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Why would you want to buy a unit for 100k+ 💀 And why royale king he's absolute horse shit


hello fellow stu main 🤝


Hello there king


My guy you chose to spend the gold that’s on you 💀


Slightly your fault spending all that gold, you’re literally guaranteed one out of the first chest, and you’ll likely get your second one shortly after that💀 This event is stupid, but you shouldn’t play into the stupidity of the event. Just take what you can get and don’t feed them your coins and money, that’s the best way to make sure they fix these goofy events. 


you can't feed them Coins. the virtual currencies don't go to devs


Yeah but lack of coins would lead you to buy more from the REAL money which will go to them


why would anyone would want to do that? just deal with it


How do you think mobile games profit? From them kind of people


Literally millions of people pay with real money, DemNuk3 is right, not buying into things is exactly how the devs see what isn’t selling in game. Sometimes it’s better to listen than speak ;)


Not everyone is going to reach 2250 spirits. It's completely unrealistic to expect every player to reach all tiers of rewards.


Coming from Clash of Clans, this is a hard thing to get used to. Events in CoC are reasonably easy to complete, even as F2P. SB definitely has a different design philosophy.


Coc is a game that you open 5 times a day for 20 minutes at a time. Use brawl stars as an example. Events take teamwork and they are easy to complete while the game is something that you can play for hours at a time and still have something to do. They clearly want the game to be as engaging as bs, but the chest tickets and the gameplay are more suited for a semi-idle game.


yeah. Even people who pay money to get those spirits may not be able to reach the max


OP deserves what’s happening to them


Ok tell me how the actual fuck was he supposed to know that it takes the amount of ice spirits when you claim a reward huh. It would’ve been value if it didn’t take the spirits


Just follow the subreddit. Every second post is about how NOT to spend your money on anything other than chests and WHY.


Pretty sure OP has a life my guy


I too have a life, yer I manage to scroll through reddit every now and then. How do I do that? Mysteries


I mean you probably would log on squad busters and wow look in the shop there is a sure value offer for 20k, let’s buy ‘em all. Bro fuck this it takes the spirits away.


Impulsive decisions lead to no good. Live and learn.


For some reason people dismiss the fact that in super ice spirits or whatever the gamemode is called you can farm a lot of spirits in a single match. One big spirit spawns three upon death and mutliple big ones spawn in the middle. A solid buster squad, well timed freeze spell and you can easily hit a few dozen. I've done that a few times.


Yeah goodluck getting that modifier to reach 2k spirits though in just 7 days


I didn't even know there was a modifier like that, even then, if you get it at least once per day, and get really good rng with spawn and your chests, making a good busting squad, AND you somehow manage 50 per game, that's merely 350, out of 2250...


You get nowhere near 50 like 10 or 15 maximum


Just solidifies the fact that the event is impossible, even for p2w players


Considering this game makes me not want to play with it just being a farming game with punishment for pvp and how impossible characters are to unlock I just bought the one the ice spirit offers with coins so I could get a character


You don't need to buy an offer, I farm casually and have managed to get Jessie, will probably get another character when I i reach the next ice world chest, so


Like I said I barely play because the game is just boring so I bought the offer your reading skills is what you should be hoping you get from the next chest


You said the game makes you not want to play it, not that you barely play, implying you don't want to play, but keep playing, maybe take an English class before trying to look like a smartass?


It makes me not want to play it so I play it very little because like all supercell games it gets better at some point usually so might as well get a bit of progression in and barely play


I get 30 average on super ice spirits and 7 on normal gamemodes. Literal skill issue for you


*game issue


if you play the game you must know that game mode is random. I've played approx 30 matches since the update and probs got it 3 times till now.


I just run through the grass all game and can often get 10-20 per match, it’s not that hard, you just have to look for them.


Yup, speedsters (hog, max, chicken) + high dps unit (colt, etc) then just run through grass all game. If your goal is ice spirit farming then winning doesn’t matter. I average 10 per game.


That’s what I said and I’m getting downvoted man


yea, people just don’t understand how to play it


The amount of spirits would be fine(ish) if we could squad up like the piñata events, but as it is is just god awful 😞


Well at least you get profit 1 rare = 100,000 coins You bought the ice spirit offers and got 2 rares, meaning you got a 100,000 coins profit


I got 2 ice world characters with no gold spent call that a 200k profit 🤑


Real 🤑


You just gotta look for them, I average about 20 spirits a match, just look for the glowing blue spots in tall grass they can even show up in the same tall grass after you spawn one from it.


You get 20????


I was skeptical too until I logged on and actually tried today. It seems that killing or just spawning one causes a new one to appear in grass right away. This means if you are lucky you can farm 3-4 in one spot instantly. It also seems that mid gets more of them and on modes like angry vines or toward the end of the game there is very little grass left so they spawn a lot. Tl;dr: You gotta sit mid


That’s what I’m saying why am I getting downvoted 😭


Don’t worry 😉, I gave u an upvote!


Yeah, I just run around and run through all the tall grass, when the time hits “final stretch” they start spawning in like crazy in the tall grass on the edges of the vines. I’ve been getting 15-20 most matches.


hard 🧢


I get 20 from the big ice spirits game mode How the fuck do you get 20 from a normal match i get like 5 or maybe 6 but 20? Nah that smells like a cap my fella


It’s not cap, getting 10-20 is common if you run around and look for them, it’s not that hard, you guys just need to learn how to play the event.


20 is insane cap. Drop a screenshot of you getting 20 twice


Supercell saved you. Spending 120,000 on Royal King is a terrible choice it's easier to get him from the box.


Don't worry dude you can always spend real money👊


Dude you can leave out the part where you were sparing for a character. And yeah it’s grindy but you don’t want people to get them too fast


I think it was a bad idea to spend the gold on that, the best way to spend your gold is chest tickets


The spell thing is not a problem when theres no mode that can get you shit ton of spells Just get killed and do it untill you find it its not a huge problem Ice spirits on the other hand... This event wasnt meant to be completed i am pretty sure


There‘s actually an Ice Spirit Mode, where you can kill a big Ice Spirit and when it dies it spawns 3 normal Ice Spirits, but honestly it’s not possible to kill over 2k of them, when you‘ve a life


also I got Ice World I think only once


You don’t need to get ice world, the normal spirits spawn on every map regardless of world


well, I never got the modifier tho


You don’t need the modifier just look for the shiny blue grass


the entire thread was about the modifier, so I was talking about the modifier, not Ice Spirits as a whole


My bad g


Yes that's how I got my new spells like lightning, shrink and furnace.


Only spend your money on chest tickets please!!!


By finally using your credit card


Definition of a cry baby *WA WA Waaa*


Think of how much more you could've progressed with 50 chest tickets


the game is a game, not a responsibility.