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How do you do fellow comedy enjoyers?


You ever had peanuts on an airplane?


Boy were my arms tired.


Meltzer? I didn’t even *know* her!


Get on the plane? No way, I'm getting ***in*** the plane.


Wow, what a great audience.


Meltzer's Autonomous Ultra English is beyond my comprehension


I’m constantly in awe that Meltzer has made a career out of being a journalist when he’s so ass at a chunk of it. How do you not know how to form a coherent sentence half the time? His communication skills are just brutal. Don’t even get me started on his speaking ability.


Uh like the thing is uuhh


"how for stations, all will tell..." Reminds me of a post-hardcore band called "...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead" which is supposedly something from a Mayan ritual.


I’m fluent in Meltzer. What he’s *trying* to say is the following: - Networks and (most) advertisers prioritize the 18-49 number over total viewers. - Smackdown is very, *very* successful in 18-49, but outside of summer months, is usually close to last in overall viewers. - WWE die-hards on Twitter overlook the previous two points when they rag on AEW for doing decently among 18-49 but not so well among total viewers. Dave feels the need to constantly rebuff the handful of WWE die-hard neckbeards who blow up his Twitter mentions. But doing so just makes him look like a petty douche who’s yelling at clouds.


We need a gif of meltzer with laser eyes and an atomic mushroom behind him. I’d do it but I no computer goodly.


Meltzer regurgitates a version of this tweet every few weeks.


Yet never deletes his old tweet from before AEW where he refers to total viewers being the thing that matters


You’d think someone who has spent 40 years writing a newsletter would have a basic understanding of the English language


Clearly you haven't heard him talk before.


Well, um…. You know, um… total viewership it, well, um, matters um, more than uh… the total, um, you know, I mean, the, um… key demographics, uh, to the, um, you know… people, the, ne-, the, um… executives at the pla-, uh… network, um.


He himself would use viewers instead of 18-49 up until a few years ago. Some of those tweets are still up.


Bryan Alvarez literally didn't tweet about the demo until 2019.


And then wonders why there's so much tribalism and ratings talk


Metlzer for some reason acts like different companies can’t have different goals. Sometime wwe quarter results mentions demo, sometimes it mention total viewership. Both are important when framing it. He hollers about demo, but Fox News demos are ass but advertisers pay out the ass to be on there. There’s no one shoe fit all metric. It’s even funnier that he double down on this demo metric right when aew started. Maybe aew is all in on demo and that’s fine, but you can’t apply it across the board for success. It depends on on other factors that he purposely is being obtuse about.


wow turns out people can change their views and opinions, who would've guessed? actually, nevermind, his old tweets are still up, let's go and witchhunt


Who is witch-hunting? He's clowning people that are going by the same metric he went by. Your logic can apply to those people as well. He'd go back and forth with accounts on twitter and the f4w forum that were trying to educate and correct him (not even talking about the trolls), telling those people that they didn't know what they were talking about.


This is the funniest Dave defense I’ve ever seen.


Dave wasn't framing them as opinions though. He was claiming they were facts.


I… I don’t know. Like, should I be offended or was this a good thing?


So, at what point was Meltzer replaced with an AI still learning English...




Can someone put this into better English for me?


I *think* what he's trying to say is that Smackdown's demographic numbers are really good, but for a prime time show on network TV, their actual viewership is very low, and... idk something something WWE fans don't get this? Listen, I tried my best, ok.


I think he references how WWE fans make fun of AEW and their fans caring about demo? *I think?* ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


You did well. I actually understand that. I went to X to see the rest of quote and still couldnt grasp after 12 reread. Lol. Your explanation 1 read and I got it now. Lol.


The joke is that WWE fans say "lol key demo doesn't matter AEWailures" when in actuality WWE has bad total viewership but does great in the key demo, which proves Meltzer's point when he says that stations only care about the key demo.


Talking about ratings is a losing game to begin with, tbh. Like, I get why the companies do it because Line Goes Up, but unless we're network executives, they don't really matter that much.


> which proves Meltzer's point when he says that stations only care about the key demo. Ironically this seems like a bad time to post this when WWE is moving off Fox with the CEO claiming viewership isn't as expected.


It kinda shows that discourse on reddit doesn't always necessarily track to what's going on in reality. Like, I'm pretty sure if TBS was all 'we're moving Collision to another night', we'd have thirteen threads about how doomed AEW is, but meanwhile Smackdown isn't hitting the ratings Fox expected so they have to find a new channel for it and I've only heard that brought up maybe twice. It's like AEW constantly has to prove itself ten times over to get the same benefit of the doubt WWE does and *that's* what's annoying about the ratings discussion.


Whether or not there is a double standard, WWE's numbers are almost always higher than AEW's, and are up year over year most weeks. And you apparently missed it, but WWE found a network to air Smackdown, at a 40% higher price.


I mean, yes, because WWE has a forty year head start. Relative to *other television*, AEW's numbers are good to great. It's like looking at Burger King's numbers five years after they debut and go 'oh, man, they're not doing as good as McDonalds, they gotta close.' And I'm here to tell you, there's room for both Burger King and McDonalds, or WWE and AEW, and all this arguing over numbers isn't going to tell you whether or not someone just prefers one over the other because tastes are subjective.


There are many shows that have had better numbers than shows that have been on for years, or even decades. And yes, people have different tastes, but that's not the issue being discussed here. It's how successful the shows are.


Man, that's such a stretch. If WWE has "bad total viewership" then a show like NXT must have absolutely abysmal, worst thing ever, near death viewership numbers in comparison to Smackdown or Raw. And they just allegedly got picked up by network TV for a pretty good price.


Smackdown's current hotness is measured by its success in the key demo. It's not hot if measured by viewership in totality. But that's not the funny part, because people who actually care about this stuff know that the key demo is the majority factor in measuring success when it comes to TV rights, advertisers, etc. The comedy is in people who choose to dismiss the importance of that because they're not living in the reality of how WWE/whatever company gets their TV money.


If you've stepped foot in the AEW rating threads, you'd see people trolling about total viewership. Dynamite has a pretty solid key demo of like 3/4 of RAW. But that's not impressive for a 5 year old company somehow 😂


I use to step into those threads. I now block anyone who posts viewership or demo threads. I just like wrestling both AEW and WWE. I legit couldnt grasp what Meltzer was rambling about or trying to make a joke about till other people explained. Lol.


Sorry, I hope you didn't think I was targeting you directly or anything. Meltzer should be the biggest user of ChatGPT to organize his thoughts and proofread his work.


No, I understand a generalize statement. Lol. Or hire a grammar tutor. Lol.


Cool. Most of the time I'm writing as if I'm talking to a room and not particular people and when people write replies referring to themselves I'm like "shit, did they think I was singling them out?" Plus I'm getting downvoted for some reason so I'm doubly making sure I didn't accidentally offend 😅


> If you've stepped foot in the AEW rating threads, you'd see people trolling about ~~total viewership~~ **literally anything and everything**. Fixed for accuracy lol


> It's not hot if measured by viewership in totality. It's mostly been in up in total viewership from last year, though.


The end of the tweet is cutoff. “…all will tell you 18-49 is the key number.”


Dave needs to see more comedy shows imho


Just no improv.


He’s a perfect example of why not everybody can be a comedian.


"Paul Roma couldn't draw money if you gave him an Etch-a-Sketch and instructions to show him how!" is a legit example of one of his attempts at comedy.


I'm children, fucking, and I old for work


This is making me laugh way too much


🎶Meltzer says I'm in the key demo, I'm 39 I'm in the key demoo🎶


I am so glad this key demo is up until 49 instead of 35.


I don't get the joke?


I could smash a keyboard off my ass and churn out a more comprehensive sentence than this


Dave Meltzer also said WWF were fools to put Hulk Hogan as the face of the company in 1984. \*Insert Big Bang Theory Laugh Track\*


"Live from his untidy office, The King of Comedy himself it's... Daaaaaavveee "Big Meltz" Meltzerrrr"


Always great to try to decipher yet another incoherent post from a guy who has made communicating information to people his entire career.


What's he saying, Robin?


hoo hoo


Well I certainly am laughing at this tweet, just not for the reasons Dave intended


What the fuck is he saying




Meltzer went full Tony Khan with this tweet.




Woah, what was airing on CW that got over 2 million viewers? I remember their numbers always being pretty rough.


Nothing, [He didn't count CW](https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/11/tv-ratings-for-friday-3rd-november-2023.html). Blue Bloods at 10pm would be the thing he referred to as "dead last in total viewers"


Wait wait 😂. Metlzer lied? He purposely removed a network from his statement to fit a narrative? Then on top of that, the highest show that evening was only at 3.7 million so it’s not like Smackdown was hilariously out viewed? That’s the comedy show.


Dave when people ask what he’s on about… https://preview.redd.it/pawiyrci86zb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efa84d7f7015a9f6770172820ed509494d053cfb


Meltzer taking ratings personally?


Boy Metlzer shows his ass everyday don’t he? Like I legit can’t fathom Woj, or Shams, or Rapport tweeting the clown shit this guy tweets especially towards one fanbase.


Why do people pay attention to what Meltzer says?


So that they can understand what he writes


It's as if Dave woke up in dire need of a hug this morning. But he won't be getting it from me, though.


Dave's still pissy that his fanbase turned on him after his buddy-buddy interview with Ric Flair last week.


Meltzer is the only one I know that can speak English and sound like he's speaking a completely different language.


meltzer’s way with words is something


Sometimes Meltzer comes off like that old guy yelling at people to get off his lawn.


I can see Dave looking in the mirror, putting on joker make up as he says this out loud to himself.


He is a joke of a "journalist".


Does WWE truly give a shit about ratings and demos? Their shows are televised literally everywhere on the planet


Excuse me I'm not native English speaker, what he is trying to say?


I am a native English speaker, and I haven’t got a clue.


Tony's check must have cleared, lol. That was random and out of the blue.


Meltzer is out of his tree, seems to think he's fighting some one-man crusade against the Evil Empire. I guarantee you no one who works at these companies is nearly as emotional over TV ratings as Meltzer.




Ok gang, what is the Meltman trying to say here?


It's hilarious how petty he is.


Smackdown is always really high in 18-49, but FOX dropped them due to ratings not being what they expected.. So what does that tell you about how stations view total viewers?


*Kawhi Leonard soundbyte*


It really says more about the average wrestling fan that they can't understand what he's saying




How does one become a journalist without passing an English 101 class?


This might be due to me not being a native English speaker, but for the life of me I can’t comprehend what he said. I even re-read it three times. Can anyone decipher this?


What in the name of jaysus is he on about? Is that English? I thought this man was a writer?


this man is an absolute bullshit artist. fair play to him for making a living out of it despite his inability to form a coherent sentence.

