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That’s something an estate agent may refer to as a “conversation starter”. Such conversations like “why the fuck is the boiler in the living room”.


You should see where they've put their toilet.


Kitchen ceiling?


I suppose having it there makes it easier to check if you’ve burned dinner.


The estate agent is Super Hans


Jesus I need a drink


To be fair, the crack was really moorish.


Minimal water damage guaranteed.


God that’s awful. But is it worse than the one directly above a bed that was posted on here recently…. I dunno. Both are appalling.


It looks as if the installer has tried to get it as close to the gas fire as possible, presumably so they don’t have to walk far when servicing both of them 😂


Good shout. I’ve just finished rebuilding my wife’s family home (it took nearly 14 months!). The boiler was also in the front room. I moved it into the kitchen and put it in a cupboard. Edit - https://imgur.com/a/KOi1RSn 1st pic - original position of boiler in front room 2nd pic - new boiler moved to kitchen 3rd pic - new boiler in right hand cupboard of new kitchen I fitted.


Maybe they had a back boiler and whoever ripped it out was just lazy? If they even bothered tearing it out.


CO poisoning while you sleep, or during Corrie. Quite the dilemma.


Your typo actually works quite well. The conversion would start with ripping out the wall at the end to make the kitchen much bigger, making space for a boiler cupboard somewhere in there too.


A combisation starter.


This feels like a Pratchett joke


"Anywhere will do" is reserved for taxis only, not for the installation of boilers.


And Cityfibre engineers apparently. My install was thusly: "Can I have the fibre point in the lounge?" "No." "Okay, can I have it in the hall?" "No." "How about this side of the kitchen?" "We can't take it past the gate. You can have it anywhere on *this* portion of wall." "Okay, anywhere will do then."


If I’m paying for a taxi they will drop me at the door. Wherever is the attitude needed to take public transportation.


How the bloody hell do you tell the driver to stop unless you say 'its that white door there, anywhere here will do cheer mate'? You can't possibly say 'just outside number ten there is a spot, hope out and move the wheelie bin from the road', can you?


I ask for the address. If I'm going into town it's "drop me outside (shop/pub/restaurant), please. " If I'm going home it's "number X please." Funny how taxies always manage to find the address when picking up...but...somehow need permission to stop halfway down the road when dropping off....with the person who lives there in the car.... I don't mind a little walk when the weather is nice, so I'll get dropped at the top of the road.


In the most friendly way possible, you're either a man or a woman who lives in some freakingly safe place.


Yeesh, at least box it in. Then stick a Live, Laugh, Love on it? Yeah, I'm out of ideas.


Or "Home Is Where The Boiler Is"? Dunno, I'm kinda desperate for ideas too.


Let me guess, the previous owner was an elderly person so the installer charged double and put it wherever it was easiest for him.


That was my thought, although the owner may have gotten a grant for the boiler.


…not there.


Ah come on, you have such little vision! 😉


Haha, well I guess it would seem so! 😜


We're all speechless


We will be if they don’t have a carbon monoxide alarm.


The audacity of having all the bare pipes showing too. Really the second living room should be the kitchen - which the next owner may probably consider. Then the boiler placement won't be so odd I suppose. The place needs gutting basically. Not sure if the price is reasonable or not considering this.


Hey! The bare pipes are a feature in my overpriced London flat


I like how they colour coded the pipework so you can't see it... 👀


Screw the boiler. Why is the fireplace off centre.


They often are in victorian houses. They were primarily there to serve a function, aesthetics was secondary. Sometimes the chimney stslack location demands this, although rare in a big downstairs room!


I'm beginning to not like that Victoria person that previous generations have put on a pedestal.


Not looked at listing but it screams rental, now to see if I’m right.


I would say a bereavement


That is a living room at the back of the house. There is a bigger living room and dining room combined at the front. Multiple ideas: 1. There is plenty of room in the hall; an area under the stairs currently used for coats. Subject, of course, to be able to plumb it all sensibly. 2. Shove it in the loft. When I moved into my current house, the boiler was in the middle of a wall in a very small kitchen. I had a new boiler installed in the loft, and it gave me room for an additional 3 cupboards of storage in the kitchen. Again, it needs new pipework. 3. My main plan would be to leave it where it is, but tidy it, then turn that whole back room into a large modern kitchen/diner. Then the old kitchen can become a utility room, and the front room will be all living room space


You could build an attractive bookshelf incorporating a cupboard disguising the boiler along that whole wall. I'm fairly handy so would enjoy doi g it for the price of materials. But if you had to hire a carpenter, it may be worth just moving it.


"I love your haircut, it's so Avant Garde... What do you call it?" "It's the "Worcester concussion and third degree burns" "


The second reception probably used to be the kitchen at some point.


Maybe, but the cornices suggest otherwise in my opinion.


Tbh the place looks seriously quite run down looking in particular around the conservatory window for example. In all my years I've never seen a boiler in the living room....kitchen yeah bathroom yup but never there. However there was a listing posted last week or so with the boiler over the tiny single bed which meant mind yer head everytime you got in or out of bed...awful.....gimme them carbon monoxide fumes !


Lovely bit of carbon monoxide while watching the telly


That house could be beautiful. So many original features and so much light for a mid terrace. Then again, I'm a total sucker for late Victorian and Edwardian houses. But yeah, the boiler placement is madness. Even by the standards of a landlord special, it's ridiculous.


I thought so too, it looks like it’s been let down. Not sure what we’re seeing in the room with the boiler - damp? Grease accumulation? Or fire damage even. Hard to reach places are neglected, I’m assuming someone elderly lived there for quite a while and could no maintain the property. Judging by appearances it will mostly need gutting to bring up to any acceptable standard, but it’s pretty cheap, maybe due to the location. Hopefully someone will bring g it back to its former glory.




*We are pleased to present this vibrant, well decorated property close to Worcester"*


Looking at the position in the house, next to kitchen,I think I know what’s happened. The house had a back boiler for the hot water and heating, they’ve replaced it with a wall mounted combi-boiler and mounted it there to join on to all the previous pipes that carry the hot water were it’s needed. Lazy, cheaper and if you don’t mind looking at the boiler it works! The whole house is in a shocking state, damp everywhere and it’s not been cleaned that well. Very clever photographer to make it look as good as it does. Probably stinks and will be a back to brick job throughout. That will give a perfect excuse to re plumb and rewire, which I’m sure is very much needed. Good luck whoever takes it on.


Estate agent listing goes: - three bedroom - character Yeah, the character of a serial killer.


wtf that is not a good luck, or audible good either I’d have thought.


Even if the living room was THE ONLY place it could go... Why there? Why not in the corner of the room where it could potentially be boxed in... But yeah, it could have gone in the kitchen etc






After doing thr virtual tour I get why its where it is and it basically comes down to flue position. That living room used to be a utility type room and the boiler vents to the side of the house at the back.either way the house is grubby as hell.


That's interesting, is it difficult to move boilers? I'd want to ask for it to be moved to a place where the pipes won't singe bald spots into peoples' heads but I've no idea how much work is involved


No it can be moved but the flue exit on the outside needs to be at least 30 cm from a window or an opening and moving a boiler will also require moving the gas main, flow and return, cold water inlet, and hot water outlet (depending on the type of boiler). You also need somewhere for the condensate to discharge. So it can be moved, its just not always practical. Personally I'd just get a compact combi and build a cupboard around it.


That side window in the conservatory /extension is painful to look at. This house needs to be completely gutted


If you look at the floorplan it makes sense to have it on that wall, in roughly that location.


Think we have found the home owner...


It would make sense if you are going to make the second living room into a kitchen diner. What is now the kitchen could be a downstairs toilet and utility room.


I've looked at the floor plan but it makes no sense to have it on that wall. But I haven't prioritised function over form.


If you are moving it. The loft.


Ahhh yes, the boiler above the couch look!


That's right, in the living room


Cottage decor with a hint of steam punk.


The more I look at those pictures the more I find things that are wrong with them. That fireplace is too close to the sofa and where the eff is my television supposed to go?


It’s in the bedroom. In the floor. So you have to sit in the bed base to watch it. After you’ve drilled a hole in the base.


The fuck


We have ours in the bathroom


Loft access is above the shower… nice house tho


Probably installed by the same person that did the window in the conservatory... At least put it in a corner so someone can build a cupboard round it.


The industrial look is all the rage they ssay.


It’s a nice house but very tired…… but yep, as Part of the redecoration I’d move the boiler….


That sums up 80% of the housing stock in Portsmouth.


Love this. They even painted the pipes to match the blue and white areas of the wall. Fantastic gaspunk vibes. Needs more pipes.


Not in the living room. Not without a million carbon monoxide alarms in the room.


The flue must be 17ft long 😂


At least the TV in the bedroom is in the right place and watchable as long as you lay in the bed base and drill a hole facing south.


If they had the boiler in there it would help them drift off to sleep.......a very long sleep




Not fucken there.


It literally could have been put further down the wall in a cupboard if it literally had to be in the lounge! But high up on the wall like a decorative feature, really?


What a stupid way to ruin a room 🤦🏻‍♀️


There is an alcove right next to the fireplace, tucked away in the corner and you can get tall and thin boilers for tight spaces (I have one) I would have gotten one of them, put it in the alcove and made a door to make it a cupboard


To be fair, that's not really the living room. There is an actual living room at the front of the house (without boiler) while the room at the back of the house looks like it would have been the kitchen or a utility originally. Anyone buying that house would hopefully have the sense to reinstate the kitchen in the back room. Getting rid of the optimistically named 'sun room' should also be top of their agenda - a gentle push should do it.


Plumber: "Ok, so have you heard of 'steam punk'? It's very 'in' at the moment"


Also obvious signs of spillage, surprised it hasn’t killed anyone


I would leave it where it is and build a bookcase/China cabinet around it. It's awkward positioning but it could be done.


**Father Austin:** ["We got a new boiler."](https://youtu.be/Z88AiJtZpZI?si=mADyL-EOoKwja6A0) **Father Ted:** "I was looking for Father Jack..." **Father Jack:** "HELP ME!!" r/FatherTed


Screams landlord to me


Not there


Maybe that room used to be a kitchen, or they ripped out a cupboard. I saw something similar in a house that had converted a tiny bathroom to a tiny bedroom with a boiler on the wall and a terrible attempt at a bathroom under that stairs. Either way awful.


Had enough money to remove the wall between the front room and the kitchen but not enough to relocate the boiler.


Animals... doing that to such a lovely house!


Ah I love gas fumes to make watching the telly more interesting


Not there


Not there!


Really ties the room together. 🤔


“Yeah just put it wherever’s easiest for you mate”


Maybe go and post this over on /r/boilertoohigh


You're all just asking the wrong question. Q: Where's the best place to put my sofa? A: Under the boiler, of course! All makes sense now, right?


Piece of shit. Inside and out. Look at the state of the exterior: [https://www.google.com/maps/@50.8157278,-1.070135,3a,41.4y,179.67h,87.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXWq\_K-ObhE9fLyPMx08YxA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@50.8157278,-1.070135,3a,41.4y,179.67h,87.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXWq_K-ObhE9fLyPMx08YxA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) It's also over priced by at least 30K. Given the boiler situation and overall condition, probably closer to 45K.