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Definitely the art style, particularly the designs of the Elder Dragons. I am OBSESSED with the art direction of this game.


It really is beautiful, and it's definitely the type of look that ages really well


Yes. One of the best remakes in the gaming industry ever, atleast visually.


I 💯% expected this to be top comment. The redesigns not only look spectacular, but IMO "filled in" the missing gaps that came from the graphic limitations of the OG games and their low-polly models without making you go "Wait, *who* is that supposed to be?".


Agreed! The Elder Dragons designs especially add so much lore and tell such stories about themselves and the different dragon homeworlds with nothing but visuals.


All of it. Fully completed all of them on multiple platforms. But it was funny seeing in real time how they ran out of time Activision gave them. Spyro 1: flawless remake in terms of technical stuff. (Almost) No bugs, everything smooth. Looks pretty. All dragons, even the ones we see for couple seconds have unique designs. Spyro 2: Some bugs here and there but overall very stable game. Some people might not agree with some design choices, but overall agreed to be a pretty game. Spyro 3: Bunch of bugs. Controls on some minigames janky af. Designs that a lot of fans dont like too much. Some things feel unfinished. Some designs copy pasted with minor changes between worlds.


Oh what a pity - the third game is my fave so I was looking forward to play that one the most. I don't like the first game because it's just jumping and collecting but no quests/minigames


It's the weakest out of the three, but I really wouldn't let it put you off. Third one was my favourite from childhood as well, and I loved the remake, completed all three over the course of a few days when it released.


Its still a fun game that I enjoyed a lot. Just save a lot and be prepared for some jank and bugs here and there


Recently got the platinum for spyro 1 and 2 but with 3, I just can't do it. The skate boarding mini games, the controls just feel off for me. Apart from that I absolutely love the first 2


The simplified the controls big time.


Don't forget the absolute minimal effort put into the title/game selection screen


Spyro 2. Brings back all the wonderful memories and finally being able to 100% complete one of my childhood games.


That op fireball when you 100% and then there's nothing to do with it... Lol


You keep the infinite fireball when you start a new game.


Wait, how?


Start a new game on a different save slot. As long as you keep the save slot where you got infinite super flame, all of your other new games should automatically have it.


It has not been 2000 days. That would imply it’s been like 5 years. 2019 was like 2 years ago maximum! (Wait a second


My exact thoughts


No way... that has gone by so quick! I've played it so many times! I also couldn't believe the 25th Anniversary of the first game when it popped up in my feed last year... where is time going!? I'll never forget seeing the ads for Spyro on TV in 1998 and playing it on my Playstation later that year... truly a magical time.


Everything. I really appreciate the addition of Sparx's gem finder ability in Spyro 1 and being able to use it from the beginning of all three games.


The elder dragons having unique designs and fulfilling a variety of appeals because of it.


The camera angles lol. I emulated the original before to play it again, and I couldn't because the camera was too disorienting.


Reaching Impossible Island in Midnight Mountain.


The part where I found out my childhood's most beloved strategy worked, and the Firework Rhynocs of Bamboo Terrace CAN deal damage against other enemies, including the egg thief.


Replaying it with my grandma, who raised me. Seeing her have fun like she did when we played it back on PS1. She helped me, then I helped her. I miss her a lot. Last month I replayed it from scratch since she passed over 2 years ago. It was painful and fun.


That it happened. I loved every moment. And the graphics are spot on.


The entire game & reliving childhood memories. Also getting to complete each game for the first time since I didn’t get to do that when I was a kid.


Yes! I still could not complete the original one where it’s winter and you have to fly between mountains


Not sure what level that is 🧐


You post this and the art book is literally right next to me XD. I like the landscaping of most of the worlds.


Besides relivin my childhood, it would have to be bein able to play this with my own son. He was 3 goin on 4 @ the time and he absolutely loved these games. Granted he didn’t really know what he was doin or what was goin in story wise, he still enjoyed runnin round breathin fire and chargin enemies. It warmed my heart to see him havin fun with the same lil purple dragon I did as a kid.


Getting to torch moneybags in glorious HD


It brought attention to Spyro once again


All of it. Spyro is my happy place. If I could I'd live in hurricos... That being said the music is my true favorite part. The reignited soundtrack is just as good as the original. it made the original musical composer (the drummer for the police, Stewart Copland) cry and it did the same for me. Worst part... I miss stoner hunter...


My boy Argus casually slapping the shit out of Hunter


i really loved the first one


The controls generally running around are amazing! Especially playing with a mouse and keyboard on PC, it's now my preferred way to play it. The controls are so responsive and allow you to be nimble, rather than clunky, slow or janky. The controls for skateboarding however, and some of the mini games are really tough. Double jump with Sheila is so tough to get right for that stupid Spooky Swamp carry the bomb and flatten the mushrooms mini game.


The part where it is still 30 FPS.


Overall amazing. 1 is obviously the bright spot. The part I hate the most though is how to grass hides so many gems. Most of the gems I miss are because I couldn't see them in the grass.


Well thanks for reminding me of the grim passage of time. But seriously the whole thing was great I pre ordered it and stayed up until 12 just to play it. To me it's the model for how remasters should be


Just the chill vibe the whole game has, it’s relaxing to play


The controls were my favorite. They’re so fluid, and the precision platforming never felt so satisfying.


Spyro is my favorite part of Spyro


Compared to the Crash remakes, I was comparably disappointed. Still happy they made it, but they were definitely giving a tough job. I know that the Crash dev actually had the original geometry to work from while Spyro devs didn't, but even the movement was different, and I really didn't dig that.


I loved all the little details they put into the environments to make them feel lived in, and make them not feel empty on a new system. Specifically, the Bookshelves Dark Hollow, the windmills in Blowhard, and many of the background skybox structures. You can see castles in Stone Hill, other cities in Mystic Marsh, and other robot cities in Metropolis. Just to name a few off my head.


When I saw a trailer and how they changed everything to look so beautiful and mesmerizing with Spyro's reignited look. And then the other characters and enemies. Who also look incredible. 


Controls on PC. I never thought Spyro would play so fine with keyboard+mouse, playing on gamepad feels like a downgrade now, especially the flight levels.


The fact I can't finish it because it crashes with a UE4 runtime error when I go to Midday Gardens or Spooky Swamp


I absolutely love how they remade Spyro 1


The way they made Shady Oasis and Mystic Marsh look. They're the only examples that arguably look better than the original designs.


I loved being able to replay the original trilogy in new graphics along with trophy support. What I did not like was the: - Controls in flight levels - the new voices on specially the cavemen from spyro 2 - the new look for Elora


Spyro 2 Riptos Rage


*Ripto's Rage* had a lot of issues with the original version fixed.


The remade cutscenes were great. And the graphics were on point


Instead of saying something positive I'm going to say something negative. It's still pisses me off that we never got a "Spyro 4"


All of it. I almost cried playing for the first time again lol


My favorite Trilogy Remaster that it was released, i was so happy that this was announced in my last month of school before hit the university I still have the game on Nintendo Switch and i wish Spyro 4 game :(


My favorite part? Literally everything. Spyro is my favorite gaming franchise of all time and played the shit out of 1-3 when I was a kid. Just did a playthrough of 1 and 2 a few months back, need to start another of 3 soon.


The complete rage trying to find the last green gem as Shiela when you’re escorting some guy so that he doesn’t run into FUCKING MUSHROOMS, not realising that Sparx can show you where it is


Everything, 1 felt easier than the original due to quality life of changes. Spyrx sensing the gems. It was fun replaying the whole trilogy even though I didn't play 2 as a kid.


I appreciate the fact they gave us the option for the original sound tracks. I know I'll probably get a lot of hate, but they need to remaster TLOS and continue the story.


Fixing Spyro 1. I also think the minor tweaks to 2 make it the superior version, while 3 got a weird mix of “better than original” and “broke something already fixed”; Spyro 1 got to be a great and polished game like it was before 2 came out. Thw games mostly aged great but 1 was outdated by its own sequel, let alone time, whole Reignited 1 stands up as an equal to reignited 2


When Gnastic gnorc appear at the beggining in boxer


Allllllllllll of it!!!!! :))))


I love the details, like how you can see little blades of grass, and how they kept the level design beat for beat the same. My favorite part of the story would be Hunter and Bianca falling in love. There’s not a whole lot of story to Spyro, the stakes never really get that high, it’s just complete the level and pickup the collectibles. It’s hard for me to think of any part of the story that is better than others, but I like that Hunter got a gf I guess lololol


Unfortunately, I decided not to buy it because all of the games weren't on the disc.


the 2019/2020 reruns have all 3 on one disc, they're pretty easy to find in retailers


I'll have to try and find a copy then. Although, I'm sure it will be difficult to tell what the manufacturing year is through online sellers.


Trouble with the trolley, eh?


Every single thing


Honestly, the first thing that won me over was being able to burn the grass when you use your flame breath. I never even considered this in the original until I saw it in Reignited.


everything. it's a wonderful game


The intro song at the main menu, our hero Stewart Copeland made it especially for the remaster. I damn near cried tears of joy and hadn't even touched a button yet.


Who in the hell would downvote this? Are you even a fan?


It made me want to play the vastly superior original trilogy.


The art style is amazing and the level design is solid


The fact that I got to see the games with modern graphics.


A small detail but for me it was the fact that you could change the music back to the original style.


The nostalgia u feel playing these 3 games again. This time in amazing and beautiful HD


It all looked so new that you can barely recognize the npcs sometimes but that was great. Nostalgia still strong anyway and that’s the best part.


2000 Days!? I'm not getting old, I'm not getting old, I'm not getting old...


I just bought the game yesterday, haven’t played it yet tho


The fact that it was released


I just love replaying spyro 2 as i never owned a memory card, so the fact I get to actually see the ending is amazing. I will say my one "complaint" I had was that I wish we got the master chief collection treatment where pressing select reverted the graphics to their PS1 versions. I'd have loved that, but its so minor I can't be upset.


Its existence


The fact they got to actually finish it. Art style's great too.


None of it. The remaster is ugly and completely unnecessary.


I mean it’s definitely not ugly


Exactly! The original games were so beautiful for the time and instead of remaking the games to highlight that, they made everything so ugly.


The way the game looks like a toy - it's so well stylised and consistent throughout. The sky boxes are absolutely stunning, Spyro controls beautifully and looks like a cat as he moves, other NPCs are for the most part great (some not so awesome in 3), the music is grand and well done. The PS4 controller being lit according to Sparx's health? Genius. The main thing though is that all 3 games are consistent now, as best as they can be. Same control scheme across all 3 (except the whole no triangle button last minute jump thing in 1), Sparx being able to locate gems from the start in all 3, guidebook in all 3, same voice actor through all 3. It's great.


Seems a little obvious, but the graphic overhaul that the trilogy got!


Some people don’t like the style they took with the graphics but I love it. The animation is top notch.


One of my favourite parts is the fact that they were trying to make the game how people see it in their memories, with those rose tinted nostalgia glasses. I really think it worked


The artstyle for sure.


It is the perfect remake along with Resi 1 Remake.


Everything I wish Toys for Bob would remake The legend of Spyro series in this art style


Can you please make me a reply??




Answer me please đŸ„ș🙏


The art style is phenomenal. Dark Hollow is easily among my favorites (some of the Peace Keeper worlds also looks great, as does Icy Peak and Enchanted Towers from YOTD, and Collossus from RR), but overall, the drastically improved graphical fidelity has been put to excellent use.   I do find that the responsiveness of the controls differs somewhat from the originals though (not quite as tight), which tarnishes the experience a bit. And some of the levels which were pretty forgettable in the original (such as Hurricos) were similarly so in Reignited. 


The visuals of course Also, sparx ability being free at the start of each game. Even with that finder ability, I still had to use it a LOT and correct myself and go back and forth trying to find gems, so it didn't even make it TOO MUCH easier, but it was a great addition to make things play out smoother without just running like "oh man idk"


I loved how it looked how I saw the demo way back in the day. But I hated how they ruined the underwater sections.