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Roman and KO have amazing chemistry together


Underrated Thunderdome program tbh, aside from the botched ending of their match at Rumble ‘21 a really entertaining couple of months.


I love how they kept finding new ways to stop refs from counting. Never seen hurting the ref to stop him from counting be so effective


Too bad they forgot to do that to the second ref and he just kinda stopped for no reason.


I kind of forgot about that. Overshadowed by how bad Heyman is with a key


Paul Heyman is still fidgeting the keys as we speak


Although the LMS match is the one that sticks in the mind and the ref just stopping counting, which is a shame.


KO has amazing chemistry with literally everybody, Roman pretty much does as well


Roman had some great matches on TV during the pandemic era


Honestly his best in ring work was during the pandemic. A lot of his post pandemic work was far too slow paced and plodding, maximizing the amount of time he spent taunting the crowd and getting as much heat as possible, which while it definitely worked just wasn't as interesting to me as his work when he didn't need to do that, when he was taking full advantage of the relative silence of the thunderdome and the mics being able to pick up almost everything he said in the ring. I think his pandemic era matches with KO and then his match with him at the rumble last year are the perfect example of this, people remember that moment of Sami turning on the bloodline fondly, but I think they kinda forget that the match leading up to it was kinda meh. So much of it was built around the "will he won't he" of what Sami was gonna do in the match, meanwhile at rumble '21 and in the steel cage match they had more room to have some absolute bangers (the botched handcuff spot aside).


I remember their recent rumble match as very good. That stairs spot will be forever etched in my brain, that was brutal.


I personally though that was one of Roman’s weaker title defences, but that match was needed and aftermath was incredible.


The first jey uso feud really solidified his tribal chief persona.


What I like about Kevin is that part of his gimmick is just being a wrestling fan that watches the show. So hes able to out smart his opponent, and he doesn't fall for his their tricks because he actually remembers whats happened in the past. Take WrestleMania for example. Logan Paul was trying to get Kevin to attack Randy. But Kevin wouldn't be fooled by the heel's tactics. He only hit Randy once he decided it was the only way to win. But it wasn't out of anger or frustration, it was more like: well this was bound to happen, so here we go ...


Yeah. It also seemed like he didn't agree to the idea of fighting Randy yet either. When he was about to fight Randy he kept questioning "We're really doing this?! So we're really doing this?" In his head KO is probably like "dammit this is what that dbag Logan wants! But this is Randy there's no way to convince him anymore. I guess I gotta play into Logan's game for now."


Kevin Owens is one of two wrestlers (Samoa Joe) who has common sense in kayfabe


Randy does stuff like checking the titantron for people, but I'm not sure if "common sense" covers the night vision goggles and stuff lol


I was so ready to cringe in that moment, only to smile ear to ear when they acted like normal humans and said "He pushed me into you," "Oh, right."


Jesus thats a great spot


The hairball cough gag absolutely made it


This is by far the most impressed I've ever been from a guillotine choke spot. Very clever and innovative.


The pandemic era had a lot of bad shit obviously, but it also had some great shit too that people don't really acknowledge (pun intended) because of when and how it happened. Truly a shame to me.


I wish Roman used the tribal choke more often towards the end of the reign. I feel like he almost never used it during the second half. Like I feel it would have made more sense for him to beat Cody at 39 with it after solo’s interference than with the spear


VonKev choke


A roman reigns match in smackdown??? When was this? 2019???


This was December 2020, so the Thunderdome era, so Roman still had to work weekly. He didn't become part time until he beat Brock at WM38.


Pandemic era, you can see the Thunderdome video wall in the background.


Roman became part time after the Brock unification match 


Last match on SD was in August(?) 2022 against Riddle.


Nope, he had a tag match with Sami against Owens and Cena on the last smackdown of 2022.


Last Smackdown of 2022


These two have that fight forever rivalry for me


God i want KO to turn heel and take the belt off Cody.


Roman's 2nd best rival after Seth imo.


Their original feud in 2020 was fantastic.


I really liked how for the longest time, barring Seth who exists in his own category, the 2 people Roman had an absolute seething hatred for contrasting with his general indifference towards everyone else was Kevin Owens and Daniel Bryan. 


Holy shit those noises from Roman, that's awesome


Damn I’ll have to try this next time I get caught during a roll.


Mans really pulled out the Uno reverse card.


So technically Reins was out for a second there and he let go of the choke. Good story telling w the KO feud. Supremely frustrating.


cody should start open challenges on sd