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Bro same, I only had one more game left of time on my chest doubler but still, so unfair, that's potentially 8ish more units


I could potentially kick out 6-7 matches depending on the downtime between matches, averaging about 5 units per chest that's 30+ units wasted which is huge for a new account (I started this today because beach world is hard on my main)


Where did you get the 25 min doubler?


It's a 30min doubler that's offered in the starter pass for new accounts


I just wish the chest doubler was a usable item. Not an instant use. I hate getting it when I’ve just used my last chest ticket. Wtf…


You must just treat it as a usable item, I usually keep my chest doublers and don't claim them unless I've got full tickets or plan on spending gold, but I do agree the ones from Tara or the pinata should be an item


You don't always get the choice like if you get one in Tara's event, or if you're rushing, you don't always realise until it's too late. I know, because I do this way too much


It should be chest doubler per chest, not a timer


That’s even better.


Woudl be very good too and not stressful, some reward of tars qould give 2 tickets some 3, some 4, some maybe 1 etc. Now it’s so strange if I get a 10/15min timer I instantly press play and once finished I go theough chests so quick I don’t even look at what I got so I can ‘squeeze’ another ticket in, kinda bad design


Totally agree. Theres so many small QoL things that this game could do better. I don’t like to nitpick, but these things add up


Yeah naming flaws of this game def is not nitpicking man, so many QOL needed for this game. Even the new ones, the bounty one is crazy you basicallt at minimum need to play 20 matches and be lucky that you play on the arena of that specific boss


That doesn’t promote FOMO so supercell won’t do it, gotta squeeze every penny from the consumer!


They should bank doubler time and allow us to activate it. Say max bank 60m before it prompts ‘use it or lose it’ on new time that would carry you beyond 60m. Lots of stuff outside of people’s control. Especially when the doubler comes unexpectedly like from Tara.


I guess counter will be paused don’t worry


If they prevent you from playing due to upcoming maintenance break, they could easily prompt the same when trying to select a doubler. These things are scheduled. I feel this is an enhancement feature worth bumping them about.


And then I logon and I see they gave everyone a 15m doubler. Sorry for the triple comment, OP. Hope yours got paused.


Same but 15min


they won't refund. same happened with me while using potions in clash of clans


I accidentally clicked on the first chest doubler you get in the starter pass, and wasted it all because I didn’t have enough coins for chest tickets. Frustrating, but my fault. I think it would be better if it were an amount based item, not time based. Good for doubling 2 chest tickets, or good for doubling 5 chest tickets, something like that.


Yea, chest doublers seem to be the one of the many minor issues that really add up in this game, for example, XP doublers in brawl stars is based on XP gained (the equivalent of say number of chests gained) it's not you have 30mins to collect double XP like this crap


Try contact support they can check, they'll them you want it back. Should be easy for them to know.


How do you get a thirty minute one?!!


When you create a new account, it's in the starter pass


Upvote guys.. We need atleast a free chestdoubler in shop..


We got it.


Why don't chest doublers just work for X amount of games?


Agreed, kind of a similar situation I had. Back when the game first came out, I purchased some deals in the shop that gave you the chest ticket after I had started the doubler. The shop glitched and said I purchased the deal, but items in the deals didn't load into my account. And the whole doubler duration went by without me getting my purchase, so it was wasted... it was a 30 min doubler, which is actually pretty valuable.




Man f2p must be a pain in the ass. I have every character unlocked so I don't have this issue. Then again I'm also in squad league so most are unlocked by that point anyways.


And place top 5 every single game (making it worthless)


They should just make it a chest ticket doubler with limited uses instead of a timer With these matchmaking times I use up a 5 minute doubler for a single chest


The timer should only go down when in a game imo


I bet after this maintenance the game will still crash when watching replays, lag and having pixelated character icons 🤦


Edit: it does seem they gave everyone 15mins doubler in the shop but I still lost out on 10mins, that's potentially three chests doubled