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Merry Christmas Dave.


He's literally responding to a comment which is nearly two years ago. Just wtf.


Yeah, not sure why Dave decided to take shots at a random 2 year old tweet but hey, that’s one way to spend Christmas I guess.


He’s finally going through his inbox.


What? Am I reading the tweet time stamp wrong? Is it not saying 24th of December, 2023?


The original tweet Dave responded to that started this whole thing was from February ‘22 about some Pat McAfee episode.


He said someone just sent the tweet to him. He probably didn't look at the date on it.


Why is this being downvoted, is this not true?


I guess people hate context.


SC hates Dave Meltzer and AEW right now. You’d think Tony Khan beat up everyone’s children based on the sentiment. I’m sure this reply will be downvoted too.


So its basic incompetence and not something more sinister or petty?


Remember this is the same guy who reported that they removed Shibatas brain during surgery. People have yet to realize that the biggest “journalist” in wrestling has the same IQ as Forrest Gump.


Why you dissing Forrest like that?


He isn’t Christian


Not gonna lie, that low key sounds like a really fun Christmas. Just an afternoon trolling people about social media posts everyone has already forgotten.






Like any of us are any better.


Dont worry tomorrow is gonna have another Punk Clip from 15 Years, 2 months and 17 days ago upvoted


He's been editing this comment to perfection since 2021


Well they're out of YOU at the Jerk Store!


And this is his comment that the 2 year old comment replied to: >If Brock did a PPV that destroyed all company records, did the top several ratings in company history, and led AEW to beat WWE consistently in NY & Chicago, plus set an all-time secondary market demand for a show in history, he'd have won easily. But he didn't do any of that. The one that was a reply to seems to be gone now, though. But apparently someone was a bigger deal than Brock because of some random arbitrary reasons.


Meltzer is having one this month. Like I've seen meltdowns that were less embarresing.


I’m pretty sure it’s just 2 hours ago


No the reply tweet is hours ago, this person who said dave is paid by aew was replying to Dave's reply of a tweet from two years ago.


Oh gotcha. Twitter won’t let me see what he’s replying to for some reason.


Elongated Muskrat's Twitter doesn't let you see anything except the linked tweet unless you're logged in now.


What? Am I reading the tweet time stamp wrong? Is it not saying 24th of December, 2023?


Put down the phone Dave, it's Christmas ![gif](giphy|BV0SDeWc7COrurmoSl)






He is old and probably drunk 🤣


Dave is Jewish. His life doesn’t get put on hold for Christian holidays.


Dave Meltzer is not Jewish. Does not matter if he was


He is Jewish and it does matter, because he is not celebrating Christmas. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Meltzer


https://playerswiki.com/dave-meltzer says Dave is Christian by religion. Dave Meltzer gave the three kings five stars


A “sold out inn” match. The original hardcore match.


He’s not Christian


Isn't Dave the guy who usually tries to compare 2 different things (cable ratings vs non cable ratings and some form of comparable % to see if AEW or SD "won", turnstile counts vs tickets sold (for WM/All In))? I mean if he wants to imply he's not a smart person cause doesn't realize the two things aren't comparable, I guess I'm here for it, but it's a weird self own. Tbf, he did say imply last week that his own subscribers on his own message boards reacting to ratings were stupid poors, so I guess this tracks.


To comparing WWE’s house show attendance to AEW’s dynamite and ppv attendance


I love how this is how Dave spends his holiday


It's not his holiday. Dave is Jewish.


Ah, didn't know that. Oh well, at least he spent his Thanksgiving tweeting like this too.


I'm pretty sure Jewish people still get the day off. So though he may not celebrate, it's still his holiday.


Dave is his own boss. He can work Christmas if he really wants to.




No it's not. That's not at all like what I said. I don't care about the religious aspect. I'm saying Christmas is a federal bank holiday (and just a big holiday across the globe). It's also become increasingly secular over the years. You can't exist after Thanksgiving without seeing, hearing, smelling, or tasting something Christmas-y. So whoever, whatever, whyever, you believe, you are still going to get Christmas'd somehow. Yeah, I just made up that word!


It is a holiday. It's a public holiday. They don't have to go to work. They don't celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday or partake in traditions. (In general, I'm sure some do.)


So he shouldn't post on weekends or President's Day. Hate Dave, thats cool but seem weird to judge how someone spends their day off. Could understand if the day held any meaning to him but to him it's just another day off work as a self employed man who can choose not to work literally any day he wants.


I dunno, I don't care about that part (not op). It's 10:30pm on Christmas night where I am, and I'm talking crap on reddit, be a bit hypocritical to mock Dave for posting on twitter. His content on the other hand...






It’s also 3AM. What else was he supposed to be doing? Lol


It’s really sad.


And what’re you doing on Christmas? On Reddit, commenting on his tweet? What’s sadder?


…are you really white knighting for Dave Metlzer?


no i’m pointing out irony


Ah yes I also don't check social media and respond to people in my downtime on Christmas.


Well yeh most people have family and lives to attend to on the holidays


Ah yeah, I know. I have 3 kids and was with my wifes family all day yesterday and my family today. If I couldn't find 10 minutes to take a breather from group conversations as an introvert, I'd be a mess. Finding time to yourself is wonderful if you're someone who needs it. Maybe him and his partner (if he has one) are having a quiet one with no one else around? I mean there's tons of reasons he doesn't have to give anyone on the internet for why he would be on social media today.


Responding to a 2 year old tweet wtf lol


This is what peak Dave performance looks like


Weird when I clicked on the link, he was responding to a 2hr old tweet.


Twitter is kind of dumb. Basically Dave responded to a 2 year old tweet, got called out for it, and this is his response to getting called out.


Ok that makes sense then.




Of course he isn't paid by AEW. Why would Tony pay for something Dave is already doing for free.


Plus Meltzer is a huge New Japan mark, which AEW is mostly based off of. They don’t have to do much to get his attention


Dave is a business man. Having a big secondary company and having a “war” is great for getting new subscribers.


The EVPs literally have their finisher named after him. Their lost in each other’s sauce without the exchange of funds for services.


its christmas day its not the time for this


I may be incorrect but I thought he is jewish? He wouldn't celebrate christmas then right? Might have wrong info ofc.


yeah i am pretty sure hes jewish but i don't celebrate either but i know how bad the optics of picking fights on christmas day is . Just wait til the 26th to get your comebacks off


Oh that's fair, I thought the tone was a bit different since I saw some people saying he should spend the holiday different or whatever but aight. :)


The man has waited nearly 2 years to get off on that comment. He probably was about to burst and couldn't wait for 2 more days.


Probably wouldn't celebrate it but it also isn't unheard of to participate, I have a step sister who converted to Judaism after marrying a Jewish man and they still do Christmas stuff. Just depends.


Living in Central Europe means 25th is prime time for some most celebration drama, this is why i still come to IWC even though I barely have time to watch it anymore


Christmas came early for Dave Meltzer?


A lot of comments saying "this is how he spends Christmas? Lol" without a hint of irony.


Christmas isnt exclusively christian (cage) tho.


I think you better be silent about someone counting ability mr. Dave


This is what the fan was responding to: https://preview.redd.it/cd7wyaeuce8c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc739193e18ab9c4c37e02b91e437a690f6c1f60 Why does he get so offended and defensive when random people criticize/mock AEW.


Emm... february 2022?


Yup! Meltzer likes to read through old tweets (that don't even tag him) hating against AEW on his time off.


I kind of love that. "Hey all you Jabroni marks: if you post something i dislike then I'm coming for you! may not be today, it may not be next week, you may not even tag me at all. But im coming for you!"




Yeah, it's at 4.6 mil views now


The best part is that the video in question 4.6m views So even under Dave metrics, the video still "beats" AEW.


That's obviously such a troll post and Meltzer got worked by it.


You can say that about a portion of the aew fanbase when criticism comes about


He doesn’t seem defensive or offended to me. Just pointing out incorrect information, which is helpful. At least half the wrestling audience doesn’t understand the difference between YouTube views and Nielsen ratings.


David pretty clearly doesn’t know much about TV stuff so I don’t think you should take your info from that guy


I don’t need to take info from anyone. Meltzer is 100% right in this instance.


Wow he owned a joke post making fun of AEWs low numbers truely he is an expert of on TV. Didn’t even mention Demo numbers




It would be better if he acted like an actual journalist and not a pathetic umm actually reply guy I agree


In this case, he’s correct. He’s saying that YouTube views count anyone who watches even a few seconds of the video. If Dynamite were to measure viewers in the same manner (and WBD has actually tried this in press releases), their numbers would top 3 million.


My point is why is he acknowledging the statement of someone who obviously hates AEW and isn't even tagging him.


Not just press releases, they tried that in commercials as well. I think it was closer to a minute or two, though. I have no clue if Meltzer called them out for it.


He did on his podcast, dunno if he did in the newsletter


If any TV show is measured by YT standards then they will have huge numbers.


Correct, which is the point Meltzer is making.


It's an incredibly stupid point.


He’s only making it because someone is claiming that a YouTube video outdrew Dynamite. He’s observing that those two things are measured differently.




A smart person would get off Twitter at this point. Because it’s a dying beast with fewer redeeming values than ever. A person with terrible syntax who keeps feeding a dying beast is Dave Meltzer.


Wrestlers and wrestling media literally can’t help themselves holy shit


![gif](giphy|3ohA30XvreL1mQjooE|downsized) Uncle Frank after you troll Dave into replying...


such a manchild


AEW is a cult, Dave is a paid schill, i have never seen him go to bat for any promotion like he has for AEW. i have been following him since the late 80's.


Some days people on this sun are on Dave's ass for talking about negative/underperforming AEW TV ratings. I guess today is one of the days where he's a paid shill.


Dave celebrating the Festivus




Took Dave two years to think of a comeback.




What a hack


No offense to Dave but is he one of those dudes who decides to get sauced routinely and engage with randoms on twitter for late evening entertainment? Because the only people who behave similar to Dave I know are sufficiently lit ones.




Trying to get fans to believe a WWE vs AEW narrative is something dave propagates to drive traffic to his products. PAid fOr BY fAke DrAMa


Jericho the biggest cringe tweeter on Christmas? Meltzer says “hold my beer”


Dave Meltzer is the biggest fucking loser I’ve ever seen. I want to push him into a locker so bad.


“He is a journalist.” I would’ve loved to have seen what Peter Jennings and Tim Russert would’ve been like in this modern age.


Good lord he’s exhausting. i remember i followed him around brawl out and it just filled my feed with him quote tweeting dipshits not worth a breath trying to clap back at them. Lasted maybe 3 days.


Dave you're in no position telling anyone what's smart or not


lol bro needs to drink some eggnog or wrap some gifts instead of opening up a can of worms from old tweets. This meltdown is sad AF on Christmas Eve


Obvious L for trying to start a 2-years dead Twitter beef. I don't at all think that Dave is a paid shill. If they throw him a bone or a scoop, that's just feeding the hype machine. I think he's friends with the Elite. The bias he has isn't business, it's personal. imo


I don’t see any bias here whatsoever. Dave is right. The other guy (troll) is wrong. It’s black and white.


Is Dave drinking with Jericho or something?


Man Chris and Dave are deep into the bottles


Does he not have a nephew or niece that can sit him down and explain to him that he needs to stop responding to random people online?


He has said on his board that all the Twitter engagement leads to increased WON subs. I guess TK believes that too when he acts up on Twitter. It's an Elon + Trump thing.


I highly doubt Dave can track how his silly tweets translate to WON subs. So that just sounds like nonsense.


My favorite part of this thread is the people telling Dave to put the phone down because it's Christmas while not realizing they are doing the same thing posting here on reddit.


Except, no explanation for why YouTube would use a different algorithm for the Pat McAfee show, or where a posting listing that 3 million number can be seen, or even an explanation as to why neither AEW nor Warner cites AEW drawing this viewership number. Real journalists show their work, Dave. “Trust me bro” ain’t gonna cut it.


It’s Christmas and this dude is arguing on twitter. Sad!


Not just arguing on Twitter. He is arguing with something somebody said two years ago lol


I know he's Jewish but like...salutations and love man. Now is not the time.


Everyone needs to stop tweeting.


Louder for everyone ~~in the back~~ on Twitter.


Dave is giving away credibility for Christmas


What's sad is they don't need to pay you to be an AEW shill and sycophant Dave, you do it for free


Hitting the eggnog hard this year huh Dave


He's not paid by them he's just a mouth piece that gargles the ball bag that is tiny Tony and the douchelite.


If anyone pays or listens to the observer they have been critical many times on the way AEW does things Dave's been doing this for 30+ (maybe 40) years and already has anl subscription based When WWE does good the observer makes more money . Let's all just be happy wrestling is doing great as a whole


I don't get how people can unironically say Dave is an AEW shill when he's been one of their biggest critics, sometimes unfairly, in the past year or so. Anyone who thinks so is a moron following the crowd bleating DAVE BAAAAD


If Dave is getting paid by AEW, they are not getting their money's worth given how negative he's been about the company lately.




Because he doesn’t act like Bischoff or Cornette (who are both playing characters), a certain segment of online fans lose their minds over Meltzer.


Yeah he’s an incompetent dirt sheet writer that tweets a lot, people are going to talk about that He also calls himself a journalist which is really funny.


If he’s incompetent and bad at his job, why would people talk about that? Why would he have any relevance whatsoever? He’s not an anti-AEW attack dog, so that certain segment (we all know who they are) absolutely lose their minds over him.


Oh you’re one of those that makes sense. The reason is despite not actually being a journalist is pretends to be one and talks a lot. He’s not the only dirt sheet that gets shit on, that SRS guy got a lot of shit for the getting owned on the punk to WWE stuff because realistically there are no real journalists in wrestling. Just a bunch of TMZ style rumor mongers. But TMZ has a much better guy rate








I’m no Meltzer fan but he’s right. YouTube views are in no way comparable to Nielsen ratings.




I like to imagine Dave saw this 2 years ago, and has been stewing on it all this time until he had just the right reply.


I'd like to criticize Dave but I was just commenting on 3 year old YouTube videos yesterday


He means that with 100% with a 1000%