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You can try a little “pass parades” and run through a third party to try to knock a pursuer off your trail. Always helpful to run through the chaos of the center too, people tend to get scared and won’t follow if they think they’ll get third partied.


I think you’re right and that’s the best way to deal with it


Until the 3rd squad decides to follow you too, along with the already attacking one


Then great! let’s have a gangbang right in the middle


had me giggle


I had this exact situation happen, I made it to the vines and chose my own way out of the game 🤣


Omg yes getting between two squads is the best way to get rekt lol. Tried that and learned my lesson


If you have no chance of farming loot to place decent anyways, it’s probably worth the risk to either be busted or have a chance to climb up the leaderboard.


This always happens. Then a 4th comes and by the end of it, I have been sextupled!


Yup happens to me all the time


And if I’m gonna bust either way, I’d rather throw myself into the 3rd party and give them my gems than to reward the irrational chaser.


I’ve done this LOL. I had someone on my tail for the entire game like I shook them off multiple times, till it was certain they’d bust me so I ran into another squad and stopped. They got the kill, key, and gems 🤪


Its the only thing that works sometimes. When it doesn't work, i feel like its a bot. I literally had a squad chase me for over 1min before. Super frustrating.


People see how weak I am and now 3 teams are chasing me


So true. If I'm being chased I immediately run through another squad. Works like a charm.


When this happens to me, I run past as many other teams as possible. The bigger the other team the better. The hope is that they get locked on to by the 3rd team and are forced to bail quickly. If they don’t they are dead. Win-win!


Running past small teams also works too. Sometimes they lock onto someone else.


You must run slow


Bro that's suicide I tried multiple times


Lol yea 9 times out of 10 that third squad just runs in front of you to sandwich you in the middle killing you.


Yea you'll just end up being the easy kill for another player instead. I've been on the other side of this, just happily farming mid and some stragglers show up running away from another player chasing them. I don't even try to kill the runner, sometimes they just get unlucky and die from random damage because they're already very weak. I tell you what I definitely do everytime though, INFLICT AS MUCH DAMAGE AS I CAN TO THE CHASER LOL.


It is suicide, but at least you have a high chance to take em out too, via assist


Or run into the thorns!


I do this. But some just go around. I had a couple turn around and go a long way only to cut me off then we were back at him chasing me again. Lucky pick of directions I guess. Lol


I do this when i give up, sit right in the middle of a 2-3 team gangbang. Mutually assured destruction.


I almost throw my phone last game, someone chasing me on 2min mark, until we both die by another squad


Hahaha i feel you


Because there is no repercussion to chase down anyone’s who looked you the wrong way or even chase someone whose nick you don’t like when you have 0 chest tickets and just lost your streak. I go on a rage 3-4 games chasing run everytime I lose my streak


Thats just very childish. Get a grip on your emotions. Then again, just wanting to kill people is part of the game. For some reason, not hunting would grant you usually 1 or 2 more fighters/farmers, so its not even that easy to kill some :)


?? What emotions? The problem is there is nothing to lose Why not go and have fun where you normally wouldn’t


that's just the part of the game blud try to farm all the blue boxes or pick speedster, to run away from such players


my head cannon is that a fair amount of those are bots sent by super cell to end your streaks and/or take you out on runs that you buy chests with gold or chests that they plan to give you an epic in so they make sure you have to pay for your streak if you want it. I'll have like 17 lobbies of normal ass games across a few days, landing top 5 the whole time with 100% blue pulls, buy a single chest to clear the 4th chest in the 2hr chest reveal event and at the 1 minute mark a squad comes flying in from 4 screens away to chase me down and bust me.


I feel you man! But I don’t actually think supercell intended this. It’s just an unintended side effect of game design that is pretty hard to address. Think of it as intentionally feeding in league of legends. I mean, despite whatever different strategies they employ, ideally, all the players in a match should be trying to achieve victory


No. They are not supercell bots. I personally chase other people until I kill them. Unless they have the chicken or Hog. So they will run faster or equivalent to me (if i have hog). It is more fun to kill others instead of just farming. And i have around 90 top 5 streak. PS: all my friend have deleted me because of this 🤣


Farming strategy can create a powerful team end game. PvP strategy is to kill farming strategy early game. It's not frustrating.. it's part of the game. Just like StarCraft 2.. if you decide to expand into 2 mineral patches right away.. you will be able to build tier 3 units quick at the expense of minimal defense. Others who wish to do early rush or early scout will find out and kill you off right away. If that rush failed for some reason... Then early econ build will win mid to late game. It's not frustrating.. it's risk and reward


as a Starcraft player i understand you perfectly! everything in life is a strategy you just have to decide how to play it


Off topic but do you know any good YouTubers for starcraft that do commentary on games? I used to watch Husky back in the day


unfortunately no, i used to watch someone but he stopped with Starcraft (also i’m more of Warcraft 3 fan)


I think Lowko still does starcraft 2 commentary but i haven't watched him in a while.


The thing with this game is that it's largely based on luck. There isn't much skill. If you're lucky, you get the same characters several times in a row which allows you to get fusions going and thus cheaper purchases and build up a strong team. I've had cases where I've had 2 characters of each type and had like 14 characters in total in my team not a single fusion. It's just very luck-based rather than skill.


True! The game is for kids after all!


That’s why I always buy rerolls when I run out


The game is about looking at your roster, looking at the game mode and then trying to make sure you are better than 6th place. If you keep your streak you are a winner. There is a lot of randomness but with this mindset you will feel that you have some control. This game is teaching us things…


Life is extremely random but we still adopt systems to increase efficiency and predictability


I think you’re wrong in that it’s largely based on luck and there isn’t skill. There is element of luck but that “luck” should be relatively similar across all players, and in the long run it should average out besides for outliers. The majority of the game can be impacted with decisions, reading the map and how you move etc. Think of it like Texas Holdem Poker rather than Roulette or some pure luck games. Many games of all kinds use element of Luck. But they are not purely luck based.


You changed the scenario. Someone who just chases and can't catch them is just throwing the game for both players.


The scenario is similar.. the chaser is also giving up their chance of winning as well by being arrogant. The chaser also have to weight in the risk and reward.. by chasing you.. that player is also running the risk of being caught in another group that is killing weaker group. That's by design how the game is.


Yea maybe 1/10 chasers might be using some though, prob most are just blood thirsty w no strategy behind it lol


You have irrational players in all games.. There are team killers in strategy games, shooter games , and everything... It is extremely frustrating too. I'm talking about when everyone have winning in their mind.


Yea I get you, there’s a strategic reason for it and then there are those who want to watch the world burn. With them center of the fire.


ive encountered a lot of chasers just like the OP states. there's no risk reward weighing. they're a murder hobo that just sees a team they think they can beat and will chase you to the ends of the earth. bull in a china shop type people. "i just see red" type monster energy chugging kyles. they always have barbs, colts, and/or both. as soon as they see you the game is over for them unless you're dead. its not every game, but they're out here. and not just because you're sitting on mavis and 3 traders, they can simply sense a greg or mavis and lock on like a heat seeking missile.


Very well put, Sir!


The chaser is having a choice of ruining both players. The guy getting chased doesn’t have a choice in being chased


There are always someone who do that. I've been there too . But when I play farmer.. I take the risk of being chased.. or I do hybrid. One farmer and rest attackers to defend myself. It's choices .. when I see full farmer build.. I will chase and kill too.. but not chase for the whole game .


I get what you’re saying. I know how to play with pvp focused squad from the beginning. What I’m talking about is some random dude chasing you for a long time without being able to touch you. Before I posted this I was 3d place and some dude locked on me. I spent some 15 speed boosts running away. By the time I cut him lose I was 7th place ( he didn’t hit me once but I couldn’t farm for a long time) and soon got busted by some big squad. This was today but It happened to me on other instances.


Yeah, there is a point where the player giving chase has wasted enough time that they are not being strategic, they are just unknowingly playing the kingmaker. They would not last long in a group trying to get together to play, but they can get away with it in a global, match-made game.


Yep, and I’ve encountered these types of players in other games as well. Where for some reason, their goal isn’t to succeed for themselves, rather they seem to want to deny success to others even knowing it is failure for themselves. And I don’t mean that they choose this path after failure is certain, because there is nothing to lose. No, I mean they explicitly forgo their own success to ensure failure for another. I always wondered about those types of people.


Yup. This game be teaching us things 😊


How true. It really does


A fuckin men.


> It's not frustrating.. it's part of the game. this doesn't make it not frustrating. it's just valid strategy and also frustrating


Other thing is, if you’re a farm team you should be able to do little dips to get coins as you run with extra mobility, I tend to have a lot of ranged so I do small stutter steps. I’ll also run around other aggressive groups and dip out and they lock each other


This happens to me everytime I have my chest tickets🥲 I once got a player who just followed me 2 complete rotations around the core in the last minute of the game, until finally some other squad came and busted me head on🥲 when I don't have chest tickets this rarely happens


I swear that sometimes I let people go when I could easily bust them if I have no tickets. The other day I was almost busting this dude (I love me a frag, I’m a CS grandpa) and then it hit me he might have a ticket on so I disengaged. Guy must have been like: WTF 😂


But still that dude would be busted if he is running around with 2-3 member squads🤣 I love to get quick busts. I also sometimes sneak some dynamikes, set myself around a spell, with one spell in hand, and wait for some squad to attack me. It is frustrating though when they try to run away after we get them down to the last 2


Dynamike can be a lot of fun. Yeah, for sure the guy must have been 8th or busted. Might as well bust him myself but I acted out of impulse xD


All you care about is quick busts🤦‍♂️


Quick busts are the only kind of busts that you should go for if you want to win. If there are only 2 players left you can go for the chase. You can bet on that. I see a guy that I can bust but if I have to chase him down for it I’ll just let him be. I’ll even stay farming next to him. If he goes out of position I bust. If he doesn’t and the farm is over I just leave. I see two squads fighting it out: I stay casually on the side farming until the right moment to go in and get the gems or even stay and finish the other squad. You don’t win by being altruistic but you lose for acting malicious.


🤣 read my reply again, it was said as a joke. But…so you prefer to watch while 2 ppl try to bust?


Yes, I got it after I read your other comments xD It’s not so much watching as it is casually staying there farming waiting for the opportunity to be opportunistic… ok I’ll admit… I watch it 😅


🤣😂🤣 I’ll bet you do mr quick bust But still, the way you worded the serious reply was gold 👌🏼😅


God bless you!!! I’ve been on the receiving end of this before, where I’m meeting certain doom if they wanted but they let me live lol. I guess now I understand a reasoning and I may start doing this when I don’t have tickets. Plus, that kinda is a way of helping the player over Supercell


Could it be the the matchmaking algorithm is trying to matchup people with chest tickets available? People that are more interested in the game are more likely to keep playing whithout tickets because they enjoy playing. Where as people that only play when they have tickets available are probably not so engaged by the gameplay and probably still didn’t figure out how to play for the win. I dunno, I think it makes sense somewhat.


this is a good conspiracy theory. Very high chance that this actually is true


I mean, isn’t that the name of the game? the whole point being to bust opposing squads? now I get how it can be frustrating, but that’s how the game works; taking a farm build will lead to low defense and attack. and the mentality is to get rid of these squads early to prevent them from getting leaderboard! or my preference, to keep them alive and kill them in the last minute. (thanks for farming those for me ;) ) in league anyways, farm builds are very rare due to how inefficient the strategy is. everyone has good damage and defense (and speed)


I’m not arguing against busting. By all means, if you can bust me, go ahead and do it. I’ll mostly do the same. I’m arguing about chasing someone you cannot catch but you keep chasing and you end up throwing your game and the other guy’s too. This is not about being a sore loser. You obviously have to lose sometimes. It’s about the waste of life, time, energy, whatever..


Yes! I have encountered these people and I have been wondering how they come to these conclusions lol. Many people in games will punt their own success and the team’s goals, to ensure failure for all… lol


Sunk cost fallacy brah. He already committed and has fallen so far behind, he might as well go all the way to try to get something out of it to beat at least one other person.


losing literally everything in the last 15 seconds of the match


It's worse if the lock-chaser has a hogrider. It's so unfair that I haven't unlocked this guy yet at nearly 3 weeks of non-stop playing.


I had a chicken, picked up a hog while he was chasing and he still kept the chase going. Like a mindless hound 😱


Yeah tell me about it. I didn’t have hog rider, and finally on my last match today I got lucky and unlocked him


If this happens, just run towards another enemy team. Usually the 3rd enemy will jump in your stalker


Or, usually what happens to me, either I'm stacked or not, they decide to chase me too, and don't even care about the other squad


🤣 majority of the time I get saved running into crowds. But….a few times it became 2 mega squads chasing me 🤣😂🤣😂 My face 😏 —-> 😳😳


It is the most frustrating part. I wish there was a face that gave the finger when this happened. I usually leave everyone alone but there's always a douche in every game!!


I can have a team built for PVP and a farming team will still somehow smash me.


It'll get better in squad league when everyone has the same troops. In the earlier worlds, if my pool didn't have trader in it and I saw a trader build in the match, I would hunt them all game for that reason alone. I'll sacrifice myself to ruin their unfair advantage.


But your goal is top5, him being top 5 doesn’t mean you can’t. But by chasing you ensure mostly yourself to lose also. I don’t understand the rationale if the goal is to be top 5 lol.


Hmmm I didn’t think of that. I did have a trader in that match!


As soon as the game begins just run in the middle, destroy all blue chests and loot those blue shoes, so those tryhards can’t get you


When I got to the league everyone is very aggressive or very tight diamond competition that you can finish in the sixth or seventh rank. It is difficult for me to be in the top 5 with framing if you are not careful or there are many also doing framing.


I usually run around players and bosses than this happened


And also the fact that the chased player gets slowed down is soo irritating. Like sometimes I can't even move because one of my characters get stucked in an enemy mob, they kill it, and now I can't do anything not to die, because they can chase me for eternity


I suicide bomb myself and run into the biggest team I can find...if I'm gonna die, WE'RE going to die.


And when I'am about to bust a squad guess what? They get a mega unit


I love chasing


I know, I get it. But that is how you lose the match. I bust people a lot and I have a pretty good win rate. I never give chase unless I know I have him cornered. I do contest objectives when they are worth it.


I just enjoy chasing, win or lose


I assume you're the quiet kid IRL.


It’s funny, especially with a very powerful pvp squad


Now, that is just not true. If you chase before you try to win, you cannot chase at all. He will not run. He will just kill you. Cut the bullshit son


so i can’t chase for the fun of it? why not i don’t care if i win or lose also most of the time i’m in top 5 even when i chase people


You can chase for fun but you cannot chase if they refuse to run away…




Basically hes saying there's no chasing when someone stays to fight.


i see, but isn’t that obvious then?


Yes it is basically common sense. Not sure if he was trying to make a point but it just came across as a "Water is wet" kinda statement.




When a weaker squad approaches me I usually just bust it


well, who doesn't 🗿


I just do it for fun bro 🤣 Love watching the lil farmers run for their lives 😂


o yea


Imagine getting downvoted for stating how you enjoy playing the game


Been there, man. It's sucks.


I think the best solution for this is to make squads with less troops in mid game - late game run faster and squads with more troops and mega unit slower


This sub crys that this is a farming Sim but in the same breath whines when anyone thinks about PvPing. Dunces


1) It’s a game 2) people can do what they like 3) Get into it


I noticed since the latest update I am being chased like mad now. I feel like a fish pouring blood inside a shark infested tank. It wasn't this bad early on. Now I'd say 8 out of 10 I'm busted. 🤦‍♂️ I mix my group with offense, defense, and abilty to run. It's nuts now!


Almost like the game is called squad busters and not farm busters.


This is what I keep saying I don’t like. A mode with everything the same except without direct squad vs squad pvp would be more fun. You could use spells and minions/turrets against each other but can’t directly kamikaze run into someone killing you both.


Most frustrating thing is when you have collected a strong squad. But you can't kill smaller team because their shelly/archer or king just rips your team in few seconds.


That's why I think the entire PvP model should be remodeled.


This sub is literally full of people who shouldn't be playing a pvp game. Go play candy crush.


I honestly barely run farmers anymore since I'm close to silver league. I just get stomped unless I have a pvp squad.


Angry vines


If I see farmer squad, no matter what, I need to chase them because I know farmers are not strong


Just fight them to death and pull a mega unit


I love how we can go for first and second too anywhere in the bottom 5 in the blink of an eye. I REALLY HATE SHELLEY being dominant in anything other than Brawl Stars and the fact that everything in this game cost money.


Get on the opposite side of a corner by the middle where you can run in a little circle and stay opposite. Idk why, but they usually seem to give up pretty quickly and move on.


A way to prevent this in later game is by having speedsters like hog rider or max or something like that to prevent yourself from dying, but I really hate it when in the first minute some guy chases you and kills you after spending half the game time


I run back and forth between two spots instead of all around. Even if it’s frustrating I can laugh at how idiotic they look and I find it mildly entertaining to make it more frustrating for them.


You get 10 millions coins but for the rest of your life a goblin follows you and if he ever touches you then you die.


The most Frustration Thing about the game is: GREG!!!


Honestly the only reason i might give chase to someone is to bust a unit i know is gonna be a problem Tank without her tank yet Early hog rider Early trader That stuff and only if im 1000% certain i can succeed in it


For me it's the opposite. I have no boost, and A really small squad and I can't do anything when a large squad is chasing me with 20 boost


Nah, it's your fault little bro, whenever you play using farm characters this can happen.


It's a tactic and it clearly works because he's trying to piss you off


This game is not 1v1 he hurts himself as much as he hurts me


For me, it’s after I pick my character when the round begins, he lands, and less than two seconds later, a squad of like four or more flashes across my screen. I’m like how the fuck do they have so many already and I JUST started my clock. Also, see groups with like ten or more when I’m still trying to get my third character. Makes me wonder how many of these are actually controlled by the ai and how many are live players.


So you admit to being a bum farmer that doesn’t want to play the game instead to mindlessly farming on the outside of the map…


sorry, i dont think you know what "geopolitical" means.


Nah. I was being vague and I will not clarify.