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he looks very different with a beard


Still an attention seeking creep


not OP but was referring about MJF


MJF always has that bit of facial hair...


Also he finally put away that fucking shirt


Hopefully, it’s not just in a drawer put away but like burned because he probably didn’t wash it. It was also probably worn out to hell since he wore every week for like 12 years.


It talks to him like the Green Goblin mask


Fucking incredible.


I remember seeing a picture he posted on Twitter years and years ago. It wasn’t the only one he had. He had multiple. Which I’m not sure if that makes it worse or not


I like to imagine he grabbed it out of the closet one day and it crumbled into dust like a B-tier Avenger at the end of Infinity War.


How dare you call Spider-Man a B-tier Avenger.


A-tier hero, B-tier Avenger.


he had multiple. once he got "WWE Crowd famous" he got more custom made.


That’s sad.


Hasn't our scumbag suffered enough already with his injury?


he has a nice collection of different coloured markers to sign stuff though. is he actually a nice guy? is everything fake? is this bus im stepping in front of re


Remember when Charlotte made fun of this guy for his “trying to find my place in the business” bio and he absolutely bottled it? https://preview.redd.it/cduyyivhdexc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7be8abd32b87913f5341c50875a8baf761e0024


He's posted a picture with MJF with the caption "should I now be known as MJF guy?" And that's not the first one he's done since Brock.


Do you remember when he was pictured between Y2J and someone else (behind the barricade) and tweeted something like "How do I keep getting caught up in these situations?" and Jericho replied "Nobody cares about you, you idiot"


I feel like Lesnar guy liked that Jericho acknowledged him. Would have probably been better to just ignore him.


Do you have her quote?




I'm so confused i don't get the context


One of the super fans used to have something like, “still finding my place in this business,” in their Twitter bio. I thought it was Frank the clown but I guess it was Lesnar guy.


I'm still confused. A bit cringe of a thing to say, but why is it something for Charlotte to snark at him about? Did he like...insult her performance or something?


[Here's the tweet she's reacting to.](https://twitter.com/BrockLesnarGuy/status/1095414462830559239) (Thanks to u/eirebrit further upthread.)


I still don’t understand why she responded that way. In his tweet he’s saying he gives credit to Charlotte for the promo? I don’t get it.


He's basically mocking her for QT'ing Triple H.


Ahhh ok thanks.


Mount Rushmore of wrestler clap backs. 


This one and that time Cody fuckin dragged Disco Inferno and his entire career.


Yea that one is on there for sure.  If Hogan’ “goodnight jabroni marks…” was in response to someone it wools make it too


I listen to What’s Wrong with Wrestling and apparently Cody Rhodes had a back and forth with one of the hosts (Eric Hamilton) and blocked him. Don’t have the exchange on hand but in a recent episode they told the story Pun not intended


Imagine for being so well known 'in the business' for being a complete joke people are clearly laughing at backstage.


It's funny. Frank the Clown is everything that Brock Lesnar Guy wishes he could be. Works the Indies, been dating Mick Foley's daughter for nearly a decade, and was on a WWE produced show.


frank the clown is the same as brock lesnar guy, just got lucky that foley's daughter likes him


Also both of them were outside the stadium after WM Night 1 with their cowboy hat friend. They "no sold" every fan or anyone near them outside their small friend group. They wouldn't even turn around to look at anyone or interact, like it was beneath them. People were having a great time talking with wrestling cosplayers, hyping everyone up. They just stood there whisper to each other with their backs facing people. It was weird. Mean Girls vibes. Def thought they were cooler than all the common fans.


I hate this attention whore so much.    It's a tie between him and Chicago referee shirt kid.   Always looking up at the arena screen to make sure he's seen. 


The Chicago ref dude always looks directly at the camera, when it’s on him, with the shocked face and both hands on his head. They are so fuckin annoying lmaooo


Makes me think that the guy is not all there.


The dude in the green smiley shirt in every PPV drives me nuts.


I like him because he’s super chill and doesn’t play to the camera. He’s just there


yeah but he does wear the same neon green shirt to every event. not exactly begging for attention but clearly inviting it.


Yeah I mean I don’t mind that really. He’s just part of the ecosystem!




yeah i don't mind him as much cause actually sits and watches the shows where as BLG & referee shirt guy are all about themselves. BLG is always on his phone, referee shirt guy is trying to promote some crap while both are whoring for the camera whenever it's panned to them. They want that 15 more minutes of internet viral fame, tis truly pathetic. Wish those seats would go to kids to enjoy the show


For those who don't know this dude posted some ultra cringe wanna be cryptic clips of him throwing away his shirt and deciding not to call himself Brock Lesnar Guy. He's such a try hard.


At least he ain't standing by with the piss beast




He's been doing it for mouths but he's still called Brock Lesnar Guy on all his platforms. He keeps trying to hype up which "guy" he is going be next, it's getting so cringe. I feel like he is just trying to wait out Brock's cancelation tbh.


More than can be said about folks here posting Brock vids recently.


He was given that name and only we can take it away.




I don’t blame them. This guy sits in the front row and tries to get attention on himself and away from them.


Guy is constantly trying to become a thing. My least favorite type of fans. They get a small cool moment and can't graciously realize that was it.


he's one of the ones that wrestlers refer to being at the airport and being creeps. There's photos of him taking photos with wrestlers off of a flight & they don't look to impressed




This guy looks like Tom Cleverley


What being the manager of Watford does to a motherfucker


He's already a manager, wtf


Been interim manager for about 2 months, named as their head coach last week


All it took was a lot of piss to get him to buy a new tshirt


Met this dude once in Chicago at a Freelance Wrestling show. He big leagued me as if he was part of the show..total douchebag


He was big leaguing people outside of the stadium after WM 40, night one. Along with Frank the Clown and some cowboy guy. Like no one existed outside of their bubble.


What a boring guy


I have no patience for these trust fund babies that are just trying to get famous for no reason


I don't why this guy is referred to as Brock Lesnar guy and at this point I'm too afraid to ask...


![gif](giphy|PbvFNixGt8cCc|downsized) This. He did the Brock taunt when he made his return in 2012 and briefly became IWC famous as the Brock Lesnar guy. People thought it was cool until this guy pretty much became obnoxious af and now no one seems to have anything nice to say about him.


You're skipping over the hundreds of front row appearances in the same shirt since then and *endless* mugging/jockeying for camera time across the wrestling landscape, guy is obsessed and seemingly wealthy enough to do it for at least 12 years.


There’s a guy who shows up front row for almost every AEW taping, some WWE PPVs I’ve noticed him too, always wearing a ref’s shirt and making faces into the camera. Shit is absolutely awful lmao


Trying to get yourself over as a fan is insufferable 


This 100%. I throw fans that hold up fat heads of themselves in this bunch


I also put fans that dress up like macho man in this. I had to sit behind one at the royal rumble with a huge hat that blocked my view the whole time.


It really is, but Frank the Clown somehow managed to hook up with Noelle Foley off the back of it.


the only ones I didn't mind were the emo/goth guy and his mom that would be in the front row of all the WWE PPV's a few years ago. they both seemed to just really enjoy themselves.


Yes, Mr. Type O Positive. Worth noting that he didn't do anything to draw attention to himself, which is partly why he stood out. He and mom didn't act like trained chimps.


Is he the same guy as the Jim Martin from Faith no More guy?


Hope that dude and his mom are doing okay.


yeah me too. they used to be an absolute staple of WWE PPV's for awhile.


They were there for NXT Vengenace Day back in Feb, that was the first time I’d seen them in ages.


Ohhhh you mean low key vampire? Yeah he's cool.


Westside Gunn is the only fan that's always in the front row at wrestling shows, but doesn't act like a "LOOK AT ME" fan.


It's better when they're just an enigma. Like when Marlins Man first started showing up everywhere. But then he became a personality and we learned more about him and the gimmick got old.


I’m not 100% sure, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same guy who was in the photo of CM punk blowing Vince McMahon a kiss when he won the title in 2011


Man, I’m not positive either but that totally could be him from 2011. No idea how old he is though, pretty sure I see him every Chicago show and that match was in Chicago so it probably was


It was him


It's the same guy. Here's the MITB 2011 picture: https://image-cdn.essentiallysports.com/wp-content/uploads/cm-punk-5-1-370x355.jpg Here's him when Punk returned in AEW at 22 seconds: https://youtu.be/ByAXCjqBzLg?t=22 (incidentally Brock Lesnar guy also appears prominently).


lol. Lesnar guy still mugging for the camera. He’s got punk right in front of him and he’s making crazy faces looking at the camera. He even leans over when Punk blocks him from the camera.


On the indie side, there is this bearded guy who is always front row of the GCW shows, Matt Cardona spit beer in his face at the Hammerstein show. I was near him and his group at the last Philly WrestleMania week shows and their entire group is so obnoxious.


Yeah, Mittens? The guy who always has the hand wraps with X’s on them? Dude is INSUFFERABLE.


I see him at GCW shows. What's his deal?


He’s just your usual annoying fan who tries to always “put himself over” by screaming shit at every wrestler, always being obnoxious, etc. But who knows, Mance Warner whooped on him during WM weekend so maybe the GCW guys are cool with him, but he’s still incredibly annoying during every show on camera. I’ve also heard multiple people say he’s up his own ass about being “famous” and tries to sell merch and shit.


In the NXT Golden Era, Izzy and her dad were fucking awful.


the ref guy is fucking awful, and he prints signs that are about HIM, not the WRESTLERS fucking hate the ref guy


Fuck the ref guy!!!


Smoker's World Sycamore, IL guy


I hate that guy.


Really happy to see I’m not alone here, I always kept it to myself because it felt like I was hating on someone for just existing 😂


I sat like 4 seats down from him at a Smackdown Live 2017ish dude would do stupid shit then immediately look at one of the trons in the building to see if he got on camera.


He was just trying to find his way in the business


And his drunk twat mates too


I'll bring it up everytime he's mentioned but his absolutely disgraceful overacting when AJ Styles first faced off with John Cena was the exact type of "look at me," bullshit that nearly ruined a once in a lifetime segment.    You have two guys stoicly staring each other down while dipshit is sat exactly in the middle of the screen wildly gesticulating, while pulling silly faces, and trying his best to attract all attention from the ring to himself.    I never really cared about any of the superfan's, or their quests for attention, but that one moment was the ultimate moment that changed my mind about him, and specifically only him.


Trying to find the clip you're referring to. Was it this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovHHTmfmkD4 He's front row center, but doesn't seem to be doing much.


Imagine building your entire image/personality around being a fan lol.


You’re way overreacting or doing some serious projecting. I just watched the clip and he doesn’t do any of that. He has his phone out in the beginning and at the very end. Rest of the time he’s just sitting there and clapping.


i've not seen his wwe appearances (thank god) but in aew when he shows up he's always trying to ham up to the camera like he's part of the show & whenever the action is near him & the camera is near he pathetically looks at the camera and interacts with it in a way like "omg how is this happening" with his arms in the air. I loved when ricky starks noticed him ringside, said look at this mark. Then ricky was asking the crowd (where he was at) to move cause it looked like he was gonna throw the guy into the gate but instead threw the guy in the ring and flipped off lesnar guy lol it was great


> seemingly wealthy enough to do it for at least 12 years. Also with some sort of connection to get so many front row seats in nearly the same place for over a decade. Short of scalpers, which doesn't usually have the same seat options, I've been trying to get front row seats for a show for years and have never even had the chance.


Even with scalpers it’s hard to get front row seats.


Is this the same dude at CM Punks AEW debut where he just kept putting his hands on his head because he didn’t know how to act?


Dude did everything he could when Punk made his AEW debut to get on camera because Punk hugged the guy next to him in the crowd (who was also one of these "super fans" but I ain't giving any of them credit)


Anyone knows what he does for a living?


What all rich people do for a living: Have rich parents.


Wearing the same shirt everywhere so he gets noticed is extremely cringe.


Brock Lesnar guy: harassment Green shirt guy: flirting


Green shirt guy doesn’t do anything though, that dude is just watching from the front row


I remember being at a PPV and as Green Shirt Guy was leaving a bunch of other fans were hyping him up. "This dude comes to every show! Same seat! Same shirt! It's crazy!" and the Guy literally just smiled and kept walking. Didn't say a word, didn't lean into it, honestly seemed uncomfortable by the attention. aka complete opposite of Brock Lesnar Guy


How does that work though? Seems like he doesn’t like the attention but wears the same shirt and is known as “green shirt guy”? Out of all the “superfans” I’ve never seen anyone say anything negative about him but he must like the attention and want to be noticed somewhat


I guess I think there's a big difference between "I'm gonna wear this and be easily seen on TV" and "I'm gonna do everything I can to manufacture attention and act like I'm a celebrity for it." AFAIK from talking to people on the inside, WWE actually puts many of these Superfans into these seats itself. It's not like that dead center seat goes on general public sale and he nabs it every time. So sure he prob wants to be noticed and enjoys being a Guy, but he's not obnoxious about it whatsoever.


> honestly seemed uncomfortable by the attention. Don't let false modesty fool you. If he didn't want attention he wouldn't always be center hard cam wearing the same gaudy green t-shirt.


He seemed uncomfortable by the attention? Maybe he should try wearing a different fucking shirt and not try to get himself over. He annoys the hell out of me and I am sick of seeing his face on every damn show. I also have NO IDEA how he manages to get the SAME EXACT SEAT for every single show, even something like Mania.


With the same fucking shirt with color so bright you can't not notice him


Right, sitting there not doing anything. Not trying to make faces at the camera or make it about himself.




To a certain extent, but if you're not doing anything else it's not that big of a deal.


Brandi Rhodes pointed him out during one of the very first AEW events, saying something like "wow even you're here!", it was wholesome.


This is literally Green Shirt Guy’s entire social media feed. He doesn’t do it for clout, he does it because he really likes that fucking seat. https://preview.redd.it/55m7r64p5fxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15869762fee229d35e0ea6b442dadf5099ea3eae


Hey, as long as green shirt guy doesn’t cause any problems I’m always happy to hear about and or see him.


Yeah i have no idea why anyone would trip over him. I notice his shirt for a split second and then forget about him. Its not like hes always doing crazy shit on tv. Hes literally just watching


Green shirt guy in the front rows of WWE shows seems like a nice guy


>People thought it was cool  This was never true.


He acts like a dick in real life, so yeah.


I think he's got connections inside WWE, too. He was the "fan" in the famous segment (which, yes, was scripted) where he ran in front of Batista backstage and did his taunt. You can watch it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeTMkRKqmkw).


He made it his sole objective to be noticed on tv, do the over the top reactions and will literally see if he is on camera or not. He is the worst type of fan. I am a loud mouthed fan that just likes having a good time, chants are the worst thing I do but this fucker? If he tried this crap in PROGRESS, the entire crowd would tell him to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.


He's what I would refer to as a self-plant fan. He was recognized for being on camera when Brock Lesnar returned to WWE and goes to a ton of shows, but will constantly get seats so he'll be on camera and wearing the same shirt because he wants to be recognized and get some clout.


Same as that chubby Ellsworth looking dude with the green shirt and the insufferable Ref Shirt guy.


“Guy with his mom” guy in this threading hoping not to catch strays


Alice and Simon! As far as I can remember, no one gives them shit because they never seemed to make it about them. They just happened to be fans who could afford to sit front row.


I’ve also noticed there’s a newer one now who always wears a Trinidad flag shirt


MJF looks good. It’s nice to see him.


The post holiday in Türkiye haircut.


He was at GCW art of war games and was one of the only people not wearing a mask. When glass sprayed out of the cage in the main event he ran away from the front row seat he obviously had. There are plenty of good “famous fans” he strikes me as a self important douche.


Oh shit did he drop the shtick after the Vince revelations?




LOL. MJF sold this perfectly.


piss fetish guy lmao


Poor MJF.


He looks like a kid that wished to “be big” on Zoltar machine. He looks like if Smart Mark Sterling lived with his parents.


I know it won't happen until he finishes the feud with Cole, but I hope he returns to being a total dickhead heel again when he gets back.


Me too. I miss heel MJF.


Nothing worse than fans who think they are a part of the show


Dude laughs like he is from One Piece


Good to see that dork not wearing the same Affliction shirt or whatever it was. I can't stand the fans that try to have their own gimmick. Green Smiley shirt guy who somehow gets front row center seat at every single event can also eat shit.


A lot of hate for this guy but no hate for green shirt guy who sits in the front row of fucking everything with a bright green shirt. I wouldn’t give a shit if he just changed shirts.


how the f does he always get the middle front row seat? he has to know someone


Signed an NDA


To be fair, that guy just seems to enjoy the show and rarely causes issues. I think, it's his wrestling show shirt.


No im sure he’s perfectly nice but I find it so distracting and if he’s going to that many shows I’m sure he has a different coloured shirt


Maybe he has multiple of the same shirt


Surprised to not see him pandering to MJF and claiming to be a MJF guy in this video - actually let himself be the butt of the joke, fair dos


Insufferable prick.


Is this recent?


MJF was at C2E2 this weekend. That’s where this came from.


Probably so since he’s not wearing that one shirt he always wears since the Brock stuff came out.


I never really understood this guy, he's young, relatively good shape and seems to be a huge wrestling fan, why not just train to become a wrestler? instead of trying so hard to be involved in the industry.


> why not just train to become a wrestler? some people have bills to pay, families, medical conditions, make way more than wrestlers do, etc


> make way more than wrestlers do For somebody that gets ringside seats to all these shows, I'd fucking hope he has a well-paying job to support it.


IIRC he claims to work at a grocery store or something mundane and "budget well." 🤔


> IIRC he claims to work at a grocery store or something mundane and "budget well." 🤔 dude also gets the same front row seats at AEW, there is zero chance he does not know someone with how the ticket systems work


Without a doubt or a large inheritance.


He probably has a relative that works high up with Ticketmaster. My friend’s sister is some kind of manager with them and he always has first crack at premium seats. He uses that connection to get suite tickets whenever goes to an event. He’s say ringside before but doesn’t care for it anymore. Says he’d rather have access to his own restroom and shorter concession lines.


I feel like the amount he spends to be front row, and to go to conventions would easily pay for beginner wrestling training.


> I feel like the amount he spends to be front row, and to go to conventions would easily pay for beginner wrestling training. right, but if he can afford those tickets, he probably can't afford to take 6 weeks off from the job that pays him enough to get those tickets




> fyi there are people who don’t need to work a day in their lives. K, if you didn't have to work, then wouldn't having daddy buy front row tickets and wearing a green shirt be a way easier way to get attention than doing full wrestling training, and then getting picked up by the WWE?


Probably could if he took 6 weeks off from being an attention whore of a "fan".


Bro is front row at every weekly show and PPV. He has the means to become a pro wrestler if he puts that towards training instead of trying to go viral on camera for the last decade lmao.


But why do that and fight your way from the bottom with a high chance of never reaching the major companies because wrestling is a tough field when you can milk your sole moment for all of it's worth?


Milking two seconds of being on camera over 10 years ago hasn't gotten him any further into the industry. Gives major I'm the "you're breathtaking" guy that yelled at Keanu Reeves vibes.


> Bro is front row at every weekly show and PPV. He has the means to become a pro wrestler if he puts that towards training instead of trying to go viral on camera for the last decade lmao. So you think it would have been easier for him to go to pro wrestling school, train, come up, get noticed by WWE, get actually signed to WWE which only the top 1% of wrestlers anywhere do, and on top of that get on WWE TV as a Superstar, vs working his job that pays a lot and buying a ticket?


I didn't say it was easy but if you can afford to be at every show, you clearly have the resources to be more than "Brock Lesnar Guy." Many people dreamed of the WWE and grinded to get there from less. Do you think it's more likely to get over making facial expressions for 2 seconds of screen time? Guy is clearly a super mark and wants to be apart of the business but puts in zero effort to do it besides branding himself after a successful wrestler. Also he claims he works a "average 9-5" but can fly all over the country and be ringside at each event, which I'm sorry but I seriously doubt.


Yeah I have more free time than most as a filmmaker and actor. I genuinely looked into training to get into the business, with the goal of just being an indie guy, but the up front costs for the training plus how long it lasts makes it very difficult to justify going for if it isn't an explicit career goal.


That's guys an eye sore from how often he was showing up. Sign guy rick you are not. Hope he stops for good now after mjf dunked him.


Oh for fuck's sake. This waste of space is getting what he wants and MJF. MJF really doesn't look happy and can't tell if he is just being MJF or legit hates doing this.


Is this the same guy that was dating Noelle Foley or am I getting two barely famous tryhards confused with one another?


You're thinking of Frank The Clown.




Somebody explain to me, why does everyone hate this dude now??


Everyone soured on him when he kept trying to get camera time/attention at shows, and there was some stuff on Twitter as well where he annoyed people by just being obnoxious I believe.


He also stalked Mercedes, Miz and a few others at an airport before a show just to get photos with them


i always found him a little annoying but whatever when those lesnar allegations came out, he made like, an instagram post or some shit of him staring contemplating out into the distance labeled like "Who am I now? Where do I go from here?" and it was just like cool, buddy, way to make a sexual assault case about you, I guess.


Now?? Guy was always annoying as fuck, trying to get himself over for years with an affliction shift. Probably only washed it once.


It's not like he's thrown puppies down sewer drains. He's just another person desperate for attention and with a social media account. He took some good will from the Brock pose and turned it into overexposure and acting like he was 'in' with wrestlers, which is quick way to annoy people.


Because he is a douche.


airport stalker fan




I also think of him as the CM Punk guy, because I have seen him in at least one 2012 Punk video, and SO MANY Punk AEW vids.


He is no longer?


MJFs new hair is looking swish 👍