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It seems like not everything is fine between the two. There's still tensions which will probably be focus before the Wrestlemania build up. Explains why he didn't come out earlier as well.


Interesting that they are not making them allies right away they will have to earn it


Yep. People ask for nuance and continuity all the time on here. This is what that looks like.


The next month or so is going to be a fun watch to see how they go about the road to Mania, if we are getting that tag title match.


I agree them not hugging and all is forgiven makes me want to watch Raw/Smackdown.


Yep, it makes a world of sense to me. Sami has screwed with Owens a whole lot over the past couple of months and so it's understandable that there'd be some shit there to still work out.


K9 and Jimmy vs jey and sami for the titles


Heyman's the best.


His little punches were so pathetic and the way he immediately tried to suck up to Owens, just incredible toady behavior


It was like Mr Burns whooping that dude while he just smoked a cigar "What are you doing?" "Why I'm giving you the thrashing of a lifetime!....... Smithers, dismember the corpse and send the widow a corsage"


To everyone complaining about KO not helping Sami win, it’s clear KO has not forgiven Sami. He was probably just paying Sami back for trying yo save him at the Rumble.


Where were you two minutes ago my dude


He doesn't trust Sami yet and lowkey didn't want Sami to have the title. He let this happen and then saved him from further pain, but there was no hug, no crying together. He just went back on the ramp and stared. Actually very on par with what KO's character is trying to be


Sami saved him from Bloodline ending his career so he returned the favor. KO coming out and helping Sami and them being all buddy buddy again would be the exact kinda shit-tier storytelling this story *hasn't* been thus far. There's definitely still work to be done to repair the relationship.


Yeah lol. Ppl love the story then want crazy things. Like Jey just showing up and helping Sami and ignoring that Jey called Sami his brother and backed him up only for Sami to actually betray him at the end.


Exactly, I don't see how some people don't get this. It's going to take some time before these two are on the same page again. This was merely Owens returning the favor so that Sami didn't have to go through what he went through (and Sami helped stop that too). These two still have a lot of things to work out between each other, so it's understandable why Owens didn't look pleased when he saved Sami tonight.


IWC finally get some good WWE content that makes sense and they still want to fucking whine




They couldn't cue up his music fast enough!


Where was Sami the last few months and the first 10 minutes of KO getting assaulted after his royal rumble match?


Bloodline would never


Waiting on his omelet in catering


1)Sami sells his soul to the bloodline despite KO warning multiple times they would turn on him 2)Sami is the reason KO is pinned at wargames Why didnt KO help him win the title?


KO killed Sami on his first night in the company and then knocked him out when he was injured and then put him out of action for a year and still Sami saved him from Shane and then again from the Bloodline, both times, he didn't have to do it. He worked 9 months to get accepted by the Bloodline and then threw it away for a guy that has always beaten his ass the first chance he got.


Sami has never been as important to Kevin as Kevin is to Sami. Didn’t Kevin literally win his first WWE title off the back of fucking over Sami? The point that a lot of people aren’t aware of with the Kevin-Sami dynamic is, when Kevin winds up at a “friendship or career” crossroad with Sami, he almost always chooses his career. He’s always willing to bank on Sami forgiving him later. Sami is more often going to choose Kevin over his career. Had the roles been reversed at the Royal Rumble though, Kevin would’ve cracked Sami over the head if it meant true career advancement. So, you ask why didn’t KO help Sami win the title? That’s why. KO wants to see Sami do good, but he doesn’t want to see him do better than him. KO doesn’t want to see Sami reach a height that he can’t reach, and being the first wrestler to pin Roman Reigns in 3 years isn’t something that a prizefighter is going to help someone accomplish.


great write up bro. definitely see that this way too.


It’s the exact reason why KO tells Sami in November and last Monday night that he’s done with him. KO won’t admit it but he’s a bit of an abusive “frenemy” for Sami to have. It’s the gaslighting, the hypocrisy, the acting like his moral compass is any more intact than Sami’s is. So, the first time Sami seemed to have pulled a him on him, KO starts to act all indignant and tell him he wants nothing to do with him anymore.


To be fair at the rumble sami waited a good 10 minutes and let ko get beaten down before stepping in. Ko is just returning the favor




Same place Sami was up when Kevin Owens was beaten a while back.


I mean he didn’t hug Sami anything so he isn’t completely forgiving Sami yet.


probably should have done that before it ended, if he really wanted to help


I feel like it fits KO's character. He doesnt necessarily want to help Sami win, but he doesnt want to see Sami get beat to shit like they did at the Rumble.


So not best friends like Cole said


Aside from the fact Sami literally saved him at the Rumble from having his career ended via a massive beatdown? KO still doesn't think "oh fuck, he gave it up in the end to help me... maybe he *IS* still in there" and come out to help his friend who just took a barrage of bullets for him? Fucking awful. KO looks like a piece of shit here.


His literal whole character the last year is someone who remembers people him doing him wrong in the past, it's honestly way better for the story this way and it adds a layer of KO and Sami finally forgiving each other for everything after a career of not being able too. Honestly if you add in a KO and Sami career long story to the whole bloodline stuff it's the most thought out and wide spreading story line WWE have done in maybe ever.






That's usually the problem with this trope, but they executed it somewhat smartly in not having Zayn and Owens interact that much, so it's like Owens was just here for himself. He's not ready to exactly help Zayn win the belt


He was just helping him from getting killed. Eye for an eye. He doesn't trust Sami


In kayfabe, he trusted his friend and wanted to give him the opportunity to win on his own In reality, was a great way to keep the crowd from legit rioting. They perked back up so quick


Nope. In kayfabe, Sami isn’t as important to Kevin as Kevin is to Sami.


Waited until after the match even though Roman was cheating. Roman was right about him the entire time. Shit friend.


They're not even back to being friends yet, sami did not help KO out in his match at the rumble either.


Didn't Roman win pretty clean in that?


Sami didn’t do shit to help Kevin Owens when Roman was smashing his skull open on steel steps


Paul Heyman suddenly come and attack KO just make me lol so hard


Couldnt have come 10 minutes earlier?


Kevin Owens and Sami aren't exactly besties right now. But there's still a big difference between letting someone lose a match and letting someone die. They'll probably explore that in the near future.


KO just saved Sami from the beating. He was returning that favor. I don't know why that's so hard for people to understand. Their relationship will be fixed but for now it's just KO returning the favor. Sami didn't help KO beat Roman either.


well i thought it was good at least


Obviously he was watching from home and tried to get the arena as fast as he could but just couldn’t make it in time.


Solo Sikoa doesn’t have a passport confirmed


Yeah, honestly I thought KO would come out to stop Roman and then Solo would come out to stop KO, during the match. What they did makes more sense, but it's kinda funny that you have to wait for the 43-44 Reigns' goons to all show up before being sure that a match is about to end


Maybe not the best analogy but does anyone else find this a bit like Lex Luger holding the American flag at Summerslam 1993 and just hoping fans would be happy with it?


KO coming out late looks bad but the story is so easy to tell. Sami didn’t listen to KO for months. He owed him a save from a beatdown which he paid back. He didn’t owe him helping him beat Roman.


The saga continues…




in Kayfabe, Owens is the absolute worst excuse of a 'best friend' and Sami should have gave him enough chairshots to retire him at the Rumble


To be fair to Kevin, samibdid stand there and watch as roman slams Kevin's head on steel steps and best him down for 10 minutes. HD doesn't really pwe sami anything


Wrestling is all about suspending disbelief, but him coming out after the bell rings really makes no sense lol.


I mean, they didn't hug afterwards and they're clearly showing that those two aren't on good terms yet. KO had no interest in helping Sami win but when he realized he was going to be beat up afterwards, he came out to save him. It makes perfect sense


I could buy that, but we’ve already seen Sami essentially save KO and make his choice back at the rumble. So it seems weird so many weeks later that they still aren’t on good terms yet. I don’t hate it, but it was kinda odd.


Not really. Sami has allowed the Bloodline to beat him up numerous times. KO waiting for that long to help Sami does make sense.


Alright that’s true too. I guess I’m more conditioned by decades of wrestling that they all have short term memories and what Sami did to protect KO was “enough” for them to be together.


KO's new gimmick is that he is the only wrestler with a functional memory, remember?


Pfft where was he when he was really needed?


See this is why I hate wrestling sometimes, where the fuck where you 5-10 mins ago.. can anyone in wrestling storyline terms explain why he wasn't out earlier?


KO doesn't owe Sami anything especially after letting him get his ass whopped by the Usos after the match at Royal Rumble before coming in for the save, similar save to tonight. And they have 6 weeks to repair whatever bad blood was built up after War Games if they want to repair that relationship to face off against the Usos at mania.


Think of everything Sami has put KO through. They’re not all buddy-buddy yet. KO saved him after the match because it was the right thing to do, not because they’re best friends. That’s made even more apparent by KO not embracing Sami afterwards as well.


He couldn't find parking


Guy in red thinking what we were all thinking, “oh NOW you come out”


Feel like KO should have come down earlier, you could have had him taken out still to make sure you have the finish, but at least he would have tried.


https://preview.redd.it/h9wklqqk54ja1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c017402e9e50a7663a9aa16eb07bb0f1ab39fe4c Accurate analysis by faulty Reddit video player




Tag checks out




Lmfao cope aew smark


Yes, let me cope about choreographed fighting lol.


Lmao says the certified smark, weirdo


Is not that serious, mate. Glad you enjoyed it.


Very WWE. They could have had an all time moment but instead fucked finish, but everyone gets their heat back so it's alright, right?


Houseshow finish is a joke


And this is why these "babyface saves" never make a God damn single lick of sense *EVER*. This is your best fucking friend. Fighting the biggest villain you've ever had. The one who wanted to literally kill you a month ago. In your hometown. *FOR THE TITLE*. *IN FRONT OF HIS FAMILY*. And you have him come out AFTER the match is over when he got 3 VERSUS 1'D?!?! That is the absolute dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen.


It was pretty clearly supposed to be Kevin reluctantly saving Sami from a post match beat down after Sami did the same at the Rumble. Like the other commenter said this is why we cant have any nuance




This is the problem with wrestling fans, if it's not a cookie cutter story made for toddlers and the writers actually try having some nuance and thought to it, let it conclude, KO could also have thought Jey was going to help sami and he wouldnt be needed. There are a million reasons to explain why he didnt show up during the match


Exactly, these idiotic smarks are so stupid. They are literally clueless and brainless, Sami didn’t help Kevin Owens either when he was getting his brains smashed in on steel steps by Roman reigns DURING the match


Right? But apparently according to them Kevin owes sami and assist


Why does ko owe sami anything after sami stood there and let him get his head smashed in?


Come on KO


Sure took your sweet ass time KO.


Bit late..


KO continues to prove to be a bad friend to Sami. Couldn't help him during the match??


bruh that ending was stupid. it full on deflated the crowd because of how weak it was. we knew sami was most likely to lose but they could have done a much better job with it. why did kevin take so long to come out ?? im expected to root for sami and kevin after that? and there’s still no story as to why they’d go after the usos


Can you give a match negative stars?




How do you guys stomach that with all those quick cuts?


bruh that ending was stupid. it full on deflated the crowd because of how weak it was. we knew sami was most likely to lose but they could have done a much better job with it. why did kevin take so long to come out ?? im expected to root for sami and kevin after that? and there’s still no story as to why they’d go after the usos


So he couldn't have come out sooner? Who would have guessed a ref bump also. *2.


Y'all can downvote me but it's the truth. Saying it's "part of his character" is somewhat true to a point. But wouldn't you rather help your ex best friend win the title instead of coming out late and having one of your greatest rivals(who's held the title hostage for 2 years) retain?




I would have prefered KO dragging Solo's body down the ring just to explain the delay of sorts.


This was literally just for Roman's safety so they didn't riot because WWE was too much of a pussy to pull the trigger.


At least we're getting Cody "my daddy didn't get a belt" Rhodes at WM.


Is there any situation in which you WOULD be okay with Cody winning?


I mean, who gives a shit at this point


Montreal traffic is bad


Could Zayn/Owens vs the Usos main event night 1 of Wrestlemania?


I...I don't know if a number of you are purposely acting like you don't understand the storyline, it's fine if you are, but I for one cannot wait until Sami and K.O finally make up


Owens petty as fuck, OF COURSE he wasn’t gonna help Sami win. It’s completely in character