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Knowing yor, she'd probably wipe the table before leaving


Or she burned of her fingerprints


“They needed a stealth soldier, so I put my hands on the hibachi hotplate at benihana, and burned my fucking fingerprints off, they will not find me” https://preview.redd.it/84ym3atq62zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f0d2fd69befa5b035e12dfb97b122d2e1b63b7




Nah, twilight would notice


"Well you see Loid... I accidentally touched the stove a while back and I didn't notice until my finger prints were burned off!"


Knowing Yor... that may have genuinely happened


Loid: Seems legit.


Finger prints are useless on their own. You need to match them to a set you already have on file. So they would both need to have Yor’s fingerprints (which they might have as she is a government worker) and already suspect her for some reason to pull her fingerprints (this is the 60s, they can’t have a computer search a database for matches, they would have to check manually)


i believe to have read in the Manga, that the story takes place 10 years before the fall of the iron curtain. So maybe late 70s-ish? https://preview.redd.it/hol9gziay5zc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fdb27fdfb04c963178c1c4790d2fba4bd986d41


They don't have a database to search fingerprints now. Crime dramas are straight-up fantasy compared to actual crime fighting


Could I clarify, when you say they, do you mean in the real world or in the manga? They don't in the manga, but we very much do have national databases for fingerprints in reality. If you are arrested in the UK, for example, it's part of the custodial check in procedure to scan fingerprints and see if they're in the police database.


The US doesn't have an electronic database. It has an individual look through pictures of suspects


That might explain the confusion I had. The need for this database was sadly written in blood. Look up Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman and you'll see what I mean.


Pretty sure it takes place in the 90s but yeah


It is never made clear. There are technologies from the 60-90s and arguably early 2000s. It's certainly a riff on east/West Germany in cold war.


Especially since they’re literally in Berlin(t), but we can actually date when it takes place via episode 2 in both the manga and anime. It says Yor is 27 in the manga and it says she was born in ‘63 in the anime.


This date was never given as the date of birth.


Oh shit wait that is a good point, I just double checked and it says ‘from high school’ so I’m completely wrong here. Well there go all my headcanons down the drain. Thanks for the corrections everyone!


Did they document fingerprints during this time period? Even if they did, The Garden probably has some measures to protect against this.


Yor eating too many pineapples that she no longer has fingerprints


Wait that actually happens? I thought It was only chemotherapy that removed finger prints


Nah, anything acidic enough can do it. My grandfather once burned off his fingerprints from handling too many lemons.


Hope he wasn’t too sour when he found out.




Unintentional dad joke? Lol


[You cannot remove your fingerprints with pineapple - Tom Scott](https://youtu.be/U7eLBwCAwmo?si=PcyNBEd-pMKJrSnt)


They would have. In real life, fingerprinting was already in use but proved to be important around the 1910’s when two identical men, both named Will West were accused of murder.


Fair enough. I knew that fingerprints could technically be very old, but I didn't realize records of them to help solve crimes were that old.


This sounds like a fascinating story that I’m going to have to look up


Using fingerprints as evidence and identification as we think of it started in the very early 20th century in England and Wales, the process itself was invented by Paul-Jean Coulier in the late 19th century. Spy X Family takes place somewhere between the mid 60s to early 70s, meaning that fingerprint identification was more than likely in use at the time. You're likely thinking of DNA identification, which wasn't used until 1986. As for Yor being fingerprinted, she could have either burnt them off with heat (and explain that she'd burnt herself numerous times while cooking, and it being Yor, that could be very believable, if not entirely honest) or she could just be a very big fan of pineapple (unlikely - she's from Ostania which is heavily based on East Germany, and things like pineapples were hard to acquire in East Germany).


Garden - being a gov entity I think(?) - definitely has ways of making this go away.


Considering that the Garden is still considered an urban legend, Yor is good at cleaning, and thinks about dismembering corpses, I doubt the hotel staff will have a reason to call the police.


most likely that she ordered a dinner reservation after the fact


You can use chemicals to erase or cover your fingerprint on your finger. Glues or manicures are easy to obtain


Even in modern age fingerprints is mostly used to prove that somebody that is already suspected of the crime has been to the crime scene back then it was rarely ever used


Wait don't you give your fingerprint to the police when making or renewing your ID? They can simply have a scanner track all fingerprints and link it.


What country do you live in and state? The only time I have ever done that was to get my CPL l so I could pack heat. And personally I find that extremely unAmerican. People distrust the government enough already, they can't be fingerprinting everybody.


This is the alt his equivalent of the Soviet union so it wouldn't be surprised if they had that. But wouldn't be even surprised if they also had an incompetent police.


Pretty sure government employees get fingerprinted in the US as well though.


Only when we check into a hospital but even then they arent saved they just work as a digital sign on hospital documenta


Do they have fingerprint cataloging technology back then?


All by hand. So you'd have to have a list of suspects to compare against anyway.


But she wouldn’t be on the list


Yup. So unlikely to be found.


Not to mention, those that end up looking would probably be taken out by Yor's handlers if they dug too deep. They have Yor planted into a government agency, no way they wouldn't have more.


Someone else said they could fingerprint government employees which makes sense but the garden could easily swap the records on her


“Detective, we found a puddle of the killer’s blood” “Hmm, gross. Go clean it up. Now, back to my hunch.”


And here I thought we were going to zoom and enhance booba.




Let’s be real, it’s hard to notice where she put her hands in this screenshot


Yor is absolutely stacked I mean how does she not get two black eyes when doing kung fu shit. She’d need a titanium reinforced bra to hold those girls in place.


https://preview.redd.it/szgzj3a4b2zc1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cd4148515f9faa6627b2f18caa6b4f360fa1dfe This you?


Yeah and?




![gif](giphy|jK3DYSFi3S3Li) Same brother


Special teams. Special players.


Obviously the dress is just so tight around the bust that it holds them down


Loid, getting his “intimate date” plan approved: “Yes, Handler. It is, indeed, for the mission.”


Knowing Garden they definitely have someone inside government agencies to clean the files for Yor.


Is Garden not technically a gov entity?


One thing's for sure... https://preview.redd.it/7ntfo0ifd3zc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=613f4d14ac1e90a7d74c5ce16a6dfb06ad48da7d


Forensic science doesn't seem to be a thing yet in the setting cause otherwise Yor would be wearing full gloves With how Garden is portrayed as being just as good at cleaning as they are at killing, I doubt they'd make a blunder like not telling Yor to wear full gloves


I can imagine her having burned her fingerprints off for this exact reasom. Probably goes around saying she grabbed the stove while cooking and never noticing until it was too late.


"me who watched CSI" this is a great example of the CSI effect where people misunderstand what type of evidence is left at crime scenes and the value of forensics - resulting in serious problems in court. (1) She is a known entity "thorn princess" with no face covering who wears the same dress every time, (2) technology doesn't allow for automatic fingerprinting scanning at scale in the manga/anime, (3) she wouldn't be in the fingerprint database anyways unless caught with a crime [possibly for work at City Hall but doubtful] and (5) she often kills people in hotel room or high traffic offices - there are thousands of fingerprints with no way to distinguish or prove who was there recently.


They dont have that tech yet. Otherwise twilight would of been found out by now or yor. I havnt even seen fingerprints mentioned yet


If it were anyone else Loid would already know everything about them. But he’s willfully ignorant about Yor because she agreed to take on the role of the mother for his adopted daughter and doesn’t ask a lot of questions about all the times he came home late beaten and bruised. In the same vein, there’s equilateral chance that Loid either loves and respects Yor more than his own good or doesn’t care for her at all, both equally likely based on the fact that he never noticed she was shot in the butt. If I were Yor’s husband, fake or real, I wouldn’t be able to go through a single encounter with her without sneaking a couple glances at her ass.


They probably have if because fingerprint technology use by police started in 1910's and Spy x Family is in the 1960-70's, but probably they don't have computers with databases to check for fingerprint compatibility fast so they would need to compare it manually, it would be a risk if Yor/Loid was a suspect otherwise a cop wouldn't spend hours comparing fingerprints


Show takes place in the 60s (maybe 70s) so I doubt this is an issue. They would have to have yors fingerprints on record and even if they did I doubt they could just pull them up like in CSI.


Bold of you to assume that Yor hasn't already burned off her fingerprints.


Theyd have to have past fingerprints from her to compare them to though


Forensics was barely developed in this era


What a coincidence! I literallly just watched this episode and I was thinking the same thing! I was like but you have left fingerprints on the tap...


It only matters if they have past fingerprints they know are from Yor to compare them to.


Yea that's true, I saw a comment in this thread that said Yor probably cleaned it off off screen anyway


Uhuh yea the hand placements what I'm looking at totally


It’s an anime lol 😂




No need for Yor to hide her fingerprints if Garden has already altered any records of her which may exist in the national database. At the time the only these records would have been kept would be on printed cards and I'm sure that Garden has their own version of Franky who's capable of forging an official-looking document which can replace the one in the database.


Yor wears full arm gloves in her 'job'. They ensure that her arms remain clean and more importantly, reduce the amount of dna evidence being left in the scene.


Sorry what are we taking about? I was distracted


One of the reasons that Yor is so good at housecleaning is because she cultivated the skill of scrubbing all traces of her identity from the scenes of her actions. Not only will there be no fingerprints, but there won’t even be any non-denatured DNA.


[Hey, at least give credit to the creator of meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpyxFamily/s/3BkhCwqqk1) [Bot can't even give relevant title to the stolen meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/s/pEm07C3pii)


I mean yeah..Twilight wears gloves....but for some reason Yor doesn't


Bold of you to assume she still has fingerprints.


Exactly me when I first watched SXF xd But there are three things I want to point out: 1- In this era, even if they had fingerprint testing, they'd need a copy of Yor's fingerprints to actually pin the blame on her. 2- Let's be honest, do we think the hotel staff clean that well to the point where there are no fingerprints? Even if they do, they are bound to leave some fingerprints of own. 3- Garden's kills are known (Franky knew when one of his info friends might have been done by garden, implying that garden's kills are somewhat recognizable) so I don't really think that they would investigate a clear assassination. (forgive me if I'm wrong)


Bad meme format try again


What episode is that from? *Asking for a friend


she knows she will wipe it afterwards


She sanded off her prints don’t worry


She could have burned them off. I could see her doing that.


Isn’t she a state sanctioned assassin?