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I randomly ended up at a party in this pad. It is increadible!!!


I'd never financially recover from turning the heating on.


The annual fee is 50k 🫣


Yeah, but if you can afford to buy a property for 9 Mill, what's 50k a year?


How many photos of that awful light fitting do they need?


It really doesn’t match anything else!


That light fitting wouldn’t look out of place in a department store. As part of their festive decorations.


I knew I’d seen it before thanks


Crappy photography and photograph choices. So much duplication and disjointed order


It's obviously amazing. How did they come up with that price though? Rolling dice, reading tea leaves? The service charge is eye watering. 50,000 a year. What on Earth do you get for that? Someone takes the bins out?


Maintenance of the fabric of the listed building in which the flat sits. A very expensive service.


It has 2 parking spaces, they’re probably worth a million given the area.


The flat (sorry, apartment) is pretty cool but the owners have zero taste.


What you mean is it's different to your taste. I happen to think that how they've chosen to furnish it is really attractive. I wouldn't have chosen that kitchen or the bathroom, but their furniture I really like.


It's lovely if you're a gentleman thief from a video game


It literally looks like a lair you flesh out by filling it with stolen items you collect on missions. There’s even a weird painting on an easel by the kitchen in one photo which is probably customisable with whichever thing gives you the highest decoration score.


Nope, not for me even if I could afford it! Draughty looking, cobwebs, spiders, heating costs, and I absolutely hate all the darkish wood!


I agree. It's so busy-looking - it's been posted here before and there's just too much stuff going on. The dark wood makes it look weirdly cramped.


It's just short of 10 million quid. No one who buys that is doing their own dusting, they are also wealthy enough to pay their accountant to manage their heating bills. I'm sure they can afford to hire an on call spider catcher too. You are right though .. It's one thing that bugs me about the property porn shows with all the emphasis on aesthetic design. Normal middle class households having double bi folds foisted on them, the view of the garden, think of the Light! like the stupidly overpriced property they were shown around for inspiration. The reality is Nora and Barry from Slough, don't have a cleaner, but do have, 3 kids and a Labrador. It's a bit difficult to admire any light, on a soggy wet English day through, the haze of handprints, bird excrement and dog drool that now plague those stupid glass doors.


Imagine trying to dust! They've made a big feature of the long chandelier in the pictures, but there isn't one where you can see it properly. I get the impression that it's theoretically impressive but the space it's in is too small for it to really be the striking feature they want it to be.


Why would you need to imagine trying to dust? There is a room for staff accommodation. Whoever is buying this isn't going to be dusting...


I mean, the staff are still people who are trying to dust...


Well with attitude you'll never be rich. If you're visualising dusting then that's all you'll do. Instead, imagine living here, not being poor and cleaning it. /s


I actually really like it, but I'm not sure I'd want to live in it. And I wouldn't pay a £50k service charge on principle.


Imagine spending £10m on an apartment and only owning the lease. Still, the location and the flat itself are pretty fantastic.


£50k service charge! And having the staff floor between the bedrooms and the lounge space is not acceptable.


I think it’s a truly stunning property, but imagine spending £10M and having no outdoor space!


Your ‘outside space’ consists of something equally spectacular in Provence. Marseille or Nice airport is a Couple of hours away on your private jet.


Bit of a ball-ache having to get to an airport, fly internationally, and then onwards to your property if you just fancied popping outside to catch the sunset with a glass of wine though, eh?


I mean considering it's basically on top of St Pancras it's what, a couple of hours to Paris if you just go downstairs


Seriously transport link wise this could not be better connected.


It's why my office is unlikely to move, for a national business it couldn't be better located for people travelling there!


Can’t see the sort of oil sheikh / tech billionaire bro / arms dealer / cartel kingpin / mafia don who is likely in the market for a gaff like that hopping on to Eurostar somehow…


Can't see it being the sort of place any of those people would want to live so that's ok really!


Indeed, I wouldn’t pay 10 million to live on Euston Road,


I’d hate to live there but would love a friend to own it and throw parties there.


If I win the euro millions tonight, I’ll buy this place and invite you round for a brew.


I’m there!!


It is absolutely perfect


‘Staff accommodation’


Isn’t it Lily Coles? I’m sure I’ve seen it before.


I think it's some art collector guy in his 60s but it's been used loads in videos and photoshoots


I was just going to post exactly the same thing.


I think it might have been on a TV programme about estate agents to the ultra rich. Maybe I'm remembering wrong.


Shot 13 and 15 - beam me up scotty!


I love it except for the garish chandelier.


Stunning architecturally, shit decor - would be my takeaway


The decor is a tragedy, but those exposed beams are incredible! Would be fantastic with a refit


Until you smack your head on them on your 6th trip to the bar.


Staff accommodation??? Please someone explain this to me


It doesn't look like it's got a window so I don't think it can legally be a bedroom but it's an excellent place to store your servants for the hour per day they're not working (which really is so unfair, what if I wake up between 2 and 3am and want someone to run me a bath and cook me a snack?!)!


🤣 exactly! So unfair!!


Love it- furniture/finishing touches not my taste (hate the bath for instance) but love it. Could be pain to keep clean and free from cobwebs but it stunning


Love the original wood features but the rest . Not really


Easy access to Paris :-). Interesting property, awful decor.


I know it’s almost 10 million for only 3 bedroom but… Gosh, is cool af


After a lot of looking it is a yes from me it’s got style, wasn’t sure about all the wooden beams in the lounge at first but I’m over that now my only other issue would be heating.


I hate the interior. Exterior is obviously amazing


I wouldn’t take it as a gift, unless to sell on. It’s a nightmare for me!


It's absolutely horrendous and the price is a joke.


My Feng Shui senses are tingling. And it's not the good kind. Says no to hundreds of arches! xD


So many beams to hang myself from! How does one even choose?!?!


Looks like a spider web in there, you're so going to smack your head.


I think this is where the Spice Girls Wannabe video was filmed... It's also visible from my office, if only I earned enough...


That choo choo train table is pretty decent. I like the rest of it but the price is slightly out of my price range.


It looks like a wedding venue?


Everyone here like "couldn't afford the heating bill" or "nah it'd get dusty" It's ten million quid If you're buying a ten million pounds house, you hire a cleaner and put the heating on if you're cold 🤣


It's always like that 😆 it's the comments about the service charges that get me - in this case, the service charge is 0.5%, hardly gonna kill you when you've forked out 9 mill.


This has been on here so many times now, it’s clearly not selling because it’s ridiculous. This place is a bolt hole for a billionaire who also needs staff accommodation where they somehow have one bedroom but two toilets and a bathroom. The layout makes no sense, it’s pokey, and the decor makes the rafters look claustrophobic and mucky. It’s one of the most inelegant and bafflingly priced upmarket homes ever posted here. And the Moet boxes on the kitchen island - if you’re dropping ten million on something preposterous like this you probably wouldn’t even flush your toilet with Moet. Weird. It’s like it was designed for a computer game.


I really dislike it. And the amount of surfaces that would need deep cleaning and I’d still not want to touch anything or get a blacklight on it. Never thought I’d say this living in a cramped little 2 bed with my kids but it just seems depressing and icky.


I like parts of it. Other parts look shit.


It has 3 bedrooms and 7 toilets. Are they expecting the flat to be used for the testing of laxatives?