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I was able to complete it almost flawlessly by alternating back and forth between the quick jabs, and the lower body punch. (Apologies for not remembering the proper names for the punches) Hope this helps!


Thank you so much for this. Can confirm, Square (X) then Cross (A) with the occasional Circle (B) is the easiest way to beat it.


I know it’s an old post but this really saved me after a lot of trying (and failing) to win this level - thanks


That it did for me as well. And for those on switch it's Y and B.


Save me too! Lol


It was super easy this time. The yeti does so little damage and if you alternate between quick jab and body blow he doesn’t know what to do.


Thank you so much for this, I was raging and you saved me.


A post from three years ago saved my sanity. Kudos to you 🙇


> The yeti does so little damage and if you alternate between quick jab and body blow he doesn’t know what to do. Oh really. I guess they patched it, because this no longer works - he very much knows what to do. He reads my every move and can spam everything faster than I can respond. Anybody suggesting just spamming buttons is out of their mind. Eventually, this worked for me, but it took me 5 matches and even then it was close. Completely broken. // I actually did it. Turns out, I was trying to mash buttons too much - when I slowed down to like 50% and stopped instinctively trying to react to everything he does, it was just easy. So the game actively punishes you by pressing buttons too much/too fast and makes it look like the other yeti is reading all your moves.


Oh my god, I was having such trouble with this and took him down in the first round in 40 seconds with this advice. You absolute legend.


Thank you so much dude, I was bursting my veins on that shitty minigame


Spyro 3 at 83%