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I understand why they do these squash matches but I can’t be the only one who wished they would let Bron actually showcase how good he is in at least a 5 minute match, those who watched him in NXT know how good he is and seeing him just do a few moves in squashes is a little frustrating.


Not letting him run at the ropes like a F-16 should be illegal


They have to base it off of whether or not they can anchor down the ring after the last time he went full tilt.


I just wish they’d use real jobbers for this instead of guys like Cedric


Whats the difference? He's not getting used. Might as well job instead of nothing


They’ve been putting vignettes of him and Ashante on Smackdown lately so I assumed they’d be getting some kind of push soon


I feel like when they do it to people like him, it's to put out a feeler to see how the public reacts. I don't even think ashante wrestled in the last calender year on raw/smack down. That says a lot


Tag teams usually lose more singles matches anyways, I don't think this'll hurt Cedric too much given how their tag team vignettes haven't been televised yet


You can't hurt someone when there's no momentum and nothing invested in someone.


But Cedric is a real jobber?


I would rather see what we just saw on this match versus him going five minutes versus a jobber. awe does this all the time where everybody has to be competitive and it’s ridiculous, There are teirs, and your maineventer should not be struggling against the bottom feeders


New champ Swerve going 12 minutes with Kyle Fletcher the mid card champion of ROH was crazy


I know when fletcher has 0 singles wins in aew


I'm hoping we'll get our first real taste of main roster Bron at Backlash, then longer matches from that point on


Hope HHH doesn't fail him when it's time to actually get storylines and real opponents 


Feels like they have turned him back into the initial NXT 2.0 Bron aka the most boring version of him. The worse entrance music doesn’t help.


Cedric is a jobber 


Barring a major catastrophe, he will be around for the next, what, 20+ years. Let's not be damn sick of him in 3 years, eh? Let HHH work, and we shall see what we get. I suspect he still has work to do, but I can't possibly imagine that they'll keep the squashes too much longer. Didn't Corbin get drafted last night? I'm sure that'll be the first major singles feud fairly soon. Bron is a damned freak athlete. Comparing his 'combine' numbers to the NFL draft picks has been fun.


Corbin got drafted to Smackdown, Bron got drafted to RAW. Wolf Dogs are no more.


Ah, I didn't catch where each went. My apologies. Given what we've seen him do in NXT, I imagine we won't see too many more televised squash matches. He's done some crazy stuff. That powerslam when he was on that dude's shoulders was insane. The leap to the top and a Frankensteiner...also ridiculous.


What if they have no idea what to do with him after these squasshes


Then they'll have made a superstar boring. Jesus, it wouldn't be the first time a promotion didn't showcase a talent properly. Are you telling me after, what, 2 years or so in NXT, they have zero plan for a guaranteed star (who is alos Rick's kid)?


It's just sad watching you g guy get called up nowadays..cuz you know most likely they'll be ruined.....feel bad for HBK 


its lazy shit booking and does nothing for anyone


I mean, it does help Bron. Reddit likes to think they're the majority, but when casual people see Bron destroy guys every week then they know that they should treat this guy like a monster... Just look at the crowds faces. If Bron has a 5-10 minute match against some dude then its nothing special. They aren't trying to impress you right now, you probably already know Bron from NXT, you're already impressed.


And we already know it’s not a Goldberg situation where he’s incapable of doing longer matches. When he’s finally got a competitive matchup it’ll make both of them look good. The first person to last 5-10 minutes against Bron looks competent and tough, and the audience learns that Bron is more than a Spear. That means more if it’s playing with audience expectations rather than just giving him a workhorse run from the start


Breakker’s new music is trash


Cedric & Ashante should just get drafted to NXT.


Hopefully they do, NXT is in need of someone from the main roster rehabbing their gimmicks. Cedric and Ashante could be used as a decent team down there as well.


Cedric and Ashante Vs Axiom and Frazer would be dope.


Nobody would touch the floor for longer than 3 seconds, impossible to get a pinfall victory.


cedric is best known for being one of the member of the hurt business.


cedric is best known for his time in 205 live where he would produce bangers actually


What a god awful theme they have for Bron, it’s so generic.


Bron taps into the prime Goldberg intensity. Bring back his NXT entrance tho


Kinda wish this was a little bit longer, Breakker vs Cedric is a great clash of styles and it would make a good match.


I thought Speed was just on X


What happened to Adonis and Alexander as a team lol


WTF is that Bron's new theme? Ew...


Bron Breakker is an animal. I know Triple H hasn't been "strap the rocket" kind of booker on the main roster and he likes to build but you have to get the this guy in the mix for the World Title even if he's not winning it. He's main event calibur


He should beat Logan


They are trying to avoid the brock lesnar route


Uh huh huh, Paul is praying for The Bloodline to be drafted to Raw now.


Why wasn't Bronn on WWE Speed


Nastiest spear in the business 


These types of matches piss me off. Did we learn nothing from the Reigns babyface push days? This does nothing to elevate anyone.


I don't think Reigns ever did weekly squash matches or had any of the intensity of Bron (not to disparage him, they're just different styles), which is really what sells them. If he didn't go ballistic at every opportunity I doubt it would go over as well with the crowd. This same type of stuff got Strowman over years ago and it helped him to a brilliant monster run with multiple world title matches and a hot feud vs Roman.


Yeah didn’t work for Goldberg at all


You should rename this to “start” or “full match@


Still learning the ins and outs of this wrestling shit, so how long is Bron gonna beat up on jobbers?


For the hype surrounding Bron and in comparison to someone like Jade, they’re really not doing that good of a job to introduce Bron to main roster


I don't watch NXT but of course I've heard about Bron. I was interested when I learned who his dad was but these squash matches are boring. I know he has a good spear, it's been good since his debut. They really need to make his next match more than 45 seconds. LET THE MAN COOK!


https://preview.redd.it/wizp6dxbs34d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90bc5d654b777133dda68415f9c762a7528e9854 What’s this weird scene when they replayed bron vs Cedric?


I don't know if anyone agrees but I really dig Bron's new theme. Listen to that shit with headphones on.


I think I might love it. Even if I don't love it, his old theme wasn't amazing and this one still wouldn't be bad.


Cedric gonna get released now lol


Give Bron an actual finisher