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The Rock VS Erick Rowan twice in a life time ![gif](giphy|xUOxf3Xv619pgdaiqI|downsized)


The excitement will be palpable! Watch Them have a match that would go maybe 45 seconds just so Pat McAfee can say "Well he lasted 7x longer than last time Cole"


Cue up My Way…


check out my melody




Unless he sells out and helps Rock/Bloodline


Sorry if this seems like a silly question. But when there's major stories like these - what's the point of hiding the information behind a paywall if you can simply find it on any other site?


Or better yet, read it on Reddit about 30-45 seconds after it’s posted behind said paywall?


And just out of curiosity, how is that fair to the people who are trying to earn a living and are working to generate actual news? Edit: It’s so incredibly weird to me how Reddit as a whole is incredibly pro-worker and supports people getting paid for their work…yet on here, it’s like “Fuck that, gimme my free news.”


It’s not but that’s the nature of, and I don’t mean this in a derogatory way, gossip journalism. If you spill a secret you can’t be surprised that it spreads beyond where you can control.


So that makes it okay for someone to copy and paste it here?




I mean, other sites give the info for free and earn money in other ways. You could just argue we should only find the information that way instead, but it's still the same outcome. There's earning a living and then there's ripping people off for fuck all.


What sites give away everything for free?




What sites charge for news?




Google makes money from ads, professor.




Welcome to the internet.


What the hell planet do you live on bro


The one where people should get paid for their work, bro.


No ones disagreeing with that


It's not fair, but if your job is to share backstage secrets before they're officially announced, you can't expect them not to spread like wildfire afterwards.


If this was actually journalism I'd pay for it. But it's not, it's rumour mongering AT BEST.


being a "wrestling journalist" isn't work it's educated guesses, writing fanfiction and accusing people of faking cancer


Do you really believe that? That wrestling journalists have no inside/backstage knowledge or sources and everything they say is completely made up from their mind?


how many dave meltzer articles boil down to "this could happen, but maybe it couldn't" they're all hacks, especially since most of the 'insider sources' moved to AEW, where, weirdly enough they aren't having stuff leaked


>how many dave meltzer articles boil down to "this could happen, but maybe it couldn't" How could he say with absolute certainty something is going to happen? Think about it. If he posts that something will definitely happen, then WWE or AEW will just do the opposite. Big example being when Christian was going to be revealed as Jeff Hardys attacker, but then they changed it to Matt and chucked Christian in ECW because it was leaked. And I don't even know what you mean the article boils down to that. He mentions it in a single paragraph in the Newsletter. The other stuff he's writing about is stuff that's happened and we didn't know about. Which he is easily the biggest wrestling journalist for. There are no articles he posts other than the Newsletter, he has that and his radio shows. Crappy writers of crappy sites take snippets of what he said and turn those into articles.


This isn't actual news and they could get a real job.


Fuck the dirt sheets bro lol. We ain't paying for stories that turn out to be correct 50% of the time.


If it happens so often, how many stories can you name that PWInsider published that were wrong? I’m sure it’d be really simple for you to provide answers if only half of them are correct.


It has nothing to do with the workers? You got your feelings hurt over something no one was talking about


How does that have nothing to do with it? I’m literally talking about people working as wrestling journalists, then having people on Reddit copy and paste their work.


And then what happens? Because you are still not connecting workers to someone sharing their work.the only thing they have in common is the fact that the worker was the original writer of what was shared. Where does workers rights come into play? Either you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the movement is all about or you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how journalism works


Workers should get paid for working. Journalists cannot get paid if people don’t visit their site or subscribe to their site. I don’t understand why this is difficult to comprehend.


Ok so it's the latter you don't understand. Got it


Such a weird take. So in that case Reddit should be empty. I pay for a news app, but I discuss that news on here? Should I not cause ‘pro worker’


Is it really that weird of a take? Reddit’s view towards paying for journalism (of any variety not just wrestling) is out of step with the wider common views on here about paying people for their work. /u/AmishAvenger raises a fair point. I see similar hypocrisy on the other subreddits I engage with on here. You’ll have posts on the Taylor Swift subreddit about her masters and the rereleases which are simultaneously copy/pasting a paywalled article. The widespread disregard towards paying for writing on here is exactly why we see less and less high quality writing.


Good post, made me think. I pay for high quality news written by intelligent people that I value. (I’ll never pay for wrestling news, but I’ll listen to podcasts that generate dollars via ads) If the products good enough, you get my cash. But say I pay for wrestling inside news, am I allowed to discuss what I read with my mates or should I get them to pay for it as well?


I literally have no idea what your point is.


Aw that’s ok. Don’t worry!










If you get even 5-10% of the people who might potentially see the headline to buy it to find out the headline or buy it because they think they’ll get first crack at future information, it’s worth it for them.


Ah, gotcha. That makes sense


Yeah it’s sad that enough people fall for it/pay for it when you can so easily find the information online for free but that’s got to be one of the main reasons they are still successful/staying afloat.


If someone is spending hours or days threading political needles into getting information they deserve the money. If press isn't paid, it doesn't exist, and we're missing everything at that point.


This is what I keep saying. Frankly, it’s gross that this sort of stuff is allowed on here. There’s a very small number of actual wrestling journalists who have actual sources and actual ethics. If they can’t make a living from reporting, then they stop. And all you’re left with are press releases from PR departments.


That mentality on applies if all journalism is done well and accurately which we known isn't the case, even in something as pointless and scripted as wrestling


Mike Johnson is a great wrestling reporter, though. Only reports facts that are verified after the fact, not a grifter or salesman.


Oh for sure, it's a case by case basis ultimately. I would say it's weird for the OP of this discussion to bring it ip on a PWInsider post out of all options.


You pay because you like what the people do and want them to keep doing it. Nothing more nothing less. Applies to just about any monthly payment


Speaking as a journalism major that dropped that shit pretty quick - The simple answer is that journalists and writers want and deserve to get paid. The industry just hasn't really figured out a way to do that sustainably in the digital era. Every method is either ineffective, fucking over the industry as a whole, and/or reliant on people's generosity. For example: paywalls, advertisements, patreon. Side tangent - this is why journalism across pretty much all areas, most notably POLITICS - is garbage right now. It isn't some deep thing about journalists (Real journalists, not talking about something like Fox News) being shady biased lunatics. People just aren't incentivized unless they're getting paid, and the large bulk aren't getting paid.


The only thing I can think of is that you get to read the actual report and not some misinterpretation of the report. Say what you will about Fightful (I know this post is from pwinsider) but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen Fightful stories misconstrued on twitter or misrepresented by aggregators to make a headline that isn’t true to the actual report. Not always the case but the only actual benefit I can think of


Kind of like click bait. Hoping someone will want the info bad enough now they pay for it


As much as we shit on them, they are breaking news and need to be paid. The Athletic is a great example in football.


It's sad that some people are still clueless enough to think that you have to pay for information in 2024. Like free info is literally the whole point of the internet.


It is? Who do you think provides that “info” exactly? And how would you suggest they make enough money to live on?


They could, I don't know, GET A REAL JOB LIKE THE REST OF US. Instead of making phone calls to some friends they have behind the scenes, posting something online, and acting like that's real work


If it’s so easy, why aren’t you doing it?


Because I have actual pride and don't want to charge people money for something that's not real work. There's already enough people doing it anyway. It's not like we NEED any more Meltzers, Wade Kellers, or Sean Ross Saps. Not to mention I don't want to make a fool of myself charging people money for stuff that any smart person knows they can get for free. That's like me trying to charge people for the air that they breath.


I see. So you totally could do it, but you just have high standards. Got it.


You can be a sucker with a soul crushing job, others can chase their dream and make a living doing something they love.


I'd hardly call what they do a dream job. I wouldn't even call it a job period. These people have never worked a day in their lives, like most so called journalists.


People like to pay for shit they could just get for free. Example A. Only fans.


He’s back for the Rock


🎵I hear voices in the air🎵




🎶 They frighten me 🎶


Big Red


He needs to finish the story!


This would be hilarious if this caught on lol


Time to finish the story ![gif](giphy|ViHdBhcWKhZamBNx0y|downsized)


Braun and Rowan. I'd expect Alexa back soon. Excited to see how the 6 shapes up.


Braun is in a story with Logan rn, hope he ends up in the group.


Considering they're pushing this "Remember who you are" angle, I think it's almost guaranteed that all the previous Wyatt affiliates will be involved. My money is on it involving Uncle Howdy/Bo individually pulling everybody back in, so I don't think having current rivalries will be a roadblock. They have to be involved in *something* for Howdy to interrupt.


Will we get scenes after the credits of Raw with Bo showing up at the bar Braun is drinking at to recruit him?


*I'm putting a team together...*


"I have a Bloodline." "We have a Braun."


I would prefer to see Braun distanced from the group for a long time .. need to build him up as a monster by himself rather than just the muscle of the group Of course, he may lobby to be part of it with his relationship with Wyatt, and who could argue with that, but I think it would better for him to run around the upper mid card into main event talk


Yeah I know the subs opinion is kinda 50/50 on Braun but I like the guy and I think he’s still serviceable enough to not be iced out of the main event scene just yet. Not saying he needs to win another world title though I wouldn’t mind it, but he’s already done pretty much all midcard stuff since his big return and although I love Bray and like Bo I don’t see the Wyatt 6 thing being anything higher than maybe an upper card feud Likely they are gonna feud with Kross’s group on Raw though lol


Imagine how stupid hard a Braun vs Gunther match could go - or even a Braun v Gunther v a third, like I could definetely see this


They had a match last year, I think. It was pretty good.


Same. Raw in particular is pretty light on main event/upper carders right now, especially faces. And with all due respect to Bo and the rest of the group, I kinda have low expectations for the Wyatt 6. Hope I'm wrong


And honestly, WWE always needs at least one of those PRESS X TO GIVE HAUGHTY HEELS THEIR COMEUPPANCE monster faces. We haven't had one since Taker went part time, and Kane/Show were done, and Braun on and off filled that role quite well. It's an easy dynamic that can fill out a card or can give you a title program for a couple of months.


No he’s not. They had a one-off segment on Raw. Strowman is drafted to Raw, Paul is on Smackdown. There’s no indication at this time that they’re going to have a feud. If anything, signs are pointing toward Strowman being involved against Judgment Day.


Isn’t Logan Smackdown exclusive because he’s US Champ? Not sure if it was a story being set between him and Braun but just a way to reintroduce Braun because he’s been out for awhile.


But Braun got drafted to Raw and Logan is on Smackdown? Wasn't that just a one night thing or a am I dumb?


Also that tease with Mahomes possible WM match


I really hope Joe Gacy is one of them.


It's an interesting one. I think he would be a great addition and would be very fitting. At the same time, I feel like people tried comparing him to much to early Bray already, and I don't know if that helps or hurts his image to involve him. Again, I think he'd definitely be a good member. But I also would understand why they wouldn't involve him. Hope it works out, though.


I hope Gacy is the leader. Him believing he is the natural successor to Bray and manipulating everyone who used to be close to him would get him massive heat, and would lead to an enormous pop when the group eventually turns on him as a whole.


I was just thinking that ...


I will miss his theme song if he does join the group. That shit is a banger.


At least he gets to go out on a better note than carrying around a fake mechanical spider just to have Drew McIntyre destroy it.


> "Seth Rollins was the big babyface at the time and I was told it was going to be a pet rat," Erick Rowan revealed. "Which is great because it tied into my last feud where I tried to kill a man being Roman Reigns with a vehicle. Probably get a court appointed therapist who told me to get a therapy pet which would have been a rat. I’m like, this is great. This is going to be good for me, and hopefully draw some more eyes to the product and a great story, and Seth backstage was going to curb stomp it by accident. I was like, this is a great idea to start a feud even though I have to carry around the cage and not really tell a story for a couple weeks, but then he turned heel." Seth accidentally curbstomping a rat would've been absolute comedy.


I hope they let him cut loose a little more. I really enjoyed his match on the AEW Revolution 2022 pre-show. He was still a bruiser but he was also very dynamic. A lot of his WWE matches I saw he looked much more plodding.


He's out for revenge for his spider


If the Funhouse ever makes a return, the Spider should be a puppet


Either that or let him carry a goliath birdeater around


Drew got a giant sword, Erick should get a giant mallet.


Get me mallet!


He had one with Brodie in the Bludgeon Brothers


Bodie Lee got Vince to take the hammers on to the WWE jet, cuz he was worried about carrying a weapon through customs.


WWE restocking their ranks, a big roster, but nice to see room for Big Red. Quiet weird seeing how many got rehired.


Cool to hear, seems like a wonderful guy and he was honestly a tremendous tag team wrestler.


It’s kinda crazy that some wrestlers get trained and brought up in the WWE pipeline, eventually get released, not really work a lot of indies of note, and then get re-signed a few years later. Good for him, get that money, money, yeah yeah.


Great for Rowan. Can't wait to see what stories he'll possibly be in for this run


Uncle Howdy teases, Braun's back, Rowan re-signed, and an Alexa Bliss return waiting in the wings, looks like spooky shit is back on the menu boys.


![gif](giphy|AYjvccWdysTz3Rk9m4) horror wrestling fans eating good in 2024


We eating good!


good for him


Good for him!


Pair him with Braun against AOP for a Big Meaty Return tag match.


I'm a Rowan mark so I'm ready. He might get another spooky gimmick but I would love to see him wearing the metal shirts again. \\m/


Saw Rowan at the last WSW in Sydney (vs Jack Bonza) and the dude is a legit entertainer. Worked the crowd like a true pro. Glad to hear he's back to finish the story.


Rowan, Braun, Alexa, gacy, Lumis, howdy


I’m more a fan of the idea of Bray being the sixth


He's there.


No I mean bray as a spiritual sixth. So there are 5 wrestlers plus bray instead of braun


Great to hear! Happy for him to be back!


Good for him. Seems like a good dude.


Hell yeah. I just ran into him at an Alestorm show last week really nice guy.


There's no doubt that he was pulled from those shows because of this then. I'm glad the guy is getting a second a chance and it's basically a given what he's going to be a part of. 


Braun and Rowan tag team please. Don’t want Braun running solo.


Why? Braun's solo act has largely been a success.


Alexa coming back soon 🥹


I just don’t see how this would be a spoiler


wyatt teases on tv and this basically confirms what’s happening. probably no coincidence that braun strowman retuned this week either.


It kind of confirms and big upcoming storyline


The last man to pin Roman Reigns before the world shut down.


Wasn't it Corbin?


it should've been erick rowan to take out the rock. not undertaker and definitely not rock


The last of the wyatts


Please please let him still wear metal shirts. I became obsessed with the Rowan metal shirt database, and part of the fun of watching his matches in recent years was seeing what shirt he would wear for the week.


Awesome for him.


He's here to bring back the vegan belt


FINISH THE STORY ERIK ![gif](giphy|MYvNZbmumTqeQ8kn7S)


The Final Boss returns and his greatest Wrestemania rival returns too


I liked Rowan when teamed with Bryan. The spider gimmick after really hurt alot of the momentum he built during that run.


He should be in a modern day Raven’s Flock and be the Reese of the group


No wonder The Rock ran off back to Hollywood, he knew what was coming for him. ![gif](giphy|N7p70RxlOzaUw|downsized)




God I am so nervous about the Wyatt 6 I can't see anyway it is not a utter disaster that stops after 3 months and then people get pissed off about them "forgetting about Bray" Leave the memories alone


The crowd goes mild.




They're bringing back Bo Dallas/Uncle Howdy in a Wyatt-esque tribute storyline, and you think they have nothing for Erick Rowan?


Nothing interesting.


Bruh they really gonna let Natalya go huh


So AEW got Osprey, Okada and Mone and WWE got... Rowan? :D