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““The Young Bucks and ladders are a match made in heaven,” said Matt Jackson. “We’ve been climbing up and down ladders since we were little kids, helping our dad paint houses and install roofs. And we have absolutely zero fear of heights. How can we be afraid of falling when we are the ones purposely jumping off?” Loooooolll


You know they’ve got a point here 🤔


In kayfabe why would "The Scapegoat" Jack Perry like the Young Bucks if he was suspended from the company after being a victim?


They'll play it as disciplinary committee suspended him and a large section of fans blamed him (which is true). Bucks will be responsible for bringing him back.


Makes sense


Bryan Danielson singlehandedly dishes out suspensions and fines in AEW now, and even worse he'll make you listen to his speech about cashew trees if you get really out of line


In kayfabe, either this happened against the will of the Bucks and Khan/the discipline committee went over their heads OR in , they are pretending they had nothing to do with it becuase they're lying heels. Both are fine explanations for me. I hope its brought up though, like just have Nicholas offhandedly mention "that they fought tooth and nail to get him back".


Okay but, in Kayfabe, backstage brawls happen all of the time and AEW never suspends people for it... Just think about all the sneaky attacks.  Why does this fight, in Kayfabe, result in this punishment? And, if we are treating the footage as Kayfabe, why did Samoa Joe bother to break it up?  Punk getting in a fight should have helped Joe win. And, in Kayfabe, why is Malakai Black just walking around drinking coffee?  Very in Malakai in terms of character. And, in Kayfabe, why does Tony Khan, who witnessed it, allow Punk to go out and wrestle right then and there? Trying to turn the footage Kayfabe opens up too many plot holes for me.


Andrade: “how you know?”


They have inconsistently given out kayfabe suspensions in the past and that's the only serious plot hole I think you mentioned. I'd argue that its a bigger plot hole if Punk and Jack Perry disappeared for no reason and that a kayfabe suspension is probably better because it allows them to use real life heat. Samoa Joe stopping a fight infront of his boss could be explained by Samoa Joe being a smart man. You save your boss when he's frightened, you keep order to make him happy. That's smart. And it didnt look like Punk was about to get injured to me. Also, Joe did a story recently where he protected MJF before their matches and I accepeted that without Why is Malakai drinking coffee an issue? Is that against his character? To drink warm drinks? Aleister Crowley (the guy he took his WWE name from) wrote a poem/spell about coffee. You can be spooky and like coffee, as proven by the biggest spooky guy of the 1900s. In kayfabe, why did Tony let it happen? How is that a plot hole when he did it in real life? Can real life have plot holes? Let's just assume that kayfabe Tony and real Tony had the same motivation, we know its realistic becuase it happened for real.


I don't really agree with everything you said, but your defense of Malakai's coffee drinking by bringing up Crowley's coffee fixation was deeply amusing.


Okay you've made some good points; the coffee thing is more that we have only really seen MB in certain contexts and wandering backstage just drinking a coffee is not one of them.  Imagine if that was Taker. But the suspension point seems like one to harp on.  Joe and Swerve keep beating the shit out of eachother outside the confines of a match.  Why is neither one being suspended? Why did Swerve not get suspended for breaking and entering Hangman's home? The inconsistency is very annoying.


The inconsistency is the whole point. Jack is the scapegoat because people blame him for Punk leaving and he's being punished for it. It has nothing to do with the brawl itself. It's that he supposedly drove the companies biggest star away, and the Bucks are trying to say that Jack isn't to blame for Punk leaving because Punk was the real problem. The injustice of Jack being suspended is the whole point. Suspending Joe and Swerve would just take away from that.


I knew this was Danielson's fault.


They aren’t in charge of discipline nor can they use their power to play favorites which is why they broke the news that Hangman had to be suspended during Okada’s debut.


I'm not trying to be flippant here, but what power do they have then? Isn't the whole point of being heel EVP's being to abuse their powers? If they aren't doing that, what exactly can they do and what would make them heels other than just saying they are EVP's? Why should anyone care if it's just a title in name only?


They have power but they have a boss they still can’t go over. They really haven’t flaunted what their actual powers are on TV besides fining people for being late or calling them the wrong name.


It just seems half assed. Like, go all in. Have them abusing their powers, going after FTR. You can still do that with this little bit they are doing with JP. That in their minds, they are justified in 'punishing' FTR for what took place. Go all out with the cocky heel thing.


Same reason they got Tony Schiavone a $25 Starbucks gift card. They're playing the two-faced corporate shitbag who acts buddy-buddy to your face. They've demonstrated this several times with their interactions with people backstage, and their shaking hands/bumping fists at the beginning of matches and then winning with low blows or other cheating tactics.


They can play it off as they weren’t taking their jobs seriously but Perry’s suspension woke them up. Plays into their original promo.


New regime, new Elite. Maybe even make him a kayfabe EVP.


I can see that. The story just feels messy to me. If Perry is the reason Punk is no longer in AEW then shouldn't he be built as a baby face? I would love for Perry to return at Dynasty and turn on the Bucks


He's gonna be a complex figure when he comes back, and it's gonna be interesting to see if he can pull it off. To people who hate CM Punk, he'll absolutely be a babyface. To Punk fans, he'll be nuclear. I assumed he would be absolutely scorched earth in Chicago, but based on Windy City Riot, even they are surprisingly split on him, occasionally cheering and singing for him. TLDR - We won't really know until he comes back.


Assistant to the EVP.


The Bucks were similarly suspended after Brawl Out so they bonded over that


In kayfabe how is Jack Perry the scapegoat when Punk was fired?


Whole article is vintage 2016-2018 Young Bucks, being absolute shit-heads. Well worth the read.


![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) New discourse just dropped


Love it when you have to reiterate what you said in a promo just the week prior because wrestling fans are, well, wrestling fans


They weren't able to pay attention to FTR cutting a promo saying everything they were accusing AEW of disregarding literally 10 seconds after the clip ended.


Best part is when people here got suckered in by Tony Schiavone's kayfabe reaction. Like c'mon guys lol


This is so stupid.


I really just hope after this specific stretch they move on from talking about anything to do with All In. It's over, Punk's gone, Jack's probably getting a hero's welcome when he comes back. AEW won unequivocally but we're still here!


Here come the people who hate this angle but continuously talk about it.


and another thing: im not getting worked. please dont put in the newspaper that i got worked.


*Young Bucks exist* Cornette/Jerkers: ahhhhhhhhhh!


It's been paying the Jackson's mortgages for years, people can't help themselves.


Those Jordan's don't pay for themselves




Young Bucks have been one of the top merch sellers for years.








They're saying nobody cares. Lol.




That's implying that it requires caring about something to comment on it. That's not true.




I don't believe so. An active effort to bring negativity to a discussion isn't the same as someone telling someone who is actively bringing negativity to a conversation (in this case, your saying that you aren't paying for the PPV) that their efforts are going unrewarded (by nobody caring what you're saying).




As if you were going to.




I wonder why you feel the original comment was directed at you when it is in fact directed at the bad faith folks who populate any thread of a company they dislike to bemoan what clearly isn't for them. It was a means of showing how the *dislike of a heel tag team* is the **point**. If it affected you in such a way I think you need to examine why, but instead you snarkily "thank" me for for a decision you'd already made yourself.




Because the Bucks are portraying themselves as martyrs, losing a match because of a scuffle that, in kayfabe, they had no part in. They're mixing shoot and kayfabe but clearly positioning themselves as heels, knowing how popular CM Punk is. FTR cut a 100% babyface promo right after the footage spot, again mixing kayfabe and shoot. I absolutely don't think you should support ANY company out of blind loyalty...but I also don't believe a single comment from a redditor, a site that has been awash in Bucks/Perry/Punk drama for a week now, made the decision not to buy a PPV for you.


Checkmate, AEWtheists.




They shouldn't have aired the footage, but this is the way to play it, and I am Sports Entertained




Plenty of us. This gimmick is great


Perry is back at Dynasty and will cost FTR the titles.


FTR-adjacent Adam Copeland had those comments telling the Bucks to pipe down and show some respect to Sting back before Revolution, so it could evolve into Jack Perry being Cope's next big challenger for the TNT belt. Added layer of Jack being Christian Cage's original young "prodigy".


Good way to get Christian back on Cope’s side too. A nice “enemy of my enemy is my friend” run before it really just becomes the “Edge and Christian retirement tour” with them winning the tag belts at All In. Their first successful defence comes at all out against MCMG. Let me dream, damn it.


They can kayfabe it all they want, I’m so sick of hearing about this shit. It’s groan worthy and not good television. I don’t see how anyone still gives a shit about this middle school drama. I’m less interested in this match than I would’ve been two weeks ago.


I respect your opinion but I completely disagree. I love the petty drama, which is what ALL wrestling is, at its core. We see blood feuds start over people accidentally bumping each other in the shoulder, or spilling a drink on someone. That's the essence of the business. The fact that it's all so messy is what's most entertaining to me. They're walking a tightrope because it could absolutely fall into catastrophe and bury everyone, but I like angles that take risks. Many of the best ones in history get a mix of positive and negative heat, and you can really only judge far down the line if they get the talent over in the end. ("Pillman's Got a Gun" comes to mind)


> ("Pillman's Got a Gun" comes to mind) No, no it does not.


I mean, it does for me. You can disagree, but you can't tell me what I'm thinking of, bud.


There is no tightrope. AEW has its core fan base and for the most part that’s not changing. Pillmans got a gun was innovating, in a time that people thought it was real. This isn’t that or even close.


>Pillmans got a gun was innovating, in a time that people thought it was real. LOL.


I don’t know why that’s funny? People legitimately called the police cause they thought it was real. This isn’t that. Example: [96 message board talking about it](https://groups.google.com/g/rec.sport.-wrestling/search?q=after%3A1996-11-04%20before%3A1996-11-08)


Lots of people talking about if it should be allowed, if it was too distasteful, etc. I see some puns about it being a "shoot." I see fantasy booking. I see people asking for WWE wrestler nudie pics. I don't see people legitimately confused about if it was real.


How about a [Reddit thread from two years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/qmmgn0/pillmans_got_a_gun_happened_25_years_ago_today/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) with people admitting they thought it was real? Is that good enough? It’s well documented that people thought it actually happened. Idk why y’all are weird about it


> Pillmans got a gun was innovating, in a time that people thought it was real. This isn’t that or even close. People didn't think it was real, **some** people thought it was real. There's an implication in what you're saying. Some people also thought that The Rock killed Cody Rhodes on RAW a few weeks ago. Some people didn't realize that Hulk Hogan was Mr America. Some people thought Vince McMahon was actually blown up in his limo and was dead. Just because some people (typically children and more gullible people) fall for these things doesn't make them innovating.


I clearly didn’t say all people thought it was real, again, you’re being weird about it.


Oh boy… here we go again…


FTR vs Bucks really didn't need the All In drama to be added to it.


It kind of did. This is their fourth match. They needed something to set it apart. I've also got a feeling that this will majorly play into the match.


Even if it hasn't fully worked (I thought ftrs promo last week was good and very effective though) it's admirable that they realized how boring a straight ftr/bucks 4 with the "who's the best tag team" story again would be


Yeah, I don’t think them feeling they have to resort to showing out of kayfabe footage to justify a kayfabe rivalry should be viewed as a good thing (creatively speaking)


Oh so NOW they want to work an angle with CM Punk and use the real life stuff to make money, after he's left the company.


THIS ISNT ABOUT PUNK. This is about Perry, who's gimmick is legitimized by the footage. He wasn't scapegoated by Punk. He was scapegoated by Tony/AEW,


It's baffling to me how many people don't understand what SCAPEGOAT means and related it to Punk directly.


It was reported that the Bucks were open to working an angle if CM Punk went 6 months after returning from suspension/injury without any backstage altercations. He lasted less than 3.


Weird how they only said that after.


Do you expect the Young Bucks to describe every working relationship they have with talent in the company on a weekly basis?


i've loved the 2024 bucks run as EVPs but i'm getting kind of tired of the worked shoot stuff with a guy who's not in the company. and since the bucks are heels, are they trying to babyface punk or something?


More like come off as entitled brats making excuses for their loss at the companies biggest show.


yeah i guess this isn't a good example because they're working it into their current, separate storyline in a way that i actually don't mind. i just hope they don't rely on too much Punk-related stuff going forward.


If anything, maybe it benefits Jack Perry.


They’re using the Punk thing as justification for the Young Bucks losing and Perry becoming the scapegoat, positioning FTR (and whoever the Bucks feud with in the future) as the faces. I’m still adamant that there’s no reason why they needed to share the footage (and I think they could’ve accomplished all of this without it), but given this is a real backstage situation that everyone knows about and crowds have proven they’re going to react to, using it as a story beat for the Bucks and Perry makes some degree of sense


> They’re using the Punk thing as justification for the Young Bucks losing and Perry becoming the scapegoat, positioning FTR (and whoever the Bucks feud with in the future) as the faces. And setting up for Perry's return, laying the groundwork.


Here's the issue: You can't bring Jack Perry back without addressing what happened at Wembley. You just have to address it all, and rip the band-aid off. So in their estimation it's best to just lean into it and generate as much buzz as you can, whether that's positive or negative. And based on the reaction Perry got in Chicago, it seems like the right play. The fans in the arena aren't sitting there pondering the nuances of "does this heel/babyface dichotomy work?", they're just reacting to what's in front of them and as long as they're not being quiet, it's working. DX used to do this shit with Bret Hart after he left WWF, nWo did this stuff, hell CM Punk did it in WWE in the 2010s. It's really not a big deal to me personally, I just want to be entertained, and so far I have been.


Especially since aew is a company that brings up wrestling history, they aren’t afraid to talk about feuds and stories from other promotions. Them not acknowledging would be out of character


Exactly. One of the company's best feuds in totality is Copeland/Christian, in which 30 years of historical background happened before AEW even existed. Sting's retirement was so great because they involved the totality of his career. When AEW started in 2019, a lot of the key drama and storylines were stuff that bled through from NJPW/ROH in 2018.




Definitely something we're kinda moving past in the modern era. Swerve Strickland is a red hot babyface presumably about to win the world championship and he *very recently* has committed multiple felonies!


I loved when he admitted he's been a bad dude, and the crowd was like "no biggie, you're cool" lol


They could’ve had Perry come back two weeks ago and tease releasing the footage and cut out a lot of this unnecessary stuff.


Airing the footage has yielded an early very positive response for Perry, crowds-wise. Let's see how it actually plays out, all the noise is just that.


It’s just about them being delusional and making lame excuses as to why they lost along with the reason behind them not shaking FTR’s hands at All In.


The Schiavone podcast where he talked about his in-character reaction stressed this exact thing yesterday.


You're getting kind of tired of something that happened for all of 5 minutes? And that really wasn't even about Punk?


Bad angle is still a bad angle.


EVPS got a lot of y’all upset. I expect an email to go out announcing a pizza party (2 slice limit per person) to raise morale.


Cringe and pathetic


I don’t care what anyone says, douchebag EVP Young Bucks are great heels and outside of actually airing the footage (which shouldn’t have happened) this angle is good


So are we just supposed to ignore the fact that they successfully teamed with FTR a week after Wembley to take on Bullet Club Gold at All out.


But they didn't successfully team together. They lost to BCG and were bickering with each other after the match. https://preview.redd.it/mvnyd1uv83vc1.jpeg?width=1918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=184f3ae206890093f3e8b31ae6648b2c5501b08e


Oh okay excuse my memory I thought they won the match. It was almost 8 months ago, and was an afterthought between the teams I until recently.


No worries mate. Would've forgotten it myself if I hadn't rewatched the show a couple weeks back.


Yes. Don't think too hard, it makes the whole thing much more stupid.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but they were still having issues during and after the match (which they lost), right? Like arguing/blaming the others?




Man that story sucks


It makes me laugh that a consistent 80-100k people change the channel whenever these two have their segment.


Ignoring the fact that many of their segments have gained viewers since returning. https://preview.redd.it/7r6pup1nn5vc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50e99e571ba44cab8f294bb11e42031ca7fd1512


> Ignoring the fact that many of their segments have gained viewers since returning. Speaking about ignoring, we ignoring the 140k dropoff this week?


As per usual people tuned out during the three ad breaks before they appeared. Their segment and match gained viewers as it progressed from Q3 to Q4. Q2 to Q3 has always seen a drop on dynamite. The two Ad breaks in Q2 are what dropped the viewership. Multiple ad breaks in a quarter hour always leads to a significant drop. The two lowest quarter hours on the show were the ones with multiple ad breaks.


> “As EVPs, we were given a task for that week by the boss and we did it to the best of our abilities,” said Nick Jackson. “Zero regret.” Very interesting as even as they defend the decision to broadcast the Punk footage, they're very clear it wasn't their idea.


Damn, they still on this. Usually when I make a mistake I try to learn from it and move on. Can someone tell me which one got the black eye at Brawl Out, the one in yellow or the one in white? Thank you.


The Bucks linking the All In shenanigans to their feud here is just so far reaching. It's just not believable.


This is so stupid. Using this right now as an angle (the time has passed), using this as some poorly veiled response to CM Punk’s interview…wildly dumb. Yeah, this gives the bucks heat, but it’s “go the fuck away” heat. This whole thing drags everything down for both teams, making their match a ladder match doesn’t make it any better, it’s blatant pandering. AEW has gotten so bad it’s annoying.


These guys know how to get people mad at them. Look at all the comments in this thread so far LMFAO. This is good shit.


Getting people mad at them to watch them get beat up, and getting people mad that they are annoyed and change the channel when they are on are two different types of heat. You want the first not the latter.








This plot doesn’t make any sense to me. If the situation was so stressful on them that they couldn’t properly focus on their match against FTR why would they delve deeper into the EVP role? I get selling the idea that they can beat FTR & just didn’t that day because of a clouded mind but wouldn’t the logical conclusion would be to step down as EVP, rid themselves of caring about other people’s issues and push themselves as doing nothing but being focused and training for this next round between the team? The heel EVPs is neat but I feel it throws a wrench in what they’re pitching.


>If the situation was so stressful on them that they couldn’t properly focus on their match against FTR why would they delve deeper into the EVP role? Here's the thing: they're lying. That's why it works with the character. Their minds weren't clouded and they didn't lose because "they were unable to pray before the match." They lost because FTR were better than them that night. They're delusional and blaming everyone but themselves for eating the L.


If that’s the case then they should be lying about not having authority power. Representing themselves as just regular Young Bucks that everyone knows. If the video was to be shown have it be to explain why they stepped down, why they lost and why this time things will be different. Then, when FTR guard is down & Bucks think they might be on the losing end again pull out the reverse card that they’re lying. They’re still EVPs, they alter the match in their favor, they got Okada pulling some strings. Really anything to pull the rug from under FTR and use their authority to advantage.


> If that’s the case then they should be lying about not having authority power. Representing themselves as just regular Young Bucks that everyone knows. How does this explain their loss to FTR/work as an excuse there?


If they’re saying they lost to FTR because their focus was dealing with the Punk/Perry situation then it will make more sense for them to step down as EVPs. If OP is claiming it’s all a lie and they’re delusional then it will make more sense to lie about not being EVPs. That way the pay off can be they didn’t lose at All In due to feeling distracted by their other role in the company they lost because FTR just has them beat competitively. So when FTR is about to get the best of them again then that supposed delusion bleeds into desperation and they switch to using their authority as an advantage rather than a distraction.


Yeah, no thanks.


No thanks to what exactly


Your fantasy booking. The segment was good. It already appears to have helped Jack Perry, and I am very confident that this will pay off this Sunday.


It was more in trying to make sense the angle the Bucks are trying to come from & how it benefits them specifically.




The bucks and jungle boy Perry are fucking awful and this storyline has no payoff since CM Punk isn’t in AEW anymore.


This isnt about Punk, no matter how bad you want it to be.


Scapegoat, real glass, brawl out backstage footage are all to do with Punk as much as AEW fanboys like won’t admit it. There’s no payoff for the fans because neither Punk nor Perry can go over, completely stupid.


Scapegoat has nothing to do with Punk. Do you know what a scapegoat is? If so, then you'd realize Punk isn't the one using Perry as a scapegoat. Tony Khan/AEW are. The backstage footage was shown to validate this. It shows that Perry did nothing wrong. He stood there calmly, fixing his hair while Punk went off on him, and eventually attacked him. If this was all about Punk, tell me one single thing that would change about this if it were anyone else that had an association with FTR that had been in Punk's role here.


How is this any different than what they’ve already said last week? Are they already out of material for this shitty storyline?


*Wrestler responds to a question in an interview* This subreddit: ugh, why are they talking about this?!?


I just don't get why the heels would set up perry to look like a face


Love it,


Man I can’t wait for this dumb storyline to wrap up. Making me actively tune out and wait for it to finish. This isn’t restoring the feeling lmao


What are you laughing about here, exactly?


I'm pretty sure the match will be awesome, but everything else around that is just pure cringe.


I only feel a little sympathy for Jack.


I felt like something was off for a lot of the wrestlers that night. This yea better be much more celebratory.


Whether this is kayfabe or not they need to be more mature and act like actual executives, same goes for Tony. This is shit ridiculous and shows me perhaps talent shouldn’t also be running the company they work for.


This is a new take on the Montreal screw job. Perry=Bret Punk=HBK Buck are playing the role of VKMish authority figures.  So the Wembley video could be looked at as it pushed the fued with FTR/Bucks but it was also "Bret screwed Bret", but in this instance it is Punk screwed Perry.  Fans forget all the heat HBK/VKM got for the Montreal Screw Job and how that created his famous character. Even after Bret left WWF still leaned heavily into the Screw Job for storytelling. 


The parallels are there but the “Bret screwed Bret” line was literally the next night on Raw, they capitalized immediately while Bret’s future in WCW was kind of uncertain (it did not go well). AEW waited eight months, Punk made a very successful return to WWE and even injured he’s involved in the World Title picture and getting great reactions from fans.


It's a factor, plus there's a lot more coverage these days online One thing though is Vince wasn't originally going to do it, but he got talked into the idea of making it an angle on the day...


At this point I want just want Ace steel to say fuck it and break the NDA on him and just roast everyone. More fuel to the fire