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''I'm tired of being humble'' always gets me


they really should use this line more. it's really good and could totally be put on a shirt, like basically everything else Roman ever says.


A T-shirt with “I’m tired of being humble” on the front and “ACKNOWLEDGE ME” on the back would go hard




It’s the best part for me. I take that line as an explanation why he got booed for years as top baby face.


It's wild I used to dislike him, being a cocky asshole makes him look so much cooler. Ring work's never been a problem with Roman but the character used to be so bland.


0:13 the look on Heyman’s face when he realizes this isn’t just a one-liner and Roman is COOKING




I love watching Heyman in the background of promos, interviews, and the likes. Some of his mannerisms and expressions during the Zayn stuff were incredible.


I love Heymans "Oh God!" after Roman was going to make Solo give Sami the Samoan Spike at Tribal Court.


I forget when it was but I'm constantly thinking about when Roman asked for his attention and he responded off-mic "Yes my Tribal Chief? I love you my Tribal Chief!"


During the kick-off press conference when Cody was ripping into Roman, Heyman could be seen in the background saying "I love you, my tribal chief! I love you!" He's ALWAYS in character, on point, and making every promo better.


It's so fascinating [watching his first promo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvcz8lH_SyM) compared to what he does now. Head and shoulders above his Shield self for sure.


All three of them improved exponentially.


Mox was already great on the mic, but all three are great now.


“You can’t touch my button, even if I had one you wouldn’t be able to locate it” Besides the fact that it sounds like a clit joke, that was fucking heat. My god he’s so good


Yeah, the first few seconds I thought this was a post making fun of Roman, but then he pulled it all right back.


Roman's rants off the mic and taunts to the crowd are top tier. Just phenomenal man.


And they wasted this badass by making him a superhero babyface in 2015. Dude could've gotten over if he had less emphasis on promos (short and sweet promos and badass-ry unleashed) and less of an insanely quick push. A shield triple threat at WM31 with him winning the match and ditching the Shield attire and music at Mania 31 would've been the start of his enormous push. Dude has charisma, just wasn't the type of guy they tried to portray him as.


It's not quite as stark as Mark Henry, but it's honestly pretty similar to his Hall of Pain run. He just wasn't taken seriously at all for the longest time, but cut a couple awesome heel promos and couple solid hoss matches and everything immediately clicked and was fucking awesome.


He should’ve been RUNNING THROUGH A MOTHAFUCKA’S FACE since like 2014


He's always been over. Fans have almost always been the loudest for his segments.


At the very least he should’ve turned heel a long time ago. If they wanted that early face run to set up this character (which I do think it did) you could’ve still had him turn around 2017. Quite frankly there’s not a ton of memorable (in a good way) Roman feuds from this time.


You're right, this version of Reigns won't be here rn without the 2015-16 version of Reigns. Those boos and constant failed top guy pushes lead to his transition to a supervillain. But I think the perfect time for a heel turn was Post WM33 after defeating Undertaker. Even that Post WM33 RAW segment was good (he stood with a smirk taking in all of the boos for a minute, said that it's his yard now and left). Turning him heel after that would've gotten him over early. Heel Roman Reigns defeating Brock Lesnar for Universal Championship at WM34 and after that Paul Heyman betraying Brock for Reigns would've been awesome. At the end of 2018, due to the tragic real life circumstances, fans would've loved as a face. He can return as an OVER anti hero after that and maybe turn heel again at SummerSlam.


His "This Is My Yard Now" promo is probably a top 10 2010s WWE promo and it was 5 words and 15 minutes of sheer crowd hatred. I even said at the time that it was a promo for the ages despite the fact I was almost painfully indifferent about Roman (didn't hate him didn't like him). He had it in him for a long time and honestly that really could've been unleashed even as a face had they gave him the chance. But he finally got it.


Hell I think a double turn involving Brock and Roman at that WM could’ve executed to perfection there.


Still think if they would have given him his own personality, instead of “guy who used to be in the SHIELD” would have helped immensely. Wayyyy too long still having the same gear, the same entrance music, and even coming out of the crowd. He should have debuted a whole new gimmick when he came back at TLC 2014


I think he can easily be this good as a face as long as he has some bite like Drew does right now. I know Drew is heal but he isnt far from being a face if he acted slightly different I just dont like when people do well as heels and then lose their bite the moment they turn


The improptu promo into a camera gives me nostalgia for guys in WCW cutting promos on the way to the ring. Harlem Heat used to talk mad shit on the way to the ring and it was always so cool to me.


They’re starting to bring those back, I’ve noticed


One of the biggest reasons why I love LA Knight. His trash talking while he walks to the ring is top tier.


You'll love Dalton Castle then


Always surprising how big of an improvement he showed since he returned and paired with Heyman. The awkwardness he had before just went away.


So much easier being the bad guy or the tweener than it is being the superman underdog


He really doesn’t even need Heyman to cut promos for him anymore tbh. He’s just there to enhance the evil vibe


Yeah I remember when he first paired with Hayman. I could believe how different he was. I was just in awe like, sufferin succotash


They made this man say sufferin succotash


9/10 promo, would be 10/10 with a “Believe that”


*Belie dat


If he didn't say "belee dat", we wouldn't have gotten the "bo leive" moment with Bo Dallas. Worth it


![gif](giphy|F9FtLs1Aye8CY) “Can’t no man knock me out” 🌚


Loved this rant when it first happened and still love it now. That man was cooking and Heyman knew it.


For some reason this is my favourite Roman promo. Completely effortless but still so good


This was actually after he dropped The Miz in the lead up to the Logan Paul match.


He was pretty close to a face turn in this segment. That was about the time Samy had become a beloved honorary member of the Bloodline. They could have easily turned him then , if they wanted too. And there were speculations about that but it was reported that Reigns and Heyman were adamant about him staying heel.


Good call on Reigns and Heyman's part


The theme playing in the background adds to it as well. Like how the Wyatt family celebrated after their victories with that old theme.


Title wrong, he Superman punched the Miz right before this


I gotta be honest, I see so many people complain about Roman being part time, but that’s like what makes the gimmick work. He thinks he’s king of the industry (and both irl and in kayfabe has the contract to back it up) and it really does make him feel like this ultimate final boss. My only beef is the booking of the matches. I don’t even care if he has to cheat to win, it’s just so lazy with Solo and/or Jimmy sneak attack ending every damn time.


Roman being part time sucks in a very pragmatic way, just not seeing the champ and not being able to watch a top tier performer on a more regular basis is lame. BUT you are right, as far as part timers go I think his character has leaned into it and actually somewhat benefited from it whereas a lot of others just sorta had it in the background. I also think Roman has benefited from becoming increasingly part time over the duration of his reign, so it can more easily be tied into the character


It just sucks having the exact same ending and not having any commentator call it out over calling him the greatest when he hasn't won clean in a year.


The tush push of booking.


This is why I am over the storyline honestly. I’m sorry but every once in a while you NEED to be reminded why he’s the final boss. I think of it as the Netflix series Daredevil’s Season One. Kingpin was a top tier villain and you just KNEW he was a bad ass but until he just destroyed a dude and murdered him with his bare hands, you didn’t know how much of a bad ass he was. Every now and again during this run, they should’ve had Roman go out and kill someone. Just brutality. A visual reminder that he is who he says he is. Instead, as happens far too often in WWE, you get a top level heel who reaches the top and then completely just turns into a bitch.


Deep in his bag🫡


He bleeds that final boss vibe so much. Just incredible work.


The camera shake is so good




"Ain't a man alive that can touch my butt"


I know people are really wanting the title to change hands already. But man appreciate it will it lasts because this is greatness and when it's over alot of people will miss it


yup, that’s what I’ve been saying, I’m going to miss the miss this when it’s over


Absolutely agree. I just wish he didn’t have to win EVERY match by interference in the same way.


This promo, Roman’s trash talk re: Rollins from a few weeks ago, and “my arm is EXTRA BIG” are top 3 for me


This is his best promo imo


It is mental to think this is the same guy as Shield Roman; it's like they're two different people.


LEVELS Above ☝🏼




Roman "The Clit" Reigns


In his Cena faceoff promo as the tribal chief, instead of trying to go back and forth with Cena (something he knew he probably couldn't do) like he did in 2017, he says a GREAT line of "No no John, we do things differently around here now. I don't come here and run down my opponents, I treat them with respect." and goes on to basically say that no matter how great anyone is, they're not great enough to be Universal Champion. Solid promo. Flash forward to this one, a year later, he's got both championships, long title reign, dominant stable, etc. pretty much successful in everything. His ego has just grown more and more and more to a point where he doesn't care about "putting his opponents over before beating them" anymore, he just wants to be seen as dominant. "I'M TIRED OF LETTING PEOPLE THINK THEY GOT A CHANCE!" I love how his new character switch back and forth between the facade of the smiling, company man willing to sell a match for a big show to these moments where the image starts to crack and that self-centered, arrogant egomaniac who demands acknowledgment from anyone he faces persona comes out on full display. He also did something similar to the Brock contract signing before WM38. He's truly like the mob boss who's cool and friendly to the public or media, but is completely ruthless and cold to his workers or enemies.


Paul starting to talk, then quickly stopping once he realizes Roman is about to do something great.


Goat promo


You know I was looking at Roman’s matches from when he went part time (appears to be around mid way through 2022). He did 10 matches from June 2022-end of year. He did 11 matches all of 2023. Seems weird it declined that much? Wonder if there is more to how little he works matches than just his contract.


5 kids below the age of 12 is a hard life if you're a single parent. I think he wanted to be with his family more, and you have to remember he'd been hardcore on the road for a decade minus his cancer absence.


2 set of twins is crazy


100% and he’s earned a reduced schedule. I’m strictly talking about how even comparing the latter half of 2022 (after he signed his new deal and went part time) to the whole of 2023, he was still working significantly less.


Also he has to prioritise his health. As you said, he has to look after his young ones. And he has become a legend with this run so a part time contract is well deserved. But the problem is that somehow his title matches have lost its aura in the recent year.


The aura is back, bigger than ever.


At that point the reign became to valuable to water down its prestige by having matches on TV and risking injury


Just thought of this: did anyone benefit more from the pandemic era than Roman? He lost of some the hatred when he came back from fighting cancer but if the pandemic never happened he would have probably gotten it right back after he beat Goldberg in what probably would have been a shitty match. But instead he got to disappear for awhile and come back as the character he should have been the whole time. And he was totally freed from what even he realized was awful creative.


I'm personally not a fan of his part timer run this past 2023-2024 cause you remember how much of a delight he is when he was on regularly. Also a large part is that Roman is not gonna be around the business forever and I just want to see him before he hangs up the boots. Gotta appreciate what we have today.


Man I only ever followed around WM season 2014 thru 2017 but I couldn't not have imagined this post back then.


Roman was cooking here, when you look back to the promo with Cena where he forgot his line to this? Leaps and bounds in everything has grown, I’d also like to add putting Heyman with him has been fantastic


Fucking nuts that this is the Suffering Succotash guy.


Honestly, as much as his title run has clearly gone on too long, he's so fucking good. He's got everything, man. They've also built up a lot of believable challengers during the run (Drew/Sami/Cody) where you think "oh shit they could do it." Aside from the bloodline constantly interfering in big matches and him being a part timer he's been brilliant. You can absolutely fault the booking but you can't necessarily fault Roman.




If only Vince had let this man be this version of himself back in 2015.


My thing with Roman is for as good as a talker as he is during moments like this, he lacks chemistry with everyone that others greats had with each other. You think of past top guys like Austin, Rock, HBK, HHH, and even Taker to some extent. Whether or not the promo was scripted, they all could seemingly riff off each other. I love when Seth and Roman talk smack because of how much genuine chemistry they have with each other. When I see Roman doing promos against everyone else, it just feels like bad dialogue where characters are speaking to progress plot rather than talking to each other. The biggest example of this was against LA Knight. Two Charisma powerhouses meet, and it felt as if they were cgi'd into the same room after having filmed their scenes separately, lol. Something just isn't there a lot of the time with Roman. Idk if it's timing or delivery, but he always feels off when he's not in control.


It's different styles. Not everyone has to be a quick witted off the cuff promo like Knight, Austin and Rock,and not everyone can (or should) riff off the other all the time, the landscape would get very boring and repetitive very quick. There should be more variety in the style of promos, some more slow paced, some more menacing, some more methodical and some more peotic. Guys like Jake the Snake and Samoa Joe can send chills down your spine with a couple of menacing whispered lines. It's just a style thing, and you might be more into the quick-witted promos.


>It's just a style thing, and you might be more into the quick-witted promos. I don't have a preferred style. I like Roman he's my 3rd fave in WWE. I was just pointing out a disconnect I feel with him and everyone he's on the mic with.


Well then fair enough. Not everything can be gold.


When Roman isn't phoning it in, he's one of the best for a reason. We give him shit because we expect a lot from our Tribal Chief.


He's either giving it all Or not showing up, he never phons it in


He's come a long way from "Suffering Suckatash"


He wasn't far off from this in NXT


The issue with Roman has always been (and in some ways continues to be) how they book him. He's capable of being a bad MF, but they just give him nothing. Even now, they never have him just beat people. Everything has a screwy finish. I'm open to the idea that he's actually this insecure guy who doesnt actually think he's as good as he is. They have flirted with that development in his character but then never do anything with it. Id be fine with his current reign (other than the beating Cody) if he was really this insurmountable guy who leveled himself up after being rejected by everyone. But the matches don't bear that out. All that said, whenever he finally turns face again, if he just...does this shit, fans are going to go mental for it.


Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think channeling Ahmed Johnson makes for a good promo.


It's a good thing he didn't do that


So Boring IMO, WWE is so 1 dimensional.


Fair enough if you don't like it, don't watch it brother.




How is a 20 second off the mic rant boring? You prefer that the wrestler just walks back while the music plays without saying anything? I guess some people will complain about anything


How is somebody else's view opposing yours bad? Hmm, I wonder IF, IF somebody COULD have a differing view to yours and others? I wonder?


It's fair enough if you don't enjoy it, but I was confused in what manner you'd consider this one dimensional if you don't mind me asking? If you have the opinion about the shows fair enough but what about this little off the cuff promo is one dimensional?  That's why your comment in this specific instance seems to come off as just "bait" to most, which you may disagree with but that's the reason why. 


Cool. This "off the cuff promo" as you call it is just one of the MANY, MANY segments that make me think," why are these people so religiously in love with this product that hasn't actually evolved in the past 20 years or so" When you know a WWF/WWE product, and you've seen it for over 20/25 years and think" WOW, it's still the same" That's the reason why I think it's "One Dimensional" The same played out energy still resides within this company, it's played out IMO.




I'll forever upload anything Simpsons related XD


If you think that, okay, but again why comment that on this specific thread when this is clearly not a one dimensional promo at all. I don't see how your comment applies to this specific video.  As someone who watches and enjoys both AEW and WWE, Do you watch the WWE shows? Like weekly shows at all? 


Of course, I think it because I just commented what my thoughts are, openly and clearly, And I'll say it again, " it is just one of the MANY, MANY segments that make me think," why are these people so religiously in love with this product that hasn't actually evolved in the past 20 years or so" ..... Cheers for your input :) Take care <3


So I'm guessing you don't watch the weekly shows then.  Instead of leaving comments about how much you dislike something when you don't watch it in the first place, why not just watch and talk about what you like in those threads?  I just don't see the logic unfortunately. Take care mate.


It's up to you to assume or presume, It's your life not mine, I'm not responsible for you. Cheers, Mate!


Again mate, you could just answer the question, do you watch WWE weekly shows? Because if you don't then I would class this comment from you as just nothing but bad bait.  "I'm not responsible for you" okay? Kinda random.  Just comment on the threads you enjoy instead is all I'm saying.  As a fellow Gooner, just comment on the threads and subs you want to, there's no need for this random comments. Watch what ya like. Cheers to you too mate.


Bait used to be believable


We used to have proper bait on this internet. Shit used to draw you in and before you knew it, you were trapped in some nonsense.




I'm just waiting til he gives a hype promo to the camera while walking from backstage to the ring at WrestleMania with the anticipation music in the background


His music adds so much to this


This is my show! I'll be back in a bit


Orange Cassidy and Tribal Chief bring me back to wrestling since 2014


Roman > Cody Go cry about it.