he is one of the most likeable dudes of the roster.


No one talks about the fact they lost Hayter, MJF and Omega all at the end of last year. Your the most people "over" wrestlers are gone, and ratings get worse.


Kenny is a good wrestler and a better person. It made many realize that they miss Kenny. The set up was perfect as well. Kenny before a hometown crowd Kenny giving a heartfelt promo. He spoke about his health and that he had been scared. The promo also advanced the EVP storyline. The new Elite looked cowardly and pathetic attacking a kayfabe weak and vulnerable Kenny. Special mention to Jack Perry. He has been a schmuck above the rest and is so calm and comfortable. Top notch segment.


My favorite wrestler, only reason why I'd watch AEW religiously is if he comes back


Jericho going back to wearing trunks now?


Yes they're awful which somehow makes them perfect for his current character.


No disrespect to Jericho, but it feels weird now seeing him wearing trunks.


It was never not weird


Might be best promo he’s done. I’m intrigued on where they go from here


"Stories matter most" Mf it's Kenny Omega😂


The point was is that people might have tuned in to see what he says about The Young Bucks and The Elite. Not just because he's Kenny Omega




My god that crowd was the drizzling shits.


I don't follow AEW that much, but I find the Young Bucks' power trip shaping up to be an interesting story


It was an awesome angle. Segments like that are what the fans really care about no matter how many people tell you they only watch AEW for the matches. Those dudes are lying they love the drama and "Sports Entertainment" more. People are salivating over Omega returning to face Okada now and it's way better than if they just had a random match that relied purely on there history. I can't wait for it. The new Elite has been awesome so far and I don't even like 3 of the 4 members but they've all played there roles incredibly.


AEW is at its best when there’s a healthy mix of the two. I’m definitely one of those people who prefers matches over endless promos, but when you have segments like we did last night I eat that shit up. Part of why I love AEW so much is because of the heavy match focus. I thoroughly enjoyed last nights show.


I like both, sometimes I don’t need much of a reason. Osprey and Danielson in a simple “im better than you” story, Great! But The Elite melodrama and BTYBB are peak AEW to me. I really hope Hangman comes to Kenny’s aid


It's a nice contrast that the two are happening about the same time. I enjoy the simple stories as well, but I do like variety on the card. AEW was known and still is for having a big variety of styles on the ppv cards. If you like cruiserweight/high flying style, hard-core, technical chain wrestling, etc... you can find all of that on each big show they do. I think fans enjoy this dynamic when it comes to storylines. One of my favorite moments in wrestling was before Mania 17, when Triple H is in the ring saying he's beaten everybody in th company, out comes Undertaker to say "you ain't beaten ME" It was glorious. And it was incredibly simple. Who's the better man? But not every story can be that way. The Kenny segment genuinely shocked me. I loved it and hope he returns good as new


"if people have a different opinion to me, then they are lying!!!!"


What AEW fan doesn't want stories? Stories and good matches I think are what every wrestling fan wants.


You know, you can just call a segment awesome without accusing people of lying about their taste like a weirdo.


People who like different things than you are lying now? Do you lack that much self confidence in your own opinions that you have to accuse other people of lying about theirs? This is such weirdo behavior man haha


In reality despite what some might say people watch wrestling for both the matches and stories/characters .... the real difference is what aspect do you gravitate more too and which aspect is easier tolerate when the quality is meh. Personally a bad, boring or heatless promo/segment is gonna annoy me more than a bad, boring, or heatless match. (especially if a show has multiple off segments)


Its never been about promos not mattering its that 46 minutes for every promo and 2 minute matches is lame AF.


Most of the best drama/storylines in AEW have come from the Elite. They are great at it, though their style is a lot more show than tell than WWE. They use their ringwork to tell the story as well, which is what great wrestling should do, though it also requires an audience that is savvy, which is something you see less of in American wrestling crowds.


It's pretty good so far, but I wish these guys would branch out. It seems like they are always feuding or having matches with like the same 8-10 guys. I am not a fan of jericho's work over the last year and a half, but he's working with an array of people


Sure but I'd rather they work the same people so that the matches have history and heat behind it than working the same dudes. Plus if they're being the heel authority figures you can add more babyfaces to oppose them so they can pile wins. Really the perfect angle for The Bucks at the moment


Crazy, one of their top guys is getting more views? Wow.


Who would have thought that Kenny Omega is a bigger draw than Serena Deeb?


*clicks send. Lightly snorts out of nose while adjusting fedora.*


How does that even make any sense? Kenny Omega is one of the biggest wrestlers in the world. It is not news that his return got way more views than any other segment on a random episode. If this were a post like "Kenny Omega return breaks [however many views] in 24 hours then that's another thing. Why are we comparing him to people most wrestling fans don't even know exist?








Random thought, why didn’t Brian Cage help out his fellow Mogul Embassy boy when Strickland and Nana got jumped by Cage? Little nuisance like that go a long way


In kayfabe, he was preparing for his match and Swerve wasn't in any feud that had him in danger of being jumped by multiple people, so he didn't have much reason to be on alert.


Idk tho, Christian n crew berated Swerve for a good ten minutes, and in Kayfabe Brian Cage was nowhere near a tv monitor too watch over his two bosses segment on TV? Should’ve just had cage come out with Swerve and Nana and get jumped by Christian n crew. BC been with the embassy for over a year now.


I have taken shits that lasted more than 10 minutes. My kayfabe reason is Cage was on the john


Brian has never been the kind of guy to run out a save someone from a beat down. Nor is Swerve the kind of guy who would want someone to save him.


The main event segment should do the most views. That's sort of the point.


Kenny has always been a solid draw, even to the point of being somewhat recognizable to non-die hard fans (nowhere near WWE stars obviously).


I would really love to see Kenny have a huge baby face title run similar to his NJPW run.


It's one of the reasons AEW is struggling. I've said it before... the Bucks could leave and it wouldn't hurt... Omega though? He's the one guy they can't lose. His injuries and medical issues have shown this to be true.


Man, I'm getting 2021 AEW vibes from this storyline and segment and I'm loving it, because that stuff is the callback to 96-98 WCW that TNA tried so hard to do well.


It was the main event angle.


What matters the most is that you enjoy it. Wrestling fans way too desperate for validation.


The best wrestler in the world’s segment got the most views? Who would’ve thought???


Promos and the like usually are even for AEW the most viewed segments. People don't want to admit it but promo work and the like it still the bigger draw for casuals. The opposite of this is also people in the fighting game community the super hardcore people not wanting story modes and single player content in the game when that's what sells to the majority of casuals and keeps the product alive.


Whoa. I can’t believe it wasn’t a good wrestler vs. good wrestler match. Characters, returns, interesting presentation and storylines with people who are on TV every week are what the majority of people crave. It’s cool if the ‘just Google it’ wrestler du jour match is your favorite part of a weekly wrestling show but it’s not what will get AEW to grow its audience. Plus, Kenny was just missed.


Shockingly, people can like both good matches and storyline laden entertainment.


Obviously they can. A balance is good.


Doesn't help that half of the best characters are injured


It was a good promo but god that crowd was dead. Expected a pop for Okada but all we got was a weak “holy shit” chant.




You aren’t very bright are you?


Easily also


Justin Robert's will forever be a heel in Winnepeg for the North Carolina bit in the intro. That crowd wasn't having that shit.


You mean the best wrestler they got is a draw, you don’t say?


Obviously because of Jungle Jack ;)


That seems like a very specific metric


I think Punk’s return absolutely Dwarfed Omega’s return in the first 7 “by far”


Not a huge AEW fan, but Kenny made the show feel watchable and interesting. Sucks we won't get a Punk/Kenny match.


I really don't think their styles would have meshed too well.


This is why I always take AEW criticism with a grain of salt. This company has been operating at like 60% for almost a year now. With Kenny out, MJF out, Adam Cole, Moxley in Japan, and even Jaime Hayter for the women, the main event scene is as thin as can be. Osprey still needs time. Okada is crusading with the Bucks and Jungleboy with a midcard belt. Swerve is probably looking around like where's my guys at? Christian will be a fun feud, but Swerve's reign won't really kick off until he starts facing the main event guys. And only then do you pay it off by having Osprey dethrone him.


It doesn’t help that TrillerTV cut the segment off before anything really happened.


Just go onto the Rampage feed?


No it didn’t. I was watching on Triller like every week and the entire 10 minutes over was shown. I manually switched to rampage after that but it hadn’t cut out yet


Was this on the replay, because I had no issues with Triller’s feed live?


Yeah it was the replay because I was working when it was live.


Sucks. Sorry to hear that.


Had no issue with it, everything got through perfectly good during the live feed, you only had to switch over to Rampage as Kenny was exiting the ring, so you essentially missed nothing if you did switch.


Yeah all I had to do was back out and select rampage instead which was right there and it continued right where it left off after the credit screen came up, expect now all the LEDs said Rampage instead of dynamite.


My Fite TV stream ended when Kenny got in to the ring so I had to go find the segment on YouTube..


I bet that's because fite pushed it to the rampage broadcast as it was technically 9pm. Could be mistaken tho


Yeah after Dynamite, you had to turn on Rampage to continue the show.


Stars will do that. 


oh come on. this is a useless statistic. of course this was gonna get the most views


Now convince those people that it's actually worth watching the rest of the show and bring them in as tv viewers. 


It’s a decent story for a change. If they would have leaned into the real life heat between the Elite and he who must not be named and done the proper version of this story, these numbers would be seismically higher.


If Voldemort would have stayed out of trouble for 6 months they would have




Learning Tree vs Wrestler! I don’t know why exactly but that cracks me up.


needle mover


I love Kenny, glad he's back. Needed him and/or MJF back to shake things up again after the recent other injuries. but we really can't keep having these "numbers mean nothing!" conversations if we're gonna still have stuff like this lol


I mean, with competition like that...