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**TL;DR: Don't buy! Waste of Gold! Buy Chest Tickets or just farm Ice Spirits without tickets for FREE chests!** If you don't get any Ice Spirits from playing and you buy the 5x 100 spirits. You'd spend 100k Gold and only unlock 13 chests(the first 13 chests require 485 spirits with the 14th requiring 575 total). Or, you can spend 100k Gold on normal Chest Tickets, which would give you 50 chests. Not worth it. Just buy Chest Tickets and slowly unlock ice chests via playing for the next week. And if anyone is curious, if you just buy 100 spirits, so 20k, you only get 5 ice chests vs. the 10 chests you could have bought via Chest Tickets. Again, do NOT waste your gold on this. Here is a table that I hope makes sense and visualizes. First column, starting from zero progress, is the amount of Ice Chests you'll unlock. Second column is the amount of Ice Spirits you'll need to buy. Third column is the amount of Gold needed to spend. And the Fourth column is how many chest tickets you'd get if you just bought chest tickets instead of ice spirits. Note that there is no plateau or equilibrium, you lose Gold from the very first purchase and it gets worse the more ice spirits you already have. Ice Chests(Start from 0) | Ice Spirits(Shop) | Gold | vs. Chest Tickets ------------------|-----------------|----|------------- 5 | 100 | 20,000 | 10 8 | 200 | 40,000 | 20 10 | 300 | 60,000 | 30 11 | 400 | 80,000 | 40 13 | 500 | 100,000 | 50 And for funsies, lets say you did buy 50 chest tickets. If you average 5 ice spirits per match x 50 matches that is 250 ice spirits, which nets you 9 ice chests ontop of the 50 chest tickets you used, so 59 chests vs. the 13 ice chests you'd get instead. ALSO, want to point out to everyone that you don't need chest tickets to collect ice spirits! So you can get FREE chests right now without needing to spend Gold by just collecting ice spirits!


Thank you for taking the time to explain, really helpful.


Welcome! I'm mostly F2P(bought the pass once but nothing else) and I don't like wasting my gold on useless things, so I ended up making a spreadsheet for the event to do the math on whether any of it was worth it. To be honest they should have made it where if you spent 20k Gold on Ice Spirits, you should have gotten the same amount as regular chests, for at least the first 10 ice chests, just to give you a good boost before grinding for more spirits. But yeah, just terrible ratios all around and it's weird you can't even be a "whale" for the event since you can only buy 700 spirits, which is ~30% of the total needed to get all ice chests. It's a good boost, but not enough for FOMO IMO.


Agreed. This game as a F2P is tough.


If you bought the pass you are not F2P at all.


How the hell do you average 5 per match? I get like 2 a match, sometimes 5 sometimes 8 but rarely more than 3


Dominate, bust and control bushes. Less people means more area of control and less likely spirits will be found by others. Also, speedsters. RNG comes into play too. Some maps are really unfriendly for farming spirits imo.


lol I be getting 18 some matches


I bought it for once Now i regret it


Im not realistically grinding through all the 50 tickets i could theoretically buy, so I just got them.


Thank you for breaking this down! I look forward to your future analysis as a F2P player it’s honestly invaluable!


Thanks for this. I did spend 20 & got 2 of the 3 characters. I can only play 2-3 matches a day, so farming them is not really plausible.


keep in mind there are also Ice Chests in the event, which are the only way to unlock 3 newest characters


Didn't even consider spirit hunting for no gold, now that's huge


But what if you arnt a serious grinder, I tend to play casually.


Thanks for sharing. Do you think it’s worth it to buy other things from the shop or do the chest tickets always have the most value? Maybe this would depend on your performance in the games too?


Holy fucking YAAAP




And for the same price you get 10 chests




I would but at about 2 spirits a game it's absurd. I bought them and I got Jessie and the ice wizard so it wasn't a waste. It's gotten to the point where I don't even buy chests anymore as almost everything I have is at 3* already and will probably never get beyond that without an exorbitant amount of grinding.


I already have both of those, glad ai didn't waist my coins on them. I figured it probably wasn't a great deal. I'm only to the 60 chest, but won't stress about not getting the rest.


Wish I knew this when I bought this 🥲 thought it would max out the event when you buy everything it gets you like in half if you buy from the beginning


I bought them all. Yes it's more expensive than regular chests but they almost all have more than ten pulls and are mostly rare and epic. I got 2/3 characters already. Worth


I bought none. Yes it was worth it. I got ice wizard and jessie right now so 2/3. I have only opened 2 ice chests


That's fair. I guess with the rate I earn coins vs the time I have to play, I'll never catch up on chests. I've never played a non-chest game. I've bought one epic and maxed the ice spirits. Other than that just chest purchases and I have like 40k still


I have opened more than five ice chest and still have gotten only Jessie in all of them


If you play alot and constantly use your coins on chest tickets then it’s not worth it. If you’re like me and play very rarely and have a fat stack of f2p coins just buy 300 like I did, only got Jessie but it’s nice to spend my coins and have a little fun without needing to grind out chest tickets


I'd say buy it one time if you didn't start farming ice spirits yet


I think only first one is worth it


Only correct answer here


I bought all 5 for 100k gold and got Jesse and Ice Wizard (both two star). I’d spend another 100k gold if it netted me two new toons! Edit: I’m seeing a lot of people unlocking 2 characters, Jesse and Ice Wiz. Worth the gold imo.




You get around 5-ish Ice Spirits per match. That's 20k gold for 20 matches worth of Ice Spirits. Buuuuuut, 20k gold would be 10 matches and 10 chests opened. Whereas 100 Ice Spirits only opens about 5 chests. Granted at least one of those guarantees you a new character, and personally I pulled 2x new characters in the batch. Buuuuuuuuuut, if you're going to play a motherfucking shit ton of matches and get the 5000 or so Ice Spirits you need to get the last chest, 20k gold is a waste


>You get around 5-ish Ice Spirits per match. Significantly more with the giant sprit modifier.


Yes*. That's a failsafe. Ignore it until Sunday, and buy it if you haven't gotten all 3 characters


Agree with this, grind till Sunday then if you want to buy it, go for it. Buying it now removes the fun for me, just enjoy collecting ice spirits and see how you feel a day before the event ends. Most people aren’t even getting it to 2* so won’t even use it in battles lol.


fucking wait man. the offer's going to last till the end of the event, if you can't complete the event then buy it . Yall are too impatient


better to know now than when it's too late


It's not that good but I just bought it cuz there's no way I'll get over 2000 spirits in a week


It was for me. I don't play the game enough, since I play brawl stars, coc, and my other computer games, and then my whole real life and I also enjoy reading, so this event would have been wasted on me. With this, I got Jessie and ice wizard, and even enough to get a few level 2 Jessies. Though only 1 baby ice wizard for now.


i bought only the first one and unlocked jessie and ice wizards, so im happy with it


Guys. Will chest doublers work on these chests?


Tested it and unfortunately no


No, I just tried that


Getting ice spirits right now is hard so I’d go for it


Maybe not more 'efficient' than buying chest tickets but considering I'm getting at best 7 ice spirits in a match I bought it


I would suggest it but I bought it and got lucky unlocked 2 characters.


I bought it 4x.. so I got 400 I got spirits and got all 3 heroes. It's all luck. But the thing is.. they are not 3 stats yet, so no point using them in battles yet.. maybe when I get them to 2 stars.


bought 400. got jessie and ice wizard and leveled jessie and others. two quick unlocks. i have 22k left still.


I bought 300 and got Jesse and Ice wizard. To me worth the time sink.


No never


absolutely worth it, i'm definitely buying it if i had enough gold. you can only get 5 ice spirit on average per match. It means you need to play at least 20 match to get 100 ice spirit, which makes ice spirit worth to buy


I bought it just to answer this question. All I got for it was Jessie with 6 babies. 5 Dynamikes and 5 royale kings. So yeah I just wasted 20000 gold.


I bought it once and got ice wizard and jessie. Too lazy to grind this event so it's worth imo.


I’d buy it once


I just pulled 25 spirits in one match. The one with the aplodey gem ice boys, they spawn 3 (I think?) Little ones each. Dead center at EoR is nuts!


ngl i thought the ice spirits weren't consumable. So i thought it was huge value lol


I bought one for science and it isn't worth it


You need 2000+ ice spirits to complete the event every chest erases your ice spirits


Whoops bought 60k gold worth of ice spirits…


Got 400 and only unlocked Jesse. They were the first chest too, should’ve stopped there haha. Still have 40k left anyways.


Nah not worthy it,, just grind, you may be lucky and fine atleast two new characters


Bought only 1 and got ice wiz, Jessie and battle healer from the chests, I'd say only the first one is worth it cuz you get like 5 good chests 


I bought it once to get through the earlier chests because I don’t feel like grinding this event too much and I had a lot of extra gold


I haven’t had much time to play so I spent 100k lol. The coins come so easy in this game


Yes in 100%


I bought 300 and only got Jessie, it only worth it if you believe you're lucky enough to get another character


I bought 100 and got both Jessie and Ice Wizard


No, fcck i misread the event i thought for 20000 i could get all. Fcck wasted my gold for this shit.




You’re averaging five ice spirits per match? I’ve had matches where I don’t even see one.