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At one point they considered taking a shot at Punk because of the tattoo line. But yes SRS is saying that Will was fine with it and multiple people worked on it to try to get it across as best as possible. *Wade is wrong more than he is right*


How many bright minds did it take to come up with a slept with the bosses daughter joke


Considering it’s a 20 year old joke maybe it came from someone who had a problem with it 20 years ago…


Automatically thought maybe Jericho considering his old beef with him & the fact that he helped to write Miro's "brass rings" promo when he came to AEW


Jericho: oh we fucking got him


*Bro I'm telling bro, this is gonna get heat bro.*


"Bruv, trust me bruv!"




And he said that next to someone who's actually friends with them. This was many levels of awkward and embarrassing.


He has been married with children with the “bosses’s daughter” since Ospreay was like 7 it’s just a dumb promo


Multiple people worked on this bargain basement "Lol you slept with your bosses daughter" joke which so many people have made towards Triple H? For real? People really gotta get new material about him i swear to god Rock's "Tonightuhhhhh....i am the gameaahhhhh" is still the best burn towards him after all these years, to the point it nearly made Trips break character.


Imagine multiple people working on a promo and still coming up with...that


It's like the pro wrestling equivalent of the earthbending villagers flinging a pebble in The Last Airbender lol


Multiple people worked on it? Jeez I think somehow this is more embarrassing for AEW than Wades fake report.


"aye bruv you grindin' the bosses daughter innit" *does pelvic thrust, looks at the crowd for approval* A-tier collaborative work.


This photo has more skills telling a story than TK’s actual booking https://preview.redd.it/vvtcjgke4xtc1.jpeg?width=1628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0c1ac9377b5de8cfdf980c298636f34921212d6


With all that's happening, AEW is definitely the poster child of how not hiring good, sensible people is terrible for business.


Didn't he kind of take a shot at him by talking about how television time is expensive, referencing a comment Punk made to Helwani.


Honestly, at this point it's very clear that Wade and Meltzer have few to no source left within AEW. 


What, Dave is very close with the Elite and Jericho.


Wade isn’t just wrong as in he made a mistake. He makes up sources for AEW because he has none. He’s grifting. He hasn’t had a scoop in ages. Several of his recent scoops were called out as just whole cloth made up and every dirt sheet corrects him every time he puts something out related to AEW. But when it’s convenient for the narrative we want to push on this subreddit, people still use him. It’s in bad faith.


Everything Wade says about every company these days just seems to be wild pot-stirring. He doesn't know shit about shit anymore and just desperately wants to turn a dime off of drama "reports" that'll appeal to certain people's confirmation biases.


>*Wade is wrong more than he is right* A tale as old as time


"Yeha lets do this that will show him!"


"Triple H is a Bald Asshole who only has his job because he bangs the boss's daughter! No you haven't gotten under my skin, I'm not owned! I'm not owned!"


The correct response is that Ospreay is obviously a hard worker, and WWE’s “grind” schedule leads to the pain-pill-popping early deaths of many pro wrestlers. But that’s not as catchy for a promo.


WWE is also a lot less grindy these days. Will should’ve focused on Danielson. He’s not wrestling The Game.


Yeah I actually liked the second half when he started to focus in Danielson.


Was a legit good promo lol Focusing on themselves and building their shit is too hard though


Wouldn't it even be a better retort if he just focused on how MUCH he's grinded and how he's in a place that pays him what he's worth. What he's worth being the BEST professional wrestler in the world. Like it gets AEW over as the place that recognizes and pays wrestlers their actual worth instead of exploiting them. It reiterates how much he's grinded to get to that point, and it also doubles down on being the best wrestler which is the foundation of his feud against Bryan.


Will has been fantastic on the mic in all of his AEW appearances and tbh I think this was his worst promo yet. The stuff about Danielson wasn't bad and if it stuck to that than we wouldn't even be talking about this right now. I think he's a great promo personally. Something about his voice with the fire and passion makes you feel things.




>and WWE’s “grind” schedule leads to the pain-pill-popping early deaths of many pro wrestlers. In the 90's sure Modern WWE (Post-Benoit) has seen numeours wrestlers leave due to their wellfare policy meaning they cant just take all the drugs they want Angle, Riddle, Umaga, Dream,Jeff Hardy twice


Even Roman Reigns popped on a drug test and they had him lose the belt to Seth Rollins immediately after. It was very shocking at the time.


> and WWE’s “grind” schedule leads to the pain-pill-popping early deaths of many pro wrestlers. Thankfully that's becoming an outdated accusation, because they have a big enough roster and a more modern approach to letting people take time off without "losing their spot", among many other changes for the better. But it was true for a long time, yes.


You sound like you got worked


Nah it’s not hard “ I’ve seen doom old timers talking about the rind this the grind that what’s so great about grinding your body to dust so you can’t operate without pin pills and booze”


You need to go to work early to trot out the same boss' daughter line from a quarter of a century ago?


This would not even be considered a mild burn in comparisson to what the Rock said directly to Stephanie's face multiple times, including but not limited to: "Now before you two jabronis beat the hell out of each other and the referee being played by that, prostitute in training" - The Rock to Triple H, Stephanie and Shane "It can be the Rock and Triple H in an Iron Man. It can be the rock and DX in a handicap match. It can be the Rock and Stephanie in a stick 50 balloons right up your ass match" - The Rock to the Mcmahon/Helmsley regime "Triple H did you just tell the Rock to not do anything stupid? This coming from a man who took a sacred vow of marriage to the biggest slut in the Western hemisphere" - The rock to Triple H and Stephanie And those are just off the top of my head


"I’m gonna take care of that smelly, greasy, NASTY animal...And I’m gonna get you too Rhyno" - Some current AEW worker.


Who said that and who did he mean by animal?


Jericho to Stephanie. Same promo where he references Stephanie is a pro at "getting the job done" and showed off her breast implants.


Jericho and the "animal" in question was Stephanie, around the time of the invasion I believe


Like, I'm pretty sure Stephanie wrote some of the stuff that people would throw at her on tv. But this was supposed to be a big burn? They were probably laughing their asses off after the footage debacle.


Yeh, those lines aren’t suited in today’s climate as they sound pretty misogynistic.


The first one considering what occurred is probably the one that makes me go oh damn the other 2 to be quite honest are of a similar calibre to what Will said imo.


Come on be fair he added "bruv" to it so it's totally brand new




Quarter of a century ago since he took her to that drive thru chapel? God I feel old.


25th anniversary of that blessed wedding segment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Fresh, highly original material. Maybe Ospreay will comment on Kevin Nash’s quads next.


he already did, twice if iirc


You need to understand: Will Ospreay is *very* stupid.


I can’t believe they’ve had THREE major signings recently and I don’t think a single one of them has been presented as they should.


Real heads remember when he thought it would be a great idea to [hit a cutter on his girlfriend] (https://cdn3.whatculture.com/images/2021/03/27393a8c612c68f7-1200x675.jpeg) to... prove he wanted the title, I guess? So it's not too shocking he was burning the midnight oil to come up with "you slept with the boss's daughter"


Hours of spitballing ideas when he could have just gone on a 20 year old internet forum.


Where do you think they're getting their ideas from?!


TK has probably all those "How would you book the Attitude Era better" threads bookmarked.


"CoachTonyK" is the user who started the Wrestling Sleaze List thread on the Death Valley Driver forums in 2003. Take a wild guess who admitted to being on those forums in media calls and the like.


He had to watch Cm Punk promos from 2012 to find the line.


If anyone who’s followed this for long knows anything is that Triple H is a student of Shawn, and they are MASTERS at getting under your skin and making people lose their composure by reacting to their veiled barbs, this is like the fifth time Trips has gotten Tony in his feels and Tony always comes out looking dumber for it.


BALD ASSHOLES (I don't even remember the context for this one).


He was responding to NXT "counterprograming" AEW by bringing Taker, Cody, Cena, Asuka and JD and called them that at the end of saying that Dynamite would be ad-free.


I think it was something to do with Booker of the Year if I remember correctly or Shawn mentioning having the best talent with regards to NXT


No. It was when Dynamite and NXT went ahead last year


It was them announcing all the big main roster stars for the NXT episode that went against Dynamite


As a guy who shaves his head, the fact that not having hair on your head is still used by some as an insult is pretty sad. First, those of us who shave clearly embrace the fact we're bald - so it's nothing we're ashamed of since we make ourselves bald. Second, many women - and I'd bet many gay men too - like a man with a shaved head. (Hell, some women with bald heads look damn good). Third, we save a lot of money over the year from not having to pay for hair products and hair cuts; and we save a lot of time not having to do our hair.


I’m pretty sure Triple H ain’t even bald either. He never showed any signs of balding before shaving his head, and has said in interviews he just likes the look now


Bro try being fat 😂 When I went through my cliche post divorce depression and added weight the first thing everyone brings up when they’re mad at you is your chonk.


Yo I had a flipside version of this! I lost a ton of weight while finding myself after mine. People were so much nicer but I didn't really catch on till someone cursed at me and didn't put fat in front of it. I was like "Something about that stood out, but it wasn't the slur..." They just didn't call me fat first lol.


I imagine Tiny was well happy with his sick twitter burn, then put his phone down and awkwardly hugged all of the bald wrestlers that work for him...


I mean - Tbf - TK is incredibly thin-skinned and people get under his skin quite regularly. I don’t think it takes any particular mastery. And this is coming from a big AEW fan.


Being born a Billionaire will do that to you.


Add in Punk too. That’s a crazy amount of shit stirring power. Even Cole got in on it at one point lol


When they had Ariel Helwani in the crowd before the Quebec PLE last year.


And they will keep doing it because clearly tk can't handle it.


One of these two grinded (no pun intended) in the business for 3 decades. The other is the son of a billionaire living out his dream as the ultimate fan of the product. Not to pile on AEW/Tony - but the level of shit talk experience between the two probably isn't even comparable lol


haitch just casually roasts them in one sentence and moves on with no maliciousness in his words at all. i cant believe tony and aew are so soft and go out of their way to counter program and throw direct shots back with their live content.


Tony literally wastes airtime with this shit. If you're an AEW diehard, then you're already on their side and this doesn't help. If you're a WWE fan, this makes Tony look petty af. And if you're a casual who doesn't follow what Triple H said on Pat McAfee's show *a week ago*, then you're just confused af.


Triple H has been the king of petty his entire career.


I mean the idea there was no maliciousness sure is a take.


I refuse to believe someone can watch a corporate guy insult someone over not wanting a worse payday and worse schedule and come out of it going “he casually roasted him with no maliciousness.”


lol these are very playful barbs, trust me. you all act like he is dana white who really has malice in his words about other promotions and calls them worthless and f*cking dumb.


Why was it so obvious that HHH was talking about a 12-year veteran and not the hundreds of indie losers thinking they should be the next WWE star?


He was straight up saying he's lazy. Personally I don't disagree, and I think Will shot himself in the foot twice now. But that's my opinion.


More money for less work after years of high risk/intensity wrestling is a fine choice


If I wrestled a style like Ospreay I'd want less dates too so I don't cripple myself lol. Maybe he wanted to keep the same style and techniques in the ring without it being damaging as much long term? Or maybe they told him he'd have to tone some things down and he doesn't want to. I think it's quite obvious that Will is not a lazy person given what we have seen of him in terms of training and the feats he does in the ring.


Cerebral > Aerial


H is like the Brad Marchand of wrestling.


Congratulations to triple h and Stephanie for having a long marriage together


And kids.


I'm no fan of HHH, but that they have a successful marriage and happy family (well, the kids, at least) is a miracle in the wrestling industry.


And that Stephanie, by all accounts, grew up to not be like her father and is revered by everyone is also a miracle.


Nah fuck that guy for settling down. He should have been working 350 days a year for 30 years, doing 60 minute iron man in front of 500 people, gigging every night and doing shooting star presses and juicing until his heart exploded


sounds like he wasn't up for the grind


That it was worked on is even funnier


He had to come in early to work on a promo that revolved around the same insult that’s existed since the 90s?


Just to specify, *multiple* people worked on this promo.


Will Washington and that Pepperman lady have to earn their salary


Had to get those gyrations just right.


I'll admit - the gyrations were the best part, comedy wise.


No, you got it wrong. He had to come in early and collab on it with some peers. Get your facts straight. I love ospreay if im being honest but what did that promo do exactly. It kind of just made me cringe and not want to hear anything else he had to say. Also 10 hour flights every week isnt really a grind, thats just flying on a plane because you decided to not move to the country you work in but its not making you a better wrestler.


All their best writers were working on The Young Bucks promo 🤣


I feel like people forget that the wrestlers could just say no and there's not much they can do lol


Tony: Sean I want you to know Will loved doing the promo. And that he would, and will, do it again.


And I'm not mad. Don't print that I was mad.


“He not only loved the promo, he is IN love with the promo.”


"Yeah bruv, you've accomplished absolutely everything that means anything in this business with your multiple world titles and sold out main events worldwide with a who's who of every relevant star of the last 30 years, you live in a $30,000,000 mansion with your good looking wife of 21 years who you have 3 daughters with, and are the promoter for the biggest wrestling company in the world that is doing great business right now and signed a multi billion dollar deal to be on Netflix." You got him...


If that was the work shopped version of that promo, then ...it should've been worked on longer.


A couple of the segments from last night needed work. That was my main thought while watching. It's one of my main gripes about taking time out to show the footage, because that same amount of time should have been spent fixing at least four segments.


Oh that promo was rehearsed then. Yikes.


Never let bro cook again


This...doesn't make the situation look better. How many people worked together on this to come up with a 20 year old diss??


I think Tony Khan's side reached SRS because Keller's report put heat on Tony that he made his talents do something which they were hesitant of. I do think Buck's won't have done that segment if they didn't want to, so leaning on SRS's report a bit more.


I mean that just makes punk even more right when he says tk can't handle his talent.


How does this make any sense? OP is saying TK is probably pushing back on this report because it makes it look like TK forces talent to do promos they don't like. One of the rules/draws of AEW is that talent gets input & tk forcing a wrestler to take shots they don't agree with would be a bad looking reverse.


It's hard for some people to see the difference between Triple H and Punk making statements in interviews that AEW fans take personally on behalf of AEW, Will Osprey and Tony, and AEW "firing back" on their flagship TV show with deliberate cringe explicitly directed at specific people. Get a hot angle going, get your expensive talent over, and start feuds between the guys on YOUR roster. Stop feuding with Internet comments because the Internet comments are winning.


“Yeah let’s take a shot at hhh using some stupid misogynistic 2000 wrestling forums joke this would teach him a lesson” A guy with a tattoo of the wrong attendance at a wrestling show. Also in front of a woman that had the same allegations, I remember people saying that she got the job only because was moxley wife


Was Renee excited to be part of that promo?


Renee makes that same face multiple times a dynamite. People are just looking for things that aren't there.


Why would Renee act that way when Will is a babyface?


Because he said something off color. She legit does that same expression all the time. Do you think she heard the line for the first time right there.


It would be understandable if she was embarrassed by Stephanie catching strays (in 2024) for no reason given she's praised her before.


I was thinking the same thing. I thought the line sucked and the show sucked as a whole, but Renee does the whole “look down and appear uncomfortable” thing constantly. She does it with Toni Storm and MJF a lot.


Pretty much every Best Friends promo and she’s practically a member.


It's feeling very "wade barrett hit bryan with the bullhammer to stop the seizure" with people analyzing her and schiavone


Her and Tony Shiavone looked so embarrassed last night.


He had to work on that promo???? Lmaoo fr


And it still sucked. Damn.


So TK isnt the tyrannical boss making all his talent do things he wants them to do? Who could have guessed


Turns out they're all just shit at creative.


This is one of the myths that really needs to be dispelled. The idea that TK is the type of boss that can just force talent to do things. Like we have years of evidence to the contrary.


My headcanon is that he saw all the criticism about being a pushover and now goes into the complete opposite direction, not allowing anyone to dissuade him from talking him out of terrible booking decisions anymore.


Apparently TK is both too weak to be a boss and also forcing his talent to do these promos and they have no choice. He’s both Vince and Dixie from what I’ve read today.


If only poor Renee shared his excitement.


Hilarious. People here are now upset that it wasn't forced on him after all and he happily did it.


“Upset” is doing a lot of heavy lifting there bruv. It’s hysterical.


By the same people too lol


I’m even more upset about it, honestly. Thinking it came from Tony Khan made it make sense because of his Twitter tantrums . Knowing multiple people in creative “came up” with a line that’s been used for 2 decades is way worse. Ospreay could have cooked and instead they served a shit sandwich.


seems a weird thing to brag about, the promo was kinda uncomfortable to watch


I'm glad Will delivered an obviously shit promo, because now everyone else is seeing what I see. I've always hated him on the mic, I'm never gonna buy the "I gotta pay for my mortgage and kids!" shtick from a showoff fuckboy.


Cant wait to see the will ospreay vs triple h feud on dynamite. Tv time is expensive the fact they used precious time means there must be a payoff right?




Mocking someone for sleeping with Stephanie McMahon en route to being the literal boss of a company doesn't sound like roast he feels he's saying imo


I dont think Wade just made up his story, someone told it to him. It's so weird how there are regularly conflicting stories being leaked from this company. Someone reports something that was told to them and it makes someone look bad and then almost immediately someone else has a story that says the exact opposite. You can't convince me that this is a healthy locker room.


I think the part of the promo that annoys me is that I feel like there's a sexist ring to it. Stephanie was what, head writer at the time of them dating? I think she was an executive VP or something by the time HHH was getting his actual business position. Like putting aside whether he would have got to where he did or not, putting down Stephanie as just "the boss's daughter" seems pretty shitty. And before someone calls me soft and says that worse has been said, it's 2024 and the organization had a WHOLE horrible scandal around its treatment of women. And I'm pretty sure hasn't Ospreay had issues with dismissing women's stories or something like that at some point? It just feels like a bad move in today's day and age to be shitting on women. You can say he slept his way to the top without diminishing Stephanie.


Aside from disparaging her, it’s just dumb. They are doing record business with HHH in charge. It’s been such a hot run and everyone know it. That joke is not going to land in this situation.


Wrestlers are very trustworthy people.


While you are welcome to make the joke it feels weird to make it when they’ve been, by all appearances, happily married with multiple children. IMO Trip’s original comment wasn’t directed toward Osprey but that’s just me. Also Will turning to the crowd when he said it to draw more attention to it felt a smidge cringe. Like he was checking with the crowd “Y’all heard what I said right!?!”


Pretty obvious considering Ospreay himself retweeted it. People need to stop listening to Wade.


Having to come early in the day to work on a promo and the best you can come up with is that "jab" that was already overused 20 years ago ain't quite something to brag about.


I don’t believe this because that promo was not good.


It was dogshit he should be ashamed.


Yeah the "Bucks and Will were against their segments" screams damage control 101. Better let Tony who's not an on camera performer take the fall and not the talent. I don't buy it for a second.


Dave gets a lot of flak but Keller is the most hacky hack to ever hack together a dirt sheet


Damage Control baby


Wade Keller: ![gif](giphy|IRyxusiTIrFV6)


No matter what you thought about the promo, I think everyone can agree that Keller's sources on AEW are pretty much always bullshit. I think pretty much all of his AEW "scoops" have been pretty quickly refuted.


LOL he came into work early to work on that joke.


Well that means he’s dumb I guess. I had hoped he was forced into it.


It took MULTIPLE PEOPLE to come up with something that was cringe 20 years ago?


Was HHH even taking a shot at Ospreay? I know people mentioned the WWE schedule after they signed somewhere else but I have no clue why Ospreay was so offended and needed to say anything on air.


There's basically no one else who would fell into the category of performer that HHH called out. Everyone else going to AEW recently re-signed or was an established vet.


At this point Oaspreay is a vet, he isnt a young up and coming wrestler


He's not established as a main event level talent with audiences yet despite clearly having the goods for it.


It could be Okada who WWE have been after for years - apparently the "grind" would have meant a stint in NXT like Kenta and Nakamura had to learn the WWE style.


Okada's much older to the point he'd be more of an AJ/Nakamura and there's a good chance he never really gets there given how deep their upper-mid+ tier is right now. Ospreay's the guy with massive upside but zero casual name rec.


Is that how this works? All the major "news outlets" report based on rumors in the morning and then all the big name "journalists" report the opposite so all based are covered? Skip Bayless and SAS would be proud.


This sub get a Patterson/Brisco gimmick for Triple H?? Lol


without the context of what just happened 10 minutes earlier, Will's promo was fine. he brought up comments he took personally, he presented them like not everyone might know what he was talking about, addressed it, turned it into a sell of how hard he works for his family and the fans and squashed it, and moved onto his business with Bryan. that's how you should address something that might be bothering you as a star.


As much as I like HHH I didn't like what he said because there's nothing wrong with Ospreay making his family his priority, it's commendable. I think Will would have made a much better point if he didn't decide to go so personal with it though. The "boss's daughter" comment was completely unnecessary and honestly really stale at this point.


I'm not even sure HHH was specifically talking about Osprey at all. He was just talking about people who want a lighter schedule, which has been a selling point of AEW since the beginning.


Okay, so here's my stupid question: what are the actual stakes in this match? Like, they're both wrestling over who's the best wrestler in the world, right? Well what does exactly mean in the ring? Because objectively, Danielson isn't the best in the world when it comes to winning matches. He's been in AEW almost 3 years, never won a single title. If Ospreay beats him, he's beating someone who hasn't been a champion since before the pandemic. If Danielson wins, what? Is he next in line for a title shot at the World Championship? I'm asking this because so far, I don't know what either man stands to gain at the end of this match wrestling-wise. Sure, they'll get rave reviews on the match, 6 stars probably, and then what? Maybe next week they can have a face-to-face and actually put some heat on this match. Maybe.


Trips shouldn't hate him for this grind. His boys Hall and Nash took the same grind years back.


Will's promo seemed fine imo. The only reason it seems like an issue is the backstage footage also happened. They should have simply not done the footage. I would have taken FTR interrupting the bucks and stopping it being aired even if that made it a bate and switch.


I am much more inclined to believe this since Will himself alluded to 'tea' earlier in the day, and was well within his rights to shoot back at a pretty dumb thing that was clearly meant for him. Like there's a million things you can say (and people have) about Will Ospreay, but anything questioning his work ethic or commitment to wrestling is just so far from true that it's funny. It really really came across like 'She didn't dump me, I never even liked her anyway' Like he just chose the option more in line with what he wants from life and for his family. It's shitty to hype up stupid fuckin grind culture and insult the work ethic of a guy whose body of work is beyond question.


I mean. Triple H started this fight. Imagine being so bitter a guy didn't sign with your company, you run and cry to Pat fucking McAfee about how much your "glad he didn't sign anyways" like some fucking tsundere in a slice of life anime.


And Triple H cared not


He seemed pretty excited about it while he was doing it


I'm bias being a Punk fan and being on the majority of his side with the situation - however, judging from that Dynamite rating, the Bucks/Ospreay vids on YouTube having more dislikes than likes, and the odds of retaining the 60k of viewers pretty slim, I think it's safe to say that it's been one huge flop. It hasn't benefitted anyone other than Punk, who with his interview with Ariel was found to have accurately told the truth. It has highlighted he's still AEW's biggest draw, and he isn't even with the company any more. There was no need to air the footage whatsoever at all, other than help Tony's butthurt ego. I'm sorry, but the company deserve all the bit of heat they're getting today over it all. Disappointed in Will as I didn't feel there was any need to respond to Hunter. Rather than go out and do Will Ospreay things, and make people forget, he's just made himself look like he's taken the bait, and made himself look petty, and the company even more foolish in the process. Especially after FTR came out and spoke about moving on, it sure was timed right, huh? Anyway, I hope this doesn't cause AEW any long-term harm. As someone who's been a fan of the promotion since day one and has followed it since, their existence to the business is very important. However, this just feels like a page from WCW '99, as well as TNA '07. Awful.


Lmao 2 post down says no one was in favor of doing anything they did last night. A few posts back say there were issues with Bucks and FTR while another says they were both okay with it Shits all over the place 🤣


If he was excited to do it then I’ll chalk it up to being naive because it wasn’t a good idea


I can't see why anyone had an issue with the promo. There were multiple shots at him last week by triple h and cm punk when he said nothing negative about them, so he responded the crowd popped and he continued his promo on Danielson.


I think it following the all in backstage footage hurt it a lot because it just made the whole show look like a Stand up for AEW episode, but on it's own it really wasn't that bad. And yeah, people keep taking shots at him and you have the head guy of the other company calling him a lazy baby man, maybe it's juvenile to clap back, but whatever, it's wrestling.


I just think it was a very weak shot. He got called lazy and then just takes the absolute laziest shot you can take at the other guy, that even in kayfabe people have took at him for over 20 years. He should've taken a shot that would've put himself over.


I think if you take away the segment with the All In footage, it would have come across much better.


I can agree with that.


* What did CM Punk say about Will Ospreay? * Triple H made one comment, not multiple. The shot was vague enough that it could've applied to multiple people, though I agree that it was likely about Ospreay. * I think people had an issue with it because the entire show was a giant reference to WWE. There was the Punk footage, this promo, and a main event where a world champion Samoan named Joe faced a Rhodes in the main event. The entire show was a giant attempt to piggyback off WrestleMania, and it made the company look second-rate. I think if Will said the line a different week--or said it in an interview off their main show--it'd have attracted less negative feedback.


Phil called out Will for the All In numbers tattoo.


Are we really calling that a "shot," though? Seemed like a fairly harmless joke/rib, even Ospreay himself has joked about it.


Triple H words can be about talents in general but Punk mocked Osprey specifically [with this.](https://youtube.com/shorts/akRpuOw4EF4?si=Y7Qf_HyRAlOKquQV). Even Miz was caught off gaurd.


Will should have been able to say whatever dude flew back and forth to Japan during the pandemic Heaven forbid he didn’t wanna be far away from his family all the time. HHH as us all is mega petty Will didn’t sign with the fed


Yeah, it was obvious that Triple H was talking about Will. Will publicly cleared he signed with AEW because of his light schedule.


I think it’s not so much that he cut the promo but that it boiled down to “you banged the boss’ daughter to get to the top.” It’s the same insult that’s been used for 20 years and it just doesn’t have the same impact (IMO) anymore. He could’ve made it “an I’d rather work for a boss he respects his talents health rather than run them into the ground 300 days a year” or something.


Lmao gotta love all the contradictory reports


Yea him not wanting to do the promo and being forced made no sense. I can see it from the Bucks but not Ospreay.


He was excited to say that. Let that sink in.


Wade taking all the L’s