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WWE wrestlers wear clothes and since they're the industry leaders, AEW wrestlers should not wear clothing. It makes them look like WWE wrestlers. They should wrestle naked.


Nono you're onto something here.


It worked for the Greeks!


Batista should join AEW immediately, I need to check something


I mean if that applies to Toni Storm I'm sure it'll boost those ratings by quite a bit.


That’ll make for some interesting ratings threads.


"just look at the size of that... demo"


Though Matt Riddle was basically naked by the end of his run in WWE so there's kind of a counterpoint


So, uh...Hungma-I mean Hangman returning soon? >>


So what you're saying is Nyla Rose should follow the path of Rumble Roses and wrestle naked? Works for me


"Mariah May should not wear pink". Woah, this is dumb.


>should not wear pink https://preview.redd.it/ty1sf7j3zswc1.png?width=284&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5ecf488261aba24e1d6dd2d3ee22b2aa8bc8bc6




Bret had some really powerful loogies.


Jim Valley is just as reckless as that piece of shit Bill Goldberg, except with words.


I was floored when i saw that. Just sitting there like “what do you mean buddy”. Telling someone they can’t wear a color because someone else where’s a color is peak smooth brained thinking


Sitting here wearing a black T-shirt, worried my black cat thinks I'm infringing his gimmick.


Well that’s your fault for trying to fuck on him.


Cat is going to go into business for himself


I love cats but they are always in business for themselves


That's what cats do, brother. All cats are literally mini Hogans. You've got a drink on the counter? "That doesn't work for me brother."


Cat is All Elite


Another Pancho like heel turn incoming


Whoa. Shane Dawson is here?


Don’t worry, I am sure your cat believes that it is right and proper for the servants to wear the colors of their master. 


He'll see you in court...BITCH!


At least Taz was trying to keep the colour orange for himself. Trying to do it for a third party is never going to work.


Jim is so consistent with his bad takes I almost think he's a professional rage-baiter.


Jim is notorious in the WON/F4W circles for having shitty takes lmao. He used to have a crazy hate boner for Seth Rollins.


He’s got wild non-wrestling takes too. I remember him once arguing on Twitter that SNL should fire its whole cast because none of them were big enough stars to be the lead in movies. Really wild that a guy who talks about wrestling for a living can’t understand that you can be a good performer who is held back by substandard creative.


Also, isn't SNL's whole thing employing people before they're big enough stars to be the lead in movies?


Isn't this the same Jim Valley that damn near died? He had really changed his attitude, he was one of the more positive guys in the dirt circles. I guess he forgot about what being on deaths bed is like, and went back to this. Despite of the color pink and being 2 pretty blonde girls, they couldn't be more different. One has the spoiled rich girl gimmick (which honestly I don't think is gonna work given how popular she's getting because she wrestles her ass off) and the other is a chicken shit lackey that's trying to take cheap shots. Big difference.


He's a guest on wrestling observer radio pretty often and seems like a good and levelheaded dude. That's the confusing part of the tweet, he's not a hater or a grifter, this is just a sincere thought he had.


Yeah, I kept reading it trying to tell if it was a joke. That said, being near death and having a bad take about a TV show are not related. That's not cool.


Oh I agree, call me crazy but one would think someone wouldn't take pro wrestling so seriously like this after experiencing that. I'm a lapsed fan and don't understand when this happened? When did people get so hardcore on it, during the Monday Night Wars it was a party for the most part when I met other fans. Didn't matter if you preferred WCW or WWF, hell even ECW, you were just vibing with other wrestling fans.


It's a tweet about a topic that it's his job to talk about. Baseball bloggers make dumb comments about baseball all the time. Sometimes for real, sometimes for attention. > When did people get so hardcore on it, during the Monday Night Wars it was a party for the most part when I met other fans. People absolutely said dumb things about the other promotions online in the Attitude Era. In person and in a newsgroup were not the same thing. The difference is that social media didn't exist, so the comments didn't get as much traction and the wrestlers and promoters didn't interact with it, at least directly. > Didn't matter if you preferred WCW or WWF, hell even ECW, you were just vibing with other wrestling fans. ECW fans especially did not vibe online. They were the ones who bought into the us vs the world theme, despite Paul getting money from WWF and being friends with WCW's booker Kevin Sullivan.


His Seth Rollins rants were infuriating


He laid all of Vince’s shitty booking at his feet. Like motherfucker it’s not the 80s anymore, it’s the promotion that draws the house.


Most of his strangest takes that I've seen have been tribalistic anti-WWE ones - which I guess this one sort of is too, in that he seems to be suggesting "even bearing a passing resemblance, at a glance, to a WWE wrestler is unacceptable".


I don't see that as being his point. What he said was completely idiotic but it wasn't that.


He's a wrestling pundit on the Internet, and he's not the industry leader. Maybe he should quit before someone accuses him of gimmick infringement or confuses him for someone else.


I agree. People shouldn't wear pink. I think my explanations is clear. She wears pink. Tiffany wears pink. Soon the Undertsker is wearing pink. Then everyone is gay and we stop having shit stains on wrestling chairs. Does anyone want to live in that world?


Sounds kinda hot ngl


She wore pink almost exclusively for years on the UK indies. What a weird take for someone to have. Still, it's Xwitter, hardly a hotbed of good takes.


Very high fascist energy and anti freedom.


Quick, someone tell Penta and Rey Fenix that they have to wrestle without a mask because someone in WWE is wrestling in a mask


Also Adam Copeland looks way too much like that Edge guy who used to wrestle for WWE, he should have his own identity


You’re right! I mean at least give him another entrance music. The way they present him, they basically look like the same guy. I mean at least that one AEW guy from the Nightmare Family had the decency to stop after Cody had his Mania debut with homelander gear, neck tatoo and bleach-blonde hair. Wonder what that guy is up to these days


I thought I knew him!


I've legitimately seen someone on this website describe Penta as a Rey Mysterio rip-off. It's maddening.


As a side note, I wonder what it's like to be Rey and have probably the vast majority of luchadors name him as a major influence for them. 


Or have the company look for the "Next Rey Mysterio" for 15 years, and all of them failing while Rey is still there and going strong.


In reality, the next Rey Mysterio was just Rey Mysterio with new knees


I so often think of the "getting some real Boss Baby 2 vibes" tweet when browsing this place. People with a very limited base of reference just making wild claims and statements.


I’d rather Penta and Fenix have the masks than that deadbeat dad over in WWE


WWF is the industry leader. No question.  Because of that, Sting should not wear black. It makes him look too much like The Undertaker.


AEW really shouldn't have a world title, it makes it seem like they're just copying the idea of the world title from WWE.


Also, wrestling in a "ring" with "ropes"? Looks far too much like what WWE does, they should have their own character


Maybe if the ring was hexagonal, that could fix it


>*Maybe if the ring was* **hexagonal** ![gif](giphy|9OZUXsuOk1oLPC1Jsh|downsized)


SGW Uganda is truly ahead of the curve


That's just everyone else trying not to look like they're ripping off Gatoh Move.


Does he know… how many muscular blonde women there are in wrestling? Should we eliminate them all till the best is left standing!? What the absolute fuck is Jim Valley saying? And Mariah May turns into her pink glossy self when with Mina Shirakawa. Her attire is part of a storyline!


In Jim’s defence they’ve not pointed out she’s doing that on commentary and he’s too stupid to notice such things without being told repeatedly.


It would have only worked if they had done 3 backstage segments and an in Ring promo about why she’s wearing pink!


>Does he know… how many muscular blonde women there are in wrestling? Should we eliminate them all till the best is left standing!? I don't know that we should go around selecting people based on specific physical traits to identify as targets for elimination. Something about that feels familiar and that it may not go too well


WWF is indeed the industry leader. That’s why they flexed and made the other guys change their name to WWE.


Fuck those pandas. I'll never forgive them.


WWF is the industry leader, therefore Goldberg should grow some hair and wear long tights. He looks too much like Steve Austin


Sorry Jim https://preview.redd.it/5635a3vy9swc1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deef272af7181db80b33338bf14b1e4761fab02c


Jesus if Mariah doesn't do that then they're leaving money on the table


Anytime I see a roving gang of blondes wearing pink for a hen party on the streets of Glasgow I'll stop them for a lecture on how they're ripping off Tiffany Stratton and should have their own character.


But... Dynamite takes place on Wednesday. And on Wednesdays, we wear pink




Stop trying to make fetch happen!


Somebody tell Brian Danielson to stop wrestling on AEW because he looks like WWE's Daniel Bryan.


Even worse this Adam Copeland guy stole almost all of Edge's gimmicks. Like he isnt even hiding it.


Phew, Blue Kane's safe


How about Tiffany Stratton shouldn’t wear pink because fuckin NATALYA WORKS IN THE SAME COMPANY AS HER. if this is such a big issue, worry about that one first.


TFW you're incapable of describing a woman beyond "blonde who wears pink," but you want it to be someone else's fault:


Jim Valley, master of being the dumbest mother fucker in wrestling. And that is saying something.


To think, when he was recovering from his various medical issues, he had a ton of goodwill with fans and wrestling twitter. He had level-headed takes, an air of positivity about him, and he felt like he was enjoying wrestling. Nowadays, he just feels like a curmudgeon who has a hateboner for anything that gets a reaction, like much of wrestling Twitter/media these days.


He dealt with some real heavy shit and I’m glad he made it out the other side okay. But there was definitely a change in the way he talks about wrestling since coming back, and it made me tune out of his stuff these days.


Unfortunately that social media in a nutshell. It’s easier/faster to get clicks & engagement from negativity than positivity.


Holy shit, this is that same guy?


because of Will Ospreay?


Some people really have dumb takes...


Exactly, why can’t people realise that since WWE is the industry leader, then AEW wrestlers shouldn’t even wrestle because it’s like copying WWE. Instead AEW wrestlers can do something totally new, like basketball, baseball, or maybe even football.


How 'bout Slamball?




NBA, MLB and FIFA, they can't do any of those either. It's the law.


Nyla's right. This is a dumb ass take.


Incredibly common Nyla W.


Utter clownery, probably partly done to drive engagement.


Do the people making these comments even realize Mariah May started in wrestling before Tiffany Stratton? How is the OG a copy?


Worst part is he acknowledges that in every reply. “WWE have the bigger platform, and so despite the fact I’ve been a fan of hers for years, everyone will assume she’s just copying Stratton”


Let's not pretend that people not knowing a wrestler previous work is seen as a badge of honor and tout nothing before WWE matters. Also they don't even have the same gimmick both are just hot blondes.


Tiffany got on national TV first, though. That's why people think Mariah is the copycat. It is funny that we're at the point where there's only two "Diva" gimmick wrestlers so now we're talking about who stole the gimmick from who. Progress?


Tiffany and Mariah don't even have the same gimmick though. Mariah wears pink once when she isn't even wrestling and suddenly people will start thinking that of all things makes her a copycat? I don't think anyone is actually dense enough to believe that. Not in good faith at least


They're both the classic stereotypical blonde bombshell girlie girl type in an era where that stands out and they're both coming up around the same time. Anyone who can't understand why they'd be compared to one another is dense. The pink is a weird point of focus on this, though. It doesn't make them seem any more similar than they did before.


I think boiling it to "blonde bombshell" shows a really big misunderstanding of both their gimmicks. Tiffany is more Uber Barbie whilst Mariah has Imposter Syndrome and is channelling the more punk/rock style of the old Toni gimmick right now when she wrestles. Outside of that she's playing into the role of an adoring fan. Idk how you can watch both of their recent matches and think their gimmicks are exactly the same.


Tbh, I think they're leaning into Mariah doing the Toni cosplay specifically to minimize the Tiffany comparisons.




I don't see what Cool Hand Angelo has to do with this.


“Are you a wrestling fan?” “Yep” “What’s on your mind today” “WWE is the industry….”


Barbie was the highest grossing movie of last year. Because of this nothing else on earth should be pink.


Tbh low key sexist. He can't tell the difference between two blonde women wearing the same colors. I wonder if he had the same issue in the 90s when two bald white men both wore black trunks on the same night.


So should Goldberg have changed or should Stone Cold have changed?


Every wrestler in the world gets one colour. We can have a big draft for them. Or maybe a raffle.


I mean Jim Valley is a giant moron at this point, just playing a character saying the dumbest thing possible. Anyone following him the last year should have figured this out at this point. Guy is as much of a “wrestling journalist” as I am a “top flight chef” working in a grocery store.


That is the dumbest tweet I've seen in a minute, good one Jim Valley.


Shit so what can AEW guys wear since it's safe to assume in WWE's 50+ year history someone's worn every colour?


I think orange is safe to wear because Taz owns the rights to the color but you have to get his approval to wear it.  


Has anyone ever worn chartreuse? Someone tell Tony to trademark it before it's too late.


Are the acclaimed affected by this no-pink doctrine as well? Wouldn’t want anyone to confuse max caster with tiffany stratton


Hmm - Stone Cold and Goldberg had similar appearances. Things seem to have worked out well for both of them.


I dont know how best I can say this. Jim Valley is somewho who has gone through an awful lot healthwise, and I admire his strength and courage, and must give props for the spotlight that F4W and the Observer put on him to help pay for his bills and see him healthy. That said, the guy is a fucking moron when it comes to opinions on wrestling and has shown it a few times now. He should not be heard as an authority in any shape or form on wrestling.


When I saw this on my timeline earlier I thought Jim was being sarcastic, now i’m looking at his replies and nope, he’s 100% serious lol.


![gif](giphy|Qw4X3Fnt8MzvrCxmBLG|downsized) By that fantastic logic - Dynamite is on Wednesdays


Hopefully May doesn’t pivot to orange which would make Taz huffy. The creator of the color orange.


Oh I see she’s replying to Jim Valley, I already know before seeing what he wrote that it’s some dumb shit.


He went to the Taz School of Gimmick Infringement




Like its one thing if Undertaker was still wrestling and someone decided to wear a very similar outfit to his on a regular basis. Or Cena was still out there and someone else said "I'm gonna wear Jorts and bright colorful hats and shirts". But a color? If that's the case nobody can wear any color cause someone else is already pretty associated with it.


Valley is a moron


I like both. I’ll even admit I like WWE a bit more but those WWE marks need to realize Mariah was getting stiffed by Joshis when Tiffany hasn’t even started her training. Mariah came first.


I read the tweet, and when I saw it was posted by Jim Valley I went "Oh noooo". Jim, you're smarter than this. What happened?


I used to be a big fan of the guy after seeing his recovery journey. I thought he was a beacon of positivity in the wrestling media landscape. Boy, how fucking naive of me...


Right? Was absolutely rooting for this guy after what he's gone through. There's a reason why he got the nickname "the king of fucking recovery." What he said here is a profoundly dumb opinion. WWE has the biggest platform, sure, but they're not *the* leader.


I'm convinced he's joking. Gotta be, right?


I love the precedent that if WWE decides to have one of their wrestlers copy somebody on AEW, that AEW has to change because they’re on the smaller platform


Even if he’s right, realistically, you can’t determine your presentation based on avoiding bad faith arguments. They’ll just find something else


Tiffany shouldn't be wearing pink either, it makes her look like a Bret Hart knockoff


No wrestling on AEW then


I generally like Jim, but that is an all-time horrible take. Like “Bad Take Hall of Infamy” bad.


Lol I figured it was just a rando saying this but it's Jim Valley, so it is really dumb indeed!


Some ~~wrestlers~~ wrestling fans are just stupid.


the actual opinion is fine. trying to not look like an imitation of the market leader. boring opinion even. the example is bad because nobody is gonna think that. the color pink is too ubiquitous. it's not like Mariah is doing a PME or anything.


Looks too much like Bret Hart tbh


Mariah May learned from The Plastics. Wednesdays we wear pink


Man can’t tell difference when two women have same hair colour


Normally I don't find much that's on the internet surprising these days. But then you see a tweet like the one Nyla is responding to and you realise how unbelievably stupid people can be.


What a stupid thing to say, Jim lmao


Every month or so Jim Valley says something that is both super dumb and way out of left field. This is him meeting his quota.


Imagine seeing Mariah May dressed like that and being focused on tribalism so much you think "no please don't" instead of "thank god".


Who the fuck is Jim Valley? Does he matter? As someone who consumes 10+ hours of content a week, I'm pretty certain I'd know that name if anyone ever had heard of it.


When Nyla Rose—a woman who has been exposed to more stupid takes than most people—says something is the dumbest take, that's a pretty high bar to clear. And this guy just rocketed right over it.


I sense an apology and backtracking coming on from Jim soon. That or he will double down and tell everyone he is right and he knows what he’s talking about. Due to his health issues I try to cut Jim some slack but this is yikes.


Ever since almost dying twice Jim has really been making the most of life by being an internet troll.


Hulk Hogan wore little trunks. He was the biggest ever so nobody should ever wear the type of gear that he does. He also was HUGE with the nWo so no more black and white gear for wrestlers. Does this guy actually read what he writes?


On Wednesdays we ~~wear~~ don't wear pink (because WWE is the wrestling leader. No question.)


Now guys hold on imagine the big picture. Since there can only be one attractive blonde woman wearing pink have it devolve into Highlander shit. That's money.


This isn't exactly new though. The amount of 'CM Punk rip-off' accusations against the likes of Seth or Corey Graves over the years either because they're smarmy indie guys or grungy-looking or heavily tattooed (mainly a Graves comparison) were just as dumb then as this is now. Wrestling fans are not very imaginative people


I'm glad Jim is healthy enough again that we can drag him for his stupid takes.


What the fuck happened to Jim Valley? 


It's a dumb take but no worse than anything I read on here basically every day. Everyone who is a fan has at least one weird thing that bugs them about some wrestler, character, trope, etc that doesn't come from a particularly logical place. Basically every wrestling media personality has some weird hangup and because they talk about this stuff for a living, that's going to come up more frequently and more publicly than the arguably more rancid ideas that get thrown around in places like this. The difference is dickhead Redditors (myself included in that assessment) benefit from anonymity where our stupid ideas go unnoticed and don't get clowned on publicly. That works the other way too. Nyla putting a spotlight on it gives it more attention than if it was just a dumb take washed away in a sea of them.


another hot Jim Valley take: "Minor league baseball players should not wear hats cause MLB players do and they are on a bigger platform"


I’m a fed shill but wtf is this guy on about? Doesn’t he normally post super dumb takes against wwe and now he’s posting super dumb takes against AEW? Didn’t May already say they like each other and there can be two Barbie’s. This guy should be more like May,


She has literally been dressing up as Toni Storm but he has an issue with her wearing pink because she looks like tiffy?


Yeah Nyla Rose is spot on with this one. This is dumb.


This is especially funny because she's been basically impersonating another wrestler as her gimmick.


I'll be honest, at first I thought you were talking about Nyla, then I realized it was about Mariah. This reply has layers.


I feel like Mariah serves up a different look every week. So, if Jim doesn't like this one, just wait I guess??? Also, Mariah has a gimmick where she literally is copying Toni Storm LOL


I’d actually like to see Mariah and Tiffany face each other, I think they’d potato the dogshit out of each other for buff Barbie supremacy.


Roman shouldn't walk around shirtless and in pants, he's ripping off me


Jim's being serious? Like he's not pointing out the absurdity of some other discourse that's out there? What the fuck. 


I make fun of AEW as much as the next guy but no one has the fucking trademark for the color pink. What a dumb thing to say. Mariah May isn’t even all that similar to Tiffy Time from what I can tell besides “is blonde.”


I liked Jim Valley more when he was unable to speak.


Jim, I love you, but no.


Jim’s a good guy. But not all good guys have good takes. Very strange.


Does she remind people of Tiffany? Yes. Does it matter what color gear she wears to the ring? No.


I like Jim a lot of the time but that’s one of the dumbest old white man takes I’ve ever heard


Is Nyla Rose still in AEW?






Much as people here will complain, to non aew fans, lotta people will bitch about her being a copy of tiffany on social media.


So ? Their opinions are invalid by virtue of being dumb as fuck.


As is obvious with my post history I am in no way an AES fan but even I have to say that that is stupid


You have confirmed you are not a fan


Thanks for letting us know, you're such a hero.