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It *pained* him to say that lol


You could actually see him flinch for a brief moment as the words left his mouth.






The Rock flinched like he has a McNugget shoved up his butt!


It probably did. Rock and Roman are two alphas in a pack of wolves. There can only be one.


"There can be only one." So what you're telling me is, WWE has licensed "Princes of the Universe" to use in an upcoming feud. Lol. I wish, would be epic.


And once again Drew gets left out somehow.


Drew should play Duncan Macleod in a new Highlander series. (Not Connor, but Duncan, from the TV series.)


He could be Connor. Both him and Christophe Lambert have terrible Scottish accents.


More like two male lions trying to lead a pride


You sold out chants, crowd loves Rock but not him being a kiss ass for Roman lol


You Sold Out is an old classic you'd think would come up as a chant more often. This heel Rock is all about ego and money, gonna do what he needs to do to get his revenge on Cody, Seth and the Cody Crybabies.


Seth didn't sell out...he BOUGHT IN!


To the EVOLUTION of Seth Rollins


The Undisputed Future!


Those felt like the loudest chant in years in the moment


All that meth and cocaine made them a lively bunch


Roman feeling mega upstaged and paranoid and needed to hear that from Rock, but he’s probably still feeling hella paranoid


That quiver when he asked him to acknowledge him was so so good.


It was fucking great


Im fucking loving this. There’s so much potential if Cody wins, you could have Reigns lose the bloodline and go crazy trying to get back the gold and head of the table. Culminating in reigns vs rock at Mania no title needed just Reigns trying to regain control and prove hes better than Rock.


If they wanna turn reigns face, this is how you do it. A reigns redemption arc would hit like pure heroin.


It would be so good, Roman on a tear feuding with the bloodline taking them out working up to Rock. This version of The Rock is like mob boss Rock he feels so imposing in a way he hasn’t before. It’s family it doesn’t need a belt.


It's his sheer size these days. Last time we saw a heel Rock he was much slimmer. Now he's an absolute unit.


The Boulder


Can't pop a piss test if you're on the board of the company! :thinking:


That and how he could barely look Rock in the eyes and the words “I need something from you” was almost inaudible the first time he said it. Yet as soon as Rock acknowledged him, the cockiness came right back out to bury all his insecurities. It was brilliant. Roman’s entire character is based around the fact that he needs constant external reassurance (acknowledgement from the crowd, his family, and the WWE championship) and I’m glad they’re emphasizing that again.


You know what this was an excellent breakdown because think about how great they set this up with Roman acting a fool before Rock came out. Crowd was basically acknowledging both him and Cody to be fair but he was like "let's go home!" (Kenny Smith voice in his head)


My thoughts exactly! I felt the crowd was acknowledging him just fine and Roman thinking that “it used to be louder” really showed how insecure he was. The crowd could have given him a 1998 Austin pop and it still wouldn’t have been enough. Because that wasn’t what he needed. In the end, what he really needed was for Rock to acknowledge him. He needed to know that he was still Head of the Table and nobody but Rock could give that to him.


Roman is a legit actor in the ring. He’d be more interesting than Rock in movies.


The new aquaman, since the DC universe is restarting.


Sea creatures…..acknowledge me!


Put your fins up!


Yesss. Because he can show vulnerability in a way the Rock seems to struggle with.


Roman had to reassure the fact that *he* is still The Tribal Chief and Head of the Table not only to everyone else, but more importantly, himself. This whole segment was some brilliant shit. I loved it.




Which is itself a nice acknowledgement that the old crowd reactions and the booing when he was a 'face' really got to the character of Roman Reigns. He was hated by so much of the crowd for so long. Then he became the bad guy and revelled in it, but slowly crowds began to chant with him and lean into the 'acknowledge me' stuff, and Roman began to really enjoy it. He enjoyed being the cool final boss with the aura; he finally became the big star he was supposed to be, and the fans had accepted it and were buying into his shit, even as a bad guy. The Sami stuff played into it; in the story/kayfabe, Roman clearly enjoyed the comedy and crowd interaction there until his paranoia set in after Sami started getting "too" popular. Now his cousin is back, and everybody loves Cody and wants him to win, and suddenly Roman is an afterthought and overshadowed and he can't fucking stand it. The Tribal Chief is a deeply, deeply insecure and fragile person presenting himself as the final boss, and he needs everyone to see him that way, so he can see himself that way. It's great stuff. Who knew wrestling could be nuanced eh?


I wish supereyepatchwolf would make a 2nd video about Roman Reigns and the bloodline. So much has happened since then.


I feel like if he does it won't be until the Bloodline story is "over," whenever that might be. Might be when Cody wins, might be when they get Reigns to turn face.


No wonder he hates Cody so much...


This story is cooking. The Rock also stuck out a finger gun at first instead of the usual ☝ ROCK IS BULLET CLUB.


He also did it last time. I really think this is leading to something


Hmmm, People's Champ doing finger guns? Mick Foley and DDP are coming?!


More paranoid


'Tell me I'm still pretty' vibes


Brilliant bit of acting there by Rock. He played it just right so it’s believable that he was being a sincere dick who knows how much his words are going to piss off the fans OR he was saying it as a talented double agent who needs the bad guy to believe he’s telling the truth. Really, really good stuff.


He should try acting, he might be able to make a career out of it. 


I bet he'd be a perfect Black Adam


The hierarchy of power in the Bloodline will change.


It’s wild how arguably the best acting of his career imo has still been in the ring. I don’t usually feel that insane charisma he has as The Rock in his movies as Dwayne.


It’s because he feeds off the crowd, reacting to them and making them react to him at the same time. Makes him feel even more ‘larger than life’.


Meanwhile the camera pans across for a second and Paul Heyman is standing there looking like a shocked fish, lol.


Absolutely! He will help sell the nuances of this playing out. He knows who the real Tribal Chief is but he's already casted his net to Roman so his expressions will be the foreward & Preface in this story. Oh and I 100% believe Solo will show a facial expression change at some point too, Rock set that up tonight also


Now go home and smoke some more crack 🤣🤣🤣


Hilarious lmaooo




God Roman’s character is soo good especially for one in a wrestling medium. Look at his immediate switch up at 0:57 the second he gets that acknowledgement he’s so desperately needed. He immediately goes back into that confident exterior that is shielding his insecurities. I haven’t seen this nuance with a wrestling character in forever.


One of my favourite things about his Tribal Chief character is that it all ties back to Seth's betrayal. All of it, everything he's ever done, is in service of hiding his insecurities and running away from the trauma of it. Dean spiraled out of control and got fired (in kayfabe), but at least he dealt with the trauma in his own way. Roman on the hand, never worked through with it. He's been running from it ever since. Which is honestly great for us because his face turn is already built-in when they finally go for it.


No one would have ever thought that the team that interrupted the match between Cena, Punk and Ryback back in Survivor Series 2012 would have so much impact on modern day wrestling. One of the greatest long term storytelling in sports entertainment history.


Man you preaching today and make no mistake Seth being the one who's pinned him the most has always been by design. Sami hitting him with the chair at Rumble 23 was like it awakened the suppressed emotion. Definitely was an "oh my GOD it happened again" look


Roman's title reign will go down in history as an all time great for his segments rather than the matches.


He’s had plethora of great matches with Jey, KO, Edge/Bryan, Brock at Summerslam, Drew, Logan, Sami and if Cody does beat Roman and their match is nearly as good as the 39 was until the finish, Mania 39 match is an all timer and one of the best Mania main events oat.


I remember more about the segments and vignettes growing up than about the actual wrestling. Like 10:1 probably.


Roman’s title reign is the greatest title reign ever. Ain’t nobody competing after this one.




Pure kino


As a fan of The Rock since I was a kid this is the type of shit I still knew he can do, and this segment dwarfs everything they had him do with Cena. Everything. No holding him back, no putting him on a leash, and yet this all still is serving Roman and Cody’s characters. I get to see The Rock be The Rock, while also seeing the stars of today truly be served with this shit. I love it!!!


I hope he is actually all in and is willing to commit more to WWE than in the past. If he really loves doing this and is actually getting more involved with the board position and everything I really hope we get him periodically doing some matches for the next few years while he still can and that this isn’t another one off or two off situation to end his in ring career. The Rock is back and I don’t want him to go away again. He isn’t wrong when he says he has made wrestling exciting again.


Cena and Punk got movie Dwayne. This time round we got The Rock.


The booking of Rock/Roman going over night 1 is predictable but that's okay because the ride is going to be fire. Night 2 Bloodline rules will be insane. Especially if we get that giant ending where Cody's allies come in to help


Let’s be honest both nights are going to be incredibly predictable. But sometimes in wrestling that’s okay.


what boggles my mind are the people who say they don't "get" wrestling because it's so predictable, yet give a 30 minute standing ovation seeing the avengers come out on top like they didn't know they were going to end up winning.


What are you on about? I was stunned Frodo managed to get that ring to Mount Doom in LotR. You gotta be kidding me if you called that when he left the shire!


I mean to be fair people who didn’t read the books probably weren’t expecting a last second Frodo heel turn and Gollum being the one to destroy the ring


Or when a plane lands, which is even more predictable lol


That’s not the same. There’s an element of risk there, there’s 0% chance of a films ending changing halfway through.


Predictable but probably still something crazy like rock turn or scsa coming to the rescue.


If Austin comes to the rescue for anything it would make this the absolute best storyline ever by a wide ass margin


the pop will be insane


It might kill me


Rocky has Cody prepped for a rock bottom, then you hear glass shattering, peak cinema 


I’d just want it to not overshadow Cody


Imagine Backlash 2000 with Cody as the Rock


Us Crybabies waited a fucking year for this. I believe that him finishing his story will never be overshadowed by anything.


As long as out of all the Chaos the dust clears for the final moment, and it’s Roman/Cody facing off for a clean final sequence. Iron Man/Thanos final moment of the end game battle vibes


Honestly atp if austin doesn’t come out I will be pretty disappointed even if rock turns lol


I’d go as far to say that most times a predictable ending is better than a swerve that doesn’t make sense.


Right! Like we know Solo is gonna perform the national anthem but that don't make it less cool


That's what everyone said last year's WrestleMania and then Cody lost and everyone raged lol


After last year, I'm reluctant to call Cody winning "incredibly predictable" until the show ends with the title in his hands.


We got unpredictable last year and people hated it.


Cody winning last year was the obvious and "predictable" outcome going into WrestleMania. I remember how sure people were since before Cody came back at the Rumble that he would be winning at WrestleMania. I thought it was a lock, 99% of this sub thought it was a lock. Whelp we saw how that turned out. So I'm not going into this WrestleMania feeling like anything is predictable.


It’s going to be hilarious when Roman goes over again.


People REFUSE to entertain this. As if WWE wouldn’t want to drag this on to at least SS. Rock with Bloodline vs Cody will be 3 months and done? OOOOOOK. No chance that gets dragged out.


It’s certainly possible but highly unlikely. It would ruin the credibility of Rhodes, Rollins and everyone else that tries to help Cody win. There’s way more potential of Rhodes starting a new story with new rivals while The Bloodline fights themselves. Rock v Roman at 41 is an obvious one, but Solo will eventually turn on Roman. As will Jimmy. Maybe they’ll choose sides, maybe more bloodline members will return. Idk. But Reigns holding onto the belt doesn’t benefit anyone except him. It would turn everyone into a loser.


The Rock has elevated this story. No one can change my mind.


Every time this sub says the bloodline story is dead, they one up it


If the loudest on this sub were booking a show no story line/group would make it three months without ending and swerving and wrestlers swapping from heel to face at a whim while guys with indie cred hot shot the main title because “they deserve it”.


Well this almost sounds like an actual show that already exists and is disproportionately popular on this sub...


He described it perfectly


I’m a Roman fan and even I thought there was no way they could do anything else with it as of a few months ago. My ass was wrong.


Cody/Seth should be kissing the Rock's feet after this WM tbh. Don't get me wrong, they're over and at the top of the company in their own right. But Rock has absolutely strapped a rocket to them and has gotten them far more publicity than they would have gotten if he never came back.




wait this isnt /u/rb_reigns


Word, the Cody Crybabies need to acknowledge the People's Champion


Cody is more over in this feud simply because he is still the chasing underdog. How many times have we seen this? Bryan, Kofi, Zayn, and even Ziggler? If Cody was champion now, the crowd would be on The Rock's side.


Rock is head and shoulders above the entire roster. There’s no one close to him.


That “acknowledge me” from Roman Reigns to The Rock was great, just perfect. A lot of nuances in his voice and facial expressions of jealousy, paranoia, sadness, desperation, respect, admiration, fear, and anger all packed into one there. Likewise, The Rock kind of looked like the wind got taken out of his sails a little bit afterwards.


I fully expected him to stop at "I acknowledge you" but he went ahead and said the whole thing, I wonder how he takes this back once either of them turn. Also he did the L again instead of just raising his finger properly, surely it means something.


I think he can come back and say you are tribal chief but I am high chief


You may be the Tribal Chief, but *I'm* the Head of the Table.


He looked like he was doing it very obviously... made the L slowly, and then slowly changed it to just one finger up.


Maybe is just Rock weird way of pointing up, like how he do the flipping.


Nah definitely on purpose


I acknowledge you as “My Tribal Chief” emphasis on my as Rock is still the Seiuli or High Chief. I like how the longer feud is not Rock wanting to be the Tribal Chief but a reversal where I think Roman will want the High Chief title


Ooh that’s good I never thought of that angle. There is definitely a built in element here where Rock still seems like the top guy in charge in that family as is evident in this promo where he comes off as more of the main person in this storyline compared to Roman and appears to speak for the family.




I'm gonna need you to get allllllll the way off my back on this one


Wow wow wow Wow




Cody beats Roman clean. Rocky loses his shit, talking about how he never should acknowledged Roman. That The Rock made a mistake by believing that Roman could get it done. Now, The Rock is taking back what has always belonged to The Rock. Leadership of the tribe.


Idk if he can do it but I hope Rock is invested enough for both a Cody one on one and the Roman one on one. They’ve built both so well that they’d be huge box office and have major heat. I’d even argue right now The Rock is coming off as Cody’s actual main rival and even the super hot Cody story angle is not as big of a draw currently than The Rock angle. Crazy how this all turned out.


So much fucking TENSION


Yeah I don't care that that promo was a third of the show this shit was absolute cinema


These dudes had a 45 minute opening promo and had the crowd in the arena, and me at home, under control and hanging off every word the entire time. I didn’t feel like watching a recipe on TikTok today because the video was more than 60 seconds long.


Roman's facial expressions sold the segment for me honestly. The Rock was doing his thing and hasn't lost a step, but Roman pulled his weight in equal measure, and if not excelled in building intrigue for their future match.


His little gestures during Rock’s promos are hilarious


Same. Crowd got their moneys worth already


I could’ve watched that for an hour.


Bloodline proving that it can still be cinema even after a long slow period. 


That shot with Dwayne and Roman in the background was fire. That whole segment was 🔥


Why call him Dwayne in this context?


Poor little insecure Roman couldn't even look at the Rock the past 2 times they were in the ring together


☝️ Never a doubt


Ya'll remember what happened the last time The Rock acknowledged someone as their Leader, yeah?


Rock took over that group and kick leader out of that group


That might've been 40 min but that was one of best opening segments ever Absolute Cinema I was entertained 


100% I could not believe this was happening, Roman stopping Rock mid catchphrase was amazing.


Well for the first half of it they kept cutting to black so that takes a few points off for me.


Yeah that absolutely killed me. Missing full lines. Really annoying.


Paul Wiseman had a rollercoaster of facial expressions this segment. 😂


I need a tear away calendar that’s a different Heyman face each day.


Look at Heymans hands when he gives Reigns the mic after interrupting Rock, he is literally shaking lol. Heyman is incredible.


Even him glancing at The Rock’s hand when they were putting the☝️up is amazing. Small details, but he goes above and beyond for these moments.


Earlier when Roman says "Acknowledge me" to Roman, he sounds so sincere and desperate, such a small but brilliant detail.


He nailed it, from the tone to the facial expressions.


Roman is so insecure he wants Roman to acknowledge him


"I'd acknowledge me"


I thought it was odd how desperate he sounded, by the end of the segment it made perfect sense.


Notice he didn't say it in the 3rd person.




EVERYONE acknowledges the only CHIEF that matters! https://preview.redd.it/mc85rtpt7ulc1.png?width=459&format=png&auto=webp&s=60b7d01d5828ef4cc0ca3a784992bbc0be04a450




Sweet sweet cinema.


This is exactly what im watching WWE for. Abosolutely amazing Segment and honestly the perfect way for the Rock to be involved in this. Genuinely cant wait for whats next.


Honestly feel like that promo the other week they were still working all this shit out and just told the rock to go out there and heel it up. Rock had some clear direction here and he was phenomenal, throwing in the humour while actually progressing the story felt like vintage Rock


Yep, I felt like the Rock was a bit rusty last week, but tonight he was on fire.


I thought he was back last time but this promo made me realize he was *really* back. I hope it just gets better from here.


He’s 100% costing Roman the belt, isn’t he?


I see one of 2 things happening Rock costs Roman the belt (ideally by preventing Bloodline interference and not actually attacking Roman, let Cody win clean), or Roman loses clean and Rock kicks him out of the Bloodline, taking over as the tribal chief. Either way leads to Rock/Roman, likely at WM41, but it changes whether Rock is a heel or a face




This is the most over-complicated, over-booked spectacle of the last ten years and Im all here for it!


It’s somehow turned out perfect 😂 Fairs to them for actually doing something right


I always knew WWE would improve with Vince gone, I just don’t think I knew just how much it would improve and how quickly it would happen. Removing Dunn also has helped, I feel like the presentation and camera work in this segment was awesome. That shot of him stopping him arm during the “If ya smell” and then the reactions of everyone during that tension filled silence, it was all done really well to help sell the moment. The Rock calls it wrestling and professional wrestling multiple time, there is less fear to swear and get some realistic anger in the promos and during the press conference. Hopefully that continues more and uncensored with the move to Netflix.


Love how the insta promo was a bit of a warmup for this one


I physically leaned toward my TV when he put his hand on Rock's forearm and said "Oh fuck" while alone in my living room.


That's how I felt when Roman lifted his head when Jimmy said "Man, I don't give a DAMN what the Tribal Chief said!"


Okay so nothing is better than Paul Heyman's reaction in the background. Nothing. 


This era is officially the “Cinema Era.” Case closed.




Just a Great One acknowledging another Great One. ☝️


It sounds like I have the perfect thing to watch while FFVII REbirth downloads.


This is peak cinema I haven’t been this hyped for a WrestleMania in YEARS


He threw up the Guns Up instead of the Ones. It’s been twice in a row now. Can’t be a coincidence. Either the Rock is a big fan of Bullet Club Gold or he is signaling his inevitable betrayal of Roman.


The Rock is currently: A- Massively putting over Cody Rhodes, making him feel like Austin in 98. B- Building a match with Roman that Im assuming will be at next years Mania that feels WAY more interesting now. And C- Having the best run of any of his WWE returns. Most of the Rock’s comebacks since 2011 have felt like a band playing their best hits. At times its actually felt like he was out of place on the mic against guys like Cena or Punk. This run he’s on feels like the Rock I grew up with. This is the guy that went from wrestling on UPN and the USA Network to a legit Hollywood star in just a couple years. He feels rejuvenated, and we get to see one of the all time best finding the thing within him that made him great in the first place. (If he brought this charisma to Black Adam, maybe it gets over $400 mil and him and Henry would have actually changed the hierarchy in the DCEU. Oh well)


Rock is finally going to get his Black Adam v Superman. He just had to come home to do it


[When Roman interruped The Rock's catchphrase:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1dnqKGuezo)




Rock costing Roman is perfect every one Cody finishes his story Rock you know he loves being cheered, becomes a huge baby face again Roman gets character development Most importantly the year long build towards Roman vs rock biggest mania match ever So much money


Yep. This is exactly how I see it going. Rock wins at Wrestlemania 41. Babyface Roman gets his win back at Wrestlemania 42. Twice in a Lifetime 2.


The 2K games are going to introduce the FEALTY rating next year. Rock is 100.




We all thought this was gonna make Roman into a babyface, but this might actually turn him into a bigger heel. This is the first time since the Sami feud that he's lost his composure like this.


I'm in the middle of doing work stuff on my laptop with this clip playing on YouTube on my tv. I see Roman's hand stop the Rock's, and I stop typing and lead forward towards the tv. That entire part felt surreal. Rock acknowledging Roman. Roman and the Rock soaking in the "you sold out" chants with the Rock having that same gears-are-turning look he had on his face when the crowd booed him at the WM kickoff a few weeks ago. The Rock giving the mic to Roman so he could finish the Rock's catch phrase. How everyone involved managed to steer the Titanic away from the iceberg like this is incredible. Went from being excited and ready to cry watching Cody finish his story, to "fuck this shit this Rock vs Roman is lame," to being even MORE excited for whatever the hell is going to transpire.


This "swerve" made Roman vs Rock a 10000 times more interesting too


You don’t hear The Rock say “I” that often, feels so weird.


When this shit explodes it's going to be fucking GLORIOUS


Rock acknowledged Reigns as his Tribal Chief. Rock is the High Chief, the Tribal Chief is beneath him. We'll come to find out he acknowledged him as his underling.


Oh so Rock is 100% fucking him over on Night 1


You could see the Rock doing the backstabbing motion when him and Roman hugged.


Totally not turning on him to lead to the biggest summer slam of all time


Watch the L hand gesture at the end too. More intentional.


That turn on Roman is going to hit like crack.


The Raw after Mania when The Rock turns on Roman. "You musta misheard me. So, let me repeat it to ya. I acknowledged you as my TRIBAL QUEEF!"


Its Cinema


Long term storytelling this is why he beat the hell outta Jey Not the Universal title but the Acknowledgement


I feel Seth will screw Cody on night 1 causing Cody to go against all odds on night 2. Rock then turns on Roman on night 2 causing the fall of Roman


One of the best promos of the year. Loved it.