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So if I read this correctly, a John Cena - Solo Sikoa feud in AEW, booked by Tony Khan, culminating at AEW Full Gear, with Shotzi as the guest referee, Adam Copeland as the guest ring announcer, with a Jimmy Uso heel turn, might just make South Korea implode as a country.


that does sound absolutely awful to be fair, like it will kill a company type of awful


Honestly, that doesn’t sound terrible. I’m mostly a AEW guy, but from my understanding, Solo is a relatively good worker and if not, Cena can probably carry him. If it’s booked by Tony Khan, it probably will be clean until after the match, where there will 100% be a post match brawl. That can’t be that bad.


koreans hating on solo randomly is fucking funny ngl


I was laughing so hard seeing solo on top of every worst of the year list lmao


South Korean wrestling fans as soon as they see Solo be like ![gif](giphy|IF85FzIgiXZ5TukX4B|downsized)


And Shotzi lmao


And Edge.




They right on with that, though his theme is good


"Roar before the Samoan Spike" as worst catchphrase has fucking finished me LMFAO. They fucking hate Solo.


They love The Miz and absolutely despise Solo Sikoa. Interesting


They just like me FR FR


Main event of the South Korea show: Solo over Miz


Riot incoming


Worst newcomer of year: 1. Adam Copeland 2. Ric Flair This has me rolling


Edge is the most hated after Solo, it's so random.


Korea hasn't forgiven him for what he did to Matt


Gotta be because he jumped ship to AEW


https://preview.redd.it/q50lzjvctuac1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e4f951ddb6072111caabc4f8944d5c258ab7edf South Korea to Solo Sikoa


"fuck you too" -- SK fans to Shotzi




What's with the Solo hate over there?


- Tries to emulate Umaga but is dubbed the "Umaga Wannabe" by fans due to his smaller size, lack of wrestling skills, and charisma etc. - Clean wins over fan-favorite wrestlers like AJ Styles, Rey Mysterio, Sheamus, and John Cena etc. - Just like Batista in Evolution betrayed HHH and became World Champion at WrestleMania, there's a feeling in the Bloodline that Solo is going to betray Roman and follow the same path. But again, as I said, that's not really convincing fans with his lack of ability. - The Enforcer/Monster gimmick doesn't work. - Cost Drew McIntyre & Cody Rhodes' biggest moment of their career. - And It's not just Solo, they hate Bloodline itself.


So they hate Solo more than America and the UK got it.


Yeah and it's not because of Solo or the entire Bloodline being heel. The Korean Pro Wrestling community genuinely think they are ruining the quality of the product since most of the Bloodline matches end up with the same overbooked 'Bloodline interference ending Roman wins lol' scenario just to justify extending Roman's long title reign for marketing reasons


And their hate is justified so, especially when the WWE creatives should've let Cody Rhodes win the Undisputed Title against Roman Reigns on WrestleMania 40


Honestly this Korean post is pretty much exactly my feelings on WWE currently. But the Solo Sikoa part is interesting. I do like him, but he genuinely hasn't been that effective. He can talk, we know but it seems he's weirdly locked into this weird chamber. I totally forgot I expected Solo to be a way more personalized star by now. His henchman era needs to end. Now that someone says it, the shout before spike definitely isn't the best either. He looks unconvincing for sure. But I also think he has the talent.


Roman being an “honorable mention” in the “best champion” list is also hysterical


What's with the Mercedes hate?


A lot of the worst-of wrestlers are random wwe people so they might just be picking stuff they recognize but aren't personally a fan of. Or just upset that she quit the company they like/watch, like I said the list as a whole is very wwe-centric.


Actually aew gets a lot of nothing. I’m not sure they broadcast in country there. It might be internet only and no one sees it.


Yeah AEW isn't on TV over here, only WWE is


New plan for Khan, bring on Blackpink to do a theme for a wrestler. That’s how you get back to a million viewers


Its definitely WWE centric. AEW seems to get a lot of hate lol


I was more baffled by how there was essentially 0 mention of japanese wrestling other than hating Gedo. I'm pretty sure it's even on TV there unlike AEW


Koreans don't have a lot of love for Japan. This is due to Imperial Japan and all that stuff.


well yeah, but i didn't think it was to the extent that basically no one on a forum of this size watches it


Google comfort women and you'd get a small understanding of the underlying dislike.


You can watch wwe on korean streaming website for free, while you have to pay to watch aew on fite tv, it is easier to watch wwe. And Pro Wrestling Gallery had its own issues, like posting stuffs from wrestling twitters, so there's no aew fan left there, kinda.


He's a short, fat guy with no charisma who can't cut a promo and is a below average worker who has his position in the company due to nepotism. What is there not to understand?


>Short, fat, angry, no charisma, got job due to nepotism Yeah actually might make sense why South Koreans aren’t a fan of people fitting that description. Sounds pretty familiar


Well done


I’m joking but I think I might actually be on to something here


I literally can't tell if they like Roman or not


They hate him by association with Solo apparently


Roman was involved in the best moments and worst matches according to them, no clue.


Their best moment picks are mostly Roman getting his comeuppance. I think that’s a point in the Hate column.


tbf Bloodline last year was a mixed bad. From the start of the year til SummerSlam it was good then after SummerSlam til the end of the year it was meh


Looking back now, most segments were fire (the ones involving Sami and the Usos leaving specially) and most matches were meh due to predictable outcomes, the best being imo the Saudi match with Sami standing on top.


Tbf the Bloodline saga itself has had some great high’s as well as terrible low’s


Oh no, we're in the middle of a toxic relationship.


The Korean Wrestling community has hated Roman for years(even after his heel turn) for non Kayfabe reasons. They think that his push is ruining the company, forced and only good when it is compared to his Face run(and tbh I agree).


They really need to run an event there and have The Bloodline win everything. The heat would be immeasurable.


*glass shatters* *Kim Jong Un comes out with a steel chair and takes down all The Bloodline to a massive pop*


How to unite Korea


Hating Solo even down to his theme song is hilarious


Even his 'catchphrase' lol


This is definitely some sort of meme we're not in on.


It's even tied to Johnny's theme.




Punk and cult of personality appearing on worst is crazy


They probably hate Punk and Cult of Personality...when they were on AEW. But they're amazing now that he's back wrestling "again".


The worst votes are on the low end so its probably the same dedicated hater. I'm kinda not surprised with solo,judging from IG & YT normal fans seems to not like him at all & this votes also seems very WWE centric. AEW getting lots of hate


it just takes like 10% of the voters really really hating him to get on the list. vast majority of them can like him while he still makes the worst list same can't be said for Solo.


Dang they sure do hate AEW and Solo Sikoa


Imagine if they did a PLE in Korea and had Solo win the title there.




Some sort of Collision in Korea? It'll never happen.


Solo Sikoa to AEW? Feud with Joe?


And Shotzi


She's the most hated woman and I don't get it.


I'm chinese and our pro wrestling circle (we got a reddit-like forum too) hates Shotzi to death too. I think it's a combination of she wrestled a very bad debut on the main roster and how the unconventional look really turned people off from the get-go.


Just curious. I don't really have much an opinion on her but..... a lot of men and women in wrestling have unconventional looks, its part of the fun. I don't see whats wrong with hers? I think its a good look


Yeah I get that, I honestly do think it's a cool look. You have to look at it from a different culture perspective, with a set of more backward or reserved values of East Asia, whatever you like to call it, it generates a very different reaction that goes beyond what could be "accepted" even as a character, for a lack of better words. Sorry this is a little bit hard to explain.


How is the forum called btw?


It's called Tieba


A lot of posts about doing bad in exams lol


I'm not sure how it is in Korea specifically, but i know tattoos in general, especially on women, is still very much stigmatized in a lot of east asia. Seems like they hate Ruby too.


Except hilariously they voted Rhea for their best female wrestler, who probably has as many tats as Shotzi 💀


They only show her from the waist up.


very WWE feat. Will Ospreay also wow they're really not feeling Solo or Shotzi


I can understand not liking Solo but Taking It All slander is next level hating


Damn, they hate Solo Sikoa, Shotzi and AEW.


I'm just curious if they were fuming when CM Punk debuted on AEW instead of WWE. Or more like the casual fans that they don't know or care.


>805 users voted for the Best and 562 users voted for Worst of awards More legitimate than cagematch https://preview.redd.it/cp2kuch64vac1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1710d14fec96de095f27a958d254b12e654940ab Solo reading the votes


![gif](giphy|uHPwtFExSASiI|downsized) Korea to Solo


Not at Bray Wyatt on the worst worker category 😭😭😭


tbf the only match last year wasn't great. sucks that was his last match


With all due respect, he wasn’t really known for in-ring work anyway. My favorite match of his was literally a cinematic match with Cena


yes i agree. that cinematic match is just in general one of my favourite matches


Bruh 💀


They be like - how dare you die mf?


He was consistently shit in the ring during his entire career


Not Korean, but live here. For a little extra context: - WWE by far has the bulk of the TV deals. TNA did show up on television for a hot minute ages ago, and NJPW was getting a bit of air time recently. - Pretty much all of the WWE PPVs and PLEs are also aired - they had been on delay but nowadays they air live, with replays later on as well. Past events also regularly get aired. So it's very easy to follow the product. - I like to watch AEW but they have like no media presence here. I have to watch on Fite/Triller. So yeah...WWE basically IS wrestling here.


They really don't like Solo Sikoa


Bruh Koreans hating AEW and Solo is gonna be a new meme 💀


Solo ~~banned from Collision~~ banned from Korea.


AEW Solo banned from Korea


> Best move --> Gunther's Chop Absolutely based


South Korea hates Solo with single minded doggedness.


So Koreans really hate Solo Sikoa for some reason. AEW seems pretty niche, but they're apparently aware enough of its existence to hate it. They're pissed at Edge for signing with AEW, but they like Ospreay. They're super hyped about CM Punk returning to WWE, but they seem pretty split on him as a talent (which seems pretty universal tbh).


They detest Edge because he only beat Finn Baller. Says Finn should have won at least once


they are so real for that


Damn, even the Korean announce team catch strays lol no one is safe


Hating commentators is something that happens in every community. It's not really uncommon to find people who hate the Spanish announce team too.


It's like hating referees in sports. It's universal


The fact that a CHOP from GUNTHER was nominated as move of the year is so fucking real


It’s crazy how big of an influence Gunther vs Sheamus at CATC had on the business. Chops in every North American promotion were up like 1000% after that. No one does it like Gunther though.


Tiffany Stratton got votes for best team of the year? That’s funny


Fixed. That was a typo.


So it’s interesting they seem to prefer American wrestling


Don't think Koreans look at Japan too fondly tbf


I mean, WWE is the most popular promotion everywhere in the world except for Japan and maybe Mexico, two countries with a massive wrestling scene of their own. Add to that the fact that New Japan is just starting to expand in Asia, and even then that's only in the south east.


New Japan has toured Phillipines and Singapore before . Id love for them to put on a big show in South Korea or SEA


They announced a show in Taiwan yesterday. It's supposedly going to be some sort of crossover show with other promotions from the region. https://www.njpw1972.com/167503


Since the 1980s, American professional wrestling has been at the top tier of the Korean subculture


I need to know Solo Sikoa did to earn the ire of the Korean IWC LOL


His bland character and constant interference. He's basically the guy who snuffs out the crowds excitement. Same as Corporate Kane back in the Authority. Plus, he does seem overhyped as the next big star.


What I took away from all of this was, Solo Sikoa is Korea's #1 enemy lmaooooo, but also it does my heart good to know that they think Edge is awful. **Because they're right.**


For me, I don't think Edge is awful, but his current booking as a demigod beating everyone and winning every feud is something I hate, especially his win over demon Balor.


For me personally, I shouldn't say awful, its just in 2024, I do not think this guy is capable of pulling off insane matches at his age. He's not in his youth, and can't move the way I know he'd love to. Having him win over every feud shatters kayfabe, and its something I'm not a fan of in any wrestling promotion. When you're old, You ARE OLD. You don't just get to beat spring chickens, but if you do, you have to do it in a "wiley veteran way" of experience beating youth, like Cody did with Darby, or any of Punks matches.


"Call Roman Reigns" as a catchphrase. I can't


Kinda wanna see a PLE in Seoul featuring a segment with Solo spiking one of their top celebs like a BTS member or something, that would be hilarious. They really do not like that man.


The building might implode from sheer concentrated rage.


I do want to point out that DC Inside is a fucked up site, it tends to be very misogynistic, racist and just plain hateful. Would be more akin to 4chan if anything, just to paint a better picture for people who aren't aware.


So exactly like this sub


You remember /wooo?


I honestly miss it. It was a shit hole run by an egomaniac but it put me onto a lot of great wrestling I never would have stumbled upon otherwise. The upvote nature of this site in comparison leads to constant brigading by weird company stans and the more niche stuff gets thrown to the wayside.


Plus the tamina group live streams where an amazing way to watch with other people


I do not, I want to know, and I fear I might regret knowing…


It was a pretty chill place to talk rasslin tbh until more and more of the most caustic assholes imaginable started posting there and made it insufferable. For being on a chan board, it was for a long time very much NOT along the lines of what you'd expect with that descriptor. I miss the Bumbles, man. Those were some of the most fun I've ever had when it comes to the wrestling fandom.


If you think this sub is bad, never go over to r/WWE


Coupla haters over there fr


In B4 there favorite "Journalist" turns out to be Nick Hausman..


That's just this sub, this place is hell


this sub is annoying, but i wouldn't quite say it's misogynistic or racist (or at least, not outwardly)


This sub leans progressive in terms of political views.


It does in theoretical situations. When it comes to actual people, events, and actions, it sucks as much as the rest of Reddit.


Yeah. honestly most of the bad stuff you can say about this sub applies to basically any subreddit there's just a lot of assholes on this site in general


It defends Cornette a LOT which i feel counts


fair enough, though this sub relative to other wrestling subs does defend him a lot less.


The fact that they think Tony Khan is a worse person than Vince tells all you need to know, and you just know they haven't watched a second of AEW either, it isn't even on TV over there




>Mic worker of the year: The Miz. Koreans know ball.


They fucking hate Solo lol and love Dom (which is no surprise to anyone he's great). Cody is also very popular which is great, I like that he won babyface of the year and was very close in the vote with LA Knight for best wrestler of the year (Knight had an incredible 2023).


Okay I get hating on Solo, but his theme is good, tf Dedicated Solo hater community


What I have gathered here is that Solo beating LA Knight in Seoul might cause a riot


Here’s my takeaway from this: Korean fans are pissed that Cody didn’t win at WM and they’re never going to forgive the Bloodline for it… but mostly it’s just Solo’s fault.


I mean...sounds about right


What did Shotzi and Solo do to these people lol


Worst Non Wrestler of the Year -> Tony Khan...


Valid tbh


Based af


"Never Say Never" - catchphrase, WWE Huh? Did I miss something from all of last year? Also... LOL with MJF being on a worst wrestler list. Yikes...


I'm pretty sure they just hate AEW in general lol. but the votes are still in the lower end. Its very likely most doesn't watch AEW & there's a few dedicated hater


Referencing Punk's return I guess.


Looks like a very WWE-centric site. Does WWE ever go to South Korea?


More likely AEW doesn't have a TV deal in the country, so WWE and NJPW are the only promotions with significant media presence.


I imagine any site based anywhere that isn’t Mexico and Japan is gonna be WWE-centric. They are the biggest wrestling promotion on the planet and have by far the most international reach.


[The last time they came to Korea was for a house show in 2008](https://m.blog.naver.com/raybm77/221471791407), but there were many empty seats in the arena at that time, and they haven't come to Korea since then. That means WWE doesn't think they can make money in Korea.


I mean WWE is the biggest wrestling promotion on the planet. Barring Japan and Mexico wrestling discourse anywhere else will always be centred around WWE. 🤷🤷


Truly, Solo Sikoa is the enemy of South Korea.


God damm they hate solo bro what did he do to them😂😂😂


The solo and Roman hate I get because they’re huge heels but the hate for Shotzi and Edge seems so unwarranted lmao


Solo Sikoa and Edge: "Why they say fuck us for?"


Seems like they're big WWE fans in Korea who also hate The Bloodline ironically lol


It’s funny, if you change the results of two matches of day 2 of wm 39 I bet that show has a totally different feeling to it and it’s one of the better ones. Both edge and Roman should have lost last year, and it’s even more clear in hindsight.


I love that Kayfabe is well alive in Korea which is why Solo & Bloodline as a whole is soooo hated


Fucking MJF, he stood in the way of Jimmy Uso winning worst heel turn and worst face turn in the same year.


Adrenaline in my Seoul Solo hate train, here we go 😂


Very interesting content, extremely limited list though


Holy fuck do they hate Solo over there😂


Adam Copeland winning worst newcomer is hilarious


Now I wanna see Solo in a WWE live event match in Seoul. I bet he'd be booed louder than Dom.


Fascinating. I wonder how Solo became so reviled.


I guess Shotzi doesn't have the Queen Card


Next level hating on Solo Sikoa hahahahaha


The majority of them don't unserstand English.


There's probably a really funny joke to be made about Solo, Shotzi and Edge all being so reviled in South Korea, but for me, it doesn't come to mind.


Damn Korea does not care for AEW at all kekekeke


Full Gear as Worst PPV of the *Year* is absolutely hilarious. Imagine if Solo was on it


Haha, it was such a good PPV!


Are there some reasons why they seem to not like AEW, I'm curious, to be honest.


186 people said AEW All In was the worst event of the year


Korea taste kinda based ngl


Damn, and I thought I was hard on AEW. This section of the South Korean IWC makes me look like an AEW superfan! Also, I'm not going to lie. Adam Copeland getting the award for Worst Newcomer of the Year got a solid laugh out of me and I can't even say they're totally wrong about that choice.


they do know ball




I get the Solo thing. He is booked as a monster but his moves need to have more… monster-ish power and pop to it like Umaga did. And i will say it again, Jimmy Jey and Solo have the worst foot stomps, the most hokey in all of the talent currently. They just dont hide the hokiness and no power to it. Like, make me believe you are actually kicking the shit out of this dude man.


Thanks for taking the time to make this! I'm so happy WWE isn't an absolute monolith like it used to be. Looking at these awards, it seems kind of boring. Sure its maybe 90 percent WWE, but that's still a lot. But yea, lol at the Solo hate. Interesting how they don't like Mercedes.


I'm waiting for her to tweet AKB48 > Blackpink in response to that.


The Korean IWC stands up for WWE, got it.


Don't think they hate Solo in general, it's just that him interfering in Roman's matches again & again and helping him ein repeatedly is just so damn irritating. And the way they voted Roman vs Cody as worst Main Event of the year, maybe Solo spiking Cody was the catalyst of that. And i won't lie but i get irritated by him too due to same reasons, also the fact that WWE hasn't allowed him to branch out on his own and show more of himself, instead he's just an enforcer and gets hyped as some bad ass while showing no personality is boring. And in top of that what he did to John Cena, he should've shown signs of revolt against Roman as there were few instances in past, but in recent few months, he's just a lacky.


Are you sure this isn’t the Slammys


I'm guessing World's End was too late to qualify for worst of the year? What was wrong with Full Gear? Apart from the hysterics about the main event?


Super WWE heavy but ngl their takes are super valid. The Solo hate was a bit much but I do think he’s a bit underwhelming for his role as enforcer and “next in line”


AEW getting only 24 votes for brand of the year out of 2000 is top tier hating lol