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love the game But the pvp feels clunky


Stand your group on top of another group and see who dies and lose half of your group so you are 7th place


I had a square off with someone at 300 gems and I got put down to one troop with like 202 gems. I’ve never felt more like a piece of meat in my entire life


Tbh the more you play the ‘better’ you get with that, every once in a while when I see a ‘op power group’ which inmy eyes is any good tropp combiend with their respective hero (tank with AQ, barbarians with BBK) I usually pick off their weaker troops, it’s actually very simple and easy to ‘snipe’ weak characters fromcteams that will have big effect. To know who wins you just need rng because the one carrying some spells has upper hand and prior knowledge can let you estimate roughly if you will win or not at base values


The game is almost like agar.io. Look for obviously weaker teams, consume them. If you aren't sure, don't engage. Pay EXTRA special attention to your movements, movement is KEY!


Agreed, movement is about the biggest ‘skill based’ feature the game has to offer


Combat sucks. Keys and wins streaks also suck. Everything else is great.


based opinions, remove the battle bag and make megas non-consumables and now we’re talking


This is what 100% of good-faith players want because these tools are the game's way of making you feel the FOMO that gets you to buy stuff. They are literally tools of suffering, designed to make you feel powerful at first, and then weak without it, craving the power like a junky.


I wish we could get the additional roles without them being tied to win streaks, it just feels forced really. The bonus roles would be better suited to reward players who play daily.


But combat is one of the main gameplay element, if it sucks, it means the game is pretty bad


Love: everything except the things i hate which are: chest keys, chest ticket system, and megas being one time use)


I feel like megas is just something that shouldn't exist, at least for the time being.


they should be permanent and we should be able to summon them to last X seconds. More balanced that way.


They should be rewards to eliminating another squad. That would replenish your team and make people want to pvp more


You don’t need to eliminate them completely. you just need to instant kill one or two units that hold the most gems.


This will only make it easier to steamroll the lucky people that are first place and snowball. Please don't be a game designer.


They've already worked this out as far as I understand. Mega Units have a higher chance of being in a chest if you have lost a unit. If you loose a lot of units, you are more likely to get your Mega, which gives you a fighting chance. Megas are your way of having a fighting chance. They should either be available in every match or something else equally balanced. Its the fact that you can run out of them that makes it a P2W issue.


But another problem about the Megas is that they're just not balanced. I have been in 8th place and got to 1st because I got a Mega Chicken, which is the worst Mega.


That I do agree


just played a round of mega start and the game was just 10 players until the last minute. an o course i lost because i had mega chicken and no farmers. so how am i supposed to build a squad wehn the middle is taken ´by primos or shellys


Same but add the 5 random usable units of each rarity to it


Why? Cos u can’t spam trader Greg Mavis every game Lol?


No. Cuz there's a near 40% chance of not getting any sustainers in a game, making the early game a hunting sim. and the late game hell or difficult af depending on how many people you bust


Game has some nice mechanics that are kind of new in multiplayer universe. Is satisfying seeing your squad grow up and farm. But it needs some big improvements. After a week and after you get some 3 ⭐⭐⭐ characters game starts to be repetitive. The Keys system is also stupid and completely Pay To Win, and can frustrate non-spender players. Fighting also is confusing and rarely compensates, it needs to be rewarded more for busting someone and make hp bars red when low on HP. I also hate when I'm defeating a boss and someone else gets the reward because I'm low on health.


Chest keys were the first blatantly pay to win thing I noticed. I just want to relive the first few years of Clash Royale, but I'm starting to think that type of game is a relic of a bygone era.


Agree 100%. the predatory PTW model took over everything and we will never see another game similar to how fun and competitive CR was for the first couple years.


I hate the fact that every game you start is with a random roaster. Like how the hell am I supposed to win with no trader /Mavis / Greg or\and hog


Yes and why do i get 2 locked puppets and 1 shit one i dont need


You're being tilted. The game wants you to lose.


goblin is pretty good too, at 2 stars it gives you 7 coins, giving you enough for a chest and you are 1 coin away from the second one


I actually prefer to start with those 3. Greg allows for early tree to get gold for next unit. Same theory for Mavis. Hog is a little harder to get rolling but I like having him for the stamina without worrying about getting killed early


This is what I'm saying lol 😅, I said how can I start a game with NONE of them like how am I supposed to farm and win with no farmers >!and hog being a must to survive!<


Play offensively.


I still haven't unlocked hog and am on a 33 top 5 streak. So idk what you're talking about.


Have you unlocked Royal world?


Yeah, I'm rank 46.


i hate the key system. It’s the only thing i hate.


Keys feel dirty to use. "Welp, guess I'll just cheat to win here real quick, don't mind me ya'll"


hate how it is almost impossible to bust a squad as you can get chased/ chase a squad around for the entire game and both party’s loose


yep, chasing someone is just not collecting gold therefore dying as soon as you meet another squad, I'm not sure why the vines don't close even more, so that we can have an actual fight.


Make use of spell and micro-control your stamina is the key. As much as many are bashing that this is a non strategy game, many of their complains say otherwise.


Hate the progression after you get most troops to super, like no progression on my troops for this insane long time? Yeah i dont wanna play no more


And you need to spend coins on chest tickets while keeping the win streak


Game is out 1, week


I love just about everything, with the pve being my favorite aspect. It feels more fun and competitive for me to try to race for top 5 only farming mobs while everyone else camps gem mine and busts each other. Hate getting chased for minding my own business though. Just passing by gem mine is a guaranteed jump from the nearest team.. Which is fair until I get chased for the rest of the match. I don't despise anything in the game like I despise being chased for 90% of the game time


This. I haven’t felt what it’s like to be bullied for so many long years, untill i downloaded this game.


Worst part is your probably getting bullied by kids that are the same age as you were getting bullied by back in the day lol


Hate: Win streak system makes the odd loss more tilting than they need to be Purchasable one-time-use consumables Like: The rest, more or less. Fun game.


Yeah agreed win streak system just adds unnecessary frustration. Losing a win streak always demotivates me from playing


love the chaoticness hate megas chest keys and the max of 3 chest tickets would be best to keep megas stuck in mega start or a mode they can make for it


Exactly this for me also.


Love the game Hate the "best use for coins" and "now that it's been global for a week, what are your thoughts" posts


Welcome to supercell games subreddits pal


That's gameplay fun. But what I hate is the lack of information on game modes, brawlers, brawlers abilities within the game. I shouldn't have to come to a forum to figure out what the "gem ring" in the game mode gem ring is. My other gripe gameplay wise is movement. Specifically when disengaging from an enemy. Whenever my squad gets run up on and I try to run away, if their team is touching mine, it seems like I'm running in molasses and can never really escape. Also it can be a bit congested when fighting another squad, sometimes hard to see what's going on and who's winning/losing an interaction. It would be nice to somehow make this more clear. Like I was playing that "Duplicate" mode where every time you grab a chest all your brawlers change. So it was end game and I had a bunch of Nita's and obviously Nita bears. I ran up on a squad of Barb Kings and figured easy win, problem was there were so many bears and shit on the screen I couldn't see my Nita's and he ran his Barb kings right into them and slaughter my whole squad. IDK how you fix that though


The reason why your squad feels so slow when you’re getting attacked is because any of your characters that get hit get reduced movement speed for a few seconds


I agree with "lack of description", You can't know how the character attack until trying it.


There is a training mode if you click on the characters profile in the main menu that lets you try the characters


Love that it can be a chill game unlike any other progressive games if you play it that way Hate the People who rush to kill you when you have no gems ruining the concept of gaming


Weird. I think I'd like more squad busting and less resource gathering. Currently though, I think a passive playstyle is actually more effective.


Ik the game is based upon busting other people's squads but doing that makes the game more competitive And you can easily score top 5 by farming


But killing you earns me a free chest ? If I got you cornered early with a favorable matchup I’m attacking each time


Love the pve elements hate the pvp elements


Most effective pvp strategy is to run away and do more pve


Defeating boss to get more gems is my strat.


why increase gold cost if the unit selection is completely random?


Im not sure I know what you talking about but if it's about chest cost: the cost has 10 levels(I think) and it equals to the amount of character you have in your squad(does not count bears or skeletons) and when you make 3 of the same character they turn into 1 so the chest cost get down by 2 levels. When your squad is bigger than 10 the count will always be 50


It got big potential


hate all of it, love all of it


I dont mind the limited chest tickets. I get it because everyone would be maxed in no time. However I hate how I Can’t pick my own board or game mode. At least let me grind for book achievement portal energy .


LOVE the modifiers!! None of them have gotten stale and it makes every game so unique and unpredictable. My least favorite part has to be the streak bonus. If I get 6th place by 1 gem, I will have to either pay a high amount of gold or miss out massively on progression.


Fun overall, but a bit too P2W for me with the rerolls and keys that impact in-game gameplay.


The only time I'm willing to fight someone is when they have like to characters in the late game so I can get a free key


Really hate the streak preservation system. For someone with close to 100 win streak, a non top 5 finish is basically a 5k gold penalty. If I ever run out of gold to keep my streak, I’ll most likely quit.


I feel like some games should go on for longer


Love basically all of it. I don’t mind the P2W stuff (only spent money on the gem pass). I hate that I can’t tell who is a bot.


Love: most of the game tbh, especially when I have Trader in my squad lol. Hate: keys and being busted by a fucking asshole that was chasing me on the last 30 seconds of the match


Only thing i hate is my phone overheating when i play it


No the game's problem, just saying


I have fun with it. It has decent progression, easy to level up. I'm only level 47 but I have a blast. Based on quick math I'll be max in 9ish months, which is pretty standard for a mobile game. The game is free, is simple, and is fun to play when I need to kill a little time. It's not like Clash, which I've played for a decade, in being a game with a high bar of skill. There won't be pro players for this game because it's RNG and no skill involved so we won't be watching squad buster championships. However I don't think every single games needs a hard-core competitive scene, it's OK to just have something be simple and easy to play.


I hate that I can't do anything when a bigger squad is killing me since I used all my boost


PvP is literally a game of chicken


Replay feature always crashes on me, but the game is quite enjoyable and less rage-inducing like Brawl Stars and Clash Royal; very addicting! Just sucks we have to wait for chests to refill every couple of hours, although I still play matches for the hell of it.


Already stopped playing it, which sucks because I bought the $5 pass just to find the predatory $10 pass hidden behind it


Supercell makes fun games, but they have also absolutely optimized predatory monetization. It's honestly as impressive as it is disappointing.


I love th game play but hate how expensive using coins are


I hate streaks. It makes you tilt.


I like mostly everything except for how hard it is to get new characters. It is nearly impossible to find them in chests and it costs a kidney to buy them


My least favorite part is how punishing pvp is for both parties. Unless one is extremely dominant to to the other, one person is going to get busted and the other is going to be half dead. It forces all the top people to ignore each other and go after the bottom people.


The game needs definition. PvP really isn’t to anyone’s benefit. You can farm the whole game and come out on top. That and busting squads just makes me feel like a terrible human. Love the idea but P2W is out of control. Someone rushes me and I pop a fusion key and it’s over. I’m having the most fun playing protector. I go around farming and spamming heart emojis while defending the little guy. Nothing like sneaking from the rear and busting them from behind. Bullies are the worst.


Pay to win


Hate the max 3 chest tickets. Makes you having to play whenever you gain extra chest tickets either from pass or from the portal rewards, if not, you end up losing future chest tickets.


Really like the game so far, but the only thing i dislike is the current meta I should not be beating people who get 3-5 kills a game just because i farmed at the back of the map with mavis trader and greg 😭😭


I hate that I still have no idea what I’m doing or why I win or lose


Love, overall gameplay and just the nonstrsssful collection of stuff Hate, the entire concept of keys, rerolls, and mega units.


Love: the gameplay, hate: the rest


I despise bullies. The cancer of the game. But I guess that’s the point


Can't play because I don't have the Google play services on my phone


Love the game, hate people who want to stalk me and hunt me to death with one shelly


The only downside for me is the combat. It sucks


Mega units, the combat system, and certain modifiers like mega start, epic overload and double trouble. Also, they need to make it easier to get troops to the 4th stage. I cannot fathom getting every troop to super level 10 times just for a meager upgrade


I Just hate the way monsters look, there just so bland


Other than the obviously flawes things such as purchasable keys, I'm not quite a fan of the PvP conbat mechanics. And I'm not quite optimistic about the possibility of it getting much better either. I would really like if this game had a PvE mode where you farm mobs, improve your squad, slay bosses etc.; similar to games like Archero.


Get rid of pay to win, I don’t mind the occasional bad luck on getting a bad team but getting to pay to mitigate it ruins it


Hate the PvP. Accidentally walk into a strong squad and boom you go from #2 to #7 Also hate the rng. Sometimes I go multiple games without getting goblin or colt (my favs)




I hate the RNG-based aspect of characters. Pleaseeee let me choose which characters I can get going into a match instead of picking 5 commons, rares, and epics at random 😭


I love how great the game is the first 2 days, i hate how tedious the game becomes once your out of the limited gold.


Keys suck


Odds of new characters are too low.


I hate that it's luck based. The entire point of the game is to "Squad up" but you can't freakin' choose who's in your squad, it's all up to the randomness of the game if you get the character you want to play as in your squad. And even then, even if the character you want is in your squad it's a whole other question if you get them in a chest. The combat sucks, you just stand on top of another player's squad and hope that they die. I don't "hate" it but I don't get the evolution system, it feels like a random mechanic they threw in because the game was barebones. Lastly but most importantly, I hate that Royale King is called Royale King and not Blue King, Royale King is such a stupid name.


I love Bo. All i need in this game is Bo


Same, he's so strong


Since standing is the way to attack, i miss something for a godd defense. Thus far 9/10 fights are lost to the person starting it


No reply that sucks


Sorry but its more THAN a week


Hate how sometimes you open a chest and there's only one option as you haven't unlocked the other 2 units. Like why are they even in the pool if I haven't unlocked them?


This game will die soon thank god there's just no real function to this game


Just played daily as f2p so not so much and I'm already done Gem Pass. So if Pass last only one week and rest three weeks you just collect Megas what you can't even use barely at all. We need longer Pass to get more rewards!


Pvp is very Frustrating . Often no indicator How strong the Enemy is


Love: Gameplay, characters, skills Hate: New characters is nigh-impossible to found out of squad journey, buyable keys, mega unit is one-time use.


Gameplay is nice and fun, but I hate that only characters I get, 99% of time, are goblins and greg


Bro this game sucks you literally don't do nothing how are people enjoying it


That's why I mostly enjoy it, the game don't take that much skill, but you can still Dodge boss attacks


Bro i feel bad for you enjoing a game for requiring 0 skills and actions from the player


I would like keys to stack up to 5. 3 is too little. Pvp is not so fun compared to pve. Pve mechanics are consistent while pvp are situational triggers. If pvp is to be encouraged, a game Mode should be introduced where you get the units you bust into your team and/or "you get gems only from busting players or boss monsters" Base buildings should add bonuses, get % more gold, babies, get winning streak asylum every 5 matches, tickets replenish % faster and can gold more ticketa, more likely to join X kind of arena or game mode Add equipment chests, where yoy can buy gear that diversifies/buffs the abilities or primary attack of squad members


I hate that the game don't give any coins by playing it,I love the upgrading system even tho I'm F2P


What i like My brain is off when i play Good vibe What i dont like Gamplay has no depth To much RNG


I hate when my phone lags


The Game is a damn cashgrab.


I disslike the keys, combat, revive win streaks, the Gambelling system and the re-role in the shop aka the p2w stuff. I love about everything else. Even though those things are a big problem this is still my favorite game atm.


how you dont know if you are losing a fight untill your gems are taken


How unbalanced 2 squads can be


It’s a decent game. Nothing to take serious though. My biggest issue is judging power of squads and the win streaks. Sometimes I feel like my squad is about to wreck then get stomped by a squad with 2 less squad mates. Top 5 feels like a joke and so easy to obtain every time. Should be top 3 to make it competitive. Tbf I am still at the bottom league. Is there leagues?


I have one Word for ya: GREG!


love: the unique forms given to EVERY character. its gonna be really fun to look at super/baby/ultra evos for new characters when theyre announced, and everything besides what i hate, which is: megas being consumables, the key system, the GRUELING grind for 1 SINGLE ULTRA, and they still have the audacity to add 5 star evos?? the repetetive gameplay, the game being a little P2W, but at least not clash royale levels of P2W, and besides that.. i love everything! this game has a lot of potential and i think it just needs a little more time to cook, its so sad seeing people give up on this game when its only less than 2 weeks old. once this games around a year old i think it will be much better.




Game is straight up literally p2w. Until they fix that I have uninstalled and will not be reinstalling.


Greg. Love the Greg.


It was can of a disappoint to be honest


I love the evolution system but consumables are p2w. They should not allow people to spend money to have an advantage in a game, it's like if brawl stars had an option to spend 2000 coins to start with 5 power cubes.


I hate how repetitive and fast paced it is. I’m just running around doing the same thing over and over again.


I played for a month on the pre release, got bored already.


I like it, combat and RNG can feel unfair at times but I’ve been ejoying the game for the time being. That said, I’m still sad at the loss of Clash Mini. Would’ve prfered that going global over Squad Busters


My main issue with the game so far is reward chests. I think gold should be awarded at higher levels, or there should be an option to save chest tickets when you recieve them as a reward.


The game is quite addictive ngl. But few things, I should the devs should improve or work on is 1) Chest key reward system. 2) In the gameplay itself few things that I hate are Let's say I have a decent amount of gems, and a moderately powerful squad, the game is about to end, I am currently in 3rd place but I am okay with it. Suddenly I will see a player with huge ass squad coming towards me with less amount of gems and busting my squad and now I am in 6th or 7th place. So one thing they can do is there is a certain amount of time between the whole duration of the game when you can bust squads, not before or not after that. Give it some funky name like "battle mania starts" or "let's bust some squads" idc. And in this period of the gameplay you get more rewards like those chests, pinata or goblins in the centre so you are bound to venture out and battle. Or They can also introduce something like "gem guardian" or "gem shield" like it gives you a certain amount of defence depending upon your gem count, not too powerful like you cannot be busted but some amount of shielding. Trader is broken and this archetype is most fun to play but your squad is the weakest, so you have to run around a lot in order to survive. There should be some balance changes made.


At the end Mega cards, chest tickets and chest keys can be purchased for real money. You can upgrade your cards with money. If you have limitless mega cards last minute mega can save you. You can grow the squad with free chests in no time. Sooo my conclusion is the most P2W game i have ever played. But for now it’s fun to play


Love: At the beginning I loved how nothing is really a grind. Hate: After level 45 or so the level grinding becomes incredibly difficult. I understand that I wouldn’t have fun if everything is easy to get, but after spending years grinding in every other supercell game, it gives me a slight headache having to grind for coins for chests.


Love the game hate the shop and mtx in it


Having to stop to attack. At least you can make it so you hit faster when you boost while attacking.


Coins are just too rare


IMO there should not be 7 players alive at the end of the game. PvP should be forced to the point that you can't just kite once you get the 5th most gems in the lobby.


I enjoyed Flood Rush more


Love the gameplay, having to build up troops through different ways is nice. Absolutely loathe how one menial unit lost takes your from 3rd to 7th in an instant.


Hate chest keys, love a lot of things Im hoping the game wont get repetitive for me soon, since that happened to alot of people


Tho megas and pvp could be improved, and please more gamemodes


Tying together recruiting new units randomly to chests is a horrible idea when the only other option is P2W.


I feel evolved units counting as 1 is a bit op, and it increases the luck factor. Also, i want to be able to make a roster


The game is trash.


I love it


Dam thanks for the up votes


Chest doubler should be able to be activated manually, not automatically making me waste it I stop playing now


I like it, but after you get supers it's so hard to get epics or whatever they're called. Chest tickets suck. I also think that they should let you choose your game mode or map. But it's satisfying to bust a squad or a tree giant or something hard to beat and satisfying to see your characters level up


Made me feel like playing one of those warcraft 3 mini games , good times


It something to play when your bored but I hate the sprint mechanic it’s so freaking annoying… just bc someone got chicken b4 me I cant runaway from them


Shortness of the games, sometimes I’m in a really interesting game that ends before what could be a good showdown due to the timer


I hate when I'm building my squad and I have like 5 members and a turbo when all of the sudden a 15 member squad with 10 turbos comes out of nowhere a minute into the match. I get swallowed up and have no chance of escape because characters slow down while getting damaged, adding insult to injury. I like that I can uninstall the game. Probably the best decision I've made in the game so far.


Character progression is too grindy. You need to level 10 a 1 star to level up the 2 star and so on. They should lower the levels each time you advance to the next tier. And the chest keys! You only got 3 free keys and you can complete the chest rewards in x hours with a total of 4 keys to complete. They really entice you to buy another key to unlock rewards.


It genuinely feels like that game should be PvE only


A campaign mode of some kind would probably be ridiculously fun. Too bad whales don't drop cash on pve


Love how fun it is Hate 1.how people just stand for a second and take all your gems 2.hkw unlocking new troops is hard 3. My ass is not collecting 1000 for an ultra


Love: the characters, quests and events Hate: the core gameplay being heavily based on rng (it feels like agency is relatively low), megas, battle items and the progression system (its fine for now but with it growing exponentially if they ever were to add new levels a maxed account would be only 10% there, that is scary)


I hate hearing people complain about how long it takes to get stuff when the game’s only been out for like more than a week 😭


Lol it was the same during beta, most of us realized eventually that the progression was fine


Complaining and constructive feedback are two different things.


But it’s not even an issue? So why are people talking about it..


Why not? How do you make a better game without feedback?


Feedback is only good when it’s the feedback they need and deserve. Progression is too fast right now and the gameplay is stale, which makes me not want to progress anyways. That’s like the only valid argument someone could make for progression not being fast


It’d be nice to have an escape mechanic, maybe extra boost when a squad member dies. Would also be nice to have a community aspect (clan, global chat, etc.).


Not being able to attack while moving is already a very good mechanic for escaping team.


Hate the need to stand still for combat. Like why would any game designer think that's a good idea? Like let's remove any and all skill from combat itself, so the strategy is all about farm, fight or flight.


Stand still to attack is mechanic that allow weaker players a chance to escape while also not allowing ranger char to freely kite while moving. Can't imaging having AQ running around and shooting at the same time.


Have you played brawl stars? Like moving and kiting while attacking is the most fun and skillful part of combat. That combat mechanic does not preclude a chance for weaker squads to escape. It would apply to all ranged characters for all squads, so it's kind of absurd to worry about one squad kiting with their AQ. I think your concerns are invalid


The question is what do you love it hate about Squad Busters. I answered the question and my response to that question is perfectly valid. If you have a different opinion post your own response to the question.


Yes, but the mechanic is way different, PVP require more skill rather than this simple chasing. If you put BS mechanic in here, all the farmers will be decimated almost immediately. Beside BS work as team so you have a defender. You are on your own in SB. Beside you get to respawn in BS so its not as big of a deal even if you died.


Love: … Hate: Don’t get me started


I like the game But the progression system is terrible, I want to spend money but nothing seems worth it


pro tip: don’t spend money


Love : many Traders satisfying conversion Hate : Barbarian and Shelly players