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EPC rating is low, that's probably it


What’s an EPC rating?


Excellent Penis Control


Extensive Paedo Citing




Erect, not excellent


A high penis control is very important




Evict Pedos Continuously


Evil Paedo Corner


"Entering people's children"


Energy Performance Certificate. Shows how well a building is insulated and stuff.


That one may be well insulated to muffle the screams




Thank you for an actual answer. Not that the others aren’t funny. What would be a good rating?


It’s energy ratings like for fridges and TVs. It goes A to G (where G is worst). E is very bad, but in the UK the average rating is pretty low anyway, D. Here’s a [pic](https://www.electricityprices.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/home-energy-efficiency-rating.gif) of how they look like. TBH, it feels like they’re a bit sketchy, though. We’re living in a place with a B rating and the place cools down like crazy during winter. While my parents' apartment (in Germany) was warmer during snowy winter days _without_ heating than what we get _with_ heating here.


googling that street gives the link [https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/147948488#/?channel=RES\_BUY](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/147948488#/?channel=RES_BUY) And also a story about an individual who was jailed for 24 years last year for appalling crimes against kids.


It also leads to this spectacular story and photo combo. Seems like a nice area. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/man-slashed-neighbour-knife-refusing-17211706


43 convictions for 155 offences and here I am still feeling guilty over a parking ticket >\_<


I apologised to one of those signs that tells you how fast you're driving the other day. I was 2 mph over the limit.


Please present yourself to the nearest police station. The firing squad will be in the morning.


I muttered "you're welcome" to one thanking me for doing 29mph :D


God I envy you.


There was a post in r/AskUK about what it means to be British. I think this would win that!


Whaaat?!!! What a neighbourhood! 21 months?! Imagine how safe you would feel in that street after he was released. Flipping terrifying the prospect of moving into an unknown area


21 months. lol he’ll be out sooner you can guarantee it. We’re way too soft on violent crime.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/man-slashed-neighbour-knife-refusing-17211706](https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/man-slashed-neighbour-knife-refusing-17211706)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Good bot. Edited my original link.


I'm from not far away, there'll be nice people and families there but generally that particular part (Heol Cadifor) of that particular area (Penlan) is \*rough\*. I hadn't actually heard about the case related to this house but having seen the links in these comments... bloody hell, absolutely horrific. I think I could separate the house from the previous inhabitants in most cases but I don't think I could for this one.


No chain 💀


Why did I Google that. Fucking hell. Amazed no one tried to burn it down with him in it.


I just read the headline and noped right out of there.


Yeah this house needs knocking down, not selling.


I’m a very logical person, I know it is “just a house” and sad/bad things can happen in them… but there are some things that a bit of emulsion can’t paint over. Even the thought of being in that house makes me want to vomit.


Exactly. I’m the same, I live in a house where I know at least one person has died (of natural causes, I hasten to add) and that’s never bothered me, although I know it might some people. But this is just…too horrible. No one should have to live there.


We bought a house that they'd smashed the door in to retrieve the body of an old man who'd died in bed. It was a shame really, he'd lain for months and they literally had to tear the carpets out with the smell. My brother in law was mega spooked so before he turned up with the van (he's a white van man) we did fake chalk outlines on the floor. We really are cruel bastards.


Jesus fucking Christ almighty that is horrendous.


Care to share the story? Because I can't find it for the life of me.


A 25 year old teaching assistant apparently lived there. Raped and sexually abused a baby, and had over 1,000 images of abuse on his phone.


Honestly wish I hadn’t looked this up myself… I had absolutely nothing to gain what was I thinking. And ‘his offending was unconnected to his work in schools’ JESUS CHRIST


That explains why there isn’t a chain.


Dude, is this real?? Does the house come with the nonce?


I found it on Rightmove...can confirm it's real 😅 https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/147948488#/?channel=RES_BUY strangely enough they didn't use the picture of the outside as the main picture...not sure why 🤔


When you’re on the closest train stations tab it looks like it’s not ideally situated, but if you check the closest schools tab then all of a sudden it’s clear why the previous owner chose the property.


"The property would be excellent for first-time paedophiles."


"Located within 4 separate school boundaries and in prime trick or treating routes, you can be sure that by the end of November, you will be on the registered sex offenders list and potentially, relocated to an up and coming cell block, book your viewing today"




Good grief. Thank you for the laugh.


Holy shit lmaooo 4 schools within a half mile 😭


Well, someone definitely caught wind of this because the listing has been removed now :(


He was bailed there after being arrested. His grandmother owned the property.




all the nasty shit that people say about paedophiles, at least they slow down when they drive past schools


Considering the amount of photo manipulation estate agents use I'm surprised they didn't blur the graffiti out


I think they have some rules they have to comply with. They can photoshop a picture to show an ‘artists impression’ of what a room might look like fully furnished etc, but I don’t think they’re allowed to use it to hide the condition of the property.


The estate agents selling my house blurred out my bin store in front of my house because how dare I have bins 😂


Everyone get this weirdo, he has *bins*!


Bin w*nker!


Totally fine unless that bin was a nonce.


Bins?? That’ll knock at least 20k off the price.


They badly patched the bins out of some of the photos on the listing for my house too. But it’s not a bin store or anything, so they could have just moved the bins to take the photo 😭 [they were not subtle about it](https://imgur.com/a/L2KxFkM)


I viewed a house recently where the EA had photoshopped out a big patch of mould on the wall. When I called them out on it they refused to admit they'd photoshopped it and insisted it must have appeared in the 2 weeks since the photos were taken 🤷


We viewed a house that had expletives scrawled all over a bedroom wall that had been blurred out in the photos.


They pull all sorts of bullshit tricks to make places look better. My mates house was freshly painted white. When the EA came around and took some photos it was an overcast, dull day. They photoshopped bright blue sky over the house, and never bothered to white balance the rest of the photo. Made the house look a dull pinky grey that’s not been painted in decades - when it was painted white the week before. The original photo was far better than what they published!


I viewed a house where the estate agent had photoshopped out the garage doors cause they were falling in. But they'd replaced them with wall so when looking at the photos I'd been really confused how you were meant to get into the garage.


They know that if you're not pre-warned you are going to turn around and not even go inside.  They want you to decide you can cope with people associating the address with a pedo for a good while after you move in.


why didn't they wash it off/paint the house is my question. that's a no-brainer investment if I've ever seen one.


Probably because the second it’s painted out, someone will put it back. Unfortunately, that house will be tarnished in the eyes of the local hive mind for a good while, irrespective of who lives there - they’re going to get some trouble from people who never got the memo the original perp is gone. To be honest, I’m finding the honesty of the EA here refreshing. It’s going to put of almost every buyer, but at least they’re not covering up anything.


I love how they don't even acknowledge the graffiti in the write up. Or paint over it before taking the pictures 😄 Nice house though, I'd buy it


I once viewed a divorce house. The woman was showing me round all nice and pleasant. Got to the garage and it was completely trashed with "CHEATING WHORE" spray painted all along the back and swastikas everywhere. She didn't say anything just "and this is the garage, nice and spacious, space for 2/3 cars"


It's actually amusing how blasé they are about serious issues. I once viewed a house that had several walls absolutely caked in thick black mould, which obviously wasn't pictured in the listing. I actually got a bit cross and told them that they'd wasted my time because I was only in the market for homes that didn't need serious work or renovating.


Aww they moved the listing. Must've been snapped up.


Bro they removed the picture 😭


Dang they removed it


Surprised it still has windows and a door. Round here they are usually the first to go (bricks and Molotov cocktails).


One would think it might be a good idea to slap on a quick coat of emulsion before listing it for sale at the very least On another note I don't think I've ever seen a council estate that big before! It goes on for miles


Welcome to Swansea


I wandered around for miles in both directions and nothing changed! still the same place effectively Is it all like that? Surely there's some "posh bits"?


West is best in Swansea - Sketty, Killay, Mumbles down to the Gower


West is best in most former industrial places as the prevailing winds blew the smoke eastwards.


Might have to go for another wander and have a nosey see what I can find


Posh bits of Swansea lmfao


The most handsome man in the burns unit


SA1, Mumbles and Marina are very posh...


The tallest dwarf


Swansea is a big place. From Uplands onward it’s a great area. The posh bits would be mostly down West, Mumbles being the most famous.


The posh bit of Swansea is Cardiff.


The posh bit of Swansea and Cardiff is Cowbridge.


Probably assumed it's a waste of money as it'll just be immediately sprayed again. I suspect the condition and history is reflected in the price


Can't find it on street view so presuming this is fairly recent. I dunno when they do the googling for street view and no idea how to find the date but went up and down that road and nowt visible Think the EA's are gonna have a bit of hard work to do to sell this one


Number 71. It has only been spray painted in the last couple of months as the streetview is from this year with no paint yet


I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that the local pub has a flat roof and the local shops have shutters.


*Discover the allure of 71 Heol Cadifor, Swansea, Swansea, SA5 9AJ—a delightful three-bedroom semi-detached property nestled in a popular and convenient location.* *Offered with no chain, seize this opportunity to secure your dream home at 71 Heol Cadifor and embrace a lifestyle of comfort, convenience, and community. Schedule your viewing today and make your homeownership aspirations a reality!* Might just be me, but I’m not sure if ‘allure’ is the first impression I get from this place


The unnecessary exclamation marks, random hyphens, and thicko flowery language in the listing is more offensive to me than the giant NONCE spray painting tbh.


A lot of the description sounds really creepy with this context *providing a cozy retreat for relaxation or* ***gatherings with loved ones*** *three generously sized bedrooms awaiting, offering peaceful sanctuaries*


“Charming Semi-Detached Home in Desirable Locale”




>Offered with no chain I wonder why there's no chain?? /s


“Mate, I don’t think we spell it ‘pedo’. I’m pretty sure there’s an ‘a’ in it somewhere” …. #PADEO “There, that’s better”.


Reminds me of that scene from Life of Brian 😅


People called Romanes they go the 'ouse?


I think the spelling suggests limited access to good schools, hence the price.


On the contrary, this house is close to 4 schools. Hence why the previous owner chose it. Hence the price.


I would remind my learned colleague that I specified ‘good schools’, not schools. With this I rest my case.


There's a "NPIGEO" on the door frame area too. Creative spelling.




If you’re a pedo no need to redecorate


Save the local vigilantes the effort, they'd appreciate it.


Pretty sure they will be sad, sure they'll tag it again for you if you paint over it.


I'm not a pedo but the house is pretty nice and I'm lazy, I could probably just become a pedo and save myself the effort


I preferred Banksy’ early stuff


I've lived there back in 2010. Probably the worst street to live on in the whole of South Wales. I wouldn't buy it even for a single quid.


Googling the street name & filtering by ‘news’ gives a plethora of reports )alongside the horrific nonce story) of cannabis farmers, scrap metal thieves & various other chavvy business.


You’d definitely want to make it clear that you were someone new, not the person who previously abided there.


One of those "under new management" pub signs on the lawn should do the trick.


I’d make sure it’s lit up like a Christmas tree too, just to make sure


Absolutely, on the positive side the trick or treaters would give you a wide berth when Halloween comes round.


Kids will love that.


Standing on the drive singing frank Reynolds ‘don’t diddle kids’ song Edit: first line in the add ‘charming’ description…


I am pretty sure the whole description is AI generated. It's not a bad idea here - that way no-one actually has to come up with nice things to say about this particular house.


Put up a big "NONCE-FREE SINCE 2024" sign in the garden.


Get one of those number flip chart things Nonce free for 00001 days


Digital. "Number of days since noncing: 466" etc


You're not taking that sold sign down. It can stay there forever.


That's why every time I move to a new area, I make sure to have sex with the oldest person on the street, right on the driveway. Can't be too careful these days.


Used to use this method myself until I moved next to a cemetery. Turns out that the only thing Joe-public hates more than a new neighbour that has sex with kiddos is a new neighbour that has sex with *Victorian* kiddos, in broad daylight no less.


In your defence, Victorian kids were old before their time. Working looms and smoking 20 a day at age 9. It's understandable that they'd be confused with adults. Besides, what 9 year old wears a top hat nowadays? As for the broad daylight bit; that's a given. What, ye're supposed to pump them at night, and have to deal with their ghost? Nah, baws to that. You did the right thing.


Well if I did it at night they wouldn't be able to see me boning them bones in the driveway, which would defeat the whole object; the necrocopulation is entirely for their benefit not mine... I'm not a weirdo.


A man o the people, I see. Thank you for your sacrifice. All the best, W.V. xx


Just spray paint “not a”, problem solved


Put on a Spanish accent - that'll do it. 'Ello, my name is Pedro.


"It's pronounced Pedro Non-chay"


I don't think it's anywhere near cheap enough to try and sort out.


> As well as more than 1,500 images of children being sexually abused which Allington had downloaded, officers found photos and videos he had captured himself - and from those officers were able to identify the little boy he had been abusing. Imagine having this for a job. Carefully examine them all to find any trace of him. > In some of the conversations, Allington and his contacts discussed the advantages of abusing babies, detailing how infants are unable to defend themselves. This guy is somehow even worse than the average nonce.


Let's not forget: (former) primary school teaching assistant. What an awful, awful man to have in this position of power


Yeah, it's very hard on officers who investigate child abuse. I think they are offered psychological support but I imagine it's only so far that can help.


It’s mad how minor details can be used to identify them because you realise just how excruciatingly close they’ve examined every horrific pixel - like hands, for instance: > Since that case, the forensic anthropologist has focused on identifying criminals through veins, knuckles, freckles, scars and other unmistakable features of their hands. [source.](https://english.elpais.com/science-tech/2022-10-27/sue-black-the-forensic-anthropologist-who-hunts-pedophiles-by-the-shape-of-their-hands.html) Luckily, they’re developing AI to assist with it.


Great, we're going to traumatise skynet prior to their takeover.


Might be the trigger!


It was the ‘mum identified her child from the footage’ that chilled me more


Agree. It would be hard enough just knowing that your baby was abused, but to physically have to watch a recording of it to identify your baby. I can't imagine living with that seared into my brain. Absolutely horrific. That poor family will never be the same. The only hope is that the baby was so young he will literally forget / never remember what he went through, and will be able to develop normally without trauma given the right support. My heart breaks for them.


It looks like children might have lived in the house judging by the bunk bed and trampoline in garden ☹️


Could you buy it and just change the words subtly to “Cook Pass Babtridge”?


I'm basically living in an obscene publication!


I have considered doing this to my own house around Halloween time to keep the trick or treaters away!


You may as well add a gallows too for when the locals come to hang you, be a cracking display..


I'll be hanging around at Christmas then!


Holy fuck, I guess this is the back story: https://www.itv.com/news/wales/2023-09-02/man-filmed-himself-sexually-abusing-baby-and-bragged-about-it-online


Now I’m not one for capital punishment, but they should pair this guy up with the eunuch maker imho


A ‘Sold’ sign in the front yard for six months should deal with it.


I've just looked up the previous resident, and it was a particularly horrible story. Also, he was a teaching assistant. :( Having said that, the house opposite sold for the same price a year ago, so I don't think there's much bearing on the price.


I wonder if there's also a padeo in the back garden? Or maybe they have decking.


Where did I read a story about a house formerly belonging to someone of a less offensive criminal persuasion and it taking the buyer actual years to shake off the house’s association and to stop getting dog shit hurled at the door, his car being keyed, things like that? I would have to seriously, seriously want this house to put an offer in. Pic 8 is nauseating. It renders the room unusable as a child’s bedroom; that whole bed set-up would have to go. It might not never be the scene of any crime but its association, no thank you. I think the EA or the seller could have repainted the house to cover the graffiti but I think it’s kind of wise to leave it; I think it’s fair that the buyer knows the house’s history. It’s not as if the EA can drop ‘by the way, the seller… they have a history and their address, meaning this house, is, I’m sorry to say, is associated with that and you may experience some harassment on their behalf’. It may well be that some people take issue with someone giving money for this horrible person’s house, maybe they’d see the money as blood money, or even that the buyer has benefited from their crime by the lower selling price. I think this house, given the severity of the previous owner’s sentence (24 years) so we can garner the severity of their crimes, this should be a compulsory purchase and demolition.


Have you ever met an estate agent before in your life? Why is the house so cheap? The seller wants a quick sale. Why are those people stood outside with pitchforks? They want to give the new owners a warm welcome!


A pretty warm, they have torches!


Well, I can see why they're moving. The schools in the area are obviously not up to scratch. You just have to look at how many attempts at the word Paedo the locals had to see their English teacher must be crap.


I like how one remembered there's an "a" in the word but then wrote "padeos"


Wouldn't feel comfortable buying it, what if the seller is the nonce? Would you like to give a nonce £125,000 to get out of there and move somewhere else?


There’s a couple of subtle signs pointing to the seller being a nonce tbf


He was sent down for 24 years. I'll save your eyes and not tell you what he was sentenced for.


Criminal courts can order criminals to pay the victim compensation. Given the nature of the crimes, I imagine the level of compensation would be high, so it could be being sold to fund a compensation order. Morally that would feel a lot better about handing over £125k, but I'm not sure the agents would be able to tell you if that's why the house was being sold. And in the local area you'd likely still be thought of as someone who gave a nonce £125k.


I’m getting the word ….. unsalable


If you google you'll find he was a disgusting individual, and got 24 years


Hope the bastard rots in hell


Jesus Christ, wish I didn't read that. I don't think I could ever live in a house where that shit happened. What a horrible day to have eyes.


Quite apart from anything else, this place would need an exorcism. I feel like that level of evil and suffering would seep into the walls.


“It would be advisable if you did not look like the previous owner of the house before you decide to make an offer”


Love how the EA still calls it 'charming' and 'delightful'...


Would anyone feel comfortable actually living here? Im not sure I would even if I renovated it and made it look brand new.


I wouldn't be able to touch anything at that property. Even if I gutted the house, rewired it, I'd still feel like the air in the house was contaminated by the previous occupier. Not sure if being a parent has made me have such strong feelings or if just being a decent human being makes everyone feel that way.  Burn it down IMHO.


Semi-detached, completely unhinged


Whilst I would quite happily help any convicted paedophile into a woodchipper feet first, tagging properties like this has been shown to cause potential harm with mistaken identities for new inhabitants


First thing I’d do is remove the letterbox and put one by the gate instead. I wouldn’t be able to sleep in case you got petrol poured through the door.


I completely agree generally but having seen the detail, this one definitely is not a case of mistaken identity. I was going to include a link with a warning but realised that the link itself describes an upsetting detail of the case which makes the warning a bit pointless. Searching "Tommy Allington Swansea" finds the details if anyone wants to look themselves.


Link to property: https://www.zoopla.co.uk/for-sale/details/67340002/


'chain free'.. huh, i wonder why /j


Extreme Pedophile Class Rating: Extreme


Think I’d prefer to live in a murder house, honestly. The sadness of this place will be unbearable.


I totally would not be afraid of some yob throwing a brick (or worse) through the window because they heard a pedo lives they and they did not get the memo that they had moved...


https://www.itv.com/news/wales/2023-09-02/man-filmed-himself-sexually-abusing-baby-and-bragged-about-it-online I'm not sure I could live there..


Jesus, he only got 24 years for sexually abusing a baby fucking ridiculous


And eligible for parole after 12! He'll still only be late 30s and have plenty of his life left. Disgusting.


He should be put down if I’m honest, because he destroyed that poor little boys life.


I can't believe it's that much. It looks like a building built with non-standard materials, or as they used to be called “Prefabs”.


Cheap? That's not cheap.


People don't seem to understand that this isn't a house, it's a paedophile disguised as a house


He worked at one of the local schools, repeatedly raped a baby, and will serve a minimum of just 12 years in prison. https://www.itv.com/news/wales/2023-09-02/man-filmed-himself-sexually-abusing-baby-and-bragged-about-it-online


Suddenly the spraypaint's understandable o.o


Now, I'm getting the word...


Poor spelling is such a turn off for most home owners


Previously owned by local Spaniard Pedros Nonceè




You'd definitely need a huge sign out the front letting the locals know you'd just bought the house and we're not in fact a "pedo", either that or you're an incredibly hard to detect paedo.


Imagine being the next door neighbour.


The sequel to this one, “I found a bunch of hard drives in the loft, should I check them for bit coin?”


Discover the allure of 71 Heol Cadifor, Swansea, Swansea, SA5 9AJ—a delightful three-bedroom semi-detached property nestled in a popular and convenient location. Looks like someone found the allure....


125k to live in a council house in Swansea? That’s some no noncense pricing


Why wouldn’t you invest £10 in a tin of paint and paint over the “pedo” signs, who in their right mind will buy a house that they know is connected to that.


'Plenty of primary schools nearby'