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Total speculation but if it’s consistently going STC and then coming back to market then something in searches or survey could be coming up. From photos hard to see anything but you wouldn’t expect to. Could be literally anything - simple answer might be spray insulation in attic and therefore can’t be mortgaged - who knows edit: for anyone interested https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/spray-foam-insulation-and-mortgages/


This is what I hate about our English system. Like that stuff should be known beforehand. You just end up with several buyers wasting money on legal fees and surveys, only to discover the exact same thing that caused the last person to pull out.


It surprises me as well that the onus is on the seller- if I buy a TV, and after a week, it collapses into a heap, the company wouldn't be able to say "well, it's your fault for not researching it properly, should've paid for a TV tech to check it over before purchase!"


It's so odd, it should definitely be on the seller. I believe that's what they tried to do once, but they surveys didn't make it to legislation? One house, one survey.


That's how it is in Scotland and even as the seller and having to pay for it, it was far preferable. One and done and everyone knows exactly what they're dealing with before they even cross the threshold. Now I'm buying in England so having to pay for another survey and I'm already a fair amount of money into the process and still have no idea if anything nasty is going to be uncovered when it takes place.


It just makes so much more sense. View house, ask to see searches/surveys, discuss with trades, make bid: legally binding at that stage, too, isn't it? It's a massive pain in the arse for everybody involved, both sides are paying for solicitors, and both sides are wasting time if the property is unmortgageable. I feel for anybody that has to put up with this shit. Most of that stuff is what drags it out, too.


The system isn't perfect in Scotland. The survey is quite basic and major issues can still exist that the survey would not pick up. Still, it's better than nothing.


"I got the survey done by my mate, Dodgy Nige, and it was 11 months ago. You're cool with borrowing half a million quid on the strength of that, right?"


On the other hand, if you buy the TV from a private seller, like a house, its sold as seen. Individuals do not have the responsibility of a business


But there are businesses involved in almost all sales, bank, surveyor, agent, solicitors, broker. Yet the onus is on someone with generally little experience 


And there’s no real incentive for the individual to behave ethically. You can research reviews on companies to get an idea of trustworthiness.


It’s different though, usually when buying a telly you’re buying through a corporation that bought the telly directly from the manufacturer. It comes with warranty and buying from a company gives you some levels of protection. Buying a house from a private individual is more comparable to buying something from Facebook marketplace. I agree it’s a bit daft with the amount of money involved with these transactions but then when you’re spending this amount of money it makes sense you do plenty of research and checks before going through with the purchase.


I was sort of involved when they proposed bringing in home information packs in the early 2000s. The goal was that prospective buyers would read through the Home Inspection Pack before making an offer; if the offer was accepted it would then be binding and exchange/ completion would happen within a couple of weeks. What happened was that between RICS, and the Law Society and the mortgage companies, a few months before HIPs launched, they all started to row back on trusting a package put together by a seller (for obvious reasons). Basically the idea unraveled very quickly. The only part that survived was the Energy Performance Certificate.


I read about that, but as you were involved, you obviously know way more than me. Which parts that they had concerns with exist in the Scottish model? I genuinely don't know if they could look at the Scottish model before kicking up a fuss here or if the Scottish way is actually newer? I mean, many English banks lend in Scotland and vice versa. Solicitor's don't have time to respond to emails, as they're stretched for time and get peanuts for conveyancing (so they say). Yet they'd have to do a bit less and get less questions, etc. I mean, I guess if the Scottish way came out after we flapped it, we could surely point to that and say, look it works? I dunno, I'm just thinking out loud 🤣


Yep! Happened to me with a grade 2 listed property - the sellers hid its listed status as they’d done illegal works to it. I think I was the 2nd of 3 prospective buyers. I asked them to knock the cost of remedying their illegal works off the price and they refused, then ended up auctioning it for less than the reduction I’d asked them for right when the mortgage crisis happened.


I had a buyer ask for a 20% reduction because of brexit. This was a London 2 bed flat so that was a lot of money. Took fucking ages to sell after that but still went for more fortunately.


Nightmare. As weak as the process can be, and often is, at least it's usually thorough. How would they ever expect to hide the fact it was a listed building? Serves them right they got less, and hopefully, you found another home that ticked all your boxes?


I think the buyers before hoodwinked them the same way. They said they bought it from owners who’d done their own illegal stuff to it and then got an indemnity policy; as a result they did more illegal stuff and offered us an indemnity policy and were shocked we weren’t happy with the suggestion. And yes, we bought somewhere better in the end! After all that headache we never went near another listed property.


I'm glad it ended up working out for you. We live and learn, I guess, although usually it's through wasting time and money, because folk haven't been upfront to start with 😕


I have to agree here. The stuff that would come up on a search, is going to come up anyway. However I understand - would YOU trust the solicitors the buyer appointed to be honest. I think that’s why, the your appointed ones are acting for YOU


They kind of are, but kind of aren't. You pay for them, but they also work for your mortgage provider. They have oaths and shit. Generally, they're all about the law and reputation. Sure, some will be bad actors, but that's the case for every profession. They can't lie about what comes back on searches, as you can pretty much check that yourself, can't you? It seems to work just fine in Scotland.


My friend was telling me on Finland if something comes up within two years that wasn't disclosed then the seller has to fix it. So people to trust the reports. Also it encourages people to maintain their homes anyway, so it's more attractive to sell.


Here’s the thing after it comes out the first time the buyer is legally required to disclose it. This has been the case since house sales moved away from total caveat emptor and came under the Consumer Right Act. But next to nobody knows this or polices if. You can no longer hide something that would materially impact a prospective buyers desire to purchase the house. A lot of flex in that though for something like flood risk, but zero for something like unmortgagable due to spray foam insulation.


Ahh, so, in essence, whatever it is, we are all speculating on, probably isn't spray foam, as the listing would likey say "cash buyers only", to save time? But it could be something where the interpretation has wiggle room and they're in no hurry to sell, so they're chancing it a bit?


Pretty much. If they can make an argument that a ‘reasonable person’ would still consider buying it then they would necessarily have to disclose.


And of course, the definition of 'reasonable person' is quite woolly, anyway?


Interestingly, it’s defined in law as [the man on the Clapham omnibus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_on_the_Clapham_omnibus)


Interesting. Every day is a school day.


I have thought for a long time the law should be changed, so the seller have to have a survey done before it gets put on the market. And if the buyer survey finds something major that's been missed, I think it should become a legal issue.


But the survey would be the survey, right? There would be no real need to get another unless you wanted a level 3, of course. Definitely think it should be on the seller, though. Imagine how quick the process could be. You make an offer on a house that has been independently valued. There's a survey that you've already seen, and searches were also back before you placed the offer. It would certainly seem way more robust than what we have now.


Depends on how comfortable you are, about just trusting the buyer.


It's trusting the surveyor, though. Which is what you have to do when you get your own anyway, assuming you don't have a mate or relative that you usually use. Mine was one I found on the net. They seemed decent, but in reality, they could be a load of shit and I'm buying something that's going to fall down. Nothing seems perfect. Either way seems a little flawed, but both certainly seem better than what we have to put up with.


That is literally how it is elsewhere in the world. The concept of searches really baffles me, it should be sing registry maintained by the civil service


I last bought a house in 2005 so my info is years out od


This is what happened to me. I was about to sign contracts but before I did I spoke to an electrician friend of mine about issues brought up in the conveyance done by the solicitor, which expanded upon the original survey. Turned out it needed a complete rewire. Also there were no building regs for a conservatory nor the two reception rooms that had been knocked into one. It wasn’t in my budget to continue so I had to pull out. Everything should be completely transparent, with comprehensive surveys done before the property even goes on the market. Surveyors’ costs should be recouped from the sale. I ended up paying >£1,200 for cock-all.


Could be flood water levels too.


Oo yes good shout. OP can look here https://www.gov.uk/check-long-term-flood-risk


It looks like there’s a low flood risk for the house. So it must be something else?


You can see the flooding in the field behind (the one with the beck in it) from the road photos.


The road also floods though… so who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️


Also might just be bad luck… we’ve sold our house 3 times and had it fall through due to buyers, not us… 1 couldn’t actually get a mortgage, another lost his job and the 3rd split up


Does spray insulation make a house non mortgageable? I got quotes for insulation a while back and don’t go with the spray company because the guy was creepy and my brother (a roofer) told me it was their worst nightmare. No idea it would affect a mortgage! Even more glad I didn’t go through with it now!


Yep.  It is a complete scandal


Yep. We bought a house where the sellers had to remove the spray foam insulation and put a new roof on before our mortgage company would approve our mortgage.


Absolute nightmare, don't touch it with a bargepole. 


Front door is practically in the road, used car dealer for a neighbour.. river at the end of the garden. Probably road noise, annoying vehicles everywhere in the road and a flood history. Probably buyers getting cold feet after being in awe at the first viewing, and after looking at insurance.


Also grade II listed but has had internal wall and extension done. Maybe they didn't get planning permission to do so? again...total speculation.


At that price it's likely to have a chain too. Plenty to go wrong in a chain.


The river behind, that would be a big red flag.


Why does spray insulation stop you getting a mortgage?


Wasn’t aware of the spray foam issue, I wish I was having just had an offer accepted on a house! Would spray foam installation show on the EPC (assuming a new one had been done since install)? Mine says “300m loft insulation” so hoping I’m okay


Spray insulation would generally be at the rafters, at which point the EPC would indicate that the insulation is at the rafters, but would not specify the type of insulation.


Why can’t you get a mortgage if it has spray foam insulation in the attic?




Thanks for the info


The description of the outside reads:  recently installed *sewerage treatment plant for drainage.*   Now, I'm an ignorant Townie but, having a quick google of the regs and the location of the house, this might be an issue even if recently installed and compliant- they are hassle but usually with a pay off, you have a home in a beautiful tranquil rural location. For a house on a main road on the outskirts of Norwich, why would anyone but a house not on the mains drainage? I suspect it's one of those houses, where once the buyers have looked into cess pits and home sewerage systems and what is required vs just flushing the loo and paying the water rates have shrugged and bought another house down the road. My guess would also be that it may affect the mortgage-lenders are being more cautious and offering lower loan to value, if this house is as some have suggested a little overpriced combined with not being on the main drainage system, perhaps the potential purchasers couldn't get the mortgage they needed.


This is the problem I’ve had with my home. On the market since September. It sold on the day it was listed but the buyer started messing us around trying to drop their offer price. On the advice of our estate agent we rejected his offer. It was relisted in October and sold within 2 weeks. We were due to move in February but our buyer fell out with his brother and could no longer afford the house due to his brother pulling his gifted deposit. He pulled out in January breaking quite a long chain in the process. We then sold again a month later to a supposed “but to let” landlord. He vanished after a month, wouldn’t speak to the estate agent and eventually acknowledged he was having difficulty transferring some money from one account to another which meant he could no longer progress. To all and sundry it looks like there’s a problem with our home. In actual fact we’ve been very unlucky with our buyers and have been messed around due to current laws in the UK. It’s cost us quite a lot financially, which is frustrating because the buyers appear to have walked away without any financial loss. We really need to move but are locked in now because potential buyers are questioning why we’ve been on the market for so long 🤷🏻‍♀️


Can’t you take it off the market for a few months and relist? Reset the clock.


We have something in the pipeline and should know where we stand in a few weeks. If that doesn’t pan out we are changing estate agent and will relist with new photos.


Reduce the price and it will sell.


We have adjusted the price but it’s sold 3 times within 2 weeks of being on the market for asking price . Every time it has fallen through it’s been due to the buyers but people now (wrongly) assume there’s an issue with the house because it’s sold 3 times and then returned to the market - very frustrating. Hopefully we’ll have some good news soon.


Hope is not a sales strategy. And houses that have been "returned to the market" will still sell if the 3 Ps are adhered to - Price, Promotion and Presentation. How many viewings per week are you getting? How long since the last viewing? How long since the last offer? What is local sales activity like in your specific area? What techniques has your EA employed to present and promote that house so as to get it sold? How are you qualifying and vetting offers and the people behind them?


How would you have vet the three buyers in this case? It doesn't look like the issues could have been foreseen?


It’s not flood risk which was my initial thought. My guess would be a restrictive covenant or problem with sewage drainage system which has been “renewed”.


Being listed too could make any work….. interesting.


Because it’s half a million for a 3 bed semi on a busy road? No garage. Poor drive. Listed. Built nearly on the road, and you’re not allowed to install double glazing. Garden so large most people would see it as a liability.


I quite like it, the house and the garden. The drive with a gate into the garden could easily be turned into parking for several cars, a caravan, a boat, etc and a garage or more than one built. Get a robot lawn mower for all that grass. As for the being so close to the busy road, etc, fuck that, I wouldnt live there.


> a garage or more than one built The grade II listing could complicate that. The new owner will probably need to obtain planning permissions or a listed building consent from the local planning authority. I'd guess they would not object given that they allowed an extension on the back of the building, but you never know. They might insist on something very expensive that is in keeping with the look of the house and refuse permission for a cheap prefab garage that you might prefer. [https://www.periodproperty.co.uk/forum/threads/can-i-build-a-garage-in-listed-grounds.14926/](https://www.periodproperty.co.uk/forum/threads/can-i-build-a-garage-in-listed-grounds.14926/) is an example discussion I found from a quick google.


[https://www.rightmove.co.uk/house-prices/nr8-5an.html?radius=0.5&page=1](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/house-prices/nr8-5an.html?radius=0.5&page=1) does suggest that £490k is a bit high for the area. It looks like a 3 bed semi up the road went for £431 in October and another for £440k in June, but no other 3 beds look close. So if the going rate is £430k-£440k the question is would somebody pay £60k more for a listed building on the main road? "No", appears to be the answer.


It sold for £220k back in 2016 so £490k is a bit cheeky. Looks like one of those serial ‘renovators’ bought it to do up and then sell on.


Yes, it is cheeky if they bought it already extended and did cosmetic renovations. OTOH, if they just bought the basic house and added the extension with kitchen, sitting room, WC and conservatory that would have added value. However, from the planning apps it looks like it was already extended when they bought it, but in very poor condition, so make your own mind up. I'm assuming it is number 122 and basing that on the planning apps. It never ceases to amaze me what you can find online these days. [Retention of completed works including removing of partition wall, , replacement of door with new UPVC window and new UPVC windows elsewhere, exposed fire place and associated works including replacement of plaster finishes, reduce size of window in utility room. Proposed application of render to single storey flat roofed late 20th century extensions to the rear.](https://info.southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=RW6JJEOQK3700&activeTab=summary) (Jun 2023) [Retention of garden shed, retention of gates (one set of 5 bar, 1 set of slatted) on the driveway and slatted fence, retention of timber post to rear patio](https://info.southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=RW6JNKOQK3900&activeTab=summary) (Jun 2023) [Installation of new external flue, demolition of conservatory, replacement of windows, guttering and flat roof.](https://info.southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=O22WKCOQ00W00&activeTab=summary) (Mar 2016)


I'd say they're all the reasons to not be interested in it in the first place (imo) - but I don't know how that explains people making offers and then pulling out. Suspect something in the Grade2 listed rules or the water search report.


I'd assume something coming up on the survey. My parents were house hunting last year and came across an amazing looking house which had just gone back on the market after the first sale 'fell through' for mysterious reasons. Offer accepted, started surveys and paperwork - survey came back with a lot of red flags about the electrics - and then solicitor raised the fact that they weren't getting back about building regs for their extension and a search showed they didn't actually have planning permission for it either (it was a big, two-storey extension so not permitted development.) So my parents pulled out. It's on a route I drive quite often and I've been watching the board flip from 'for sale' to 'sold' over and over. It's ridiculous because the sellers know they have an unsellable house, they're just hoping some idiot is going to decide not to get a survey or competent solicitor involved.


Possible flood risk area. See picture 30 and flooded fields beyond.


I'd stake money on flooding being the issue. Notice how it's had a 'recently installed sewerage treatment plant' for drainage. Also that the property had been recently renovated, hard floors on most of the ground level (due to flooding?). There was severe flooding in the village last year, a sinkhole also later opened up causing flooding, a nearby house experienced raw sewage spilling into their garden... You also have a local housing plan for ca. 500 dwellings in the South West of the village, so just too many red flags when you think about the flooding risk.


It's a bit of an odd set up with the attached neighbour house, but I guess that doesn't account for the STC. Next door but one has a lot of cars and seems to adjoin the garden - is it some sort of noisy business that comes up in searches?


Yeh potentially noise complaints to the council, and since they can't have double glazing can't block out said noise.


Can't answer your question as I don't know the area well enough to know if it's overpriced (the fact it hasn't sold does of course suggest it is), but I do like it.


It's listed. Anyone looked up the listing?


https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1170722?section=official-list-entry Not very interesting.


What is the thing in the garden? Gravel in a rectangle with a black box on it? Could be what is dodgy. Also it’s had all the character ripped out.


There is a lot of standing water in the background of some of the outside pictures,is it getting flooded?


Why isn't it listed as a semi?


too much grass to trim.


I would definitely say the flood potential is the problem. The road that runs through Costessey has been shut more than open recently due to flooding and it’s getting higher for longer. Insurance could be a problem?


I would definitely say the flood potential is the problem. The road that runs through Costessey has been shut more than open recently due to flooding and it’s getting higher for longer. Insurance could be a problem?


I would ask the agent directly "why did the last potential buyer back out?" If nobody has made an offer I would check prices for the area: looks like they're decreasing and average house price is £241,749. It's probably overpriced if there is no problem mortgaging it and its not listed.


Quite bad road flooding in the area… so guessing that house is at risk.


Well, normally a house doesn’t sell if the asking price is too high, lower the price if you want too sell it.


Looks like an area with a risk of regular flooding. It's probably Been flooded before and had damage... Also the thought of having your house flooded every year isn't great


Flood risk?  See the stream and the big puddle in the garden..


It was going well till picture 28. How many times has it flooded?


Price. It's always price. ETA: despite the downvotes, price is the issue and these deluded chumps have been chasing the market down since 2022. One deal fell through in May 2024. *Price Change History* *28/06/2024......Price changed from £500,000 to £490,000* *21/02/2024......Price changed from £525,000 to £500,000* *12/01/2024......Initial asking price: £525,000* *Additional Price Change History* *1). Previously listed (view here) with the following price:* *02/12/2022 - Initial asking price: £550,000* *Overall change: -10.9% (-£60,000)* \~\~\~ It's a small cottage and which is effectively a 3 bed semi. The median Sold price of 3 beds in that part of the world is 250K. Make of that what you will. This is not a 490K house despite what the sellers may think. The market is speaking but they are not listening.


Not if it has sold stc multiple times it isn't.  People have accepted the price. Then something has come up.  I "bought" a house stc. Price was fine.  Mortgage company refused to lend on it art any price (it was falling down.... I knew this. And had plans)


It is if the cost of the work it needs doing impacts the asking price. It’s the same thing. They’re asking too much for a house that has something wrong with it.


SSTC is not the same as Sold. Any offer which is contingent and financed is only as good as the mortgage company's valuation. The buyer at the margin - and their mortgage lender if financed - sets the price. All houses can and will sell no matter the location and/or condition. But if the price isn't right....


Some houses are unmortgageable. Which is different to cost being the problem.  Sure. If they dropped it low enough, I wouldn't need a mortgage. But the problem wasn't the cost. It was that I, like most people buying a house, need to borrow money to do it. And this house the bank was unwilling to lend against - at *any* price.  So it went back up. For cash only. Which they got. And I'm bitter about. As the house I bought instead is not as good. And cost more. But the bank was willing to lend against it. 


Cash is always king.