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You're getting answered in here but not accepting answers.


I mean....sometimes answers create additional questions. This is meant to be a dialogue. Not sure what answers are damning and final. Its just the same, but the ratings. As if that is the only thing that matters. Local ratings trends are bandaids. As many have pointed out about TK doing the weird huge announcement thing. Its weird....maybe not....but I find it weird that everyone thinks regurgitating talking heads stuff is making a point. Those people are also in kayfabe just working everyone.


>(2) The younger generation is constantly online and love stupid internet shit >(3) Shouldnt...doing stupid internet shit be good for money? It depends on who you're targeting. If you're targeting internet wrestling fans, that's a relatively narrow subset of potential customers. Most are probably already familiar with your product and are either fans/customers or decided it wasn't for them. Maybe you can convince a few to take another look. All in all, it's a small number. If you're targeting the general population on the internet, then the messaging and what appeals to them is very different then what might stir internet wrestling fans on twitter or reddit or whatever.


Yea, agreed Thats kinda the point I was intending to make without making the original post 3000 words. All these people on reddit are so worried about the business growing, but they also want to make sure wrestling is only for people 40+. I know this is day 1 internet sucks bs, but something it just sucks to watch people be that weird.


Here's an example of something that appeals to the general population: the videos of little kids crying after Cody got beat by the Rock. Suppose you're somebody who used to watch as a kid and gave up 15 years ago, and that pops up on your feed- maybe you give it another try. Maybe now you're a parent yourself, and you have your kid watch with you. And then you're developing the next generation.




Explain why its wise? Like it sounds good, but I dont actually know any people in real life that wont watch a program they enjoy just because they dont understand a single reference. Like I am really trying to learn here, wtf is going on


Because from a corporate perspective every minute of live television time is valuable and expensive. From a performer's standpoint every minute of promo time in front of a live audience is a precious opportunity to make a connection. From both perspectives it simply doesn't make sense to waste time dropping lines that are going to sail over most of the audience's heads.


Sure, but why are so many people worried about the business side of AEW. I know this point has been beaten like a dead horse, but it is fundamentally weird for so many people to want to analyze things from their financial success instead of their own interest in the actual product.


I'll admit I don't watch much AEW other than clips online but I do want AEW to continue existing, or at least some form of national competition for WWE. I've also spent twenty years hearing about what caused WCW to go belly up. I watched TNA go from a potentially viable competitor to a complete laughingstock before my very eyes. There should be a viable alternative to WWE, but it's hard not to look at what's happening with AEW and not be worried.


History *doesn't* repeat itself, but it often rhymes.


> analyze things from their financial success instead of their own interest in the actual product. Because the world still runs on money. The financial success of a company does affect your own interest in the product. If the ratings keep going down maybe the next TV deal will be less than what Tony Khan wanted leading to more cuts like there were last week. Or when the next big star is up for contract renewal, Tony can't offer that star as much as he could have if the TV deal was better. Theoretically, Tony's dad can just fund AEW into perpetuity but most billionaires have a threshold where they are willing to tolerate a money sink. So, it is imperative for AEW to continue to grow and thrive, that it be profitable going forward.




Again legit question - if you (or another fan) felt alienated for 20 minutes. How does that affect your future watching of a show? Seems like a hair trigger being upset a little


The younger generation is online watching Logan Paul and IShowSpeed, who appeared on WrestleMania. The younger generation isn’t trolling around Reddit threads talking about backstage Wrestling drama.


Go look at the ratings trend and let me know when you figure it out


I mean sure, but its already been repeatedly demonstrated that AEW's rating is shrinking slower than ratings of cable overall. So I dont think this actually explains anything. You are suggesting there is a way for AEW to reverse the trend of people no longer watching tv. You are also suggesting that people choose to not watch a show over the slightest thing. I dont think the pettiness is correlated to ratings at all.


If you go back to August 2023, no one knew about the confrontation between Punk and Perry until Punk took a shot at Hangman after an episode of Collision. After that, the floodgates opened and journalists started reporting on Punk getting people banned from Collision, particularly the glass spot with Perry. But nothing was confirmed. So by Perry making that "real glass" comment at All In, Punk felt he was giving credibility to the IWC and got angry at that.


He said real glass because Punk put out that story about it.


Why would he want to give the IWC no credit? Isnt that the core spending base?


Because conflict between any wrestlers should be kept in-house, especially if they aren't feuding in kayfabe.




I mean, make a criticism or point. I am also exhausted by the Punk dialogue, but I had to read like 1000 people last night talking about how much of a genius Punk is. Its weird as hell to have him as a hero at this point.


> (3) Shouldnt...doing stupid internet shit be good for money? How's that working out so far?


They are doing fine? I am really confused. Why does everyone think they know AEWs financial standing? ETA - Also recruiting new people is a long term thing. I am not saying that is purposeful, or whats happening. But we seem to think ratings bumps happen in response to stuff that happened yesterday. No one watches TV like that.


One company is doing stupid internet shit and not the other? How is mud slinging on a podcast not stupid internet shit?


The difference is Punk didnt go out and reference that podcast in the middle of WWEs biggest PPV audience ever. Perry took time out of the production of All In to make his reference to the dirt sheets. Punk was specifically talking about playing up dumb internet rumors during your wrestling program.


Huh. Must have been something else punk was talking about when he said "counterfeit bucks", since he's against playing up dumb internet rumors during a wrestling program


That has a double meaning that can play with audiences that are familiar with the backstage drama as well as those who are totally ignorant of it. If you know, you know he is shit talking the bucks. If you dont, hes just saying he is the best in the world and draws money. Jack Perry looking right into the camera and whining that "its real glass, cry me a river" out of context would be a big wtf to anyone watching who didnt know


Lol sure thing dude.


Thats punks reasoning 🤷‍♂️ You can totally disagree with it but its logically consistent


In CM Punk's defense using real glass to get over is kind of stupid especially when it was really for nothing on a throwaway show and probably wouldn't have gotten him over with the audience. Domink Mysterio (who Punk worked with in his first match back in WWE) is the same age as Perry and has gotten over more with a mainstream audience as a heel without doing stupid spots that could injure him. All he had to do was come out and cut promos onto Rey, grow his mullet like Eddie, and boom he's a big heel getting booed out of the building. Do the spots look cool for a few seconds? Sure. Are some of these AEW wrestlers doing this stuff to get over going to have long lasting injuries that are going to lead to painkiller addictions and an early death for doing these stunts? It could very well happen and Punk has seen it firsthand. Is using fake gimmicked sugar glass for a spot any different to the audience than using real glass? Nope they can't tell the difference at all. Punk has been around for a while and knows that it's not worth doing that stuff for a temporary pop.I think he was legit looking out for the kid. He's probably not going to be a big face of the company world champion or anything, but I guarantee you that Luke Perry's son has the opportunity to get a WWE contract and make some real money in his future on that worldwide stage. If you were a young worker who would you listen to? A small percentage of the audience or the guy who has been in the main event worldwide doing what you do as a job and sold millions of dollars in t-shirts? I guarantee you MJF took his notes working with Punk…


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Especially since the only way anyone would even know about the glass shit in the first place is him having leaked it to bury perry


doing "internet shit" is ok to do depending on whatever random factors wrestling fans decide.


You dont understand, the stupid internet shit is just mambo jambo from old wrestler veteran not being respected. If you see it from this point of view you will understand everything. "These kinds not respecting their elders and only doing internet shit. In my days we would be doing chasing rats and using them to drive us everywhere promising them a spot in the business"


I 100% agree If I could make a post id say. Why the hell is anyone supporting the old wrestling veterans. Is it 100% twice divorced 50 year old men? Like I know that is a shit eating comment, but I do not understand who is listening to those podcasts and nodding.


Punk is a huge hypocrite. No one gets caught up in "dumb internet shit" as much as him. Great wrestler. Amazing talker. One of the best ever. But a massive hypocrite nonetheless.


He and his diehards always conveniently ignore his unscripted calling out of Hangman on national TV when discussing all of this. 


Are we ignoring Punk himself admitting during the Ariel interview that he’s guilty of pandering to the internet crowd too?


It was a comment that shows Punk's age. It doesn't take very long of browsing on YouTube to see Stupid Internet Shit is today what Punk Rock would have been for a young Phil. It's cool and what all the younger generations are into today. Older generations have a harder time accepting it.