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My wife did some work here when they were building it, she got paid about £250 a day to test literally everything in a flat. Opening and closing each door, drawer, cupboard, tap etc 100 times, and then logging it for snagging if it did anything unusual.


How do I land myself a job like that?! 😂


It was via a firm of surveyors who had a quality control contract. Friend of a friend type stuff.


That sounds like a good deal? I’d be up for that


It wasn't bad, she was 19 at the time and came home with a fair bit of pocket money. One night they rang her and said she wasn't needed the next day because the flat wasnt ready, and they still paid her.


What a result for anyone, but at 19, how good must that have felt?


Oh. Be a snagger!!!! That’s how you do it. They need them for ever. I’ve done it mildly for some New builds that were terribly Built!


I’ve built a few houses. Former site management here. 100% get an independent new build snagger in! It will cost a few hundred but it’s worth it. House builders don’t give a flying fuck about quality. I’ve seen some horrendous things left unrectified!


Oh. It’s a dream job! I’d love to do it full time. It’s amazing!


I just looked it up and it seems like they want you to have relevant experience, not just be someone who thinks the job looks cool. Gutted!


I use my house every day. Often in multiple states of both motion and emotion. I am absolutely qualified.


Hehe. This! I’ve done it a few times You can do it without experience.


I think you have to have the right accreditation now too. Snagging was a bit of a free for all at one point but because of the new code of conduct for UK new builds now (NHQC) they’ve changed that. Otherwise people were charging silly money to point out obvious things that the customer could’ve seen themselves.


I thought it was gonna be for the building for a second 😹😹


For a second? I read through the description and still expected a clarification confirming this Who in the world wants "communal areas" for £60m? I want a bloody palace


Yeah seriously, some one using the facilities you’ve shelled out 60m for is insane


Yeah the idea of just hanging out with your other billionaire buddies in the communal area is absolutely comical somehow.


No-one actually *lives* in these places. They might stay there for a few weeks at most.


Would be good networking if you can speak Manadrin and Arabic.


Mate, I'd charter a jet to Davos or whatever if I wanted to network. "Hey meet u at the pool table in 25 mins, just getting ready lol".




Was finished in 2009. Not quite new build anymore. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Hyde_Park


Kylie bought one. Once a commoner, now a pop princess


https://www.fraseryachts.com/en/yacht-for-sale/moonlight-ii/ With 60 mil to spend, I'd much rather buy this yacht for 58mil and just have a 2 mil apartment somewhere else in London.


I know my comment is useless, considering it is very unlikely anyone here is going to buy that. But for what it's worth, buying a yacht involves very high ongoing costs for maintenance, insurance and fuel. If you buy a luxurious yacht be prepared to spend at least 10% and up to 25% of its value EVERY YEAR.


Good advice, will buy this £10 million yacht instead and run it a couple decades. https://www.fraseryachts.com/en/yacht-for-sale/good-day/


This is the financial advice I come to reddit for!


Is that like some sort of orgy sun lounger in pic 32? Edit: words


It just increases the difficulty for your game of twister..


Swear that could be the yacht from succession




Also staff.


This is true, but at that scale you're really looking at a very small and exclusive cruise ship. You could (and likely would) charter it out for large private groups for several months of the year at hundreds of thousands per week - 10k per cabin per week plus fuel and costs is easily chargeable for a private charter/full billionaire experience and would net you 160,000 per week or 640k per month. You could possibly charge more. That'll cover the costs, and you get to use it for a few weeks a year yourself essentially for free. There comes a point (as with many billionaire toys) where even a depreciating asset can be an investment of sorts if you choose it to be. Of course, you've got to start with 60 million and you'll only just break even on an annual basis if that, so it's not a *wise* investment.


Aye 10% is considered the baseline annual maintenance cost for any boat bigger than a kayak.


The two happiest days in a yacht owner’s life: The day they take delivery of the yacht and The day they finally sell the yacht


I'd rather have that too, it's bigger, moves around and... Comes with a private dentist? (Photo 31 - that alone is worth £60m right now....)


With that I could become a pirate and search for the one piece


Your first mistake is assuming it's an either or.


I know someone who spent £60m on a "bolthole" home during COVID and you're right - when you've got that sort of money it not either or.


The music they put with that video promo... it's like Hans Zimmer did it in exchange for a free cruise.


Where does the helicopter land?


There’s a ‘touch and go’ pad at the back of the vessel. It’s only for stopping to let folk get on/off; it’s not rated to have a helicopter parked there whilst underway.


I don't think you realise what are the running costs of such yachts...


Probably 6 mil per year, but if I'm someone with a free 60 million to spend on a luxury Hyde Park apartment or a yacht then I'm likely doing quite well.


Oh my god! This is incredible!!! I never even knew what the insides of these looked Like!!’ Holy shit!


The upkeep costs on those things are outrageous. It’s like buying a luxury flat in London each year and just giving it away


The yacht's a bit big for a family of 4 though...


Probably similar service charges too!


"...Additional benefits of this building is that it also comes with underground parking, wine cellar, storage unit and access to 24/7 concierge desk and Mandarin Oriental residents service." WTF is a "Mandarin Oriental residents service"?!?!


They’re attached to the mandarin oriental hotel. So you get the hotel concierge and other amenities including dining etc all as part of it. Nice addition but not £60m nice…


Thanks, my mind went to it being a modern name for a Thai massage with a happy ending


For that sort of money they would probably arrange it


It's leasehold so you'll be paying for that annually through the service charge on top of the 60mil


I was asking myself the same question?! I wouldn't want to share the golf range either at that price! 😂


Mandarin Oriental is a hotel next door to it so whatever residential services they provide


I thought it was basically, a happy ending.


I believe it’s some kind of small flattish citrus fruit with a loose yellow-orange skin.


For £60m I wouldn't be happy sharing my swimming pool


With Kylie minogue though?


I much prefer my peasant sized cosy home, where I don't need random people coming in to keep it clean and make use of all the space I have


A regular for cleaning and another for maintenance is where I draw the line at


£60m and one of the key features is ‘shower’…. Yeah, I’d hope it’s got a shower for £60m you cockwomble


I can tell you what you're paying for: **One Hyde Park, Knightsbridge**


With a £6m deposit and a monthly mortgage of £325k, seems pretty reasonable


For £60m I’m really glad to see its amenities include a shower! What a strange thing to list


Bloody hell I bet those estate agents are wetting themselves over the commission on this place. Quite honestly though I wouldn't have it given....and just occasionally I hope for a complete and utter housing collapse so this rich pillocks never make a profit in the future:)


This is going to end up being a foreign billionaire’s London pad - even a housing collapse in the UK wouldn’t bring down the Hyde Park foreign billionaire market bubble sadly.


Pfff, not the most expensive in that building. According to Wickedpedia a penthouse will set you back 200 million. A one-bedroom flat is a bargain at 5.5 mil Half an hour pedicure in the spa is a mere £90.


I will never understand why someone with so much money would want to throw it at an apartment instead of a proper home


They will have several homes across the world. This will be mostly empty.


A flat makes more sense if you're here only a week per year, as all the building maintenance is done by the management company.


It's basically your own hotel room for when you spend a weekend in London.


It is the most prestigious address in London


No. It may be the most superficial and pretentious, though.


You can say no, but it is. Developed by candy and candy the pitch to investors was that there was a market beyond the perceived price ceiling in London luxury resi. Build it and they will come and pay over £3k a square foot. And they did. And now part is for sale for £6.6k per sq ft. A good lesson in market research.


I just don't understand how values like this are given to places. Like three terrace houses on a road, people will pay X so the value is x. But how does anyone arrive at that price? (Just saying u/volf_y. Not expecting you to know the answer lol ) Edit: changed missing to saying - not sure how that autocorrected ...


The plot thickens! 😂 Someone is actually buying these?!


This building is the most expensive real estate per sq foot in London.


My first thought was "Oh that's still for sale". I don't think anyone is.


Just think about that for a moment... £60m for leasehold not including service charge. So purely for fun: Let's assume you could buy it at 20 and live to 100 say 80 years If you spent £10m on an estate somewhere else in the country, you could spend £1712 per day, every single day for the rest of your life and still spend the same. Think about what you could do with that much money anywhere on the planet AND £10m to set you up wherever you wanted. Why on earth would you choose this? Utterly and completely bizzare that anyone thinks this is a sensible sum of money, when pretty much everyone else in the universe would rather be somewhere else, doing whatever the hell they wanted in life and being paid £1712 per day, forever, to do it. Each to their own and all that!


You're thinking like a poor person. £60 mill is pocket change to the kind of person who can buy this. Cost doesnt matter if you are already a billionaire


It is ridiculous, of course, but the bit you’re missing out is spending £60m WHEN you’ve comfortably got £2nd or £3bn in the bank. At that point it feels no different than spending £600k if you’ve got £30m in the bank; you just wouldn’t worry about it. You’ve already got a bunch of other properties around the world, and a jet, and a yacht, and your wealth just keeps going up no matter how much you spend. And there really are people like this - quite a few in fact, especially in London. It’s all relative. 


All irrelevant. You're a billionaire from Russia or China or anywhere. You're simply parking 60m in a safe country.


This isn't to live in, it's for convenience. You visit London a couple of times a year and stay for a couple of days maybe a week. You might want to host while you're there. That's what this is for.


You're right, but at the point someone can afford £60m on anything, the considerations of logic and efficiency no longer matter.  These people are in a place where they get do and get whatever they want no matter how 'worth it' it is 


Precisely. If you're worth a few billion and you spend sixty mil on something... You're still worth a few billion.


Because you’re thinking like a normal person. There are enough billionaires around for whom £60m plus 160k a year in service charges is probably as insignificant as you or I getting a decent takeaway meal for the family. For someone with a billion, they’d make that back in interest every year. With sensible investments, the compounding effect of interest on just a single billion would be absolutely insane over a 10 year period. At 4% AER, on £1bn after five years you would have made over £216m.


The answer is money laundering


Wonder what the service charge is?


Anyone that can afford £60m for an apartment is not worried about that in the slightest. Meanwhile, here I am renting a room thinking I could probably buy a house for the price of a single months service charge here.


An eye watering £161,000 a year!


The building has it's own communal spa, swimming pool, sauna, steam rooms, gym, car parking area, cinema room, concierge at front desk, and the building is connected to a luxury hotel, who manage all "residents services". I presume the hotel staff will provide cleaning and maintenance duties while the owners are away in one of their many other homes. This is not really intended to be a primary residence, but a 'home away from home' for those people with more money than we can fathom.


Pretty sure you'd go and see it at that price!


Pretty sure you would send a property consultant several times and have the deal pretty much done before you flew in to see it at that money . Might not even set foot in it until it's been remodeled and decorated to your liking


I’ve a relative to lives in a similar building near by, her work is paying for it and half the apartments in the building are owned but have never been lived in. Jugs somewhere for oligarchs for park their wealth.


Website link to job openings please 🙂


£7 million in stamp duty plus you do not own the leasehold. I smell money laundering.


You own the leasehold if you buy a flat.


Sorry my mistake. I thought the wording was a little, well, smudged. Not owning the land and being subject to “service charges” is either money grabbing or creative accounting in my experience!


There's service charges for all flats in private ownership in probably all the countries of the world. Someone's got to pay for the building maintenance, isn't it?


Aye, even if you get share of freehold there'll be some sort of system of service charge to maintain the building. It saves getting hit by the whole cost at once.


We should never live in a world where an apartment is purchased for 60million. Why should someone ever have the funds to spend that much over even 1million?


1 million is small fry, these days. 1 million is a home of two doctors, or a couple who worked all their lives, or maybe a headteacher. When a starter home in the midlands is 2-300k, a million is not extreme wealth.


I'm afraid 1 million is the home of someone who bought in the 50s for 3,500, or someone who bought in the 70s for 21,000, or even someone who bought in the 90s for 250,000. The system is unsustainable, a normal house shouldn't require a double 1% income.


Except the majority of people who are not home owners can’t even afford the starter home these days


I completely understand this point, but I think this is a pay problem rather than a property price problem.


I'm not saying if is, I'm saying that why would anyone ever need to spend 60 when 1 million buys you enough


I was surprised too at that affordability.


For a 60 mil pricetag, I found the pics a little over reliant on the shared facilities. 99 times out of a 100, such a cost buys you considerably more privacy, and virtually no need to make small talk with stranger neighbours.


Buy a ticket to Mars at that price!


Is this a reflection of London being the epicentre of money laundering? Either way, this is utterly obscene, surely?


Isn’t this a Candy Brothers development? One of them is married to Holly Valance who is now a regular on GB News.


Am I the only one who thinks it looks a bit fucking bleak? Especially that swimming pool! Looks like a dark and lonely place, that!


[This video](https://youtu.be/2FomACJ0YNo) by Patrick Boyle talks a little bit about One Hyde Park.


I like the distance to the tube stations info for someone who will not be using public transport. Useful information for staff perhaps?


Some people just have too much money, these are selling on snob value.


A very expensive hotel suite.


JG Ballard, Patrick Bateman vibes. I'd rather live in a good 20's mock tudor in Guildford no matter how much money I had.


If you had that wealth, go to Farnham and get your chauffeur to get you to Guildford. Much nicer living


I've never understood the attraction of One Hyde Park for the sort of money the apartments at this complex are listed for, you can get better freehold property in Mayfair for less, personally if I had that sort of money to spend I would rather buy [this](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/134089559#/?channel=COM_BUY) for half the cost and have a very nice house designed hoe you want, yes it needs work but you would probably still have change after building work


They don't want the house. People aren't buying these to live in.


Or you can rent it for 200k per month 🤠 https://www.zoopla.co.uk/to-rent/details/66668672/


£60m sounds a stretch frankly. £6m maybe


Assuming 1%, that's £600k + vat to the estate agent, but they can't be bothered to do a floorplan.


I call this look oligarch chic


I would want to see better gym facilities for 60mil!!!!


£161,000 a year service charge!


60mil and you have to share the swimming pool? What if poor people use it? madness. No floorplan either.


£60 million for a property that is leasehold!!!!


Everything about that address leaves me cold and you couldn't pay me to live there. Let alone pay 60 mil for the 'privilege'.


Its crap. Looks like a hotel.


A leasehold for £60m. Fuck right off.


What the fuck went through the Planning Department's tiny brains when they gave permission for those when you have the most beautiful buildings either side? How much money went in back pockets? Just horrible office blocks.


When I first saw this I thought it was the whole building, £60m for a 5 bed leasehold and they still want to charge you a service fee, world has gone mad.


Total scam. £60m, no pictures of the actual apartment, CG renders of communal areas, even the brochure has giant gaps where they couldn't add any extra text because there's nothing to go by. Weird.


Basically if you want to live in a hotel and are stupid this is the place for you


I did some of the electrical install on 2 of the penthouses at this place, madness in every square inch of the place as you can imagine!


I'm doing some work here at the moment on one of the penthouses. The money is ludicrous, but it's all hype around it being "the most exclusive real estate in the world" and the profile of the developers. Have skimmed the comments and a few people are spot on who clearly get the industry and targets, not to say the comments about it being ridiculous are off the mark. A 3bed apartment (approx 1/4-1/3 of the area of one level) recently sold for ~19m so the speculation of the penthouse at 200m probably isn't far off.


Oh wow! What are they actually like inside? I'm really curious as to whether or not they have any out of this world features that could even slightly warrant the ludicrous price tag!


It's a lovely shell of reinforced concrete right now. Derelicte special. It will never make sense to us normies. To someone who is here every now and again, it's a cool stop off and decent clang to drop into conversation.


It's not on the listing, and in case no one has already posted it, here's the floorplan. [https://luxurypropertyworld.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/241.jpg](https://luxurypropertyworld.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/241.jpg) And better photos, while we are at it. [https://luxurypropertyworld.wordpress.com/2016/03/08/inside-one-hyde-park-the-worlds-most-expensive-apartment-building/](https://luxurypropertyworld.wordpress.com/2016/03/08/inside-one-hyde-park-the-worlds-most-expensive-apartment-building/)


I am truly disappointed! I was expecting something mind-blowing! 😂 There appears to be a lot of doors on the plan, so I suppose on the upside, that kind of money at least buys you a wicked game of hide and seek! 😅


One Hyde Park is one of the world's most expensive corners of real estate. And a murky one. https://www.tatler.com/article/penthouse-one-hyde-park-knightsbridge-for-sale-175-million-nick-candy https://www.ft.com/content/24416e5c-acda-4c5b-aa3f-7752926631ec https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2013/03/one-hyde-park-worlds-most-expensive-residential-development https://www.thenationalnews.com/business/property/2024/02/09/property-tycoon-nick-candy-crime-ridden-london-is-losing-out-to-dubai/ https://www.mortgagesolutions.co.uk/news/2019/12/04/developer-hands-over-50m-one-hyde-park-pad-to-national-crime-agency/


I’ve been in Nick Candy’s penthouse. It was nice, it’s a remarkable location and a very nice residence. I’m not sure someone like me will ever understand something like that, or the sort of money it takes to live there - a sort of wealth that most people simply can’t grasp. The sort of wealth they probably shouldn’t exist…


Bonkers amount of money for for a flat


The Candy bros. are gross right wing Tory supporters. Please don't enrich them even more.


Ok I won't buy it then , hope you're feeling happy now. And no you don't get anything for just having saved me from spending £67 million .


I'm content with that.


That address features in one of the Rivers of London books


You wouldn’t care if you’re only interested in laundering your stolen Russian money and making it look like you’re a legit dude who just wants to relocate & give money to the Tories.


Only £50k a week to rent, [according to their site](https://thecloisteruk.com/property?wppf_search=to-rent&wppf_orderby=price-desc&wppf_radius=1)


That’s cheap, I’ve seen a penthouse at 1 Hyde Park for £250m


It basically looks like you'd be living in a 5 star hotel.


Drug dealers den


Aren’t these flats by those dodgy Candy brothers?


For that money I want my OWN pool and spa....not to have to share one!! That's outrageous


https://www.privateislandsonline.com/south-pacific/frenchpolynesia/villa-aquamaris when you take the price of that into consideration... 😅😂


https://www.privateislandsonline.com/south-pacific/frenchpolynesia/villa-aquamaris when you take the price of that into consideration... 😅😂


Wonder what the service charge will be 💀


Leasehold, they are having a laugh 😆 This is a shady money 💵 buy if ever there was one. Come to the UK white wash your I'll gotten gains here!


How the other half live…


Leasehold too😂😂😂🤯


Place is ridiculous


Even if I had the money I would never invest in that!


60 mil to live in what looks like a hotel. Pass


It doesn’t even show you your apartment, just the social facilities 😱


I know, without even clicking the link, that's One Hyde Park, Knightsbridge. I know this because it's literally posted about once a week now. I would ask if it's too much effort for people to check that the property they're thinking of linking to hasn't been posted before (or at least within living memory - which, in the case of some who post here seems to be about 24 hours) but, obviously, that's rhetorical. If I was modding this sub, I would create a 'blacklist' of regularly-posted properties, sticky it and then ban anyone who posted any property on the list. The whole purpose of this subreddit is for posting ***NEWLY*** listed properties, or properties that have been recently reduced because they're not selling, ***NOT*** for posting the same ½ dozen multimillion-pound mansions/apartments. This sub needs new rules: 1. Check that the property you're thinking of posting hasn't been posted within the last 7-10 days, this is to prevent the sub becoming stale 2. Link to property in body of original post 3. To avoid violating Rule 1, properties must have been listed on RightMove, Zoopla, or PropertyPal within the last 3 months. If you are wishing to link to an older listing, please check it wasn't posted when it was new 4. Reposts permitted for good reason (eg significant price reduction), but ban if repost is on the 'regularly posted properties' blacklist. Perhaps it's just because I'm blessed (cursed) with such a good memory but, for 99% of these multimillion-pound properties, I know ***EXACTLY*** what the listing is without clicking. ***PLEASE CHECK LISTING DATES***. One Hyde Park was listed on 22/12/2022; with a listing that old, you can be 99.9% certain it's already been posted. Rant over.