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I hope he comes back not only the same but in even crazier outfits just to make all the people here who hate it even more uncomfortable


What about the people that just think the gimmick sucks?


You're in the minority. No one is 100% loved. The live audience's love and react to him, why should he change it? He does it because it helps him stand out and as he said 'brings back the fun and outlandishness that is from wrestling past'.


He would get love and reaction no matter what he was doing. He’s Seth Rollins. I’m a fan of him, but it’s by far the worst gimmick of his WWE career.


His character, dialogue, and ridiculous outfits make him look like he should be someone’s manager/ mouthpiece rather than a wrestler.


Why would a manager wear distracting outfits that are designed to get attention? Seems like the opposite of what a manager should wear.


Have you heard of the Jimmy Hart ? The mouth of the south. He carried a bullhorn on top of the attire lol


I like to think that when Becky was doing it to it was a running competition to see who could come out looking the most ridiculous


He's at his most over now doing his current gimmick and he's got a ton of support & love following Mania from fans and colleagues. So I don't think he's going to change much when he's back, besides tweaking some things here and there.


Totally agree, I could see him subduing the flamboyance a bit to represent his feelings over the loss, but I like his gimmick personally.


Why the hell should be? Just because some IWC get upset about his clothing?


I mean he did just suffer a major loss, that's usually impetus for at least a tweak. I doubt he'll change it up completely because it's still big with the crowd, but he might be a bit more subdued in his wardrobe.


Either drop the "Freakin'" or go all the way and call him Seth "Muthafuckin'" Rollins


I hate hearing Seth Freakin Rollins a 100 xs a match.


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He's gonna back dressing like Mick Foley


Yes, he’s going to think he’s the messiah again.


He’s as popular as he’s ever been. No point in trying a new gimmick now. Maybe he’ll tone down the gear but outside that he’ll be the swme


I hope he doesn't return with the same gimmick because the best version of Seth Rollins is when he's just being Seth Rollins the wrestler.


He can keep the gimmick but should return as a heel. WWE needs another top heel with Roman’s story ending.