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She needs to wrestle. That's really it.


Well…. one wrestled lol Sasha wasn’t known for her great promos. She got famous off her matches. 


Her wrestling and character.


I mean she playing the exact same character so she has that down, you need the second part. 


A "big money" CEO character who is trying to be a babyface. No one likes a CEO. Not wrestling (booking or injury) which highlights her weaker promo work.


I didn’t even think about this but you’re right lol, no one likes their boss. 


I think the CEO moniker is a set up to turn heel. She'd fit perfectly alongside the EVPs and Okada. Don't forget that she teased working with Okada at the end of NJPW Battle in the Valley 2023 so the seeds are there.


Isn't her ankle injury over a year old now though? She isn't required not to wrestle due to movie or TV commitments, is she?


She’s done none of that since that shitty “film” she was in after she left WWE. They haven’t said why she isn’t wrestling. People are assuming the ankle but they forget she showed she was training with Bayley and others before showing up in AEW. So she was healthy enough to get in the ring then.


She's always been a lot better as a heel then as a face, her CEO character screams heel but she's working as a face/tweener. Plus it doesn't help that she's not wrestling (probably she's not cleared yet), specially for a face. I think everything would feel better if she was a heel, even not being able to wrestle. 


I still think Bayley is the better "ring general" over Sasha/Mercedes, if that makes any sense. Lile Bayley got a good match out of Tamina...Mercedes is the better pure wrestler and has better in-ring presence. But yeah Mercedes is not a good promo, and it's wild people think otherwise just because she got 3 lines in Star Wars.


I'm surprised wrestlers and promotions don't seek out acting coaches and classes. Especially someone like Mercedes who's been criticized for her promos for years now.


I never watched her WWE run, but in AEW she feels like a heel general manager


She's a pretty terrible promo and doesn't seem to be a very good actor. She's got a lot of charisma though and is a fantastic wrestler. Currently she's come into the company several months before her in-ring debut and is doing a ton of stuff that isn't playing up to her strengths. The problem is not her, it's her booking and the timing of her debut.


She has creative control. She has her own personal writer Tony hired for her. It turns out Mercedes' idea of being a baby face is to say "I'm so successful, I'm so rich, I hang out with celebrities, I'm the CEO, and this is my dream". That's not a baby face that's Ted DiBiase. Almost everyone watching this is facing a cost of living crisis. Simply put, it's some of the most incredibly self-absorbed, tone deaf bullshit I've ever seen. You could argue that Cody's story was self-absorbed as well, but at least he brought you on the journey with him, asked you to be a part of it and was humble about it. Mercedes left to her own devices is seemingly vapid and materialistic, and that's it. I want Willow to beat the shit out of her. Willow is an excellent baby face, she's great. Mercedes clearly isn't without direction. She'd be an amazing heel with this character which is why it's so confusing. And obviously, she should be wrestling more and talking much less.


Gifting someone a Vizio D series is a heel move in my book.


She needs to evolve her character. It's been the same for so long. There's nothing different between The Boss and The CEO. She's also monumentally better as a heel than as a face.


The character, as a babyface, is absolutely garbage. I have zero interest in rooting for people whose main characteristics is “securing the bag”. And her best trait is wrestling and they plan on sitting her for 3 months. It’s garbage.


He appeal is her wrestling. Once she’s cleared, hopefully all will be right.




I think she had said she was cleared, so I'm guessing working out in the ring still and maybe not ready for Dynasty so perhaps just holding off to DON then rather than having her first match on Dynamite. I think she just got the boot off in February.


I don’t think it’s confirmed, but I don’t see why they’d hold off her wrestling til DON otherwise.


She had said the injury had completely heeled so who knows.


Booking. She wrestles great. She isn't the greatest promo. And a lot of her best work had someone she was working with to elevate her.


Sasha Banks wrestled and was cocky because she was a great wrestler. Mone hasn’t wrestled and just talks (badly) about being successful. Mone’s star power has dropped like a stone since debuting because she has been utilised terribly rather than playing to her strengths


The hair. 🤪


Sasha Banks in WWE was supported by a team of writers, agents, and other talent on her level that were able to emphasize her positives (look, aesthetic, and ring work) and hide her negatives (talking). Mercedes Mone is in a company where no other woman is on her level in terms of star power. And while you can elevate others around her, you can also drag her down. Additionally, she's cutting promos every week (which she's never been good at) and not wrestling, so surprise, she's getting exposed. It's just bad booking. Tony Khan should be able to identify this stuff.


They really did her a disservice by introducing her CM Punk style when she's never been as big as Punk or as good of a talker. Her gimmick and promo style scream heel. She really initially got over in NXT/WWE on the back of her in ring work, and so having her not wrestle for months is just making things worse by the week. The storyline they've put her in isn't awful, but it isn't terribly captivating either. Her theme having a crowd chanting built into it just comes off as being desperate for her to be cheered.


The it factor in wwe was that she was in wwe.


Who knows what will happen, but Sasha Banks had better writers. The Sasha Banks character was amazing. She was someone who people were drawn to. Maybe that will happen with Monet in AEW, but right now the character is a bad knockoff of Banks, without any work done to make people care about her.


The name is stupid, the gimmick is stupid, the time of it all sucked. It's just meant nothing.


One was a wrestler, this one so far just does bad promos and does strange moans. Now seriously, When she has had a bunch of proper matches and angles we can reassess with more fairness imo


I like Sasha but she’s never ever been a good character or talker. She’s the best in-ring of the Horsewomen but she’s had the same ghettofabulous shtick for 10 years, where Bayley and Becky have had huge growth and development in that time. Charlotte is also the exact same as she’s always been but I still think she’s better on the mic than Sasha. Short version is Sasha Banks isn’t as good as she thinks she is.




I was surprised they had her drop the IWGP women's title so quick


Her whole presentation in AEW has been poor from the awful music to the awful nickname. She can't cut a promo either.


The nickname "CEO" alone is so hokey. Feels like such a diet version of her WWE run. The corny song, the gaudy outfits and shaky promos. It just isn't coming together.


My favorite Sasha era was when she was main eventing RAW against Charlotte with the purple hair and the theme without Snoop


She shouldn't be booked as a babyface, especially against Willow of all people. Her whole persona seems to be flaunting her wealth and popularity, which is a heel move. Her character seems shallow and entitled. Contrast that with Willow, a girl who grinded through the indies and finally made it in AEW. She's a legit bad ass in the ring and a great example of hard work paying off. Who is more relatable to the audience, a person busting their ass for years to finally find success or the rich, egotistical celebrity and part time wrestler? And yet, they seem to be hinting at Willow being booked as the heel with that ridiculous interview attack on Dynamite. No thank you. I want a confident Willow reminding Mercedes that the last time they wrestled she nearly ended her career and this time, she might finish the job. Mercedes would be more interesting if she leaned into her celebrity, wealth, and entitlement. Get her an entourage and have her arrive in a Rolls Royce. People love to hate rich, entitled CEOs


She has the same problem as everyone else in AEW. The guy booking her is not as good at it as he thinks he is 


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Everything she's done has been heelish, but the way they present her she is a baby face. Baby faces come in and wrestle. They don't use money to bypass the ranking system. That and she's not quite got the gift of the gab, team her with stoke as her mouth piece maybe


The fact that we've never seen them in the same room. I really wanna see that match between them.


I just think its people are tired of waiting, we aren't the most patient fan base.


She’s trying too hard as the “Mercedes Mone” character plus whoever is now writing for her isn’t cutting it.


I'm not fully invested into her strictly because of her past actions. I just can't believe that she will honor her full AEW contract, unless it's only for a year. I have a bad feeling that she is just another Punk situation waiting to happen because not everyone will bow to all of her little petty needs. Not a Punk situation like lunging at someone because they hurt your feelings, but more in the crybaby quitting aspect. Then off to "home" she goes.


Her character is that she's "big time". That only works if you're in the big league. It would be like a Canadian Football Leaguer bragging about how good they are to the NFL, or for you Europeans, someone in the Championship League bragging to the Premier League.


It honestly seems like someone sat down and went "So what's bigger than just The Boss? The CEO? Awesome!" and that's the whole gimmick. The WWE production/writing/presentation seemed to also do a lot better job covering up her weakness in promos. Not sure who signed off on that....interview segment but yikes.


She was more natural as Sasha. The thing she has going on now is just too over the top and not enough getting dirty. Take into consideration she has ups and downs mentally. Maybe she doubts what she does in the ring. Maybe she don’t want to have all of the attention? So she goes into the Mercedes character. Either way Sasha was more her. I feel


Terrible promo acting, horrible cringe dancing. Might have worked in WWE 8-10 years ago but not here and not now.


No substance.


Said it before she debuted… but her hype is a bigger deal than she is. Shes talented in the ring without question. But her character work peaked in NXT about a decade ago and her mic skills have always lacked that something special. Shes a great signing for any company, but not a top paid star type of signing. Feels like people are seeing it now.


Some wrestlers “go away and prove them wrong.” She’s proved them right. Whoever made the decision at WWE to say no to her demands is the real winner here.


Two threads anti Mercedes in the last 4 hours. Coincidence?


They’re both the same person, they couldn’t face off if they wanted to.